Fluoroquinolone Impact on Nasal Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Colonization Durations in Neurologic Long-Term-Care Facilities |
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2015 |
Couderc, Clotilde; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Lawrence, Christine; Bouchiat, Coralie; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Salomon, Jérôme; Guillemot, Didier; Antibiotic Use and Staphylococcus aureus Resistant to Antibiotics Study Group |
Intrauterine Balloon Tamponade for Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage |
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2018 |
Revert, Mathilde; Rozenberg, Patrick; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine |
Is an activity volume threshold really realistic for lung cancer resection? |
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2018 |
Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Quantin, Catherine; Pagès, Pierre-Benoit |
Could venous thromboembolism and major bleeding be indicators of lung cancer mortality? A nationwide database study |
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2020 |
Howlett, Jennifer; Benzenine, Eric; Cottenet, Jonathan; Foucher, Pascal; Fagnoni, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine |
To code or not to code chronic pulmonary aspergillosis associated malnutrition in PMSI database: that is the problem… |
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2022 |
Maitre, Thomas; Cottenet, Jonathan; Godet, Cendrine; Roussot, Adrien; Abdoul Carime, Nafiz; Ok, Vichita; Parrot, Antoine; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine; Cadranel, Jacques |
Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study |
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2021 |
Piroth, Lionel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bonniaud, Philippe; Blot, Mathieu; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine |
Compliance with the current recommendations for prescribing antibiotics for paediatric community-acquired pneumonia is improving: data from a prospective study in a French network |
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2016 |
Launay, Elise; Levieux, Karine; Levy, Corinne; Dubos, François; Martinot, Alain; Vrignaud, Bénédicte; Lepage, Flora; Cohen, Robert; Grimprel, Emmanuel; Hanf, Matthieu; Angoulvant, François; Gras-Le Guen, Christèle; GPIP |
[Comparison of British and French expatriate doctors' characteristics and motivations] |
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2015 |
Abbas, R.; Carnet, D.; D'Athis, P.; Fiet, C.; Le Breton, G.; Romestaing, M.; Quantin, C. |
Major postpartum haemorrhage after frozen embryo transfer: A population-based study |
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2023 |
Al-Khatib, Amélie; Sagot, Paul; Cottenet, Jonathan; Aroun, Massinissa; Quantin, Catherine; Desplanches, Thomas |
[The use of administrative health databases in infectious disease epidemiology and public health] |
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2017 |
Fonteneau, L.; Le Meur, N.; Cohen-Akenine, A.; Pessel, C.; Brouard, C.; Delon, F.; Desjeux, G.; Durand, J.; Kirchgesner, J.; Lapidus, N.; Lemaitre, M.; Tala, S.; Thiébaut, A.; Watier, L.; Rudant, J.; Guillon-Grammatico, L. |
Epidemiology of Endometriosis in France: A Large, Nation-Wide Study Based on Hospital Discharge Data |
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2016 |
von Theobald, Peter; Cottenet, Jonathan; Iacobelli, Silvia; Quantin, Catherine |
First-line rituximab combined with short-term prednisone versus prednisone alone for the treatment of pemphigus (Ritux 3): a prospective, multicentre, parallel-group, open-label randomised trial |
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2017 |
Joly, Pascal; Maho-Vaillant, Maud; Prost-Squarcioni, Catherine; Hebert, Vivien; Houivet, Estelle; Calbo, Sébastien; Caillot, Frédérique; Golinski, Marie Laure; Labeille, Bruno; Picard-Dahan, Catherine; Paul, Carle; Richard, Marie-Aleth; Bouaziz, Jean David; Duvert-Lehembre, Sophie; Bernard, Philippe; Caux, Frederic; Alexandre, Marina; Ingen-Housz-Oro, Saskia; Vabres, Pierre; Delaporte, Emmanuel; Quereux, Gaelle; Dupuy, Alain; Debarbieux, Sebastien; Avenel-Audran, Martine; D'Incan, Michel; Bedane, Christophe; Bénéton, Nathalie; Jullien, Denis; Dupin, Nicolas; Misery, Laurent; Machet, Laurent; Beylot-Barry, Marie; Dereure, Olivier; Sassolas, Bruno; Vermeulin, Thomas; Benichou, Jacques; Musette, Philippe; French study group on autoimmune bullous skin diseases |
[Study of algorithms to identify schizophrenia in the SNIIRAM database conducted by the REDSIAM network] |
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2017 |
Quantin, C.; Collin, C.; Frérot, M.; Besson, J.; Cottenet, J.; Corneloup, M.; Soudry-Faure, A.; Mariet, A.-S.; Roussot, A.; pour le groupe REDSIAM–Troubles mentaux et du comportement |
A score test for comparing cross-sectional survival data with a fraction of non-susceptible patients and its application in clinical immunology |
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2017 |
Jonas, Sarah Flora; Mbogning, Cyprien; Hässler, Signe; Broët, Philippe |
[Benefits and usability of a pharmaceutical record in medical practice. A survey of hospital doctors and pharmacists (MATRIX study)] |
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2016 |
Schuers, M.; Timsit, M.; Gillibert, A.; Fred, A.; Griffon, N.; Bénichou, J.; Darmoni, S. J.; Staccini, P. |
Prevalence of patients hospitalised for male breast cancer in France using the French nationwide hospital administrative database |
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2019 |
Cottenet, Jonathan; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Roussot, Adrien; Arveux, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine |
Estimation of mid-and long-term benefits and hypothetical risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome after human papillomavirus vaccination among boys in France: A simulation study |
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2022 |
Duong, Chi-Hong; Mueller, Judith E.; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Escolano, Sylvie |
Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic on Lung Cancer Surgery in France: A Nationwide Study |
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2021 |
Pages, Pierre-Benoit; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bonniaud, Philippe; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Piroth, Lionel; Cadranel, Jacques; Bernard, Alain; Quantin, Catherine |
Influence of trial duration on the bias of the estimated treatment effect in clinical trials when individual heterogeneity is ignored |
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2015 |
Cécilia-Joseph, Elsa; Auvert, Bertran; Broët, Philippe; Moreau, Thierry |
Association of severe placental inflammation with death prior to discharge and cerebral palsy in preterm infants |
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2016 |
Huetz, N.; Triau, S.; Leboucher, B.; Sentilhes, L.; Hanf, M.; Nguyen, S.; Flamant, C.; Roze, J. C.; Gascoin, G. |
Seasonal influenza vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome: A self-controlled case series study |
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2020 |
Grave, Clémence; Boucheron, Pauline; Rudant, Jérémie; Mikaeloff, Yann; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Escolano, Sylvie; Hocine, Mounia N.; Coste, Joël; Weill, Alain |
Background rates of adverse events of special interest for COVID-19 vaccines: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) analysis |
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2023 |
Phillips, A.; Jiang, Y.; Walsh, D.; Andrews, N.; Artama, M.; Clothier, H.; Cullen, L.; Deng, L.; Escolano, S.; Gentile, A.; Gidding, G.; Giglio, N.; Junker, T.; Huang, W.; Janjua, N.; Kwong, J.; Li, J.; Nasreen, S.; Naus, M.; Naveed, Z.; Pillsbury, A.; Stowe, J.; Vo, T.; Buttery, J.; Petousis-Harris, H.; Black, S.; Hviid, A. |
Dronedarone, amiodarone and other antiarrhythmic drugs, and acute liver injuries: a case-referent study |
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2018 |
Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Wiegand, Johannes; Lohse, Ansgar W.; Benichou, Jacques; Rossignol, Michel; Larrey, Dominique; Abenhaim, Lucien; Poynard, Thierry; Schott, Eckart; PGRx-ALI study group |
[Surveillance and detection of unusual events in toxicovigilance: Review of relevant methods] |
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2015 |
Faisandier, L.; Fouillet, A.; Bicout, D. J.; Golliot, F.; Ahmed, I.; Bringay, S.; Eilstein, D. |
Moment estimators of relatedness from low-depth whole-genome sequencing data |
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2022 |
Herzig, Anthony F.; Ciullo, M.; FranceGenRef Consortium; Leutenegger, A.-L.; Perdry, H. |
A test for comparing current status survival data with crossing hazard functions and its application to immunogenicity of biotherapeutics |
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2017 |
Jonas, Sarah Flora; Mbogning, Cyprien; Broët, Philippe |
More than one in two venous thromboembolism treated in French hospitals occurs during the hospital stays |
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2016 |
Allaert, Francois-André; Benzenine, Eric; Quantin, Catherine |
Using healthcare claims data to analyze the prevalence of BCR-ABL-positive chronic myeloid leukemia in France: A nationwide population-based study |
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2019 |
Foulon, Stéphanie; Cony-Makhoul, Pascale; Guerci-Bresler, Agnès; Delord, Marc; Solary, Eric; Monnereau, Alain; Bonastre*, Julia; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale |
Time to onset of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular outcomes after hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study |
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2023 |
Simon, Emmanuel; Bechraoui-Quantin S, Sonia; Tapia, Solène; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Cottin, Yves; Giroud, Maurice; Eicher, Jean-Christophe; Thilaganathan, Basky; Quantin, Catherine |
A Computer Prescribing Order Entry-Clinical Decision Support system designed for neonatal care: results of the 'preselected prescription' concept at the bedside |
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2017 |
Gouyon, B.; Iacobelli, S.; Saliba, E.; Quantin, C.; Pignolet, A.; Jacqz-Aigrain, E.; Gouyon, J. B. |
Cohort Profile: Longitudinal study of preterm infants in the Pays de la Loire region of France (LIFT cohort) |
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2017 |
Hanf, Matthieu; Nusinovici, Simon; Rouger, Valérie; Olivier, Marion; Berlie, Isabelle; Flamant, Cyril; Gascoin, Géraldine; Van Bogaert, Patrick; Rozé, Jean-Christophe |
A Bagged, Partially Linear, Tree-Based Regression Procedure for Prediction and Variable Selection |
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2015 |
Mbogning, Cyprien; Perdry, Hervé; Broët, Philippe |
Trends of Myocarditis and Endocarditis Cases before, during, and after the First Complete COVID-19-Related Lockdown in 2020 in France |
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2022 |
Pommier, Thibaut; Benzenine, Eric; Bernard, Chloé; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Béjot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Morgant, Marie-Catherine; Steinmetz, Eric; Guenancia, Charles; Bouchot, Olivier; Quantin, Catherine |
The first wave of COVID-19 in hospital staff members of a tertiary care hospital in the greater Paris area: A surveillance and risk factors study |
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2021 |
Davido, Benjamin; Gautier, Sylvain; Riom, Isabelle; Landowski, Stephanie; Lawrence, Christine; Thiebaut, Anne; Bessis, Simon; Perronne, Veronique; Mascitti, Helene; Noussair, Latifa; Rancon, Martine Domart; Touraine, Beatrice; Rouveix, Elisabeth; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Annane, Djilalli; de Truchis, Pierre; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Garches COVID-19 Collaborative Group |
Time knowledge acquisition in children aged 6 to 11 years and its relationship with numerical skills |
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2016 |
Labrell, Florence; Mikaeloff, Yann; Perdry, Hervé; Dellatolas, Georges |
Intrauterine balloon tamponade for management of severe postpartum haemorrhage in a perinatal network: a prospective cohort study |
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2017 |
Revert, M.; Cottenet, J.; Raynal, P.; Cibot, E.; Quantin, C.; Rozenberg, P. |
Empirical assessment of case-based methods for identification of drugs associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the French National Healthcare System database (SNDS) |
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2020 |
Thurin, Nicolas H.; Lassalle, Régis; Schuemie, Martijn; Pénichon, Marine; Gagne, Joshua J.; Rassen, Jeremy A.; Benichou, Jacques; Weill, Alain; Blin, Patrick; Moore, Nicholas; Droz-Perroteau, Cécile |
Incidence of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Following Macular Surgery in France Between 2006 and 2016 |
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2022 |
Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Baudin, Florian; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine |
Which patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, or juvenile idiopathic arthritis receive TNF-α antagonists in France? The CORPUS cohort study |
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2015 |
Saraux, Alain; Benichou, Jacques; Guillevin, Loic; Idbrik, Latifa; Job-Deslandre, Chantal; Sibilia, Jean; Soudant, Marc; Wendling, Daniel; Guillemin, Francis |
Recurrence and mortality 1 year after hospital admission for non-fatal self-harm: a nationwide population-based study |
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2019 |
Vuagnat, A.; Jollant, F.; Abbar, M.; Hawton, K.; Quantin, C. |