Conséquences des mutilations génitales féminines sur la santé reproductive des femmes dans le contexte européen. Le cas de la France. Dirigée par Armelle Andro et Caroline Moreau. |
thesis |
Sylla, Fatoumata |
The economic burden of infertility treatment and distribution of expenditures overtime in France: a self-controlled pre-post study |
journalArticle |
B. Bourrion, H.Panjo, P-L.Bithorel, La Rochebrochard, M. François and N.Pelletier-Fleury |
Maitres de stage universitaires, qualité des soins et prescriptions. Dirigée par Olivier Saint Lary. |
thesis |
Devillers, Louise |
Idées suicidaires à la suite de symptômes pseudo-déclarés de la COVID-19 ou d’une infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 confirmée par sérologie en France : une analyse pondérée par score de propension à partir d’une étude de cohorte |
journalArticle |
Camille Davisse-Paturet ,Massimiliano Orri,Stéphane Legleye,Aline-Marie Florence,Jean-Baptiste Hazo,Josiane Warszawski,Bruno Falissard,Marie-Claude Geoffroy,Maria Melchior,Alexandra Rouquette,le groupe d’étude EPICOV |
Inégalités sociales de santé du dépistage par FCU : étude du sur et du sous dépistage en fonction des caractéristiques des femmes et du parcours de soins à partir des données de la cohorte Constances. Dirigée par Laurent Rigal et Virginie Ringa. |
thesis |
Sassenou, Jeanne |
Coordination et parcours de soins des personnes âgées pour des soins hospitaliers non programmés. Dirigée par Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury et Youri Yordanov. |
thesis |
2017 |
Naouri, Diane |
The impact of manual rotation of the occiput posterior position on spontaneous vaginal delivery rate: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RMOS) |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Verhaeghe, C.; Parot-Schinkel, E.; Bouet, P. E.; Madzou, S.; Biquard, F.; Gillard, P.; Descamps, P.; Legendre, G. |
La revue francophone de médecine générale - Un agenda de recherche pour la médecine générale française |
webpage |
2018 |
Odorico, M; Lalande, S; Le Goff, D; Derriennic, J; Piton, G; Le Floch, B; Saint-Lary, O; Darmon, David; Le Reste, JY |
Analyse économique des traitements de l’infertilité à partir des données de l’échantillon généraliste de bénéficiaires. Dirigée par Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury et Mathilde François |
thesis |
2018 |
Bourrion, Bastien |
Accuracy of using natural language processing methods for identifying healthcare-associated infections |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Tvardik, Nastassia; Kergourlay, Ivan; Bittar, André; Segond, Frédérique; Darmoni, Stefan; Metzger, Marie-Hélène |
Two morbidity indices developed in a nationwide population permitted performant outcome-specific severity adjustment |
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2018 |
Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Fagot-Campagna, Anne; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Schellevis, François G.; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
The TRKB rs2289656 genetic polymorphism is associated with acute suicide attempts in depressed patients: A transversal case control study |
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2018 |
Deflesselle, Eric; Colle, Romain; Rigal, Laurent; David, Denis J.; Vievard, Albane; Martin, Séverine; Becquemont, Laurent; Verstuyft, Céline; Corruble, Emmanuelle |
Baclofen for the treatment of alcohol use disorder: the Cagliari Statement |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Agabio, Roberta; Sinclair, Julia MA; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Beraha, Esther M; Caputo, Fabio; Chick, Jonathan D; de La Selle, Patrick; Franchitto, Nicolas; Garbutt, James C; Haber, Paul S; Heydtmann, Mathis; Jaury, Philippe; Lingford-Hughes, Anne R; Morley, Kirsten C; Müller, Christian A; Owens, Lynn; Pastor, Adam; Paterson, Louise M; Pélissier, Fanny; Rolland, Benjamin; Stafford, Amanda; Thompson, Andrew; van den Brink, Wim; de Beaurepaire, Renaud; Leggio, Lorenzo |
La revue francophone de médecine générale Etat des lieux des réseaux d'investigateurs recherche dans les départements de médecine générale et collèges régionaux d'enseignement. |
webpage |
2018 |
Charvin, L.; Bayen, M; Lognos, B; Rouge Bugat, ME; Saint-Lary, O; Laporte, Catherine |
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |
Prevalence and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections among French service members |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Duron, Sandrine; Panjo, Henri; Bohet, Aline; Bigaillon, Christine; Sicard, Sébastien; Bajos, Nathalie; Meynard, Jean-Baptiste; Mérens, Audrey; Moreau, Caroline |
Identification des freins au dépistage de l’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale en médecine générale : étude qualitative auprès de 14 médecins généralistes exerçant à Paris |
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2018 |
Niclot, J.; Stansal, A.; Saint-Lary, O.; Lazareth, I.; Priollet, P. |
Correction: Excess mortality and hospitalizations in transitional-age youths with a long-term disease: A national population-based cohort study |
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2018 |
Rachas, Antoine; Tuppin, Philippe; Meyer, Laurence; Falissard, Bruno; Faye, Albert; Mahlaoui, Nizar; Rochebrochard, Elise de La; Frank, Marie; Durieux, Pierre; Warszawski, Josiane |
Use of infertility treatments in the French population |
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2018 |
Ben Messaoud, K; Bouyer, J; de La Rochebrochard, E |
Validation of the French version of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL) |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Ousseine, Youssoufa M.; Rouquette, Alexandra; Bouhnik, Anne-Déborah; Rigal, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Smith, Allan ‘Ben’; Mancini, Julien |
Age Invariance of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test in a Probabilistic Sample of Cannabis Users |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Legleye, Stéphane; Rouquette, Alexandra |
Comment on the Association of Hormonal Contraception With Suicide Attempts and Suicides |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Berlin, Ivan; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Thomas, Daniel |
Female and male decision-making regarding whether to continue or abort an unintended pregnancy: a secondary analysis of the FECOND study |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Lee, Jessica K.; Burke, Anne E.; Moreau, Caroline |
Factors associated with the duration of symptoms in adult women with suspected cystitis in primary care |
journalArticle |
2018 |
François, Mathilde; Clais, Barbara; Blanchon, Thierry; Souty, Cécile; Hanslik, Thomas; Rossignol, Louise |
Alcohol consumption, drinker identity, and quality of life among students: why there cannot be one prevention strategy for all |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Luquiens, Amandine; Said, Anis Ben; Sadik, Haïm; Ferrer Sánchez Del Villar, Emilio; Le Manach, Arthur; Ambrosino, Benjamin; Tzourio, Christophe; Benyamina, Amine; Aubin, Henri-Jean |
Traitement médical de l’endométriose douloureuse sans infertilité, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Sauvan, M.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Canis, M.; Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Geoffron, S.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.-M.; Fernandez, H. |
Psychiatric Comorbidities among People Who Inject Drugs in Hai Phong, Vietnam: The Need for Screening and Innovative Interventions |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Pham Minh, Khue; Vallo, Roselyne; Duong Thi, Huong; Khuat Thi Hai, Oanh; Jarlais, Don C. Des; Peries, Marianne; Le, Sao Mai; Rapoud, Delphine; Quillet, Catherine; Nham Thi, Tuyet Thanh; Hoang Thi, Giang; Feelemyer, Jonathan; Vu Hai, Vinh; Moles, Jean-Pierre; Pham Thu, Xanh; Laureillard, Didier; Nagot, Nicolas; Michel, Laurent; Study Team, Drive |
What characterizes cancer family history collection tools? A critical literature review |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Cleophat, J.E.; Nabi, H.; Pelletier, S.; Bouchard, K.; Dorval, M. |
Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level: Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level |
journalArticle |
2018 |
van den Brink, Wim; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Caputo, Fabio; Dematteis, Maurice; Gual, Antoni; Lesch, Otto-Michael; Mann, Karl; Maremmani, Icro; Nutt, David; Paille, François; Perney, Pascal; Rehm, Jürgen; Reynaud, Michel; Simon, Nicolas; Söderpalm, Bo; Sommer, Wolfgang H.; Walter, Henriette; Spanagel, Rainer |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Pasquereau, Anne |
Level of agreement between physician and patient assessment of non-medical health factors |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Casanova, Ludovic; Ringa, Virginie; Chatelard, Sophia; Paquet, Sylvain; Pendola-Luchel, Isabelle; Panjo, Henri; Bideau, Camille; Deflesselle, Eric; Delpech, Raphaëlle; Bloy, Géraldine; Rigal, Laurent |
Body mass index and clinical outcomes in trastuzumab-treated metastatic breast cancer patients: An alternative explanation for the lack of association |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Nabi, Hermann; Diorio, Caroline |
La revue francophone de médecine générale - Surmédicalisation : causes, conséquences et leviers pour la maîtriser. Revue narrative de la littérature |
webpage |
2018 |
François, Mathilde; Hazard, A; Bourrion, Bastien; de Chefdebien, Marine; Saint-Lary, O; Hanslik, T |
What Are the Determinants of Dental Care Expenditures in Institutions for Adults With Disabilities? Findings From a National Survey |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Naouri, Diane; Bussiere, Clémence; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Surgical implants and business ethics? |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea and psychotropic drug use: a retrospective observational matched-cohort study |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Delbarre, Angélique; Gagnadoux, Frédéric; Gohier, Bénédicte; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Cross-sectional multicentre study on the cohort of all the French junior lecturers in general practice |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Barais, Marie; Laporte, Catherine; Schuers, Matthieu; Saint-Lary, Olivier; Frappé, Paul; Dibao-Dina, Clarisse; Darmon, David; Bouchez, Tiphanie; Gelly, Julien |
The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General Population |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Legleye, Stéphane; Charrance, Géraldine; Razafindratsima, Nicolas; Bajos, Nathalie; Bohet, Aline; Moreau, Caroline; the FECOND research Team |
Tailored-Dose Baclofen in the Management of Alcoholism: A Retrospective Study of 144 Outpatients Followed for 3 Years in a French General Practice |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Pinot, Juliette; Rigal, Laurent; Granger, Bernard; Sidorkiewicz, Stéphanie; Jaury, Philippe |
Increased Methamphetamine Use among Persons Who Inject Drugs in Hai Phong, Vietnam, and the Association with Injection and Sexual Risk Behaviors |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Feelemyer, Jonathan; Duong Thi, Huong; Khuê Pham, Minh; Hoang Thi, Giang; Thi Tuyet Thanh, Nham; Thi Hai Oanh, Khuat; Arasteh, Kamyar; Moles, Jean Pierre; Vu Hai, Vinh; Vallo, Roselyne; Quillet, Catherine; Rapoud, Delphine; Michel, Laurent; Hammett, Ted; Laureillard, Didier; Nagot, Nicolas; Des Jarlais, Don |