
Publications pour l'équipe Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Diabetes, Brain Infarcts, Cognition, and Small Vessels in the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds Study journalArticle 2021 Gerstein, Hertzel C.; Smith, Eric E.; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie; Desai, Dipika; Awadalla, Philip; Broet, Philippe; Black, Sandra; Dummer, Trevor J. B.; Hicks, Jason; Moody, Alan; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teo, Koon K.; Vena, Jennifer; Yusuf, Salim; Lee, Douglas S.; Friedrich, Matthias G.; Anand, Sonia S.
OntoBioStat: Supporting Causal Diagram Design and Analysis journalArticle 2022 Pressat Laffouilhère, Thibaut; Grosjean, Julien; Bénichou, Jacques; Darmoni, Stefan J.; Soualmia, Lina F.
Real-World Long-Term Ivacaftor for Cystic Fibrosis in France: Clinical Effectiveness and Healthcare Resource Utilization journalArticle 2021 Hubert, Dominique; Marguet, Christophe; Benichou, Jacques; DeSouza, Cynthia; Payen-Champenois, Catherine; Kinnman, Nils; Chandarana, Keval; Munck, Anne; Fajac, Isabelle; BRIO Study Group
Is combined cataract surgery associated with acute postoperative endophthalmitis? A nationwide study from 2005 to 2014 journalArticle 2019 Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P.; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine
Evaluation of the Quality of French Hospital Data for Perinatal Algorithms journalArticle 2020 Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Benzenine, Eric; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Quantin, Catherine
Association between humoral serological markers levels and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection after the primary COVID-19 vaccine course among ANRS0001S COV-POPART cohort participants journalArticle 2024 Chalouni, Mathieu; Loubet, Paul; Lhomme, Edouard; Ninove, Laetitia; Barrou, Benoit; Blay, Jean-Yves; Hourmant, Maryvonne; de Seze, Jérome; Laville, Martine; Laviolle, Bruno; Lelièvre, Jean-Daniel; Morel, Jacques; Quoc, Stéphanie Nguyen; Spano, Jean-Philippe; Terrier, Benjamin; Thiebaut, Anne; Viallard, Jean-Francois; Vrtovsnik, François; Circosta, Sophie; Barquin, Aude; Gharib, Mariam; Tartour, Eric; Parfait, Béatrice; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Meyer, Laurence; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Launay, Odile; Wittkop, Linda; ANRS0001S COV-POPART study group
Strategies for phasing and imputation in a population isolate journalArticle 2018 Herzig, Anthony Francis; Nutile, Teresa; Babron, Marie-Claude; Ciullo, Marina; Bellenguez, Céline; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise
Health state utility and quality of life measures in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in France journalArticle 2021 Foulon, S; Cony-Makhoul, P; Guerci-Bresler, A; Daban, M; Kapso, R; Tubert-Bitter*, P; Bonastre*, J
Smoking cessation attempts: is it useful to treat hard core smokers? journalArticle 2016 Joly, B.; D'Athis, P.; Gerbaud, L.; Hazart, J.; Perriot, J.; Quantin, C.
The French prospective multisite registry on sudden unexpected infant death (OMIN): rationale and study protocol journalArticle 2018 Levieux, Karine; Patural, Hugues; Harrewijn, Inge; Briand Huchet, Elisabeth; de Visme, Sophie; Gallot, Géraldine; Chalumeau, Martin; Gras Le Guen, Christèle; Hanf, Matthieu; OMIN Study Group
Comparison of Epithor clinical national database and medico-administrative database to identify the influence of case-mix on the estimation of hospital outliers journalArticle 2019 Bernard, Alain; Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel; Thomas, Pascal Antoine; Rivera, Caroline; Brouchet, Laurent; Baste, Jean Marc; Puyraveau, Marc; Quantin, Catherine; Pages, Pierre Benoit; Dahan, Marcel
Analysis in an imperfect world journalArticle 2020 Wallace, Michael; on Behalf the STRATOS initiative
Misspecification of the covariance structure in generalized linear mixed models journalArticle 2016 Chavance, M.; Escolano, S.
Model-observational bridging study on the effectiveness of ezetimibe on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in France: A population-based study journalArticle 2016 Ferrières, Jean; Dallongeville, Jean; Rossignol, Michel; Bénichou, Jacques; Caro, J. Jaime; Getsios, Denis; Hernandez, Luis; Abenhaim, Lucien; Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae
Did case-based payment influence surgical readmission rates in France? A retrospective study journalArticle 2018 Vuagnat, Albert; Yilmaz, Engin; Roussot, Adrien; Rodwin, Victor; Gadreau, Maryse; Bernard, Alain; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Quantin, Catherine
The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: How Well Does It Reflect the Canadian Population? journalArticle 2020 Hall, Ruth E.; Tusevljak, Natasa; Wu, C. Fangyun; Ibrahim, Quazi; Schulze, Karleen; Khan, Anam M.; Desai, Dipika; Awadalla, Philip; Broet, Philippe; Dummer, Trevor J. B.; Hicks, Jason; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teo, Koon K.; Vena, Jennifer; Lee, Douglas; Friedrich, Matthias; Anand, Sonia S.; Tu, Jack V.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on preterm birth and stillbirth: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2021 Simon, Emmanuel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Rozenberg, Patrick; Gouyon, Jean-Bernard; Quantin, Catherine
Standardizing terms, definitions and concepts for describing and interpreting unwanted immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals: recommendations of the Innovative Medicines Initiative ABIRISK consortium journalArticle 2015 Rup, B.; Pallardy, M.; Sikkema, D.; Albert, T.; Allez, M.; Broet, P.; Carini, C.; Creeke, P.; Davidson, J.; De Vries, N.; Finco, D.; Fogdell-Hahn, A.; Havrdova, E.; Hincelin-Mery, A.; C Holland, M.; H Jensen, P. E.; Jury, E. C.; Kirby, H.; Kramer, D.; Lacroix-Desmazes, S.; Legrand, J.; Maggi, E.; Maillère, B.; Mariette, X.; Mauri, C.; Mikol, V.; Mulleman, D.; Oldenburg, J.; Paintaud, G.; R Pedersen, C.; Ruperto, N.; Seitz, R.; Spindeldreher, S.; Deisenhammer, F.; ABIRISK Consortium
Assessment of adherence to topical corticosteroids in patients with bullous pemphigoid journalArticle 2016 Sobocinski, V.; Duvert-Lehembre, S.; Bubenheim, M.; Lesage, C.; Bernard, P.; Bénichou, J.; Joly, P.
Occupational exposures and fluorescent oxidation products in 723 adults of the EGEA study journalArticle 2015 Dumas, Orianne; Matran, Régis; Zerimech, Farid; Decoster, Brigitte; Huyvaert, Helene; Ahmed, Ismail; Le Moual, Nicole; Nadif, Rachel
Ten deprescribing articles you should know about: A guide for newcomers to the field journalArticle 2023 Thompson, Wade; Reeve, Emily; McDonald, Emily G.; Farrell, Barbara; Scott, Sion; Steinman, Michael A.; Morin, Lucas; Lundby, Carina
Gestational age and 1-year hospital admission or mortality: a nation-wide population-based study journalArticle 2017 Iacobelli, Silvia; Combier, Evelyne; Roussot, Adrien; Cottenet, Jonathan; Gouyon, Jean-Bernard; Quantin, Catherine
[The REDSIAM network] journalArticle 2017 Goldberg, M.; Carton, M.; Doussin, A.; Fagot-Campagna, A.; Heyndrickx, E.; Lemaitre, M.; Nicolau, J.; Quantin, C.
Close proximity interactions support transmission of ESBL-K. pneumoniae but not ESBL-E. coli in healthcare settings journalArticle 2019 Duval, Audrey; Obadia, Thomas; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; Fleury, Eric; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Guillemot, Didier; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; i-Bird Study group
Association between vaccination and the risk of central demyelination: results from a case-referent study journalArticle 2023 Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae; Papeix, Caroline; Hamon, Yann; Benichou, Jacques; Abenhaim, Lucien
Short-term exposure to environmental parameters and onset of ST elevation myocardial infarction. The CARDIO-ARSIF registry journalArticle 2015 Caussin, Christophe; Escolano, Sylvie; Mustafic, Hazrije; Bataille, Sophie; Tafflet, Muriel; Chatignoux, Edouard; Lambert, Yves; Benamer, Hakim; Garot, Philippe; Jabre, Patricia; Delorme, Laurent; Varenne, Olivier; Teiger, Emmanuel; Livarek, Bernard; Empana, Jean-Philippe; Spaulding, Christian; Jouven, Xavier; CARDIO-ARSIF Registry Investigators
Altered synchrony of right ventricular contraction in borderline pulmonary hypertension journalArticle 2017 Lamia, Bouchra; Muir, Jean-François; Molano, Luis-Carlos; Viacroze, Catherine; Benichou, Jacques; Bonnet, Philippe; Quieffin, Jean; Cuvelier, Antoine; Naeije, Robert
Joint Bayesian weight and height postnatal growth model to study the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy journalArticle 2017 Carles, Sophie; Charles, Marie-Aline; Heude, Barbara; Ahmed, Ismaïl; Botton, Jérémie; EDEN mother-child study group
Effect of Cognitive Reserve on the Association of Vascular Brain Injury With Cognition: Analysis of the PURE and CAHHM Studies journalArticle 2021 Durrani, Romella; Friedrich, Matthias G.; Schulze, Karleen M.; Awadalla, Philip; Balasubramanian, Kumar; Black, Sandra E.; Broet, Philippe; Busseuil, David; Desai, Dipika; Dummer, Trevor; Dick, Alexander; Hicks, Jason; Iype, Thomas; Kelton, David; Kirpalani, Anish; Lear, Scott A.; Leipsic, Jonathon; Li, Wei; McCreary, Cheryl R.; Moody, Alan R.; Noseworthy, Michael D.; Parraga, Grace; Poirier, Paul; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Szczesniak, Dorota; Szuba, Andrzej; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teo, Koon; Vena, Jennifer E.; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Zimny, Anna; Lee, Douglas S.; Yusuf, Salim; Anand, Sonia S.; Smith, Eric E.
Bagging survival tree procedure for variable selection and prediction in the presence of nonsusceptible patients journalArticle 2016 Mbogning, Cyprien; Broët, Philippe
Copy number variations in DCC/18q and ERBB2/17q are associated with disease-free survival in microsatellite stable colon cancer journalArticle 2017 Sefrioui, David; Vermeulin, Thomas; Blanchard, France; Chapusot, Caroline; Beaussire, Ludivine; Armengol-Debeir, Laura; Sesboué, Richard; Gangloff, Alice; Hebbar, Mohamed; Copin, Marie-Christine; Houivet, Estelle; Schwarz, Lilian; Clatot, Florian; Tuech, Jean-Jacques; Bénichou, Jacques; Martin, Laurent; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Sabourin, Jean-Christophe; Sarafan-Vasseur, Nasrin; Frébourg, Thierry; Lepage, Côme; Michel, Pierre; Di Fiore, Frédéric
Is an activity volume threshold really realistic for lung cancer resection? journalArticle 2018 Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Quantin, Catherine; Pagès, Pierre-Benoit
Prescription drug use during pregnancy in France: a study from the national health insurance permanent sample journalArticle 2017 Demailly, Romain; Escolano, Sylvie; Quantin, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
A Statistical Testing Strategy Accounting for Random and Nonrandom (Skewed) X-Chromosome Inactivation Identifies Lung Cancer Susceptibility Loci among Smokers journalArticle 2024 Jantzen, Rodolphe; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie; Ezer, Nicole; Broët, Philippe
Ravages: An R package for the simulation and analysis of rare variants in multicategory phenotypes journalArticle 2023 Bocher, Ozvan; Marenne, Gaëlle; Génin, Emmanuelle; Perdry, Hervé
Securizing data linkage in french public statistics journalArticle 2016 Guesdon, Maxence; Benzenine, Eric; Gadouche, Kamel; Quantin, Catherine
Contact patterns and HPV-genotype interactions yield heterogeneous HPV-vaccine impacts depending on sexual behaviors: An individual-based model journalArticle 2022 Bonneault, Mélanie; Poletto, Chiara; Flauder, Maxime; Guillemot, Didier; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Thiébaut*, Anne C. M.; Opatowski*, Lulla
Variation in end-of-life care and hospital palliative care among hospitals and local authorities: A preliminary contribution of big data journalArticle 2021 Gusmano, Michael K.; Rodwin, Victor G.; Weisz, Daniel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine
Epidemiology of Endometriosis in France: A Large, Nation-Wide Study Based on Hospital Discharge Data journalArticle 2016 von Theobald, Peter; Cottenet, Jonathan; Iacobelli, Silvia; Quantin, Catherine
Depression and obesity, data from a national administrative database study: Geographic evidence for an epidemiological overlap journalArticle 2019 Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Roussot, Adrien; Cottenet, Jonathan; Brindisi, Marie-Claude; Petit, Jean-Michel; Bonin, Bernard; Vergès, Bruno; Quantin, Catherine