
Publications pour l'équipe Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Quantifying the Predictive Accuracy of a Polygenic Risk Score for Predicting Incident Cancer Cases : Application to the CARTaGENE Cohort journalArticle 2020 Duhazé, Julianne; Jantzen, Rodolphe; Payette, Yves; De Malliard, Thibault; Labbé, Catherine; Noisel, Nolwenn; Broët, Philippe
Occupational exposures and fluorescent oxidation products in 723 adults of the EGEA study journalArticle 2015 Dumas, Orianne; Matran, Régis; Zerimech, Farid; Decoster, Brigitte; Huyvaert, Helene; Ahmed, Ismail; Le Moual, Nicole; Nadif, Rachel
Approches statistiques en pharmacoépidémiologie pour la prise en compte de facteurs de confusion indirectement mesurés dans les bases médico-administratives thesis 2024 Duong, Chi hong; Tubert-bitter, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
Estimation of mid-and long-term benefits and hypothetical risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome after human papillomavirus vaccination among boys in France: A simulation study journalArticle 2022 Duong, Chi-Hong; Mueller, Judith E.; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Escolano, Sylvie
Glucocorticoid-sparing effect of first-year anti-TNFα treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (CORPUS Cohort) journalArticle 2017 Duquenne, Carole; Wendling, Daniel; Sibilia, Jean; Job-Deslandre, Chantal; Guillevin, Loic; Benichou, Jacques; Flipo, René Marc; Guillemin, Francis; Saraux, Alain
Risk of non-fatal self-harm and premature mortality in the three years following hospitalization in adolescents and young adults with an eating disorder: A nationwide population-based study journalArticle 2023 Duriez, Philibert; Goueslard, Karine; Treasure, Janet; Quantin, Catherine; Jollant, Fabrice
Effect of Cognitive Reserve on the Association of Vascular Brain Injury With Cognition: Analysis of the PURE and CAHHM Studies journalArticle 2021 Durrani, Romella; Friedrich, Matthias G.; Schulze, Karleen M.; Awadalla, Philip; Balasubramanian, Kumar; Black, Sandra E.; Broet, Philippe; Busseuil, David; Desai, Dipika; Dummer, Trevor; Dick, Alexander; Hicks, Jason; Iype, Thomas; Kelton, David; Kirpalani, Anish; Lear, Scott A.; Leipsic, Jonathon; Li, Wei; McCreary, Cheryl R.; Moody, Alan R.; Noseworthy, Michael D.; Parraga, Grace; Poirier, Paul; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Szczesniak, Dorota; Szuba, Andrzej; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teo, Koon; Vena, Jennifer E.; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Zimny, Anna; Lee, Douglas S.; Yusuf, Salim; Anand, Sonia S.; Smith, Eric E.
Close proximity interactions support transmission of ESBL-K. pneumoniae but not ESBL-E. coli in healthcare settings journalArticle 2019 Duval, Audrey; Obadia, Thomas; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; Fleury, Eric; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Guillemot, Didier; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; i-Bird Study group
Measuring dynamic social contacts in a rehabilitation hospital: effect of wards, patient and staff characteristics journalArticle 2018 Duval, Audrey; Obadia, Thomas; Martinet, Lucie; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; Fleury, Eric; Guillemot, Didier; Opatowski, Lulla; Temime, Laura; I-Bird study group
Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer: meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials journalArticle 2018 Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group (EBCTCG)
Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach journalArticle 2015 Escolano, Sylvie; Hill, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Accounting for indirect protection in the benefit-risk ratio estimation of rotavirus vaccination in children under the age of 5 years, France, 2018 journalArticle 2020 Escolano, Sylvie; Mueller, Judith E.; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Integrating NGS-derived mutational profiling in the diagnosis of multiple lung adenocarcinomas journalArticle 2021 Ezer, Nicole; Wang, Hangjun; Corredor, Andrea Gomez; Fiset, Pierre Olivier; Baig, Ayesha; van Kempen, Léon C.; Chong, George; Issac, Marianne S. M.; Fraser, Richard; Spatz, Alan; Riviere, Jean-Baptiste; Broët, Philippe; Spicer, Jonathan; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie
[Surveillance and detection of unusual events in toxicovigilance: Review of relevant methods] journalArticle 2015 Faisandier, L.; Fouillet, A.; Bicout, D. J.; Golliot, F.; Ahmed, I.; Bringay, S.; Eilstein, D.
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals journalArticle 2024 Faksova, K.; Walsh, D.; Jiang, Y.; Griffin, J.; Phillips, A.; Gentile, A.; Kwong, J. C.; Macartney, K.; Naus, M.; Grange, Z.; Escolano, S.; Sepulveda, G.; Shetty, A.; Pillsbury, A.; Sullivan, C.; Naveed, Z.; Janjua, N. Z.; Giglio, N.; Perälä, J.; Nasreen, S.; Gidding, H.; Hovi, P.; Vo, T.; Cui, F.; Deng, L.; Cullen, L.; Artama, M.; Weintraub, E.; Lu, H.; Clothier, H. J.; Batty, K.; Paynter, J.; Petousis-Harris, H.; Buttery, J.; Black, S.; Hviid, A.
Model-observational bridging study on the effectiveness of ezetimibe on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in France: A population-based study journalArticle 2016 Ferrières, Jean; Dallongeville, Jean; Rossignol, Michel; Bénichou, Jacques; Caro, J. Jaime; Getsios, Denis; Hernandez, Luis; Abenhaim, Lucien; Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae
[The use of administrative health databases in infectious disease epidemiology and public health] journalArticle 2017 Fonteneau, L.; Le Meur, N.; Cohen-Akenine, A.; Pessel, C.; Brouard, C.; Delon, F.; Desjeux, G.; Durand, J.; Kirchgesner, J.; Lapidus, N.; Lemaitre, M.; Tala, S.; Thiébaut, A.; Watier, L.; Rudant, J.; Guillon-Grammatico, L.
Growing Income-Based Inequalities in Old-Age Life Expectancy in Sweden, 2006-2015 journalArticle 2021 Fors, Stefan; Wastesson, Jonas W.; Morin, Lucas
Use of intravenous iron and risk of anaphylaxis: A multinational observational post-authorisation safety study in Europe journalArticle 2021 Fortuny, Joan; von Gersdorff, Gero; Lassalle, Régis; Linder, Marie; Overbeek, Jetty; Reinold, Jonas; Toft, Gunnar; Timmer, Antje; Dress, Jochen; Blin, Patrick; Droz-Perroteau, Cécile; Ehrenstein, Vera; Franzoni, Carla; Herings, Ron; Kollhorst, Bianca; Moore, Nicholas; Odsbu, Ingvild; Perez-Gutthann, Susana; Schink, Tania; Rascher, Katherine; Rasouliyan, Lawrence; Rothman, Kenneth J.; Saigi-Morgui, Nuria; Schaller, Mathias; Smits, Elisabeth; Forstner, Michael; Intravenous Iron Consortium; Bénichou, Jacques; Bircher, Andreas J.; Garbe, Edeltraut; Rampton, David S.; Gutierrez, Lia
Health state utility and quality of life measures in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in France journalArticle 2021 Foulon, S; Cony-Makhoul, P; Guerci-Bresler, A; Daban, M; Kapso, R; Tubert-Bitter*, P; Bonastre*, J
Développements méthodologiques pour l'étude du rôle des variants récessifs rares dans les maladies multifactorielles thesis 2022 Foulon, Sidonie; Perdry, Hervé; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Truong, Thérèse
Using healthcare claims data to analyze the prevalence of BCR-ABL-positive chronic myeloid leukemia in France: A nationwide population-based study journalArticle 2019 Foulon, Stéphanie; Cony-Makhoul, Pascale; Guerci-Bresler, Agnès; Delord, Marc; Solary, Eric; Monnereau, Alain; Bonastre*, Julia; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale
Application of three statistical approaches to explore effects of dietary intake of multiple persistent organic pollutants on ER-positive breast cancer risk in the French E3N cohort journalArticle 2025 Frenoy, Pauline; Ahmed, Ismaïl; Marques, Chloé; Ren, Xuan; Severi, Gianluca; Perduca, Vittorio; Mancini, Francesca Romana
Deficit of Fat Free Mass in Very Preterm Infants at Discharge is Associated with Neurological Impairment at Age 2 Years journalArticle 2018 Frondas-Chauty, Anne; Simon, Laure; Flamant, Cyril; Hanf, Matthieu; Darmaun, Dominique; Rozé, Jean-Christophe
Comparison of methods for estimating the attributable risk in the context of survival analysis journalArticle 2017 Gassama, Malamine; Bénichou, Jacques; Dartois, Laureen; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.
Diabetes, Brain Infarcts, Cognition, and Small Vessels in the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds Study journalArticle 2021 Gerstein, Hertzel C.; Smith, Eric E.; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie; Desai, Dipika; Awadalla, Philip; Broet, Philippe; Black, Sandra; Dummer, Trevor J. B.; Hicks, Jason; Moody, Alan; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teo, Koon K.; Vena, Jennifer; Yusuf, Salim; Lee, Douglas S.; Friedrich, Matthias G.; Anand, Sonia S.
Multi-state relative survival modelling of colorectal cancer progression and mortality journalArticle 2015 Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Mahboubi, Amel; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Dejardin, Olivier; Huszti, Ella; Binquet, Christine; Quantin, Catherine
Critères d'évaluation de la validité des estimateurs d'intervalle de confiance thesis 2021 Gillibert, André; Benichou, Jacques; Falissard, Bruno
Positive Predictive Value of French Hospitalization Discharge Codes for Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack journalArticle 2015 Giroud, Maurice; Hommel, Marc; Benzenine, Eric; Fauconnier, Jérôme; Béjot, Yannick; Quantin, Catherine; FRESCO Study
Neonatal Length Growth and Height at Two Years journalArticle 2016 Goisbault, Manon; Simon, Laure; Hanf, Mathieu; Darmaun, Dominique; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Flamant, Cyril
[The REDSIAM network] journalArticle 2017 Goldberg, M.; Carton, M.; Doussin, A.; Fagot-Campagna, A.; Heyndrickx, E.; Lemaitre, M.; Nicolau, J.; Quantin, C.
A Cohort Study of Adolescent and Midlife Diet and Pancreatic Cancer Risk in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study journalArticle 2017 Gordon-Dseagu, Vanessa L. Z.; Thompson, Frances E.; Subar, Amy F.; Ruder, Elizabeth H.; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Potischman, Nancy; Stolzenberg-Solomon, Rachael
Refine penetrance estimates in the main pathogenic variants of transthyretin hereditary (familial) amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) using a new non-parametric approach (NPSE) journalArticle 2017 Gorram, Farida; Alarcon, Flora; Perdry, Hervé; Hébrard, Bérénice; Damy, Thibaud; Fanen, Pascale; Funalot, Benoît; Nuel, Gregory; Planté-Bordeneuve, Violaine
Early screening for type 2 diabetes following gestational diabetes mellitus in France: hardly any impact of the 2010 guidelines journalArticle 2017 Goueslard, K.; Cottenet, J.; Mariet, A.-S.; Sagot, P.; Petit, J.-M.; Quantin, C.
Self-harm hospitalization following bariatric surgery in adolescents and young adults journalArticle 2022 Goueslard, K.; Jollant, F.; Petit, J. M.; Quantin, C.
Validation study: evaluation of the metrological quality of French hospital data for perinatal algorithms journalArticle 2020 Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Benzenine, Eric; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine
Evaluation of the Quality of French Hospital Data for Perinatal Algorithms journalArticle 2020 Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Benzenine, Eric; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine
Early cardiovascular events in women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus journalArticle 2016 Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Giroud, Maurice; Cottin, Yves; Petit, Jean-Michel; Quantin, Catherine
How did episiotomy rates change from 2007 to 2014? Population-based study in France journalArticle 2018 Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Roussot, Adrien; Clesse, Christophe; Sagot, Paul; Quantin, Catherine
Author reply journalArticle 2024 Goueslard, Karine; Jollant, Fabrice; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Rozenberg, Patrick; Simon, Emmanuel; Quantin, Catherine