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Publications pour l'équipe

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Les théories du vivant entre 5 et 8 ans : Rôle des facteurs cognitifs et de la base des connaissances thesis 2010 Charlieux, B
Evolution diagnostique et symptomatique dans l'Anorexie Mentale sévère : liens avec la flexibilité. Dirigée par Sylvie Berthoz thesis Ringuenet, D.
Etude des déterminants de la santé physique et mentale des étudiants : cas de l'affectivité, l'alimentation et l'activité physique thesis 2017 Bourdier, L.
Les conduites suicidaires à l'adolescence : de la clinique à l'épidémiologie génétique thesis 2016 Mirkovic, B
Maladies chroniques psychiatriques et comorbidités neurologiques chez les enfants et adolescents : Étude en population sur le recours aux soins utilisant le SNIIRAM thesis 2016 Hasheminezhad, M.
Facteurs prédictifs et explicatifs du devenir à long terme du langage et de l’insertion scolaire d’enfants sourds prélinguaux porteurs d’implants cochléaires monauraux thesis 2017 Diaz, L.
Impact de l’évaluation des TED dans un centre expert sur l’alliance thérapeutique avec les équipes soignantes, la mise en place des soins et l’évolution des troubles thesis 2016 Damville, E
La mémoire au service des apprentissages thesis 2013 Gavoille, C.
Développement conceptuel de la notion de vivant / non vivant chez les enfants entre 3 et 6 ans thesis 2012 Fouquet, N.
Conceptualisation des végétaux à l'âge adulte : le cas de la vigne thesis 2011 Brulé, L.
Santé et qualité de vie au travail chez des travailleurs porteurs et/ou en situation de handicap psychique et mental en ESAT. Dirigée par Florence Labrell thesis Guyon taillens
Repérage des troubles psychiques du bébé et de l'enfant [Early detection of mental disorders in infants or children] journalArticle 2014 Touati-Pellegrin, Marie; Golse, Bernard
Coping, suicidalité et trouble de personnalité limite à l’adolescence journalArticle 2014 Knafo, A.; Labelle, R.; Guilé, J.-M.; Belloncle, V.; Mille, C.; Mirkovic, B.; Cohen, D.; Gérardin, P.; Breton, J.-J.
Classification of autistic individuals and controls using cross-task characterization of fMRI activity journalArticle 2016 Chanel, Guillaume; Pichon, Swann; Conty, Laurence; Berthoz, Sylvie; Chevallier, Coralie; Grèzes, Julie
The effect of methylphenidate on neurofibromatosis type 1: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial journalArticle 2014 Lion-François, Laurence; Gueyffier, François; Mercier, Catherine; Gérard, Daniel; Herbillon, Vania; Kemlin, Isabelle; Rodriguez, Diana; Ginhoux, Tiphanie; Peyric, Emeline; Coutinho, Virginie; Bréant, Valentine; des Portes, Vincent; Pinson, Stéphane; Combemale, Patrick; Kassaï, Behrouz; Réseau NF1 Rhône Alpes Auvergne-France
Assessing a change mechanism in a randomized home-visiting trial: Reducing disrupted maternal communication decreases infant disorganization journalArticle 2017 Tereno, Susana; Madigan, Sheri; Lyons-Ruth, Karlen; Plamondon, Andre; Atkinson, Leslie; Guedeney, Nicole; Greacen, Tim; Dugravier, Romain; Saias, Thomas; Guedeney, Antoine
DNA methylation and substance-use risk: a prospective, genome-wide study spanning gestation to adolescence journalArticle 2016 Cecil, C. a. M.; Walton, E.; Smith, R. G.; Viding, E.; McCrory, E. J.; Relton, C. L.; Suderman, M.; Pingault, J.-B.; McArdle, W.; Gaunt, T. R.; Mill, J.; Barker, E. D.
Enjeux de séparation chez les enfants présentant des troubles dysphasiques journalArticle 2016 Assous, Adèle; Golse, Bernard; Robel, Laurence
Association Between Continued Cannabis Use and Risk of Relapse in First-Episode Psychosis: A Quasi-Experimental Investigation Within an Observational Study journalArticle 2016 Schoeler, Tabea; Petros, Natalia; Di Forti, Marta; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Klamerus, Ewa; Foglia, Enrico; Small, Amanda; Murray, Robin; Bhattacharyya, Sagnik
Genetic Association Studies of Suicidal Behavior: A Review of the Past 10 Years, Progress, Limitations, and Future Directions journalArticle 2016 Mirkovic, Bojan; Laurent, Claudine; Podlipski, Marc-Antoine; Frebourg, Thierry; Cohen, David; Gerardin, Priscille
Mother-infant interaction assessment at discharge and at 6 months in a French cohort of infants born very preterm: The OLIMPE study journalArticle 2017 Cambonie, Gilles; Muller, Jean-Baptiste; Ehlinger, Virginie; Roy, Joël; Guédeney, Antoine; Lebeaux, Cécile; Kaminski, Monique; Alberge, Corine; Denizot, Sophie; Ancel, Pierre-Yves; Arnaud, Catherine; OLIMPE study writing group
Clinical and social factors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: population-based longitudinal study journalArticle 2014 Galéra, Cédric; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Michel, Grégory; Bouvard, Manuel-Pierre; Melchior, Maria; Falissard, Bruno; Boivin, Michel; Tremblay, Richard E.; Côté, Sylvana M.
La parentalité à l’épreuve de la maladie grave de l’enfant: L’exemple des tumeurs cérébrales journalArticle 2017 Labrell, Florence
The developmental course of childhood inattention symptoms uniquely predicts educational attainment: a 16-year longitudinal study journalArticle 2014 Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Côté, Sylvana M.; Vitaro, Frank; Falissard, Bruno; Genolini, Christophe; Tremblay, Richard E.
[Guidelines for the prescription of mood stabilizers for adolescents: A literature review] journalArticle 2017 Munch, G.; Godart, N.
Impact of Monochorionicity and Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome on Prenatal Attachment, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms journalArticle 2016 Beauquier-Maccotta, Berengere; Chalouhi, Gihad E.; Picquet, Anne-Laure; Carrier, Aude; Bussières, Laurence; Golse, Bernard; Ville, Yves
Risk factors for substances use and misuse among young people in France: What can we learn from the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale? journalArticle 2016 Ali, A.; Carré, A.; Hassler, C.; Spilka, S.; Vanier, A.; Barry, C.; Berthoz, S.
Symptoms of depression and anxiety in anorexia nervosa: links with plasma tryptophan and serotonin metabolism journalArticle 2014 Gauthier, Claire; Hassler, Christine; Mattar, Lama; Launay, Jean-Marie; Callebert, Jacques; Steiger, Howard; Melchior, Jean-Claude; Falissard, Bruno; Berthoz, Sylvie; Mourier-Soleillant, Virginie; Lang, François; Delorme, Marc; Pommereau, Xavier; Gerardin, Priscille; Bioulac, Stephanie; Bouvard, Manuel; EVHAN Group; Godart, Nathalie
Precursors of social emotional functioning among full-term and preterm infants at 12 months: Early infant withdrawal behavior and symptoms of maternal depression journalArticle 2016 Moe, Vibeke; Braarud, Hanne Cecilie; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Slinning, Kari; Vannebo, Unni Tranaas; Guedeney, Antoine; Heimann, Mikael; Rostad, Anne Margrethe; Smith, Lars
Adolescent cannabis use, change in neurocognitive function, and high-school graduation: A longitudinal study from early adolescence to young adulthood journalArticle 2017 Castellanos-Ryan, Natalie; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E.; Séguin, Jean R.
Mood disorders in eating disorder patients: Prevalence and chronology of ONSET journalArticle 2015 Godart, N.; Radon, L.; Curt, F.; Duclos, J.; Perdereau, F.; Lang, F.; Venisse, J. L.; Halfon, O.; Bizouard, P.; Loas, G.; Corcos, M.; Jeammet, Ph; Flament, M. F.
Developmental Coordination Disorder, An Umbrella Term for Motor Impairments in Children: Nature and Co-Morbid Disorders journalArticle 2016 Vaivre-Douret, Laurence; Lalanne, Christophe; Golse, Bernard
Longitudinal and Sex Measurement Invariance of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales journalArticle 2016 Orri, Massimiliano; Rouquette, Alexandra; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Barry, Caroline; Herba, Catherine; Côté, Sylvana M.; Berthoz, Sylvie
Expressed emotion in anorexia nervosa: what is inside the "black box"? journalArticle 2014 Duclos, Jeanne; Dorard, Géraldine; Berthoz, Sylvie; Curt, Florence; Faucher, Sophie; Falissard, Bruno; Godart, Nathalie
Best practice in individual supervision of psychologists working in the French CAPEDP preventive perinatal home-visiting program: results of a DELPHI consensus process: Individual supervision in perinatal home visiting journalArticle 2017 Greacen, Tim; Welniarz, Bertrand; Purper-ouakil, Diane; Wendland, Jaqueline; Dugravier, Romain; Saïas, Thomas; Tereno, Susana; Tubach, Florence; Haddad, Alain; Guedeney, Antoine; CAPEDP STUDY GROUP
Concurrent and Longitudinal Contribution of Exposure to Bullying in Childhood to Mental Health: The Role of Vulnerability and Resilience journalArticle 2017 Singham, Timothy; Viding, Essi; Schoeler, Tabea; Arseneault, Louise; Ronald, Angelica; Cecil, Charlotte M.; McCrory, Eamon; Rijsdijk, Frülhing; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste
Environmental risk, Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) methylation and youth callous-unemotional traits: a 13-year longitudinal study journalArticle 2014 Cecil, C. a. M.; Lysenko, L. J.; Jaffee, S. R.; Pingault, J.-B.; Smith, R. G.; Relton, C. L.; Woodward, G.; McArdle, W.; Mill, J.; Barker, E. D.
Impact of Semantic Relatedness on Associative Memory: An ERP Study journalArticle 2017 Desaunay, Pierre; Clochon, Patrice; Doidy, Franck; Lambrechts, Anna; Bowler, Dermot M.; Gérardin, Priscille; Baleyte, Jean-Marc; Eustache, Francis; Guillery-Girard, Bérengère
Congenital anosmia and emotion recognition: A case-control study journalArticle 2015 Lemogne, Cédric; Smadja, Julien; Zerdazi, El-Hadi; Soudry, Yaël; Robin, Marion; Berthoz, Sylvie; Limosin, Frédéric; Consoli, Silla M.; Bonfils, Pierre
Subthreshold traits of the broad autistic spectrum are distributed across different subgroups in parents, but not siblings, of probands with autism journalArticle 2014 Robel, Laurence; Rousselot-Pailley, B.; Fortin, C.; Levy-Rueff, M.; Golse, B.; Falissard, B.