MaternETHIC. Entre obligations légales, demandes sociétales et gestion du risque biomédical : quelle éthique du consentement et de l’information pour l’accouchement en milieu hospitalier ? |
thesis |
2021 |
Abiola, Lucile |
Measurement of abortion safety using community-based surveys: Findings from three countries |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Bell, Suzanne O.; OlaOlorun, Funmilola; Shankar, Mridula; Ahmad, Danish; Guiella, Georges; Omoluabi, Elizabeth; Khanna, Anoop; Kouakou Hyacinthe, Andoh; Moreau, Caroline |
Measuring Public Preferences for Health Outcomes and Expenditures in a Context of Healthcare Resource Re-Allocation |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Krucien, Nicolas; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Gafni, Amiram |
Measuring public preferences in France for potential consequences stemming from re-allocation of healthcare resources |
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2020 |
Krucien, Nicolas; Heidenreich, Sebastian; Gafni, Amiram; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Measuring unmet need for contraception as a point prevalence |
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2019 |
Moreau, Caroline; Shankar, Mridula; Helleringer, Stephane; Becker, Stanley |
Measuring women’s agency in family planning: the conceptual and structural factors in the way |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Bhan, Nandita; Raj, Anita; Thomas, Edwin E.; Nanda, Priya; The FP-Gender Measurement Group |
Migration-related changes in smoking among non-Western immigrants in France |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Khlat, M; Legleye, S; Bricard, D |
Naftidrofuryl dans l’artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs : une revue systématique de la littérature |
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2020 |
Bourrion, B.; Hazard, A.; Baltazard, H.; Sebbag, P.; Fournier, L.; François, M. |
No association of low‐dose aspirin with severe COVID‐19 in France: A cohort of 31.1 million people without cardiovascular disease |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Botton, Jérémie; Semenzato, Laura; Dupouy, Julie; Dray‐Spira, Rosemary; Weill, Alain; Saint‐Lary, Olivier; Zureik, Mahmoud |
Non-steroids anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of peritonsillar abscess in pharyngitis: a French longitudinal study in primary care† |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Piroulas, Cedric; Devillers, Louise; Souty, Cecile; Sicsic, Jonathan; Boisnault, Philippe; François, Mathilde |
Office hysteroscopy for postmenopausal women: Feasibility and correlation with transvaginal ultrasound |
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2018 |
Sauvan, Marine; Pourcelot, Anne-Gaëlle; Fournet, Sandrine; Fernandez, Hervé; Capmas, Perrine |
Operative hysteroscopy for retained products of conception: Efficacy and subsequent fertility |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Capmas, Perrine; Lobersztajn, Anina; Duminil, Laura; Barral, Tiphaine; Pourcelot, Anne-Gaëlle; Fernandez, Hervé |
Ovarian drilling in polycystic ovary syndrome: Long term pregnancy rate |
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2019 |
Debras, E.; Fernandez, H.; Neveu, M-E.; Deffieux, X.; Capmas, P. |
Pap tests for cervical cancer screening test and contraception: analysis of data from the CONSTANCES cohort study |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Mignot, Stéphanie; Ringa, Virginie; Vigoureux, Solène; Zins, Marie; Panjo, Henri; Saulnier, Pierre-Jean; Fritel, Xavier |
Parcours de soins et qualité des soins des personnes diabétiques de type 2 de la cohorte Constances. Dirigée par Laurent Rigal et Virginie Ringa. |
thesis |
2023 |
Paquet, Sylvain |
Partner involvement in abortion trajectories and subsequent abortion safety in Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Anjur-Dietrich, Selena; Omoluabi, Elizabeth; OlaOlorun, Funmilola M.; Mosso, Rosine; Wood, Shannon N.; Moreau, Caroline; Bell, Suzanne O. |
Passive smoking in childhood increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis |
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2019 |
Seror, Raphaèle; Henry, Julien; Gusto, Gaelle; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Mariette, Xavier |
Patients’ experiences of being touched by their general practitioner: a qualitative study |
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2023 |
Devillers, Louise; Subts, Amélie; De Bandt, David; Druais, Pierre-Louis; Gilles de la Londe, Julie |
Perioperative Elevation of Troponin I Predicts Survival After Orthopaedic Surgery in Older Patients With Fracture |
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2019 |
Kun Yuan; Hong-Lin Chen; Wei-Dong Li; Zhi-Ming Cui |
Personality and breast cancer screening in women of the GAZEL cohort study |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Lemogne, Cédric; Turinici, Monica; Panjo, Henri; Ngo, Charlotte; Canoui-Poitrine, Florence; Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Limosin, Frédéric; Consoli, Silla M.; Goldberg, Marcel; Zins, Marie; Ringa, Virginie |
Peut-on encore utiliser des prothèses par voie vaginale dans le traitement des prolapsus ? |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Physical and psychosocial factors associated with psychostimulant use in a nationally representative sample of French adolescents: Specificities of cocaine, amphetamine, and ecstasy use |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Céline, Bonnaire; François, Beck; Stanislas, Spilka |
Place des nouveaux traitements médicaux dans l’endométriose douloureuse, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
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2018 |
Legendre, G.; Delbos, L.; Hudon, E.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Geoffron, S.; Sauvan, M.; Fernandez, H.; Bouet, P.-E.; Descamps, P. |
Pooled analysis of three randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trials with rimonabant for smoking cessation: Rimonabant and smoking cessation |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Robinson, Jason D.; Cinciripini, Paul M.; Karam-Hage, Maher; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Dale, Lowell C.; Niaura, Raymond; Anthenelli, Robert M.; the STRATUS Group |
Postabortion care availability, readiness, and accessibility in Niger in 2022: results from linked facility-female cross-sectional data |
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2023 |
Thomas, Haley L.; Alzouma, Souleymane; Oumarou, Sani; Moreau, Caroline; Bell, Suzanne O. |
Predictive Factors Leading to Not Living at Home in a Very Frail Community Dwelling Older Population |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Stampa, Matthieu de; Bagaragaza, Emmanuel; Cerase, Valérie; Lys, Elodie; Alitta, Quentin; Aegerter, Philippe; Henrard, Jean Claude; Ankri, Joel |
Préférences des femmes vis-à-vis du dépistage du cancer du sein |
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2019 |
Jonathan Sicsic, Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury, Julien Carretier, Nora Moumjid |
Prescribing Trends for Valproate Among Pregnant Women: A Cross-sectional Study in 2013 and 2016 Using the French Health Insurance Database |
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2022 |
Degremont, Adeline; Kerbrat, Sandrine; Balusson, Frédéric; Jonville-Bera, Annie Pierre; Ringa, Virginie; Travers, David; Tillaut, Hélène; Leray, Emmanuelle; Oger, Emmanuel; Biraben, Arnaud; Polard, Elisabeth |
Presence of Primary Care Physicians and Patients’ Ability to Register: A Simulated-Patient Survey in the Paris Region |
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2023 |
Delpech, Raphaëlle; Le Neindre, Charlène; Panjo, Henri; Rigal, Laurent |
Prevalence and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections among French service members |
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2018 |
Duron, Sandrine; Panjo, Henri; Bohet, Aline; Bigaillon, Christine; Sicard, Sébastien; Bajos, Nathalie; Meynard, Jean-Baptiste; Mérens, Audrey; Moreau, Caroline |
Prise en charge de l’endométriose : recommandations pour la pratique clinique CNGOF-HAS (texte court) |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Revel-Delhom, C.; Ballester, M.; Bolze, P.A.; Borghese, B.; Bornsztein, N.; Boujenah, J.; Bourdel, N.; Brillac, T.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Chauffour, C.; Clary, N.; Cohen, J.; Decanter, C.; Denouël, A.; Dubernard, G.; Fauconnier, A.; Fernandez, H.; Gauthier, T.; Golfier, F.; Huchon, C.; Legendre, G.; Loriau, J.; Mathieu-d’Argent, E.; Merlot, B.; Niro, J.; Panel, P.; Paparel, P.; Philip, C.A.; Ploteau, S.; Poncelet, C.; Rabischong, B.; Roman, H.; Rubod, C.; Santulli, P.; Sauvan, M.; Thomassin-Naggara, I.; Torre, A.; Wattier, J.M.; Yazbeck, C.; Canis, M. |
Prise en charge de l’endométriose, connaissances des pharmaciens |
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2021 |
Barré-Villeneuve, Agathe; Margueritte, François; Demiot, Claire |
Prise en charge des ménométrorragies |
webpage |
2019 |
Fernandez, H.; Descamps, P. |
Prisons françaises et risque infectieux : l’urgence de la mise en œuvre du principe d’équivalence pour les mesures de prévention et de réduction des risques |
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2019 |
Michel, Laurent; Jauffret-Roustide, Marie |
Prognostic impact of cytoreductive surgery conducted with primary intent, versus cytoreductive surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, in the management of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancers: a multicentre, propensity score‐matched study from the <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">FRANCOGYN</span> group |
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2023 |
Wohrer, Henri; Koual, Meriem; Bentivegna, Enrica; Benoit, Louise; Metairie, Marie; Bolze, Pierre‐Adrien; Kerbage, Yohan; Raimond, Emilie; Akladios, Cherif; Carcopino, Xavier; Canlorbe, Geoffroy; Uzan, Jennifer; Lavoue, Vincent; Mimoun, Camille; Huchon, Cyrille; Koskas, Martin; Costaz, Hélène; Margueritte, François; Dabi, Yohann; Touboul, Cyril; Bendifallah, Sofiane; Ouldamer, Lobna; Delanoy, Nicolas; Nguyen‐Xuan, Huyen‐Thu; Bats, Anne‐Sophie; Azaïs, Henri |
Promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive auprès des jeunes en situation de handicap : une recherche interventionnelle participative |
thesis |
2022 |
Noeline Vivet, Elise de La Rochebrochard |
Proposal for a shared definition of « primary healthcare » by health professionals: A national cross-sectional survey |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Prade, Michel; Rousseau, Anne; Saint-Lary, Olivier; Baumann, Sophie; Devillers, Louise; Courtin, Arnaud; Gautier, Sylvain |
Psychiatric Comorbidities among People Who Inject Drugs in Hai Phong, Vietnam: The Need for Screening and Innovative Interventions |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Pham Minh, Khue; Vallo, Roselyne; Duong Thi, Huong; Khuat Thi Hai, Oanh; Jarlais, Don C. Des; Peries, Marianne; Le, Sao Mai; Rapoud, Delphine; Quillet, Catherine; Nham Thi, Tuyet Thanh; Hoang Thi, Giang; Feelemyer, Jonathan; Vu Hai, Vinh; Moles, Jean-Pierre; Pham Thu, Xanh; Laureillard, Didier; Nagot, Nicolas; Michel, Laurent; Study Team, Drive |
Quality of life instruments used in problem gambling studies: A systematic review and a meta-analysis |
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2019 |
Bonfils, Nicolas A.; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Limosin, Frédéric; Luquiens, Amandine |
Qui ne vient pas chercher ses résultats après un dépistage positif d’une IST en CeGIDD ? |
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2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; de Larochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |