
Publications pour l'équipe Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2021 Piroth, Lionel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bonniaud, Philippe; Blot, Mathieu; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine
Comparison of rehospitalization rates in France and the United States journalArticle 2015 Gusmano, Michael; Rodwin, Victor; Weisz, Daniel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine
Comparison of real costs in the French healthcare system in newly diagnosed patients with pemphigus for first-line treatment with rituximab vs. standard corticosteroid regimen: data from a national multicentre trial journalArticle 2019 Hébert, V.; Vermeulin, T.; Tanguy, L.; Tedbirt, B.; Mignard, C.; Bénichou, J.; Joly, P.
Comparison of methods for estimating the attributable risk in the context of survival analysis journalArticle 2017 Gassama, Malamine; Bénichou, Jacques; Dartois, Laureen; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.
Comparison of Epithor clinical national database and medico-administrative database to identify the influence of case-mix on the estimation of hospital outliers journalArticle 2019 Bernard, Alain; Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel; Thomas, Pascal Antoine; Rivera, Caroline; Brouchet, Laurent; Baste, Jean Marc; Puyraveau, Marc; Quantin, Catherine; Pages, Pierre Benoit; Dahan, Marcel
Comparison of cohort and nested case-control designs for estimating the effect of time-varying drug exposure on the risk of adverse event in the presence of ties journalArticle 2023 Manitchoko, Liliane; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Benichou, Jacques; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.
Comparison of Cancer Patients to Non-Cancer Patients among COVID-19 Inpatients at a National Level journalArticle 2021 Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bonniaud, Philippe; Piroth, Lionel; Arveux, Patrick; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine
Comparative Real-Life Effectiveness and Safety of Dabigatran or Rivaroxaban vs. Vitamin K Antagonists: A High-Dimensional Propensity Score Matched New Users Cohort Study in the French National Healthcare Data System SNDS journalArticle 2020 Blin, Patrick; Dureau-Pournin, Caroline; Bénichou, Jacques; Cottin, Yves; Mismetti, Patrick; Abouelfath, Abdelilah; Lassalle, Regis; Droz, Cécile; Moore, Nicholas
Combined effects of increasing maternal age and nulliparity on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and small for gestational age journalArticle 2019 Desplanches, Thomas; Bouit, Camille; Cottenet, Jonathan; Szczepanski, Emilie; Quantin, Catherine; Fauque, Patricia; Sagot, Paul
Colloque Adelf-Emois journalArticle 2020 Quantin, C.; Chatellier, G.; Taright, N.; Le Goaster, C.
Collection and storage of human white blood cells for analysis of DNA damage and repair activity using the comet assay in molecular epidemiology studies journalArticle 2021 Møller, Peter; Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel; Stopper, Helga; Giovannelli, Lisa; Ladeira, Carina; Koppen, Gudrun; Gajski, Goran; Collins, Andrew; Valdiglesias, Vanessa; Laffon, Blanca; Boutet-Robinet, Elisa; Perdry, Hervé; Del Bo', Cristian; Langie, Sabine A. S.; Dusinska, Maria; Azqueta, Amaya
COL4A1/COL4A2 and inherited platelet disorder gene variants in fetuses showing intracranial hemorrhage journalArticle 2022 Coste, Thibault; Vincent-Delorme, Catherine; Stichelbout, Morgane; Devisme, Louise; Gelot, Antoinette; Deryabin, Igor; Pelluard, Fanny; Aloui, Chaker; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Jouannic, Jean-Marie; Héron, Delphine; Gould, Douglas B.; Tournier-Lasserve, Elisabeth
Cohort Profile: Longitudinal study of preterm infants in the Pays de la Loire region of France (LIFT cohort) journalArticle 2017 Hanf, Matthieu; Nusinovici, Simon; Rouger, Valérie; Olivier, Marion; Berlie, Isabelle; Flamant, Cyril; Gascoin, Géraldine; Van Bogaert, Patrick; Rozé, Jean-Christophe
Close proximity interactions support transmission of ESBL-K. pneumoniae but not ESBL-E. coli in healthcare settings journalArticle 2019 Duval, Audrey; Obadia, Thomas; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; Fleury, Eric; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Guillemot, Didier; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; i-Bird Study group
Clinicogenomic factors of biotherapy immunogenicity in autoimmune disease: A prospective multicohort study of the ABIRISK consortium journalArticle 2020 Hässler, Signe; Bachelet, Delphine; Duhaze, Julianne; Szely, Natacha; Gleizes, Aude; Hacein-Bey Abina, Salima; Aktas, Orhan; Auer, Michael; Avouac, Jerôme; Birchler, Mary; Bouhnik, Yoram; Brocq, Olivier; Buck-Martin, Dorothea; Cadiot, Guillaume; Carbonnel, Franck; Chowers, Yehuda; Comabella, Manuel; Derfuss, Tobias; De Vries, Niek; Donnellan, Naoimh; Doukani, Abiba; Guger, Michael; Hartung, Hans-Peter; Kubala Havrdova, Eva; Hemmer, Bernhard; Huizinga, Tom; Ingenhoven, Kathleen; Hyldgaard-Jensen, Poul Erik; Jury, Elizabeth C.; Khalil, Michael; Kieseier, Bernd; Laurén, Anna; Lindberg, Raija; Loercher, Amy; Maggi, Enrico; Manson, Jessica; Mauri, Claudia; Mohand Oumoussa, Badreddine; Montalban, Xavier; Nachury, Maria; Nytrova, Petra; Richez, Christophe; Ryner, Malin; Sellebjerg, Finn; Sievers, Claudia; Sikkema, Dan; Soubrier, Martin; Tourdot, Sophie; Trang, Caroline; Vultaggio, Alessandra; Warnke, Clemens; Spindeldreher, Sebastian; Dönnes, Pierre; Hickling, Timothy P.; Hincelin Mery, A
Clinical practice of analysis of anti-drug antibodies against interferon beta and natalizumab in multiple sclerosis patients in Europe: A descriptive study of test results journalArticle 2017 Link, Jenny; Ramanujam, Ryan; Auer, Michael; Ryner, Malin; Hässler, Signe; Bachelet, Delphine; Mbogning, Cyprien; Warnke, Clemens; Buck, Dorothea; Hyldgaard Jensen, Poul Erik; Sievers, Claudia; Ingenhoven, Kathleen; Fissolo, Nicolas; Lindberg, Raija; Grummel, Verena; Donnellan, Naoimh; Comabella, Manuel; Montalban, Xavier; Kieseier, Bernd; Soelberg Sørensen, Per; Hartung, Hans-Peter; Derfuss, Tobias; Lawton, Andy; Sikkema, Dan; Pallardy, Marc; Hemmer, Bernhard; Deisenhammer, Florian; Broët, Philippe; Dönnes, Pierre; Davidson, Julie; Fogdell-Hahn, Anna; ABIRISK Consortium
Clinical interpretation of variants identified in RNU4ATAC, a non-coding spliceosomal gene journalArticle 2020 Benoit-Pilven, Clara; Besson, Alicia; Putoux, Audrey; Benetollo, Claire; Saccaro, Clément; Guguin, Justine; Sala, Gabriel; Cologne, Audric; Delous, Marion; Lesca, Gaetan; Padgett, Richard A.; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Lacroix, Vincent; Edery, Patrick; Mazoyer, Sylvie
Class-imbalanced subsampling lasso algorithm for discovering adverse drug reactions journalArticle 2018 Ahmed, Ismaïl; Pariente, Antoine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Chronic respiratory diseases are predictors of severe outcome in COVID-19 hospitalised patients: a nationwide study journalArticle 2021 Beltramo, Guillaume; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Georges, Marjolaine; Piroth, Lionel; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine
Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: prevalence, favouring pulmonary diseases and prognosis journalArticle 2021 Maitre, Thomas; Cottenet, Jonathan; Godet, Cendrine; Roussot, Adrien; Abdoul Carime, Nafiz; Ok, Vichita; Parrot, Antoine; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine; Cadranel, Jacques
Cardiovascular Surgical Emergencies in France, before, during and after the First Lockdown for COVID-19 in 2020: A Comparative Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study journalArticle 2021 Baudry, Anna; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Crespy, Valentin; Bernard, Chloé; Morgant, Marie-Catherine; Bejot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Bouchot, Olivier; Steinmetz, Eric; Quantin, Catherine
Calculation of cut-off values based on the Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disorder Intensity Score (ABSIS) and Pemphigus Disease Area Index (PDAI) pemphigus scoring systems for defining moderate, significant and extensive types of pemphigus journalArticle 2016 Boulard, C.; Duvert Lehembre, S.; Picard-Dahan, C.; Kern, J. S.; Zambruno, G.; Feliciani, C.; Marinovic, B.; Vabres, P.; Borradori, L.; Prost-Squarcioni, C.; Labeille, B.; Richard, M. A.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Houivet, E.; Werth, V. P.; Murrell, D. F.; Hertl, M.; Benichou, J.; Joly, P.; International Pemphigus Study Group
Caffeine use during pregnancy: prevalence of use and newborn consequences in a cohort of French pregnant women journalArticle 2020 Lamy, Sandrine; Houivet, Estelle; Benichou, Jacques; Marret, Stéphane; Thibaut, Florence; Perinatal network of Upper-Normandy
Burden of status epilepticus: prognosis and cost driving factors, insight from a nationwide retrospective cohort study of the French health insurance database journalArticle 2024 Calonge, Quentin; Le Gac, François; Chavez, Mario; Degremont, Adeline; Quantin, Catherine; Tubach, Florence; du Montcel, Sophie Tezenas; Navarro, Vincent
Bayesian model selection in logistic regression for the detection of adverse drug reactions journalArticle 2016 Marbac, Matthieu; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Sedki, Mohammed
Bagging survival tree procedure for variable selection and prediction in the presence of nonsusceptible patients journalArticle 2016 Mbogning, Cyprien; Broët, Philippe
Background rates of adverse events of special interest for COVID-19 vaccines: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) analysis journalArticle 2023 Phillips, A.; Jiang, Y.; Walsh, D.; Andrews, N.; Artama, M.; Clothier, H.; Cullen, L.; Deng, L.; Escolano, S.; Gentile, A.; Gidding, G.; Giglio, N.; Junker, T.; Huang, W.; Janjua, N.; Kwong, J.; Li, J.; Nasreen, S.; Naus, M.; Naveed, Z.; Pillsbury, A.; Stowe, J.; Vo, T.; Buttery, J.; Petousis-Harris, H.; Black, S.; Hviid, A.
Autologous Myoblasts for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence: Results of a Phase 2 Randomized Placebo-controlled Study (MIAS) journalArticle 2018 Boyer, Olivier; Bridoux, Valérie; Giverne, Camille; Bisson, Aurélie; Koning, Edith; Leroi, Anne-Marie; Chambon, Pascal; Déhayes, Justine; Le Corre, Stephanie; Jacquot, Serge; Bastit, Dominique; Martinet, Jérémie; Houivet, Estelle; Tuech, Jean-Jacques; Benichou, Jacques; Michot, Francis; and the Study Group of Myoblast Therapy for Faecal Incontinence
Authors' Response: Using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) to evaluate sexual function in women with genital mutilation undergoing surgical reconstruction: a pilot prospective study journalArticle 2016 Wylomanski, Sophie; Vital, Mathilde; Hanf, Matthieu; Winer, Norbert
Author reply journalArticle 2024 Al Khatib, A.; Sagot, P.; Cottenet, J.; Aroun, M.; Quantin, C.; Desplanches, T.
Author reply journalArticle 2024 Goueslard, Karine; Jollant, Fabrice; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Rozenberg, Patrick; Simon, Emmanuel; Quantin, Catherine
Author Correction: Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries journalArticle 2021 Clesse, Christophe; Cottenet, Jonathan; Lighezzolo-Alnot, Joelle; Goueslard, Karine; Scheffler, Michele; Sagot, Paul; Quantin, Catherine
Author Correction: DNA damage in circulating leukocytes measured with the comet assay may predict the risk of death journalArticle 2021 Bonassi, Stefano; Ceppi, Marcello; Møller, Peter; Azqueta, Amaya; Milić, Mirta; Neri, Monica; Brunborg, Gunnar; Godschalk, Roger; Koppen, Gudrun; Langie, Sabine A. S.; Teixeira, João Paulo; Bruzzone, Marco; Da Silva, Juliana; Benedetti, Danieli; Cavallo, Delia; Ursini, Cinzia Lucia; Giovannelli, Lisa; Moretti, Silvia; Riso, Patrizia; Del Bo', Cristian; Russo, Patrizia; Dobrzyńska, Malgorzata; Goroshinskaya, Irina A.; Surikova, Ekaterina I.; Staruchova, Marta; Barančokova, Magdalena; Volkovova, Katarina; Kažimirova, Alena; Smolkova, Bozena; Laffon, Blanca; Valdiglesias, Vanessa; Pastor, Susana; Marcos, Ricard; Hernández, Alba; Gajski, Goran; Spremo-Potparević, Biljana; Živković, Lada; Boutet-Robinet, Elisa; Perdry, Hervé; Lebailly, Pierre; Perez, Carlos L.; Basaran, Nursen; Nemeth, Zsuzsanna; Safar, Anna; Dusinska, Maria; Collins, Andrew; hCOMET project
Association of severe placental inflammation with death prior to discharge and cerebral palsy in preterm infants journalArticle 2016 Huetz, N.; Triau, S.; Leboucher, B.; Sentilhes, L.; Hanf, M.; Nguyen, S.; Flamant, C.; Roze, J. C.; Gascoin, G.
Association of occupational exposure with features of systemic sclerosis journalArticle 2015 Marie, Isabelle; Menard, Jean-François; Duval-Modeste, Anne-Bénédicte; Joly, Pascal; Dominique, Stéphane; Bravard, Pierre; Noël, David; Gehanno, Jean-François; Bubenheim, Michael; Benichou, Jacques; Levesque, Hervé
Association of Acute Endophthalmitis With Intravitreal Injections of Corticosteroids or Anti-Vascular Growth Factor Agents in a Nationwide Study in France journalArticle 2018 Baudin, Florian; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bron, Alain M.; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean François; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Association between vaccination and the risk of central demyelination: results from a case-referent study journalArticle 2023 Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae; Papeix, Caroline; Hamon, Yann; Benichou, Jacques; Abenhaim, Lucien
Association between Pseudomonas aeruginosa positive water samples and healthcare-associated cases: nine-year study at one university hospital journalArticle 2017 Lefebvre, A.; Bertrand, X.; Quantin, C.; Vanhems, P.; Lucet, J.-C.; Nuemi, G.; Astruc, K.; Chavanet, P.; Aho-Glélé, L. S.
Association between Obstetric Complications and Intravitreal Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Agents or Intravitreal Corticosteroids journalArticle 2022 Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Bardou, Marc; Bron, Alain Marie; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Baudin, Florian; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Association between humoral serological markers levels and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection after the primary COVID-19 vaccine course among ANRS0001S COV-POPART cohort participants journalArticle 2024 Chalouni, Mathieu; Loubet, Paul; Lhomme, Edouard; Ninove, Laetitia; Barrou, Benoit; Blay, Jean-Yves; Hourmant, Maryvonne; de Seze, Jérome; Laville, Martine; Laviolle, Bruno; Lelièvre, Jean-Daniel; Morel, Jacques; Quoc, Stéphanie Nguyen; Spano, Jean-Philippe; Terrier, Benjamin; Thiebaut, Anne; Viallard, Jean-Francois; Vrtovsnik, François; Circosta, Sophie; Barquin, Aude; Gharib, Mariam; Tartour, Eric; Parfait, Béatrice; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Meyer, Laurence; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Launay, Odile; Wittkop, Linda; ANRS0001S COV-POPART study group