
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Penalized Poisson model for network meta-analysis of individual patient time-to-event data journalArticle 2021 OLLIER Edouard, Blanchard Pierre, LE TEUFF Gwénaël, MICHIELS Stefan
Vocal fold mobility as the main prognostic factor of treatment outcomes and survival in stage II squamous cell carcinomas of the glottic larynx journalArticle 2015 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Breuskin, I.; Temam, S.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.
Value of a short-term imaging follow-up after a benign result in a one-stop breast unit: Is it still useful? journalArticle 2017 Daroles, J.; Borget, I.; Suciu, V.; Mazouni, C.; Delaloge, S.; Balleyguier, C.
Impact of primary para-aortic lymphadenectomy on distant failure in locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated in the era of image-guided adaptive brachytherapy journalArticle 2016 Chargari, C.; Mazeron, R.; Dunant, A.; Gouy, S.; Petit, C.; Maroun, P.; Uzan, C.; Annede, P.; Bentivegna, E.; Balleyguier, C.; Genestie, C.; Pautier, P.; Leary, A.; Lhomme, C.; Deutsch, E.; Morice, P.; Haie-Meder, C.
Impact of dermatologic adverse events induced by targeted therapies on quality of life journalArticle 2016 Charles, C.; Bungener, C.; Razavi, D.; Mateus, C.; Routier, E.; Lanoy, E.; Verschoore, M.; Robert, C.; Dauchy, S.
A Novel Spectroscopically Determined Pharmacodynamic Biomarker for Skin Toxicity in Cancer Patients Treated with Targeted Agents journalArticle 2017 Azan, A.; Caspers, P. J.; Bakker Schut, T. C.; Roy, S.; Boutros, C.; Mateus, C.; Routier, E.; Besse, B.; Planchard, D.; Seck, A.; Kamsu Kom, N.; Tomasic, G.; Koljenovic, S.; Noordhoek Hegt, V.; Texier, M.; Lanoy, E.; Eggermont, A. M.; Paci, A.; Robert, C.; Puppels, G. J.; Mir, L. M.
Prognostic factors in stage III-IV adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC): an European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumor (ENSAT) study journalArticle 2015 Libé, R.; Borget, I.; Ronchi, C. L.; Zaggia, B.; Kroiss, M.; Kerkhofs, T.; Bertherat, J.; Volante, M.; Quinkler, M.; Chabre, O.; Bala, M.; Tabarin, A.; Beuschlein, F.; Vezzosi, D.; Deutschbein, T.; Borson-Chazot, F.; Hermsen, I.; Stell, A.; Fottner, C.; Leboulleux, S.; Hahner, S.; Mannelli, M.; Berruti, A.; Haak, H.; Terzolo, M.; Fassnacht, M.; Baudin, E.
LONG-TERM SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS RESPONDING TO ANTI-PD-1/PD-L1 THERAPY AND DISEASE OUTCOME UPON TREATMENT DISCONTINUATION journalArticle 2018 Gauci, M. L.; Lanoy, E.; Champiat, S.; Caramella, C.; Ammari, S.; Aspeslagh, S.; Varga, A.; Baldini, C.; Bahleda, R.; Gazzah, A.; Michot, J. M.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Angevin, E.; Ribrag, V.; Hollebecque, A.; Soria, J. C.; Robert, C.; Massard, C.; Marabelle, A.
Brachytherapy: An overview for clinicians journalArticle 2019 Chargari, C.; Deutsch, E.; Blanchard, P.; Gouy, S.; Martelli, H.; Guerin, F.; Dumas, I.; Bossi, A.; Morice, P.; Viswanathan, A. N.; Haie-Meder, C.
Dosimetric advantages of intensity-modulated proton therapy for oropharyngeal cancer compared with intensity-modulated radiation: A case-matched control analysis journalArticle 2016 Holliday, E. B.; Kocak-Uzel, E.; Feng, L.; Thaker, N. G.; Blanchard, P.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Garden, A. S.; Frank, S. J.
Baseline gut microbiota predicts clinical response and colitis in metastatic melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab journalArticle 2017 Chaput, N.; Lepage, P.; Coutzac, C.; Soularue, E.; Le Roux, K.; Monot, C.; Boselli, L.; Routier, E.; Cassard, L.; Collins, M.; Vaysse, T.; Marthey, L.; Eggermont, A.; Asvatourian, V.; Lanoy, E.; Mateus, C.; Robert, C.; Carbonnel, F.
Results and Survival of Locally Advanced AJCC 7th Edition T4a Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Primary Total Laryngectomy and Postoperative Radiotherapy journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Matias, M.; Moya-Plana, A.; Tabarino, F.; Blanchard, P.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.
Mortality analyses in the updated French cohort of uranium miners (1946-2007) journalArticle 2015 Rage, E.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Drubay, D.; Ancelet, S.; Laroche, P.; Laurier, D.
Impact of dermatologic adverse events induced by targeted therapies on quality of life journalArticle 2016 Charles, C.; Bungener, C.; Razavi, D.; Mateus, C.; Routier, E.; Lanoy, E.; Verschoore, M.; Robert, C.; Dauchy, S.
Reply to the letter to the editor 'Ablative therapies for lung metastases: a need to acknowledge the efficacy and toxicity of stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy' by Siva et al journalArticle 2015 de Baère, T.; Aupérin, A.; Deschamps, F.; Chevallier, P.; Gaubert, Y.; Boige, V.; Fonck, M.; Escudier, B.; Palussiére, J.
Pharmacological modulation of radiation-induced oral mucosal complications journalArticle 2018 Bockel, S.; Vallard, A.; Levy, A.; Francois, S.; Bourdis, M.; Le Gallic, C.; Riccobono, D.; Annede, P.; Drouet, M.; Tao, Y.; Blanchard, P.; Deutsch, E.; Magne, N.; Chargari, C.
Mutation allele burden remains unchanged in chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia responding to hypomethylating agents journalArticle 2016 Merlevede, J.; Droin, N.; Qin, T.; Meldi, K.; Yoshida, K.; Morabito, M.; Chautard, E.; Auboeuf, D.; Fenaux, P.; Braun, T.; Itzykson, R.; de Botton, S.; Quesnel, B.; Commes, T.; Jourdan, E.; Vainchenker, W.; Bernard, O.; Pata-Merci, N.; Solier, S.; Gayevskiy, V.; Dinger, M. E.; Cowley, M. J.; Selimoglu-Buet, D.; Meyer, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Deleuze, J. F.; Preudhomme, C.; Stratton, M. R.; Alexandrov, L. B.; Padron, E.; Ogawa, S.; Koscielny, S.; Figueroa, M.; Solary, E.
Advantages and disadvantages of 3-dimensional printing in surgery: A systematic review journalArticle 2016 Martelli, N.; Serrano, C.; van den Brink, H.; Pineau, J.; Prognon, P.; Borget, I.; El Batti, S.
Postoperative hepatic arterial chemotherapy in high-risk patients as adjuvant treatment after resection of colorectal liver metastases - a randomized phase II/III trial - PACHA-01 (NCT02494973) journalArticle 2018 Goéré, D.; Pignon, J. P.; Gelli, M.; Elias, D.; Benhaim, L.; Deschamps, F.; Caramella, C.; Boige, V.; Ducreux, M.; de Baere, T.; Malka, D.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma journalArticle 2019 Chen, Y. P.; Chan, A. T. C.; Le, Q. T.; Blanchard, P.; Sun, Y.; Ma, J.
High subcutaneous adipose tissue predicts the prognosis in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients in post chemotherapy setting journalArticle 2015 Antoun, S.; Bayar, A.; Ileana, E.; Laplanche, A.; Fizazi, K.; di Palma, M.; Escudier, B.; Albiges, L.; Massard, C.; Loriot, Y.
Is primary tumour resection associated with survival improvement in patients with colorectal cancer and unresectable synchronous metastases? A pooled analysis of individual data from four randomised trials journalArticle 2015 Faron, M.; Pignon, J. P.; Malka, D.; Bourredjem, A.; Douillard, J. Y.; Adenis, A.; Elias, D.; Bouché, O.; Ducreux, M.
Mining the coding and non-coding genome for cancer drivers journalArticle 2015 Li, J.; Drubay, D.; Michiels, S.; Gautheret, D.
Results of methotrexate-etoposide-ifosfamide based regimen (M-EI) in osteosarcoma patients included in the French OS2006/sarcome-09 study journalArticle 2018 Gaspar, N.; Occean, B. V.; Pacquement, H.; Bompas, E.; Bouvier, C.; Brisse, H. J.; Castex, M. P.; Cheurfa, N.; Corradini, N.; Delaye, J.; Entz-Werle, N.; Gentet, J. C.; Italiano, A.; Lervat, C.; Marec-Berard, P.; Mascard, E.; Redini, F.; Saumet, L.; Schmitt, C.; Tabone, M. D.; Verite-Goulard, C.; Le Deley, M. C.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Brugieres, L.; Sfce; Gsf, Geto; group, Unicancer sarcoma
Age at start of using tobacco on the risk of head and neck cancer: Pooled analysis in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium (INHANCE) journalArticle 2019 Chang, C. P.; Chang, S. C.; Chuang, S. C.; Berthiller, J.; Ferro, G.; Matsuo, K.; Wunsch-Filho, V.; Toporcov, T. N.; de Carvalho, M. B.; La Vecchia, C.; Olshan, A. F.; Zevallos, J. P.; Serraino, D.; Muscat, J.; Sturgis, E. M.; Li, G.; Morgenstern, H.; Levi, F.; Dal Maso, L.; Smith, E.; Kelsey, K.; McClean, M.; Vaughan, T. L.; Lazarus, P.; Ramroth, H.; Chen, C.; Schwartz, S. M.; Winn, D. M.; Bosetti, C.; Edefonti, V.; Garavello, W.; Negri, E.; Hayes, R. B.; Purdue, M. P.; Boccia, S.; Cadoni, G.; Shangina, O.; Koifman, R.; Curado, M. P.; Vilensky, M.; Swiatkowska, B.; Herrero, R.; Franceschi, S.; Benhamou, S.; Fernandez, L.; Menezes, A. M. B.; Daudt, A. W.; Mates, D.; Schantz, S.; Yu, G. P.; Lissowska, J.; Brenner, H.; Fabianova, E.; Rudnai, P.; Brennan, P.; Boffetta, P.; Zhang, Z. F.; Hashibe, M.; Lee, Y. A.
Patients aged over 75 years enrolled in Phase I clinical trials: the Gustave Roussy experience journalArticle 2016 Helissey, C.; Biondani, P.; Roquet, F.; Lanoy, E.; Mir, O.; Varga, A.; Massard, C.; Gazzah, A.; Ribrag, V.; Bahleda, R.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Angevin, E.; Deutsch, E.; Soria, J. C.; Hollebecque, A.
Lung Adenocarcinoma as Part of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Spectrum: Preliminary Data of the LIFSCREEN Randomized Clinical Trial journalArticle 2017 Caron, O.; Frebourg, T.; Benusiglio, P. R.; Foulon, S.; Brugières, L.
Laryngo-esophageal Dysfunction-free Survival in a Preservation Protocol for T3 Laryngeal Squamous-cell Carcinoma journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Matias, M.; Even, C.; Ferte, C.; Bidault, F.; Garcia, G.; Temam, S.; Nguyen, F.; Blanchard, P.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.
Cost Of Genome Analysis: The Sanger Sequencing Method journalArticle 2015 Perrier, L.; Heinz, D.; Baffert, S.; Zou, Z.; Durand Zaleski, I.; Rouleau, E.; Wang, Q.; Haddad, V.; Bringuier, P.; Merlio, J.; Caumont, C.; Lacroix, L.; Marino, P.; Borget, I.
Follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer - what should (and what should not) be done journalArticle 2018 Lamartina, L.; Grani, G.; Durante, C.; Borget, I.; Filetti, S.; Schlumberger, M.
A comparison between different prediction models for invasive breast cancer occurrence in the French E3N cohort journalArticle 2015 Dartois, L.; Gauthier, E.; Heitzmann, J.; Baglietto, L.; Michiels, S.; Mesrine, S.; Boutron-Ruault, M. C.; Delaloge, S.; Ragusa, S.; Clavel-Chapelon, F.; Fagherazzi, G.
Author Correction: Germline variation at 8q24 and prostate cancer risk in men of European ancestry journalArticle 2019 Matejcic, M.; Saunders, E. J.; Dadaev, T.; Brook, M. N.; Wang, K.; Sheng, X.; Olama, A. A. A.; Schumacher, F. R.; Ingles, S. A.; Govindasami, K.; Benlloch, S.; Berndt, S. I.; Albanes, D.; Koutros, S.; Muir, K.; Stevens, V. L.; Gapstur, S. M.; Tangen, C. M.; Batra, J.; Clements, J.; Gronberg, H.; Pashayan, N.; Schleutker, J.; Wolk, A.; West, C.; Mucci, L.; Kraft, P.; Cancel-Tassin, G.; Sorensen, K. D.; Maehle, L.; Grindedal, E. M.; Strom, S. S.; Neal, D. E.; Hamdy, F. C.; Donovan, J. L.; Travis, R. C.; Hamilton, R. J.; Rosenstein, B.; Lu, Y. J.; Giles, G. G.; Kibel, A. S.; Vega, A.; Bensen, J. T.; Kogevinas, M.; Penney, K. L.; Park, J. Y.; Stanford, J. L.; Cybulski, C.; Nordestgaard, B. G.; Brenner, H.; Maier, C.; Kim, J.; Teixeira, M. R.; Neuhausen, S. L.; De Ruyck, K.; Razack, A.; Newcomb, L. F.; Lessel, D.; Kaneva, R.; Usmani, N.; Claessens, F.; Townsend, P. A.; Gago-Dominguez, M.; Roobol, M. J.; Menegaux, F.; Khaw, K. T.; Cannon-Albright, L. A.; Pandha, H.; Thibodeau, S. N.; Schaid,
Nedaplatin in nasopharyngeal cancer: the rebirth of platinum salts? journalArticle 2018 Blanchard, P.; Tao, Y.
Reduced acute toxicity and improved efficacy from intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) for the management of head and neck cancer journalArticle 2016 McKeever, M. R.; Sio, T. T.; Gunn, G. B.; Holliday, E. B.; Blanchard, P.; Kies, M. S.; Weber, R. S.; Frank, S. J.
Effect of time to sentinel-node biopsy on the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma journalArticle 2015 Tejera-Vaquerizo, A.; Nagore, E.; Puig, S.; Robert, C.; Saiag, P.; Martin-Cuevas, P.; Gallego, E.; Herrera-Acosta, E.; Aguilera, J.; Malvehy, J.; Carrera, C.; Cavalcanti, A.; Rull, R.; Vilalta-Solsona, A.; Lannoy, E.; Boutros, C.; Benannoune, N.; Tomasic, G.; Aegerte, P.; Vidal-Sicart, S.; Palou, J.; Alos, L. L.; Requena, C.; Traves, V.; Pla, A.; Bolumar, I.; Soriano, V.; Guillen, C.; Herrera-Ceballos, E.
Combining multi-criteria decision analysis and mini-health technology assessment: A funding decision-support tool for medical devices in a university hospital setting journalArticle 2016 Martelli, N.; Hansen, P.; van den Brink, H.; Boudard, A.; Cordonnier, A. L.; Devaux, C.; Pineau, J.; Prognon, P.; Borget, I.
Risk of Subsequent Leukemia After a Solid Tumor in Childhood: Impact of Bone Marrow Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy journalArticle 2015 Allodji, R. S.; Schwartz, B.; Veres, C.; Haddy, N.; Rubino, C.; Le Deley, M. C.; Labbé, M.; Diop, F.; Jackson, A.; Dayet, F.; Benabdennebi, A.; Llanas, D.; Vu Bezin, J.; Chavaudra, J.; Lefkopoulos, D.; Deutsch, E.; Oberlin, O.; de Vathaire, F.; Diallo, I.
[The role of the expansion cohort in phase I trials in oncology: guidelines of the phase I HUB] journalArticle 2015 Ezzalfani, M.; Dugue, A.; Mollevi, C.; Pulido, M.; Bonnetain, F.; Filleron, T.; Gal, J.; Gauthier, M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Le Tourneau, C.; Medioni, J.; Nguyen, J. M.; Chabaud, S.; Teixeira, L.; Thivat, E.; You, B.; Kramar, A.; Paoletti, X.
Innovative medical devices and hospital decision making: a study comparing the views of hospital pharmacists and physicians journalArticle 2015 Billaux, M.; Borget, I.; Prognon, P.; Pineau, J.; Martelli, N.
Prevalence of burnout, depression and job satisfaction among French senior and resident radiation oncologists journalArticle 2018 Lazarescu, I.; Dubray, B.; Joulakian, M. B.; Blanchard, P.; Chauvet, B.; Mahe, M. A.; Mornex, F.; Rocher, F.; Thureau, S.