
Publications pour l'équipe Primary care and prevention

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Conséquences des mutilations génitales féminines sur la santé reproductive des femmes dans le contexte européen. Le cas de la France. Dirigée par Armelle Andro et Caroline Moreau. thesis Sylla, Fatoumata
The economic burden of infertility treatment and distribution of expenditures overtime in France: a self-controlled pre-post study journalArticle B. Bourrion, H.Panjo, P-L.Bithorel, La Rochebrochard, M. François and N.Pelletier-Fleury
Maitres de stage universitaires, qualité des soins et prescriptions. Dirigée par Olivier Saint Lary. thesis Devillers, Louise
Idées suicidaires à la suite de symptômes pseudo-déclarés de la COVID-19 ou d’une infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 confirmée par sérologie en France : une analyse pondérée par score de propension à partir d’une étude de cohorte journalArticle Camille Davisse-Paturet ,Massimiliano Orri,Stéphane Legleye,Aline-Marie Florence,Jean-Baptiste Hazo,Josiane Warszawski,Bruno Falissard,Marie-Claude Geoffroy,Maria Melchior,Alexandra Rouquette,le groupe d’étude EPICOV
Inégalités sociales de santé du dépistage par FCU : étude du sur et du sous dépistage en fonction des caractéristiques des femmes et du parcours de soins à partir des données de la cohorte Constances. Dirigée par Laurent Rigal et Virginie Ringa. thesis Sassenou, Jeanne
Coordination et parcours de soins des personnes âgées pour des soins hospitaliers non programmés. Dirigée par Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury et Youri Yordanov. thesis 2017 Naouri, Diane
The impact of manual rotation of the occiput posterior position on spontaneous vaginal delivery rate: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RMOS) journalArticle 2018 Verhaeghe, C.; Parot-Schinkel, E.; Bouet, P. E.; Madzou, S.; Biquard, F.; Gillard, P.; Descamps, P.; Legendre, G.
La revue francophone de médecine générale - Un agenda de recherche pour la médecine générale française webpage 2018 Odorico, M; Lalande, S; Le Goff, D; Derriennic, J; Piton, G; Le Floch, B; Saint-Lary, O; Darmon, David; Le Reste, JY
Analyse économique des traitements de l’infertilité à partir des données de l’échantillon généraliste de bénéficiaires. Dirigée par Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury et Mathilde François thesis 2018 Bourrion, Bastien
Accuracy of using natural language processing methods for identifying healthcare-associated infections journalArticle 2018 Tvardik, Nastassia; Kergourlay, Ivan; Bittar, André; Segond, Frédérique; Darmoni, Stefan; Metzger, Marie-Hélène
Two morbidity indices developed in a nationwide population permitted performant outcome-specific severity adjustment journalArticle 2018 Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Fagot-Campagna, Anne; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Schellevis, François G.; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
The TRKB rs2289656 genetic polymorphism is associated with acute suicide attempts in depressed patients: A transversal case control study journalArticle 2018 Deflesselle, Eric; Colle, Romain; Rigal, Laurent; David, Denis J.; Vievard, Albane; Martin, Séverine; Becquemont, Laurent; Verstuyft, Céline; Corruble, Emmanuelle
Baclofen for the treatment of alcohol use disorder: the Cagliari Statement journalArticle 2018 Agabio, Roberta; Sinclair, Julia MA; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Beraha, Esther M; Caputo, Fabio; Chick, Jonathan D; de La Selle, Patrick; Franchitto, Nicolas; Garbutt, James C; Haber, Paul S; Heydtmann, Mathis; Jaury, Philippe; Lingford-Hughes, Anne R; Morley, Kirsten C; Müller, Christian A; Owens, Lynn; Pastor, Adam; Paterson, Louise M; Pélissier, Fanny; Rolland, Benjamin; Stafford, Amanda; Thompson, Andrew; van den Brink, Wim; de Beaurepaire, Renaud; Leggio, Lorenzo
La revue francophone de médecine générale Etat des lieux des réseaux d'investigateurs recherche dans les départements de médecine générale et collèges régionaux d'enseignement. webpage 2018 Charvin, L.; Bayen, M; Lognos, B; Rouge Bugat, ME; Saint-Lary, O; Laporte, Catherine
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return journalArticle 2018 Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P.
Prevalence and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections among French service members journalArticle 2018 Duron, Sandrine; Panjo, Henri; Bohet, Aline; Bigaillon, Christine; Sicard, Sébastien; Bajos, Nathalie; Meynard, Jean-Baptiste; Mérens, Audrey; Moreau, Caroline
Identification des freins au dépistage de l’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale en médecine générale : étude qualitative auprès de 14 médecins généralistes exerçant à Paris journalArticle 2018 Niclot, J.; Stansal, A.; Saint-Lary, O.; Lazareth, I.; Priollet, P.
Correction: Excess mortality and hospitalizations in transitional-age youths with a long-term disease: A national population-based cohort study journalArticle 2018 Rachas, Antoine; Tuppin, Philippe; Meyer, Laurence; Falissard, Bruno; Faye, Albert; Mahlaoui, Nizar; Rochebrochard, Elise de La; Frank, Marie; Durieux, Pierre; Warszawski, Josiane
Use of infertility treatments in the French population journalArticle 2018 Ben Messaoud, K; Bouyer, J; de La Rochebrochard, E
Validation of the French version of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL) journalArticle 2018 Ousseine, Youssoufa M.; Rouquette, Alexandra; Bouhnik, Anne-Déborah; Rigal, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Smith, Allan ‘Ben’; Mancini, Julien
Age Invariance of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test in a Probabilistic Sample of Cannabis Users journalArticle 2018 Legleye, Stéphane; Rouquette, Alexandra
Comment on the Association of Hormonal Contraception With Suicide Attempts and Suicides journalArticle 2018 Berlin, Ivan; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Thomas, Daniel
Female and male decision-making regarding whether to continue or abort an unintended pregnancy: a secondary analysis of the FECOND study journalArticle 2018 Lee, Jessica K.; Burke, Anne E.; Moreau, Caroline
Factors associated with the duration of symptoms in adult women with suspected cystitis in primary care journalArticle 2018 François, Mathilde; Clais, Barbara; Blanchon, Thierry; Souty, Cécile; Hanslik, Thomas; Rossignol, Louise
Alcohol consumption, drinker identity, and quality of life among students: why there cannot be one prevention strategy for all journalArticle 2018 Luquiens, Amandine; Said, Anis Ben; Sadik, Haïm; Ferrer Sánchez Del Villar, Emilio; Le Manach, Arthur; Ambrosino, Benjamin; Tzourio, Christophe; Benyamina, Amine; Aubin, Henri-Jean
Traitement médical de l’endométriose douloureuse sans infertilité, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS journalArticle 2018 Sauvan, M.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Canis, M.; Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Geoffron, S.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.-M.; Fernandez, H.
Psychiatric Comorbidities among People Who Inject Drugs in Hai Phong, Vietnam: The Need for Screening and Innovative Interventions journalArticle 2018 Pham Minh, Khue; Vallo, Roselyne; Duong Thi, Huong; Khuat Thi Hai, Oanh; Jarlais, Don C. Des; Peries, Marianne; Le, Sao Mai; Rapoud, Delphine; Quillet, Catherine; Nham Thi, Tuyet Thanh; Hoang Thi, Giang; Feelemyer, Jonathan; Vu Hai, Vinh; Moles, Jean-Pierre; Pham Thu, Xanh; Laureillard, Didier; Nagot, Nicolas; Michel, Laurent; Study Team, Drive
What characterizes cancer family history collection tools? A critical literature review journalArticle 2018 Cleophat, J.E.; Nabi, H.; Pelletier, S.; Bouchard, K.; Dorval, M.
Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level: Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level journalArticle 2018 van den Brink, Wim; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Caputo, Fabio; Dematteis, Maurice; Gual, Antoni; Lesch, Otto-Michael; Mann, Karl; Maremmani, Icro; Nutt, David; Paille, François; Perney, Pascal; Rehm, Jürgen; Reynaud, Michel; Simon, Nicolas; Söderpalm, Bo; Sommer, Wolfgang H.; Walter, Henriette; Spanagel, Rainer
Level of agreement between physician and patient assessment of non-medical health factors journalArticle 2018 Casanova, Ludovic; Ringa, Virginie; Chatelard, Sophia; Paquet, Sylvain; Pendola-Luchel, Isabelle; Panjo, Henri; Bideau, Camille; Deflesselle, Eric; Delpech, Raphaëlle; Bloy, Géraldine; Rigal, Laurent
Body mass index and clinical outcomes in trastuzumab-treated metastatic breast cancer patients: An alternative explanation for the lack of association journalArticle 2018 Nabi, Hermann; Diorio, Caroline
La revue francophone de médecine générale - Surmédicalisation : causes, conséquences et leviers pour la maîtriser. Revue narrative de la littérature webpage 2018 François, Mathilde; Hazard, A; Bourrion, Bastien; de Chefdebien, Marine; Saint-Lary, O; Hanslik, T
What Are the Determinants of Dental Care Expenditures in Institutions for Adults With Disabilities? Findings From a National Survey journalArticle 2018 Naouri, Diane; Bussiere, Clémence; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
Surgical implants and business ethics? journalArticle 2018 Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H.
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea and psychotropic drug use: a retrospective observational matched-cohort study journalArticle 2018 Delbarre, Angélique; Gagnadoux, Frédéric; Gohier, Bénédicte; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
Cross-sectional multicentre study on the cohort of all the French junior lecturers in general practice journalArticle 2018 Barais, Marie; Laporte, Catherine; Schuers, Matthieu; Saint-Lary, Olivier; Frappé, Paul; Dibao-Dina, Clarisse; Darmon, David; Bouchez, Tiphanie; Gelly, Julien
The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General Population journalArticle 2018 Legleye, Stéphane; Charrance, Géraldine; Razafindratsima, Nicolas; Bajos, Nathalie; Bohet, Aline; Moreau, Caroline; the FECOND research Team
Tailored-Dose Baclofen in the Management of Alcoholism: A Retrospective Study of 144 Outpatients Followed for 3 Years in a French General Practice journalArticle 2018 Pinot, Juliette; Rigal, Laurent; Granger, Bernard; Sidorkiewicz, Stéphanie; Jaury, Philippe
Increased Methamphetamine Use among Persons Who Inject Drugs in Hai Phong, Vietnam, and the Association with Injection and Sexual Risk Behaviors journalArticle 2018 Feelemyer, Jonathan; Duong Thi, Huong; Khuê Pham, Minh; Hoang Thi, Giang; Thi Tuyet Thanh, Nham; Thi Hai Oanh, Khuat; Arasteh, Kamyar; Moles, Jean Pierre; Vu Hai, Vinh; Vallo, Roselyne; Quillet, Catherine; Rapoud, Delphine; Michel, Laurent; Hammett, Ted; Laureillard, Didier; Nagot, Nicolas; Des Jarlais, Don