
Publications for the team Épidémiologie clinique

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Dolutegravir and lamivudine maintenance therapy in HIV-1 virologically suppressed patients: results of the ANRS 167 trial (LAMIDOL) journalArticle 2019 Joly, Véronique; Burdet, Charles; Landman, Roland; Vigan, Marie; Charpentier, Charlotte; Katlama, Christine; Cabié, André; Benalycherif, Aida; Peytavin, Gilles; Yeni, Patrick; Mentre, France; Argoud, Anne-Laure; Amri, Imane; Descamps, Diane; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; LAMIDOL Study Group
Dolutegravir plus lamivudine versus dolutegravir plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 infection (GEMINI-1 and GEMINI-2): week 48 results from two multicentre, double-blind, randomised, non-inferiority, phase 3 trials journalArticle 2019 Cahn, Pedro; Madero, Juan Sierra; Arribas, José Ramón; Antinori, Andrea; Ortiz, Roberto; Clarke, Amanda E.; Hung, Chien-Ching; Rockstroh, Jürgen K.; Girard, Pierre-Marie; Sievers, Jörg; Man, Choy; Currie, Alexander; Underwood, Mark; Tenorio, Allan R.; Pappa, Keith; Wynne, Brian; Fettiplace, Anna; Gartland, Martin; Aboud, Michael; Smith, Kimberly; GEMINI Study Team
Prognostic factors of survival in HIV/HCV co-infected patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: The CARCINOVIC Cohort journalArticle 2019 Gelu-Simeon, Moana; Lewin, Maïté; Ostos, Maria; Bayan, Tatiana; Beso Delgado, Maria; Teicher, Elina; Layese, Richard; Roudot-Thoraval, Françoise; Fontaine, Hélène; Sobesky, Rodolphe; Salmon-Céron, Dominique; Samuel, Didier; Seror, Olivier; Nahon, Pierre; Meyer, Laurence; Duclos-Vallée, Jean-Charles; ANRS HC EP 25 Prethevic, ANRS CO13 HepaVih and ANRS CO12 CirVir Study Groups
Metabolic plasticity of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with enhanced antiviral potential and natural control of HIV-1 infection journalArticle 2019 Angin, Mathieu; Volant, Stevenn; Passaes, Caroline; Lecuroux, Camille; Monceaux, Valérie; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Valle-Casuso, José Carlos; Pancino, Gianfranco; Vaslin, Bruno; Le Grand, Roger; Weiss, Laurence; Goujard, Cecile; Meyer, Laurence; Boufassa, Faroudy; Müller-Trutwin, Michaela; Lambotte, Olivier; Sáez-Cirión, Asier
The CLEAR (Considering Leading Experts' Antithrombotic Regimes around peripheral angioplasty) survey: an international perspective on antiplatelet and anticoagulant practice for peripheral arterial endovascular intervention journalArticle 2019 Wong, Kitty H. F.; Bosanquet, Dave C.; Ambler, Graeme K.; Qureshi, Mahim I.; Hinchliffe, Robert J.; Twine, Christopher P.; CLEAR survey collaborators
Metabolic plasticity of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with enhanced antiviral potential and natural control of HIV-1 infection journalArticle 2019 Angin, Mathieu; Volant, Stevenn; Passaes, Caroline; Lecuroux, Camille; Monceaux, Valérie; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Valle-Casuso, José Carlos; Pancino, Gianfranco; Vaslin, Bruno; Le Grand, Roger; Weiss, Laurence; Goujard, Cecile; Meyer, Laurence; Boufassa, Faroudy; Müller-Trutwin, Michaela; Lambotte, Olivier; Sáez-Cirión, Asier
Metabolic plasticity of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with enhanced antiviral potential and natural control of HIV-1 infection journalArticle 2019 Angin, Mathieu; Volant, Stevenn; Passaes, Caroline; Lecuroux, Camille; Monceaux, Valérie; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Valle-Casuso, José Carlos; Pancino, Gianfranco; Vaslin, Bruno; Le Grand, Roger; Weiss, Laurence; Goujard, Cecile; Meyer, Laurence; Boufassa, Faroudy; Müller-Trutwin, Michaela; Lambotte, Olivier; Sáez-Cirión, Asier
The CLEAR (Considering Leading Experts' Antithrombotic Regimes around peripheral angioplasty) survey: an international perspective on antiplatelet and anticoagulant practice for peripheral arterial endovascular intervention journalArticle 2019 Wong, Kitty H. F.; Bosanquet, Dave C.; Ambler, Graeme K.; Qureshi, Mahim I.; Hinchliffe, Robert J.; Twine, Christopher P.; CLEAR survey collaborators
Metabolic plasticity of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with enhanced antiviral potential and natural control of HIV-1 infection journalArticle 2019 Angin, Mathieu; Volant, Stevenn; Passaes, Caroline; Lecuroux, Camille; Monceaux, Valérie; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Valle-Casuso, José Carlos; Pancino, Gianfranco; Vaslin, Bruno; Le Grand, Roger; Weiss, Laurence; Goujard, Cecile; Meyer, Laurence; Boufassa, Faroudy; Müller-Trutwin, Michaela; Lambotte, Olivier; Sáez-Cirión, Asier
Traitement conservateur de la défaillance rénale chez le sujet très âgé : information, choix et devenir des patients thesis 2019 Hamroun, Aguilès; Glowacki, François; Stengel, Benedicte
Programmatic assessment of a third line regimen implementation including darunavir, dolutegravir and optimized NRTI in Cambodia: the ANRS 12374 3DICAM study thesis 2019 Pheng, Phearavin; Meyer, Laurence
Impact de la participation à un essai vaccinal préventif du VIH : la cohorte française ANRS/VRI COHVACPublished thesis 2019 Durier, Christine; Meyer, Laurence
Costs and benefits of on-demand HIV preexposure prophylaxis in MSM journalArticle 2018 Durand-Zaleski, Isabelle; Mutuon, Pierre; Charreau, Isabelle; Tremblay, Cecile; Rojas, Daniela; Pialoux, Gilles; Chidiac, Christian; Capitant, Catherine; Spire, Bruno; Cotte, Laurent; Chas, Julie; Meyer, Laurence; Molina, Jean Michel; ANRS IPERGAY Study Group
Phenotypic properties of envelope glycoproteins of transmitted HIV-1 variants from patients belonging to transmission chains journalArticle 2018 Beretta, Maxime; Moreau, Alain; Bouvin-Pley, Mélanie; Essat, Asma; Goujard, Cécile; Chaix, Marie-Laure; Hue, Stéphane; Meyer, Laurence; Barin, Francis; Braibant, Martine; ANRS 06 Primo Cohort
Effect of On-Demand Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis With Tenofovir/Emtricitabine on Herpes Simplex Virus-1/2 Incidence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Substudy of the ANRS IPERGAY Trial journalArticle 2018 Chaix, Marie-Laure; Charreau, Isabelle; Pintado, Claire; Delaugerre, Constance; Mahjoub, Nadia; Cotte, Laurent; Capitant, Catherine; Raffi, François; Cua, Eric; Pialoux, Gilles; Tremblay, Cécile; Meyer, Laurence; Molina, Jean-Michel; ANRS IPERGAY Study Group; Pintado, C; Loze, B; Delaugerre, C; Charbonneau, P; Gatey, C; Ponscarme, D; Penot, P; Niedbalski, L; Veron, R; Delgado, J; Dalle, E; Parlier, S; Madelaine, I; Fonsart, J; Danet, M; Mahjoub, N; Mezreb, N; Moudachirou, K; Morel, S; Conort, G; Lorho, F; Meunier, M; Rozenbaum, W; Molina, J M; Chas, J; Monfort, C; Foucoin, J; Boissavy, B; Cousseau, S; Huon, S; Danet, M; Djessima, A; Berrebi, V; Adda, A; Nagat, S le; Zarka, L; Berdougo, J; Pialoux, G; Chidiac, C; Mzoughi, N; Clement, F; Decouty, A; Chapolard, C; Godinot, M; Adouard-groslafeige, C; Koffi, J; Pansu, A; Becker, A; Pailhes, S; Bonnet, F; Jeanblanc, F; Brochier, C; Teruin, X; Rouby, S; Gilly, L; Cotte, L; Etienne, C; Tolonin, F; Breaud, S; Péchenot, V; Bagge, S; Cepitelli
Easy and accurate reconstruction of whole HIV genomes from short-read sequence data with shiver journalArticle 2018 Wymant, Chris; Blanquart, François; Golubchik, Tanya; Gall, Astrid; Bakker, Margreet; Bezemer, Daniela; Croucher, Nicholas J.; Hall, Matthew; Hillebregt, Mariska; Ong, Swee Hoe; Ratmann, Oliver; Albert, Jan; Bannert, Norbert; Fellay, Jacques; Fransen, Katrien; Gourlay, Annabelle; Grabowski, M. Kate; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Günthard, Huldrych F.; Kivelä, Pia; Kouyos, Roger; Laeyendecker, Oliver; Liitsola, Kirsi; Meyer, Laurence; Porter, Kholoud; Ristola, Matti; van Sighem, Ard; Berkhout, Ben; Cornelissen, Marion; Kellam, Paul; Reiss, Peter; Fraser, Christophe; BEEHIVE Collaboration
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Group O Infection in France: Clinical Features and Immunovirological Response to Antiretrovirals journalArticle 2018 Unal, Guillemette; Alessandri-Gradt, Elodie; Leoz, Marie; Pavie, Juliette; Lefèvre, Clément; Panjo, Henri; Charpentier, Charlotte; Descamps, Diane; Barin, Francis; Simon, François; Meyer, Laurence; Plantier, Jean-Christophe; ORIVAO Study
Factors associated with partner notification of STIs in men who have sex with men on PrEP in France: a cross-sectional substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial journalArticle 2018 Suzan-Monti, Marie; Cotte, Laurent; Fressard, Lisa; Cua, Eric; Capitant, Catherine; Meyer, Laurence; Pialoux, Gilles; Molina, Jean-Michel; Spire, Bruno; ANRS IPERGAY Study Group
Nonreactive Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Rapid Tests After Sustained Viral Suppression Following Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation During Primary Infection journalArticle 2018 Stefic, Karl; Novelli, Sophie; Mahjoub, Nadia; Seng, Remonie; Molina, Jean-Michel; Cheneau, Christine; Barin, Francis; Chaix, Marie-Laure; Meyer, Laurence; Delaugerre, Constance; French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) PRIMO Study Group
Is on-Demand HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis a Suitable Tool for Men Who Have Sex With Men Who Practice Chemsex? Results From a Substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY Trial journalArticle 2018 Roux, Perrine; Fressard, Lisa; Suzan-Monti, Marie; Chas, Julie; Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis; Capitant, Catherine; Meyer, Laurence; Tremblay, Cécile; Rojas-Castro, Daniela; Pialoux, Gilles; Molina, Jean-Michel; Spire, Bruno
Correction: Excess mortality and hospitalizations in transitional-age youths with a long-term disease: A national population-based cohort study journalArticle 2018 Rachas, Antoine; Tuppin, Philippe; Meyer, Laurence; Falissard, Bruno; Faye, Albert; Mahlaoui, Nizar; Rochebrochard, Elise de La; Frank, Marie; Durieux, Pierre; Warszawski, Josiane
Decreased darunavir concentrations during once-daily co-administration with maraviroc and raltegravir: OPTIPRIM-ANRS 147 trial journalArticle 2018 Pressiat, Claire; Hirt, Déborah; Treluyer, Jean-Marc; Zheng, Yi; Morlat, Philippe; Naqvi, Alice; Tran, Laurent; Viard, Jean-Paul; Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique; Rouzioux, Christine; Meyer, Laurence; Cheret, Antoine; OPTIPRIM Study Group
Acceptability of HIV cure-related trials: the challenges for physicians and people living with HIV (ANRS-APSEC) journalArticle 2018 Preau, Marie; Doumergue, Marjolaine; Protiere, Christel; Goujard, Cécile; Mora, Marion; Meyer, Laurence; Lelievre, Jean-Daniel; Raffi, François; Spire, Bruno; Lambotte, Olivier; Suzan-Monti, Marie
Systemic DPP4 activity is reduced during primary HIV-1 infection and is associated with intestinal RORC+ CD4+ cell levels: a surrogate marker candidate of HIV-induced intestinal damage journalArticle 2018 Ploquin, Mickaël J.; Casrouge, Armanda; Madec, Yoann; Noël, Nicolas; Jacquelin, Beatrice; Huot, Nicolas; Duffy, Darragh; Jochems, Simon P.; Micci, Luca; Lécuroux, Camille; Boufassa, Faroudy; Booiman, Thijs; Garcia-Tellez, Thalia; Ghislain, Mathilde; Grand, Roger Le; Lambotte, Olivier; Kootstra, Neeltje; Meyer, Laurence; Goujard, Cecile; Paiardini, Mirko; Albert, Matthew L.; Müller-Trutwin, Michaela
Long-term Therapeutic Impact of the Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients Diagnosed With Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection journalArticle 2018 Novelli, Sophie; Lécuroux, Camille; Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique; Seng, Rémonie; Essat, Asma; Morlat, Philippe; Viard, Jean-Paul; Rouzioux, Christine; Meyer, Laurence; Goujard, Cécile
Post-exposure prophylaxis with doxycycline to prevent sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men: an open-label randomised substudy of the ANRS IPERGAY trial journalArticle 2018 Molina, Jean-Michel; Charreau, Isabelle; Chidiac, Christian; Pialoux, Gilles; Cua, Eric; Delaugerre, Constance; Capitant, Catherine; Rojas-Castro, Daniela; Fonsart, Julien; Bercot, Béatrice; Bébéar, Cécile; Cotte, Laurent; Robineau, Olivier; Raffi, François; Charbonneau, Pierre; Aslan, Alexandre; Chas, Julie; Niedbalski, Laurence; Spire, Bruno; Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis; Carette, Diane; Mestre, Soizic Le; Doré, Veronique; Meyer, Laurence; ANRS IPERGAY Study Group
Plasma and CSF pharmacokinetics of meropenem in neonates and young infants: results from the NeoMero studies journalArticle 2018 Germovsek, Eva; Lutsar, Irja; Kipper, Karin; Karlsson, Mats O.; Planche, Tim; Chazallon, Corine; Meyer, Laurence; Trafojer, Ursula M. T.; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Fournier, Isabelle; Sharland, Mike; Heath, Paul; Standing, Joseph F.; NeoMero Consortium
Calendar trends in sexual behaviours in a cohort of HIV-infected MSM at the era of treatment as prevention of HIV infection journalArticle 2018 Champenois, Karen; Seng, Rémonie; Persoz, Anne; Essat, Asma; Gaud, Catherine; Laureillard, Didier; Robineau, Olivier; Duvivier, Claudine; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Goujard, Cécile; Meyer, Laurence; ANRS PRIMO cohort study group
Commonly Prescribed Antiretroviral Therapy Regimens and Incidence of AIDS-Defining Neurological Conditions journalArticle 2018 Caniglia, Ellen C.; Phillips, Andrew; Porter, Kholoud; Sabin, Caroline A.; Winston, Alan; Logan, Roger; Gill, John; Vandenhende, Marie-Anne; Barger, Diana; Lodi, Sara; Moreno, Santiago; Arribas, José Ramón; Pacheco, Antonio; Cardoso, Sandra W.; Chrysos, George; Gogos, Charalabos; Abgrall, Sophie; Costagliola, Dominique; Meyer, Laurence; Seng, Remonie; van Sighem, Ard; Reiss, Peter; Muga, Roberto; Hoyos, Santiago Pérez; Braun, Dominique; Hauser, Christoph; Barrufet, Pilar; Leyes, Maria; Tate, Janet; Justice, Amy; Hernán, Miguel A.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk in adults living with HIV across five continents journalArticle 2018 AIDS-defining Cancer Project Working Group of IeDEA, COHERE in EuroCoord
HIV incidence in the Estonian population in 2013 determined using the HIV-1 limiting antigen avidity assay journalArticle 2018 Soodla, P.; Simmons, R.; Huik, K.; Pauskar, M.; Jõgeda, E.-L.; Rajasaar, H.; Kallaste, E.; Maimets, M.; Avi, R.; Murphy, G.; Porter, K.; Lutsar, I.; Concerted Action on SeroConversion to AIDS and Death in Europe (CASCADE) Collaboration in EuroCoord
A High Frequency of HIV-Specific Circulating Follicular Helper T Cells Is Associated with Preserved Memory B Cell Responses in HIV Controllers journalArticle 2018 Claireaux, M.; Galperin, M.; Benati, D.; Nouël, A.; Mukhopadhyay, M.; Klingler, J.; de Truchis, P.; Zucman, D.; Hendou, S.; Boufassa, F.; Moog, C.; Lambotte, O.; Chakrabarti, L. A.
Reduced bone mineral density among HIV-infected, virologically controlled young men: prevalence and associated factors journalArticle 2018 Shaiykova, Arnoo; Pasquet, Armelle; Goujard, Cécile; Lion, Georges; Durand, Emmanuel; Bayan, Tatiana; Lachâtre, Marie; Choisy, Philippe; Ajana, Faïza; Bourdic, Katia; Viget, Nathalie; Riff, Bertrand; Quertainmont, Yann; Cortet, Bernard; Boufassa, Faroudy; Chéret, Antoine
Fasting Glucose and All-Cause Mortality by Age in Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study journalArticle 2018 Yi, Sang-Wook; Park, Sangkyu; Lee, Yong-Ho; Balkau, Beverley; Yi, Jee-Jeon
Association of fasting serum insulin and cancer mortality in a healthy population - 28-year follow-up of the French TELECOM Study journalArticle 2018 Wargny, M.; Balkau, B.; Lange, C.; Charles, M.-A.; Giral, P.; Simon, D.
Characteristics and clinical assessment of unexplained sudden cardiac arrest in the real-world setting: focus on idiopathic ventricular fibrillation journalArticle 2018 Waldmann, Victor; Bougouin, Wulfran; Karam, Nicole; Dumas, Florence; Sharifzadehgan, Ardalan; Gandjbakhch, Estelle; Algalarrondo, Vincent; Narayanan, Kumar; Zhao, Alexandre; Amet, Denis; Jost, Daniel; Geri, Guillaume; Lamhaut, Lionel; Beganton, Frankie; Ludes, Bertrand; Bruneval, Patrick; Plu, Isabelle; Hidden-Lucet, Françoise; Albuisson, Juliette; Lavergne, Thomas; Piot, Olivier; Alonso, Christine; Leenhardt, Antoine; Lellouche, Nicolas; Extramiana, Fabrice; Cariou, Alain; Jouven, Xavier; Marijon, Eloi; Paris-SDEC investigators
Comparison of European ICU patients in 2012 (ICON) versus 2002 (SOAP) journalArticle 2018 Vincent, Jean-Louis; Lefrant, Jean-Yves; Kotfis, Katarzyna; Nanchal, Rahul; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Wittebole, Xavier; Sakka, Samir G.; Pickkers, Peter; Moreno, Rui; Sakr, Yasser; ICON and SOAP investigators; SOAP investigators
Non-antiarrhythmic interventions in new onset and paroxysmal sepsis-related atrial fibrillation journalArticle 2018 Vieillard-Baron, Antoine; Boyd, John
Uncovering real mortality trends in ESRD patients journalArticle 2018 Stengel, Bénédicte
[Pulmonary ultrasound and dialysis] journalArticle 2018 Seidowsky, Alexandre; Vilaine, Ève; Mansencal, Nicolas; Ébel, Alexandre; Villain, Cédric; Cheddani, Lynda; Massy, Ziad A.