
Publications pour l'équipe Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Modélisation de l'impact d'une exposition médicamenteuse dans le temps : estimation de la fonction de risque et de la fraction de risque attribuable thesis 2022 Manitchoko, Liliane; Thiebaut, Anne; Benichou, Jacques
Model-observational bridging study on the effectiveness of ezetimibe on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in France: A population-based study journalArticle 2016 Ferrières, Jean; Dallongeville, Jean; Rossignol, Michel; Bénichou, Jacques; Caro, J. Jaime; Getsios, Denis; Hernandez, Luis; Abenhaim, Lucien; Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae
Mixed logistic regression in genome-wide association studies journalArticle 2020 Milet, Jacqueline; Courtin, David; Garcia, André; Perdry, Hervé
Misspecification of the covariance structure in generalized linear mixed models journalArticle 2016 Chavance, M.; Escolano, S.
Mesures d’impact de nouveaux parcours patient sur la qualité des soins thesis 2021 Sanchez, Marc-Antoine; Quantin, Catherine
Mefloquine Versus Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine for Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy: A Joint Analysis on Efficacy and Tolerability journalArticle 2015 Briand, Valérie; Escolano, Sylvie; Journot, Valérie; Massougbodji, Achille; Cot, Michel; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Mediolateral episiotomy and risk of obstetric anal sphincter injuries and adverse neonatal outcomes during operative vaginal delivery in nulliparous women: a propensity-score analysis journalArticle 2022 Desplanches, Thomas; Marchand-Martin, Laetitia; Szczepanski, Emilie-Denise; Ruillier, Marie; Cottenet, Jonathan; Semama, Denis; Simon, Emmanuel; Quantin, Catherine; Sagot, Paul
Measuring dynamic social contacts in a rehabilitation hospital: effect of wards, patient and staff characteristics journalArticle 2018 Duval, Audrey; Obadia, Thomas; Martinet, Lucie; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; Fleury, Eric; Guillemot, Didier; Opatowski, Lulla; Temime, Laura; I-Bird study group
Major postpartum haemorrhage after frozen embryo transfer: A population-based study journalArticle 2023 Al-Khatib, Amélie; Sagot, Paul; Cottenet, Jonathan; Aroun, Massinissa; Quantin, Catherine; Desplanches, Thomas
Maintenance nifedipine therapy for preterm symptomatic placenta previa: A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial journalArticle 2017 Verspyck, Eric; de Vienne, Claire; Muszynski, Charles; Bubenheim, Michael; Chanavaz-Lacheray, Isabella; Dreyfus, Michel; Deruelle, Philippe; Benichou, Jacques
Machine learning predicts response to TNF inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis: results on the ESPOIR and ABIRISK cohorts journalArticle 2022 Bouget, Vincent; Duquesne, Julien; Hassler, Signe; Cournède, Paul-Henry; Fautrel, Bruno; Guillemin, Francis; Pallardy, Marc; Broët, Philippe; Mariette, Xavier; Bitoun, Samuel
Long-Term Relative Survival after Stroke: The Dijon Stroke Registry journalArticle 2019 Romain, Gaëlle; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Jooste, Valérie; Duloquin, Gauthier; Thomas, Quentin; Durier, Jérôme; Giroud, Maurice; Quantin, Catherine; Béjot, Yannick
Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer: meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials journalArticle 2018 Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group (EBCTCG)
Last year of life of adults with congenital heart diseases: causes of death and patterns of care journalArticle 2022 Van Bulck, Liesbet; Goossens, Eva; Morin, Lucas; Luyckx, Koen; Ombelet, Fouke; Willems, Ruben; Budts, Werner; De Groote, Katya; De Backer, Julie; Annemans, Lieven; Moniotte, Stéphane; de Hosson, Michèle; Marelli, Arianne; Moons, Philip; BELCODAC consortium
Joint Bayesian weight and height postnatal growth model to study the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy journalArticle 2017 Carles, Sophie; Charles, Marie-Aline; Heude, Barbara; Ahmed, Ismaïl; Botton, Jérémie; EDEN mother-child study group
Is there variation between hospitals within each region in postoperative mortality for lung cancer surgery in France? A nationwide study from 2013 to 2020 journalArticle 2023 Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Pages, Pierre-Benoit; Quantin, Catherine
Is the Validity of Logistic Regression Models Developed with a National Hospital Database Inferior to Models Developed from Clinical Databases to Analyze Surgical Lung Cancers? journalArticle 2024 Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine
Is the Risk of Wound Infection Related to Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Graft Potentiated by Age? journalArticle 2016 Luzurier, Quentin; Le Guillou, Vincent; Lottin, Marion; Vermeulin, Thomas; Marini, Hélène; Petel, Tristan; Czernichow, Pierre; Bessou, Jean-Paul; Bénichou, Jacques; Merle, Véronique
Is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus a Risk Factor of Maternal Breast Cancer? A Systematic Review of the Literature journalArticle 2021 Simon, Julien; Goueslard, Karine; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Arveux, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine
Is combined cataract surgery associated with acute postoperative endophthalmitis? A nationwide study from 2005 to 2014 journalArticle 2019 Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P.; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine
Is an activity volume threshold really realistic for lung cancer resection? journalArticle 2018 Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Quantin, Catherine; Pagès, Pierre-Benoit
Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach journalArticle 2015 Escolano, Sylvie; Hill, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Intrauterine Balloon Tamponade for Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage journalArticle 2018 Revert, Mathilde; Rozenberg, Patrick; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine
Intrauterine balloon tamponade for management of severe postpartum haemorrhage in a perinatal network: a prospective cohort study journalArticle 2017 Revert, M.; Cottenet, J.; Raynal, P.; Cibot, E.; Quantin, C.; Rozenberg, P.
Integrating NGS-derived mutational profiling in the diagnosis of multiple lung adenocarcinomas journalArticle 2021 Ezer, Nicole; Wang, Hangjun; Corredor, Andrea Gomez; Fiset, Pierre Olivier; Baig, Ayesha; van Kempen, Léon C.; Chong, George; Issac, Marianne S. M.; Fraser, Richard; Spatz, Alan; Riviere, Jean-Baptiste; Broët, Philippe; Spicer, Jonathan; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie
Instrumental variable analysis in the context of dichotomous outcome and exposure with a numerical experiment in pharmacoepidemiology journalArticle 2018 Koladjo, Babagnidé François; Escolano, Sylvie; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Influence of trial duration on the bias of the estimated treatment effect in clinical trials when individual heterogeneity is ignored journalArticle 2015 Cécilia-Joseph, Elsa; Auvert, Bertran; Broët, Philippe; Moreau, Thierry
Individual health insurance data of antibiotic delivery in previous months as a tool to predict bacterial resistance of urinary tract infection: A prospective cohort study journalArticle 2024 Alexandre, Kévin; Gillibert, André; Dahyot, Sandrine; Fabre, Roland; Kuhn, Francis; Benichou, Jacques; Delbos, Valérie; Caron, François
Increasing burden of noninfectious lung disease in persons living with HIV: a 7-year study using the French nationwide hospital administrative database journalArticle 2018 Maitre, Thomas; Cottenet, Jonathan; Beltramo, Guillaume; Georges, Marjolaine; Blot, Mathieu; Piroth, Lionel; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine
Increased Risk of Rehospitalization for Acute Diabetes Complications and Suicide Attempts in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes and Comorbid Schizophrenia journalArticle 2018 Goueslard, Karine; Petit, Jean-Michel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Jollant, Fabrice; Quantin, Catherine
Increased Risk of Hospitalization for Pancreatic Cancer in the First 8 Years after a Gestational Diabetes Mellitus regardless of Subsequent Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Study journalArticle 2021 Simon, Julien; Goueslard, Karine; Arveux, Patrick; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Petit, Jean-Michel; Quantin, Catherine
Increased risk of colon cancer after acute appendicitis: a nationwide, population-based study journalArticle 2023 Viennet, Manon; Tapia, Solène; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bernard, Alain; Ortega-Deballon, Pablo; Quantin, Catherine
Increase in American Joint Committee on Cancer Stage at Diagnosis for Patients with Skin Cancers after the COVID-19 Lockdown journalArticle 2022 Nardin, Charlée; Senot, Lise; Pernot, Paul; Puzenat, Eve; Aubin, François; Morin, Lucas
Incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in France from 2010 to 2016: seasonal and geographical variations journalArticle 2022 Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Baudin, Florian; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P.
Incidence of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Following Macular Surgery in France Between 2006 and 2016 journalArticle 2022 Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Baudin, Florian; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Incidence of new-onset type 1 diabetes during Covid-19 pandemic: A French nationwide population-based study journalArticle 2023 Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Petit, Jean-Michel; Benzenine, Eric; Quantin, Catherine; Bouillet, Benjamin
Incidence of acute postoperative endophthalmitis following macular surgery in France between 2006 and 2016 journalArticle 2019 Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Bron, Alain M.; Baudin, Florian; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Incidence of Acute Postoperative Endophthalmitis after Cataract Surgery: A Nationwide Study in France from 2005 to 2014 journalArticle 2016 Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; de Lazzer, Aurélie; Chiquet, Christophe; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine
Incidence and risk factors for striae gravidarum journalArticle 2015 Picard, Damien; Sellier, Séverine; Houivet, Estelle; Marpeau, Loic; Fournet, Patrick; Thobois, Bernard; Bénichou, Jacques; Joly, Pascal
Incidence and risk factors for adalimumab and infliximab anti-drug antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: A European retrospective multicohort analysis journalArticle 2019 Quistrebert, Jocelyn; Hässler, Signe; Bachelet, Delphine; Mbogning, Cyprien; Musters, Anne; Tak, Paul Peter; Wijbrandts, Carla Ann; Herenius, Marieke; Bergstra, Sytske Anne; Akdemir, Gülşah; Johannesson, Martina; Combe, Bernard; Fautrel, Bruno; Chollet-Martin, Sylvie; Gleizes, Aude; Donnellan, Naoimh; Deisenhammer, Florian; Davidson, Julie; Hincelin-Mery, Agnès; Dönnes, Pierre; Fogdell-Hahn, Anna; De Vries, Niek; Huizinga, Tom; Abugessaisa, Imad; Saevarsdottir, Saedis; Hacein-Bey-Abina, Salima; Pallardy, Marc; Broët, Philippe; Mariette, Xavier; ABIRISK Consortium