
Publications pour l'équipe Épidémiologie des radiations

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Alcool et grossesse : population à risque, perception des risques bookSection 2017 Dumas, Agnès
Pediatric salivary gland carcinomas: Diagnostic and therapeutic management journalArticle 2017 Rebours, Céleste; Couloigner, Vincent; Galmiche, Louise; Casiraghi, Odile; Badoual, Cécile; Boudjemaa, Sabah; Chauvin, Anthony; Elmaleh, Monique; Fresneau, Brice; Fasola, Sylvie; Garabédian, Erea-Noël; Van Den Abeele, Thierry; Orbach, Daniel; Pediatric French Rare Tumor Group
Retrospective cohort study and biobanking of patients treated for hemangioma in childhood - telomeres as biomarker of aging and radiation exposure journalArticle 2017 Frenzel, Monika; Ricoul, Michelle; Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Bellamy, Marion; Lenain, Aude; Haddy, Nadia; Diallo, Ibrahima; Mateus, Christine; de Vathaire, Florent; Sabatier, Laure
Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, and Cause-Specific Mortality in a Large Cohort of Women journalArticle 2017 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Bernier, Marie-Odile; Doody, Michele M.; Alexander, Bruce H.; Linet, Martha S.; Kitahara, Cari M.
[Well-being in adulthood of patients with chronic conditions in childhood: The GEDEPAC-2 questionnaire] journalArticle 2017 Mellerio, H.; Dumas, A.; Guilmin-Crépon, S.; Loirat, C.; Lévy-Marchal, C.; Audard, V.; de Vathaire, F.; Alberti, C.
A benefit-risk analysis of rotavirus vaccination, France, 2015 journalArticle 2017 Lamrani, A.; Tubert-Bitter, P.; Hill, C.; Escolano, S.
Comparison of Empiric Versus Whole-Body/-Blood Clearance Dosimetry-Based Approach to Radioactive Iodine Treatment in Patients with Metastases from Differentiated Thyroid Cancer journalArticle 2017 Deandreis, D.; Rubino, C.; Tala, H.; Leboulleux, S.; Terroir, M.; Baudin, E.; Larson, S.; Fagin, J. A.; Schlumberger, M.; Tuttle, R. M.
Etude dosimétrique et modélisation des composantes de la dose à distance pour les faisceaux d'électrons en radiothérapie externe thesis 2017 Alabdoaburas Mohamad Mohamad
Cerebrovascular Diseases in Childhood Cancer Survivors: Role of the Radiation Dose to Willis Circle Arteries journalArticle 2017 El-Fayech, Chiraz; Haddy, Nadia; Allodji, Rodrigue Sètchéou; Veres, Cristina; Diop, Fara; Kahlouche, Amar; Llanas, Damien; Jackson, Angela; Rubino, Carole; Guibout, Catherine; Pacquement, Hélène; Oberlin, Odile; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Scarabin, Pierre-Yves; Chavaudra, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitry; Giroud, Maurice; Bejot, Yannick; Bernier, Valérie; Carrie, Christian; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Primary mediastinal and retroperitoneal malignant germ cell tumors in children and adolescents: Results of the TGM95 trial, a study of the French Society of Pediatric Oncology (Société Française des Cancers de l'Enfant) journalArticle 2017 Sudour-Bonnange, Hélène; Faure-Conter, Cécile; Martelli, Hélène; Hameury, Frederic; Fresneau, Brice; Orbach, Daniel; Vérité, Cécile
Respiratory-gated bilateral pulmonary radiotherapy for Ewing's sarcoma and nephroblastoma in children and young adults: Dosimetric and clinical feasibility studies journalArticle 2017 Demoor-Goldschmidt, C.; Chiavassa, S.; Josset, S.; Mahé, M.-A.; Supiot, S.
Alcohol Use During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: A National Survey in France journalArticle 2017 Dumas, A.; Toutain, S.; Simmat-Durand, L.
Breast Cancer Risk After Radiation Therapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma: Influence of Gonadal Hormone Exposure journalArticle 2017 Krul, Inge M.; Opstal-van Winden, Annemieke W. J.; Aleman, Berthe M. P.; Janus, Cécile P. M.; van Eggermond, Anna M.; De Bruin, Marie L.; Hauptmann, Michael; Krol, Augustinus D. G.; Schaapveld, Michael; Broeks, Annegien; Kooijman, Karen R.; Fase, Sandra; Lybeert, Marnix L.; Zijlstra, Josée M.; van der Maazen, Richard W. M.; Kesminiene, Ausrele; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Russell, Nicola S.; van Leeuwen, Flora E.
[The frequency of cancer in France: Most recent data and trends] journalArticle 2017 Ribassin-Majed, L.; Le-Teuff, G.; Hill, C.
Are dietary reports in a case-control study on thyroid cancer biased by risk perception of Chernobyl fallout? journalArticle 2017 Xhaard, C.; Dumas, A.; Souchard, V.; Ren, Y.; Borson-Chazot, F.; Sassolas, G.; Schvartz, C.; Colonna, M.; Lacour, B.; Wonoroff, A. S.; Velten, M.; Clero, E.; Maillard, S.; Marrer, E.; Bailly, L.; Mariné Barjoan, E.; Schlumberger, M.; Orgiazzi, J.; Adjadj, E.; Rubino, C.; Bouville, A.; Drozdovitch, V.; de Vathaire, F.
No Association between Radiation Dose from Pediatric CT Scans and Risk of Subsequent Hodgkin Lymphoma journalArticle 2017 Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy; Journy, Neige; Lee, Choonsik; Morton, Lindsay M.; Harbron, Richard W.; Stewart, Douglas R.; Parker, Louise; Craft, Alan W.; McHugh, Kieran; Little, Mark P.; Pearce, Mark S.
The right to be forgotten: a change in access to insurance and loans after childhood cancer? journalArticle 2017 Dumas, Agnès; Allodji, Rodrigue; Fresneau, Brice; Valteau-Couanet, Dominique; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Pacquement, Hélène; Laprie, Anne; Nguyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Diallo, Ibrahima; Guibout, Catherine; Rubino, Carole; Haddy, Nadia; Oberlin, Odile; Vassal, Gilles; de Vathaire, Florent
The role of irradiated heart and left ventricular volumes in heart failure occurrence after childhood cancer journalArticle 2018 Mansouri, Imène; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Hill, Catherine; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Pein, François; Diallo, Stéphanie; Schwartz, Boris; Vu-Bezin, Giao; Veres, Cristina; Souchard, Vincent; Dumas, Agnès; Bolle, Stéphanie; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Pacquement, Hélène; Munzer, Martine; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Fresneau, Brice; Oberlin, Odile; Diallo, Ibrahima; De Vathaire, Florent; Haddy, Nadia
Childhood Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: State-of-the-Art, and Questions for the Future journalArticle 2018 Dourthe, Marie-Emilie; Bolle, Stéphanie; Temam, Stéphane; Jouin, Anais; Claude, Line; Reguerre, Yves; Defachelles, Anne-Sophie; Orbach, Daniel; Fresneau, Brice
Long-term follow-up after childhood cancer in France supported by the SFCE-force and weakness-current state, results of a questionnaire and perspectives journalArticle 2018 Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Tabone, Marie-Dominique; Bernier, Valérie; de Vathaire, Florent; Berger, Claire
Review of risk factors of secondary cancers among cancer survivors journalArticle 2018 Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; de Vathaire, Florent
Fecundity and Quality of Life of Women Treated for Solid Childhood Tumors Between 1948 and 1992 in France journalArticle 2018 Thouvenin-Doulet, Sandrine; Berger, Claire; Casagranda, Léonie; Oberlin, Odile; Marec-Berard, Perrine; Pacquement, Hélène; Guibout, Catherine; Freycon, Claire; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Laprie, Anne; Berchery, Delphine; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Trombert-Paviot, Béatrice; de Vathaire, Florent
Cataract Risk in a Cohort of U.S. Radiologic Technologists Performing Nuclear Medicine Procedures journalArticle 2018 Bernier, Marie-Odile; Journy, Neige; Villoing, Daphnee; Doody, Michele M.; Alexander, Bruce H.; Linet, Martha S.; Kitahara, Cari M.
Exploring the performance of methods to deal with multicollinearity: simulation and real data in radiation epidemiology area journalArticle 2018 Dubocq, M; Haddy, N.; Schwartz, B.; Rubino, C.; Dayet, F.; De Vathaire, F.; Diallo, I.; Allodji, R. S.
Cohort Profile: the EPI-CT study: A European pooled epidemiological study to quantify the risk of radiation-induced cancer from paediatric CT journalArticle 2018 Bernier, Marie-Odile; Baysson, Hélène; Pearce, Mark S.; Moissonnier, Monika; Cardis, Elisabeth; Hauptmann, Michael; Struelens, Lara; Dabin, Jeremie; Johansen, Christoffer; Journy, Neige; Laurier, Dominique; Blettner, Maria; Le Cornet, Lucian; Pokora, Roman; Gradowska, Patrycja; Meulepas, Johanna M.; Kjaerheim, Kristina; Istad, Tore; Olerud, Hilde; Sovik, Aste; Bosch de Basea, Magda; Thierry-Chef, Isabelle; Kaijser, Magnus; Nordenskjöld, Arvid; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy; Harbron, Richard W.; Kesminiene, Ausrele
A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacogenetic Analysis of Osteosarcoma Patients Treated With High-Dose Methotrexate: Data From the OS2006/Sarcoma-09 Trial journalArticle 2018 Lui, Gabrielle; Treluyer, Jean-Marc; Fresneau, Brice; Piperno-Neumann, Sophie; Gaspar, Nathalie; Corradini, Nadège; Gentet, Jean-Claude; Marec Berard, Perrine; Laurence, Valérie; Schneider, Pascale; Entz-Werle, Natacha; Pacquement, Hélène; Millot, Frédéric; Taque, Sophie; Freycon, Claire; Lervat, Cyril; Le Deley, Marie Cécile; Mahier Ait Oukhatar, Céline; Brugieres, Laurence; Le Teuff, Gwénaël; Bouazza, Naïm; Sarcoma Group of UNICANCER
New cancer cases in France in 2015 attributable to different levels of alcohol consumption journalArticle 2018 Shield, K. D.; Marant Micallef, C.; Hill, C.; Touvier, M.; Arwidson, P.; Bonaldi, C.; Ferrari, P.; Bray, F.; Soerjomataram, I.
Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer: meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials journalArticle 2018 Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative, Group
Association entre dysfonction thyroïdienne et risque de cancers du sein et de la thyroïde chez la femme adulte thesis 2018 Tran, Thi Van Trinh
Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohort studies journalArticle 2018 Little, Mark P.; Wakeford, Richard; Borrego, David; French, Benjamin; Zablotska, Lydia B.; Adams, M. Jacob; Allodji, Rodrigue; de Vathaire, Florent; Lee, Choonsik; Brenner, Alina V.; Miller, Jeremy S.; Campbell, David; Pearce, Mark S.; Doody, Michele M.; Holmberg, Erik; Lundell, Marie; Sadetzki, Siegal; Linet, Martha S.; Berrington de González, Amy
Ovarian Yolk Sac Tumors; Does Age Matter? journalArticle 2018 Faure Conter, Cecile; Xia, Caihong; Gershenson, David; Hurteau, Jean; Covens, Al; Pashankar, Farzana; Krailo, Mark; Billmire, Deborah; Patte, Catherine; Fresneau, Brice; Shaikh, Furqan; Stoneham, Sara; Nicholson, James; Murray, Matthew; Frazier, Anne Lindsay
Organ dose estimation accounting for uncertainty for pediatric and young adult ct scans in the united kingdom journalArticle 2018 Lee, Choonsik; Journy, Neige; Moroz, Brian E.; Little, Mark; Harbron, Richard; McHugh, Kieran; Pearce, Mark; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy
Gender Inequalities in Health Over the Life Course. Attitudes Towards Ill-Health in Men and Women Treated for Childhood Cancer journalArticle 2018 Dumas, Agnes
Is alpha-fetoprotein decline a prognostic factor of childhood non-seminomatous germ cell tumours? Results of the French TGM95 study journalArticle 2018 Fresneau, B.; Orbach, D.; Faure-Conter, C.; Sudour-Bonnange, H.; Vérité, C.; Gandemer, V.; Pasquet, M.; Fasola, S.; Rome, A.; Raimbault, S.; Martelli, H.; Frappaz, D.; Le Teuff, G.; Patte, C.
Individual radiation exposure from computed tomography: a survey of paediatric practice in French university hospitals, 2010-2013 journalArticle 2018 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Dreuil, Serge; Boddaert, Nathalie; Chateil, Jean-François; Defez, Didier; Ducou-le-Pointe, Hubert; Garcier, Jean-Marc; Guersen, Joël; Habib Geryes, Bouchra; Jahnen, Andreas; Lee, Choonsik; Payen-de-la-Garanderie, Jacqueline; Pracros, Jean-Pierre; Sirinelli, Dominique; Thierry-Chef, Isabelle; Bernier, Marie-Odile
Etude épidémiologique chez les travailleurs exposés aux rayonnements ionisants dans les centres d’imagerie médicale du Benin thesis 2018 GBETCHEDJI, Alfred Arnaud
The PanCareSurFup consortium: research and guidelines to improve lives for survivors of childhood cancer journalArticle 2018 Byrne, Julianne; Alessi, Daniela; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Bagnasco, Francesca; Bárdi, Edit; Bautz, Andrea; Bright, Chloe J.; Brown, Morven; Diallo, Ibrahima; Feijen, Elizabeth A. M. Lieke; Fidler, Miranda M.; Frey, Eva; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Grabow, Desiree; Gudmundsdottir, Thorgerdur; Hagberg, Oskar; Harila-Saari, Arja; Hau, Eva M.; Haupt, Riccardo; Hawkins, Mike M.; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kaatsch, Peter; Kaiser, Melanie; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Kuonen, Rahel; Ladenstein, Ruth; Lähteenmäki, Päivi Maria; Levitt, Gill; Linge, Helena; LLanas, Damien; Michel, Gisela; Morsellino, Vera; Mulder, Renee L.; Reulen, Raoul C.; Ronckers, Cécile M.; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Skinner, Roderick; Steliarova-Foucher, Eva; van der Pal, Helena J.; de Vathaire, Florent; Vũ Bezin, Giao; Wesenberg, Finn; Wiebe, Thomas; Winter, David L.; Falck Winther, Jeanette; Witthoff, Elise; Zadravec Zaletel, Lorna; Hjorth, Lars
Projected Future Cancer Risks in Children Treated With Fluoroscopy-Guided Cardiac Catheterization Procedures journalArticle 2018 Journy, Neige; Dreuil, Serge; Rage, Estelle; De Zordo-Banliat, François; Bonnet, Damien; Hascoët, Sebastien; Malekzadeh-Milani, Sophie; Petit, Jérôme; Laurier, Dominique; Bernier, Marie-Odile; Baysson, Hélène
Long-term survivors of childhood cancer: cure and care-the Erice Statement (2006) revised after 10 years (2016) journalArticle 2018 Jankovic, Momcilo; Haupt, Riccardo; Spinetta, John J.; Beck, Joern D.; Byrne, Julianne; Calaminus, Gabriele; Lackner, Herwig; Biondi, Andrea; Oeffinger, Kevin; Hudson, Melissa; Skinner, Roderick; Reaman, Gregory; van der Pal, Helena; Kremer, Leontien; den Hartogh, Jaap; Michel, Gisela; Frey, Eva; Bardi, Edit; Hawkins, Michael; Rizvi, Katie; Terenziani, Monica; Valsecchi, Maria Grazia; Bode, Gerlind; Jenney, Meriel; de Vathaire, Florent; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Levitt, Gill A.; Grabow, Desiree; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Schrappe, Martin; Hjorth, Lars; participants in PanCare
The PanCareSurFup cohort of 83,333 five-year survivors of childhood cancer: a cohort from 12 European countries journalArticle 2018 Grabow, Desiree; Kaiser, Melanie; Hjorth, Lars; Byrne, Julianne; Alessi, Daniela; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Bagnasco, Francesca; Bárdi, Edit; Bautz, Andrea; Bright, Chloe J.; de Vathaire, Florent; Feijen, Elizabeth A. M.; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Hagberg, Oskar; Haupt, Riccardo; Hawkins, Mike M.; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Kuonen, Rahel; Lähteenmäki, Päivi Maria; Reulen, Raoul C.; Ronckers, Cécile M.; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Vu-Bezin, Giao; Wesenberg, Finn; Wiebe, Thomas; Winter, David L.; Winther, Jeanette Falck; Zaletel, Lorna Zadravec; Kaatsch, Peter; PanCareSurFup Consortium