
Name First name Function Status Team
DAVID Aurore Psychiatrist Associated researcher
DE LA ROCHEBROCHARD Elise Demographer Researcher
DE SOUSA Martine Assistant.e de direction Engineer and technician
DE STAMPA Matthieu Psycho sociologist Researcher
DE VATHAIRE Florent Head Researcher
DEFAIX Céline Psycho sociologist Engineer and technician
DEGAT Edith Data Manager Engineer and technician
DELAROCQUE-ASTAGNEAU Elisabeth Epidemiologist Researcher
DELISLE Violette Health Economist Ph Student
DELPECH Raphaelle General physician Ph Student
DELTEIL Florence Psychiatrist Researcher
DELVERT Rosalie Epidemiologist Ph Student
DEMAILLY Romain Associated researcher
DEMOOR Charlotte Epidemiologist Researcher
DEMUTH-LABOUZE Marion Researcher
DENTICI Martina Psychologist Researcher
DESCATHA Alexis Epidemiologist Associated researcher
DEVILLERS Louise General physician Ph Student
DIARRA Mohamadou Assistant.e de recherche clinique
DINH Aurélien Epidemiologist Researcher
DITER Kevin Sociologist Associated researcher
DIZIER Marie-Helene Epidemiologist Researcher
DOLBEAULT Sylvie Psychiatrist Associated researcher
DOW Courtney Epidemiologist Ph Student
DOZIO Elisabetta Psychologist Associated researcher
DRAGIC Dzevahira Dzevka Epidemiologist Ph Student
DRAPALA Simon Health Economist Ph Student
DRUBAY Damien Engineer and technician
DRUEKE Tilman Epidemiologist Researcher
DU CHEYRON Joseph Assistant.e de recherche clinique Engineer and technician
DUBOURG Olivier Physician Associated researcher
DUCOS Claire Epidemiologist Ph Student
DUGUES Pamela Physician Researcher
DUMAS Orianne Epidemiologist Researcher
DUONG Chi-Hong Ph Student
DURAND ValÉrie Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
DURON-GARNIER Emmanuelle Psycho sociologist Researcher
DUSSER-BENESTY Perrine Epidemiologist Ph Student
DUTRUEL Audrey Assistant.e de recherche clinique Engineer and technician
EL ASMAR Khalil Chercheur associé