Study on the use practices and knowledges of French practitioners about the use of intra-uterine devices in early post-partum contraception in France |
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2022 |
Bléas, C.; Llouquet, F.; Neveu, M-E; Gaudu, S.; Fernandez, H.; Vigoureux, S. |
Quality of life instruments used in problem gambling studies: A systematic review and a meta-analysis |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Bonfils, Nicolas A.; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Limosin, Frédéric; Luquiens, Amandine |
A national platform for Covid-19 vaccine studies recruitment in France: Covireivac volunteer’s characteristics |
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2022 |
Bonneton, Marion; Sambourg, Jessica; Luong Nguyen, Liem Binh; Trillou, Christine; Dohou, Joyce; Saint Lary, Olivier; Schuers, Mathieu; Lachâtre, Marie; Launay, Odile |
Women’s reproductive health knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to the Zika virus outbreak in northeast Brazil |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Borges, Ana Luiza Vilela; Moreau, Caroline; Burke, Anne; dos Santos, Osmara Alves; Chofakian, Christiane Borges |
No association of low‐dose aspirin with severe COVID‐19 in France: A cohort of 31.1 million people without cardiovascular disease |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Botton, Jérémie; Semenzato, Laura; Dupouy, Julie; Dray‐Spira, Rosemary; Weill, Alain; Saint‐Lary, Olivier; Zureik, Mahmoud |
Cost-effectiveness analysis of medical management versus conservative surgery for early tubal pregnancy |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Bourel, G; Pelletier-Fleury, N; Bouyer, J; Delbarre, A; Fernandez, H; Capmas, P |
Cost-effectiveness analysis of medical management versus conservative surgery for early tubal pregnancy |
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2019 |
Bourel, G; Pelletier-Fleury, N; Bouyer, J; Delbarre, A; Fernandez, H; Capmas, P |
Naftidrofuryl dans l’artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs : une revue systématique de la littérature |
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2020 |
Bourrion, B.; Hazard, A.; Baltazard, H.; Sebbag, P.; Fournier, L.; François, M. |
Analyse économique des traitements de l’infertilité à partir des données de l’échantillon généraliste de bénéficiaires. Dirigée par Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury et Mathilde François |
thesis |
2018 |
Bourrion, Bastien |
Trends in clomiphene citrate and gonadotropins use in women with infertility between 2010 and 2017: A population‐based study in France |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Bourrion, Bastien; Panjo, Henri; François, Mathilde; Pelletier‐Fleury, Nathalie |
La revue francophone de médecine générale - Facteurs prédictifs d'hospitalisation chez les sujets âgés diabétiques non institutionnalisés |
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2018 |
Bucher, Sophie; Bauduceau, B.; Benattar-Zibi, L.; Bertin, P.; Berrut, G.; Corruble, E.; Danchin, N.; Derumeaux, G.; Doucet, J.; Falissard, B.; Forette, F.; Hanon, O.; Ourabah, R.; Pasquier, F.; Piedvache, C.; Pinget, M.; Becquemont, L. |
Idées suicidaires à la suite de symptômes pseudo-déclarés de la COVID-19 ou d’une infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 confirmée par sérologie en France : une analyse pondérée par score de propension à partir d’une étude de cohorte |
journalArticle |
Camille Davisse-Paturet ,Massimiliano Orri,Stéphane Legleye,Aline-Marie Florence,Jean-Baptiste Hazo,Josiane Warszawski,Bruno Falissard,Marie-Claude Geoffroy,Maria Melchior,Alexandra Rouquette,le groupe d’étude EPICOV |
Erratum to “Vaginal cervico-isthmic cerclage versus McDonald cerclage in women with a previous failure of prophylactic cerclage: A retrospective study” [Eur. J. Obst. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 216 (September 2017) 27–32] |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Capmas, P.; Letendre, I.; Leray, C.; Deffieux, X.; Duminil, L.; Subtil, D.; Fernandez, H. |
Operative hysteroscopy for retained products of conception: Efficacy and subsequent fertility |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Capmas, Perrine; Lobersztajn, Anina; Duminil, Laura; Barral, Tiphaine; Pourcelot, Anne-Gaëlle; Fernandez, Hervé |
Are synechiae a complication of laparotomic myomectomy? |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Capmas, Perrine; Pourcelot, Anne-Gaelle; Fernandez, Hervé |
Level of agreement between physician and patient assessment of non-medical health factors |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Casanova, Ludovic; Ringa, Virginie; Chatelard, Sophia; Paquet, Sylvain; Pendola-Luchel, Isabelle; Panjo, Henri; Bideau, Camille; Deflesselle, Eric; Delpech, Raphaëlle; Bloy, Géraldine; Rigal, Laurent |
Physical and psychosocial factors associated with psychostimulant use in a nationally representative sample of French adolescents: Specificities of cocaine, amphetamine, and ecstasy use |
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2019 |
Céline, Bonnaire; François, Beck; Stanislas, Spilka |
Letter to the Editor/Comments on “Endometrial cancer after ulipristal acetate for uterine fibroma” by Ignatov et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; Dec;219:134 |
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2018 |
Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Bergeron, C.; Daraï, E.; Fernandez, H. |
La revue francophone de médecine générale Etat des lieux des réseaux d'investigateurs recherche dans les départements de médecine générale et collèges régionaux d'enseignement. |
webpage |
2018 |
Charvin, L.; Bayen, M; Lognos, B; Rouge Bugat, ME; Saint-Lary, O; Laporte, Catherine |
Association between cumulating substances use and cumulating several school, violence and mental health difficulties in early adolescents |
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2019 |
Chau, Kénora; Mayet, Aurélie; Legleye, Stéphane; Beck, François; Hassler, Christine; Khlat, Myriam; Choquet, Marie; Falissard, Bruno; Chau, Nearkasen |
Contraceptive discontinuation and its relation to emergency contraception use among undergraduate women in Brazil |
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2019 |
Chofakian, Christiane Borges do Nascimento; Moreau, Caroline; Borges, Ana Luiza Vilela; Santos, Osmara Alves dos |
Contraceptive patterns after use of emergency contraception among female undergraduate students in Brazil |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Chofakian, Christiane Borges do Nascimento; Moreau, Caroline; Borges, Ana Luiza Vilela; Santos, Osmara Alves dos |
adsp n° 108 - E-santé : entre progrès et vigilance - L’usage de la cigarette électronique chez les adolescents en France : où en sommes-nous ? |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, S; Le Nézet, O; Janssen, Eric; Brissot, Alex; Philippon, Antoine; Spilka, Stanislas |
How to reduce biases coming from a before and after design: the impact of the 2007–08 French smoking ban policy |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Beck, Francois; Andler, Raphael; Hitchman, Sara C; Benmarhnia, Tarik |
Does e-cigarette experimentation increase the transition to daily smoking among young ever-smokers in France? |
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2020 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Benmarhnia, Tarik; Beck, François; Spilka, Stanislas; Legleye, Stéphane |
Role of e-cigarette experimentation on the transition to daily smoking among French ever smokers aged 17: results from the ESCAPAD survey |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Benmarhnia, Tarik; Legleye, Stéphane; Spilka, Stanislas; Beck, François |
Vaping among French adolescents aged 17: results from the ESCAPAD 2017 survey (n = 39 115) |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas Spilka; Beck, François |
Usages de la cigarette électronique en France à 17 ans : résultats de l’enquête nationale ESCAPAD 2017 |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas; Beck, François |
What characterizes cancer family history collection tools? A critical literature review |
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2018 |
Cleophat, J.E.; Nabi, H.; Pelletier, S.; Bouchard, K.; Dorval, M. |
Attitudes & behaviors toward the management of tobacco smoking patients: qualitative study with French primary care physicians |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Coindard, Guillaume; Acquadro, Michaël; Chaumont, Raphaël; Arnould, Benoit; Boisnault, Philippe; Collignon-Portes, Rachel; Duhot, Didier; Raineri, François; Tugaut, Béatrice; Aubin, Henri-Jean |
Differences based on patient gender in the management of hypertension: a multilevel analysis |
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2021 |
Colinne Patrice, Raphaëlle Delpech, Henri Panjo, Hector Falcoff, Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles, Virginie Ringa, Laurent Rigal |
Prise en charge de l’endométriose : recommandations pour la pratique clinique CNGOF-HAS (texte court) |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Revel-Delhom, C.; Ballester, M.; Bolze, P.A.; Borghese, B.; Bornsztein, N.; Boujenah, J.; Bourdel, N.; Brillac, T.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Chauffour, C.; Clary, N.; Cohen, J.; Decanter, C.; Denouël, A.; Dubernard, G.; Fauconnier, A.; Fernandez, H.; Gauthier, T.; Golfier, F.; Huchon, C.; Legendre, G.; Loriau, J.; Mathieu-d’Argent, E.; Merlot, B.; Niro, J.; Panel, P.; Paparel, P.; Philip, C.A.; Ploteau, S.; Poncelet, C.; Rabischong, B.; Roman, H.; Rubod, C.; Santulli, P.; Sauvan, M.; Thomassin-Naggara, I.; Torre, A.; Wattier, J.M.; Yazbeck, C.; Canis, M. |
Management of endometriosis |
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2018 |
Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Revel-Delhom, C.; Ballester, M.; Bolze, P.A.; Borghese, B.; Bornsztein, N.; Boujenah, J.; Brillac, T.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Chauffour, C.; Clary, N.; Cohen, J.; Decanter, C.; Denouël, A.; Dubernard, G.; Fauconnier, A.; Fernandez, H.; Gauthier, T.; Golfier, F.; Huchon, C.; Legendre, G.; Loriau, J.; Mathieu-d’Argent, E.; Merlot, B.; Niro, J.; Panel, P.; Paparel, P.; Philip, C.A.; Ploteau, S.; Poncelet, C.; Rabischong, B.; Roman, H.; Rubod, C.; Santulli, P.; Sauvan, M.; Thomassin-Naggara, I.; Torre, A.; Wattier, J.M.; Yazbeck, C.; Bourdel, N.; Canis, M. |
Two morbidity indices developed in a nationwide population permitted performant outcome-specific severity adjustment |
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2018 |
Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Fagot-Campagna, Anne; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Schellevis, François G.; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Defining a risk-adjustment formula for the introduction of population-based payments for primary care in France |
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2022 |
Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Surgical implants and business ethics? |
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2018 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Peut-on encore utiliser des prothèses par voie vaginale dans le traitement des prolapsus ? |
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2019 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Should the Treatment of Patients with Repeated Embryo Implantation Failure Be Adapted as a Function of the Endometrial Cytokine Profile? A Single-Center Experience |
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2023 |
Coutanceau, Bérangère; Dos Santos, Esther; Swierkowski Blanchard, Nelly; Sanchez Louboutin, Anne; Boitrelle, Florence; Margueritte, François; Vialard, François; Serazin, Valérie; Fathallah, Khadija |
Role of obesity in differences in cervical cancer screening rates by migration history. The CONSTANCES survey |
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2019 |
Crampe-Casnabet, Cyrielle; Franck, Jeanna-eve; Ringa, Virginie; Coeuret-Pellicer, Mireille; Chauvin, Pierre; Menvielle, Gwenn |
Les Déterminants du Recours aux Soins Dentaires chez les Adultes Libanais |
thesis |
2019 |
Daou, Dany; Josseran, Loïc; Saliba, Christiane |