Engineer and technician
Pharmacologie - Neurosciences - Comportement murin

Indira Mendez-David, PhD, is a research scientist committed to improve treatments of psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety disorder. She was an undergraduate student at the René Hen’s lab in 2001. She defended her thesis in 2013 at the Paris-Saclay University in France mentored by Pr. Alain Gardier and co-mentored by Pr. René Hen at Columbia University. in Neuropsychopharmacology with distinction. My work during my thesis was recognized by a Biological Sciences Award from Pharmacy French Academy. My research focuses on biological applications in the field of psychiatry diseases and neuroscience. I have also gained a broad knowledge in biomarker development, mouse models, and human preclinical studies.

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Univ. Paris Saclay

01 46 83 59 68

Faculté de pharmacie Chatenay Malabry