
Publications for the team Épidémiologie clinique

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
New French heart allocation system: Comparison with Eurotransplant and US allocation systems journalArticle 2020 Dorent, Richard; Jasseron, Carine; Audry, Benoît; Bayer, Florian; Legeai, Camille; Cantrelle, Christelle; Smits, Jacqueline M.; Eisen, Howard; Jacquelinet, Christian; Leprince, Pascal; Bastien, Olivier
Trends and Outcomes with Kidney Failure from Antineoplastic Treatments and Urinary Tract Cancer in France journalArticle 2020 Mansouri, Imène; Alencar de Pinho, Natalia; Snanoudj, Renaud; Jacquelinet, Christian; Lassalle, Mathilde; Béchade, Clémence; Vigneau, Cécile; de Vathaire, Florent; Haddy, Nadia; Stengel, Bénédicte; French REIN registry
Prevalence and Clinical Outcomes of Poor Immune Response Despite Virologically Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy Among Children and Adolescents With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Europe and Thailand: Cohort Study journalArticle 2020 European Pregnancy and Paediatric HIV Cohort Collaboration (EPPICC) Study Group in EuroCoord
Effect of Fibrinogen concentrate administration on early mortality in traumatic hemorrhagic shock: a propensity score analysis journalArticle 2020 Hamada, Sophie Rym; Pirracchio, Romain; Jocelyn, Beauchesne; Benlaldj, Mohammed Nadjib; Meaudre, Eric; Leone, Marc; Pottecher, Julien; Abback, Paer Selim; Gauss, Tobias; Boutonnet, Mathieu; Cook, Fabrice; Garrigue, Delphine; Lesache, Frédéric; Julie, Josse; Rouquette, Alexandra; Duranteau, Jacques
Pharmacovirological analyses of blood and male genital compartment in patients receiving dolutegravir + lamivudine dual therapy as a switch strategy (ANRS 167 LAMIDOL trial) journalArticle 2020 Charpentier, Charlotte; Peytavin, Gilles; Raffi, François; Burdet, Charles; Landman, Roland; Lê, Minh P.; Katlama, Christine; Collin, Gilles; Benalycherif, Aida; Cabie, André; Mentré, France; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Descamps, Diane; Joly, Véronique; ANRS 167 LAMIDOL Study Group
Factors associated with tuberculosis-associated haemophagocytic syndrome: a multicentre case-control study journalArticle 2020 Lerolle, N.; Laanani, M.; Galicier, L.; Rivière, S.; Meynard, J.-L.; Azoulay, E.; Jeblaoui, A.; Lalande, V.; Mougari, F.; Fardet, L.; Coppo, P.; Goujard, C.; Molina, J.-M.; Lambotte, O.
[Association between psychiatric comorbidities and hospital length of stay in post-emergency internal medicine patients] journalArticle 2020 Lampros, A.; Montardi, C.; Journeau, L.; Georgin-Lavialle, S.; Hanslik, T.; Dhôte, R.; Goujard, C.; Le Jeunne, C.; Mahe, I.; Papo, T.; Godeau, B.; Bourgarit, A.; Fain, O.; Fantin, B.; Dzierzynski, N.; Leblanc, J.; Nevoret, C.; Steichen, O.
[Cervical spinal sarcoidosis mimicking compressive cervical myelopathy: Poor prognosis after surgery] journalArticle 2020 Urbain, F.; Labeyrie, C.; Herbrecht, A.; Nasser, G.; Cauquil, C.; Adam, C.; Lambotte, O.; Goujard, C.; Adams, D.; Noel, N.
Hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus coinfection and lymphoma risk in people living with HIV journalArticle 2020 Besson, Caroline; Noel, Nicolas; Lancar, Remi; Prevot, Sophie; Algarte-Genin, Michele; Rosenthal, Eric; Bonnet, Fabrice; Meyohas, Marie-Caroline; Partisani, Marialuisa; Oberic, Lucie; Gabarre, Jean; Goujard, Cécile; Cheret, Antoine; Arvieux, Cedric; Katlama, Christine; Salmon, Dominique; Boué, François; Costello, Regis; Hendel-Chavez, Houria; Taoufik, Yassine; Fontaine, Hélène; Coppo, Paul; Mounier, Nicolas; Delobel, Pierre; Costagliola, Dominique; Lymphovir and FHDH study groups
Virological and immunological impact of integrase inhibitor-based regimens initiated during primary HIV-1 infection journalArticle 2020 Veil, Raphael; Poizot-Martin, Isabelle; Reynes, Jacques; Goujard, Cecile; Seng, Remonie; Delobel, Pierre; Cotte, Laurent; Duvivier, Claudine; Rey, David; Tran, Laurent; Surgers, Laure; Allavena, Clotilde; Lascoux Combe, Caroline; Cheret, Antoine; Meyer, Laurence
Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of ritonavir-boosted darunavir in the presence of raltegravir or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine in HIV-infected adults and the relationship with virological response: a sub-study of the NEAT001/ANRS143 randomized trial journalArticle 2020 Dickinson, Laura; Gurjar, Rohan; Stöhr, Wolfgang; Bonora, Stefano; Owen, Andrew; D'Avolio, Antonio; Cursley, Adam; Molina, Jean-Michel; Fäetkenheuer, Gerd; Vandekerckhove, Linos; Di Perri, Giovanni; Pozniak, Anton; Richert, Laura; Raffi, François; Boffito, Marta; NEAT001/ANRS143 Study Group
False-negative Results of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Rapid Testing in HIV Controllers journalArticle 2020 Hage-Sleiman, Mehdi; Tremeaux, Pauline; Fillion, Marine; Boufassa, Faroudy; Melard, Adeline; Gardiennet, Elise; Mariaggi, Alice-Andrée; Plantier, Jean-Christophe; Rouzioux, Christine; Lambotte, Olivier; Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique; CODEX ANRS Cohort Study Group
HCV-Related Mortality Among HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients: The Importance of Behaviors in the HCV Cure Era (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort) journalArticle 2020 Santos, Melina Erica; Protopopescu, Camelia; Sogni, Philippe; Yaya, Issifou; Piroth, Lionel; Bailly, François; Marcellin, Fabienne; Esterle, Laure; Wittkop, Linda; Rosenthal, Eric; Morlat, Philippe; Roux, Perrine; de Araujo, Wildo Navegantes; Salmon-Ceron, Dominique; Carrieri, Maria Patrizia; ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Study Group
Experimenters or Amateurs? journalArticle 2020 Coscas, Raphael; Senemaud, Jean
Behind the Scenes of Disappointing Long Term EVAR Results: Pathophysiological Insights and Future Research Leads journalArticle 2020 Sénémaud, Jean; Coscas, Raphael; Alsac, Jean-Marc; Castier, Yves; Pellenc, Quentin; Michel, Jean-Baptiste
Acute Aortic Thrombosis Revealing a COVID-19 Infection journalArticle 2020 Coscas, Raphaël; Coggia, Marc
A Simple Technique to Perform Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with a Very Low Dose of Iodine Contrast Media: Oral communication, Lille 2019, SCVE journalArticle 2020 Renard, Régis; Coscas, Raphaël; Sylvestre, Raphaëlle; Javerliat, Isabelle; Goëau-Brissonnière, Olivier; Coggia, Marc
Correction to: The CLEAR (Considering Leading Experts' Antithrombotic Regimes around peripheral angioplasty) survey: an international perspective on antiplatelet and anticoagulant practice for peripheral arterial endovascular intervention journalArticle 2020 Wong, Kitty H. F.; Bosanquet, Dave C.; Ambler, Graeme K.; Qureshi, Mahim I.; Hinchliffe, Robert J.; Twine, Christopher P.; CLEAR survey collaborators
Clinical trial emulation by matching time-dependent propensity scores: the example of estimating impact of kidney transplantation journalArticle 2020 Lenain, Rémi; Boucquemont, Julie; Leffondré, Karen; Couchoud, Cécile; Lassalle, Mathilde; Hazzan, Marc; Foucher, Yohann
Induction therapy in kidney transplant recipients: Description of the practices according to the calendar period from the French multicentric DIVAT cohort journalArticle 2020 Boucquemont, Julie; Foucher, Yohann; Masset, Christophe; Legendre, Christophe; Scemla, Anne; Buron, Fanny; Morelon, Emmanuel; Garrigue, Valérie; Pernin, Vincent; Albano, Laetitia; Sicard, Antoine; Girerd, Sophie; Ladrière, Marc; Giral, Magali; Dantal, Jacques; DIVAT consortium
Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on organ donation and transplantation in France journalArticle 2020 Legeai, Camille; Malaquin, Géraldine; Lamotte, Christian; Antoine, Corinne; Averland, Benoît; Jasseron, Carine; Bayer, Florian; Bastien, Olivier; Kerbaul, François
IMPact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the moRTAlity of kidney transplant recipients and candidates in a French Nationwide registry sTudy (IMPORTANT) journalArticle 2020 Thaunat, Olivier; Legeai, Camille; Anglicheau, Dany; Couzi, Lionel; Blancho, Gilles; Hazzan, Marc; Pastural, Myriam; Savoye, Emilie; Bayer, Florian; Morelon, Emmanuel; Le Meur, Yann; Bastien, Olivier; Caillard, Sophie; French nationwide Registry of Solid Organ Transplant Recipients with COVID-19
Pathogenic variants in actionable MODY genes are associated with type 2 diabetes journalArticle 2020 Bonnefond, Amélie; Boissel, Mathilde; Bolze, Alexandre; Durand, Emmanuelle; Toussaint, Bénédicte; Vaillant, Emmanuel; Gaget, Stefan; Graeve, Franck De; Dechaume, Aurélie; Allegaert, Frédéric; Guilcher, David Le; Yengo, Loïc; Dhennin, Véronique; Borys, Jean-Michel; Lu, James T.; Cirulli, Elizabeth T.; Elhanan, Gai; Roussel, Ronan; Balkau, Beverley; Marre, Michel; Franc, Sylvia; Charpentier, Guillaume; Vaxillaire, Martine; Canouil, Mickaël; Washington, Nicole L.; Grzymski, Joseph J.; Froguel, Philippe
Increased risk of type 2 diabetes in antidepressant users: evidence from a 6-year longitudinal study in the E3N cohort journalArticle 2020 Azevedo Da Silva, M.; Fournier, A.; Boutron-Ruault, M.-C.; Balkau, B.; Bonnet, F.; Nabi, H.; Fagherazzi, G.
Plasma total adiponectin and changes in renal function in a cohort from the community: the prospective Data from an Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome study journalArticle 2020 Fumeron, Frédéric; El Boustany, Ray; Bastard, Jean-Philippe; Fellahi, Soraya; Balkau, Beverley; Marre, Michel; Venteclef, Nicolas; Velho, Gilberto; Roussel, Ronan
Gonadal hormonal factors before menopause and incident type 2 diabetes in women: A 22-year follow-up of 83 799 women from the E3N cohort study journalArticle 2020 Tatulashvili, Sopio; Gusto, Gaelle; Cosson, Emmanuel; Balkau, Beverley; Gourdy, Pierre; Bonnet, Fabrice; Bihan, Hélène; Fagherazzi, Guy
The JUBILE cohort: Quality of life after more than 40 years with type 1 diabetes journalArticle 2020 Altman, Jean-Jacques; Niarra, Ralph; Balkau, Beverley; Vincent-Cassy, Christophe; JUBILE Research Group
Worldwide Disparity in the Relation Between CKD Prevalence and Kidney Failure Risk journalArticle 2020 van Rijn, Marieke H. C.; Alencar de Pinho, Natalia; Wetzels, Jack F.; van den Brand, Jan A. J. G.; Stengel, Benedicte
Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3–5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated journalArticle 2020 Wong, Michelle M. Y.; Tu, Charlotte; Li, Yun; Perlman, Rachel L.; Pecoits-Filho, Roberto; Lopes, Antonio A.; Narita, Ichiei; Reichel, Helmut; Port, Friedrich K.; Sukul, Nidhi; Stengel, Benedicte; Robinson, Bruce M.; Massy, Ziad A.; Pisoni, Ronald L.; Investigators, the CKDopps; Combe, Christian; Jacquelinet, Christian; Ayav, Carole; Briançon, Serge; Fouque, Denis; Frimat, Luc; Laville, Maurice; Pascal, Christophe; Herpe, Yves-Edouard; Lange, Céline; Legrans, Karine; Liabeuf, Sophie; Metzger, Marie; Speyer, Elodie
[Normal sensory aging] journalArticle 2020 Desoutter, Marie-Astrid; de la Roche, Soline; Pépin, Marion; Sellier, Cyril; Cudennec, Tristan
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of 821 Older Patients with SARS-Cov-2 Infection Admitted to Acute Care Geriatric Wards journalArticle 2020 Zerah, Lorène; Baudouin, Édouard; Pépin, Marion; Mary, Morgane; Krypciak, Sébastien; Bianco, Céline; Roux, Swasti; Gross, Ariane; Toméo, Charlotte; Lemarié, Nadège; Dureau, Antoine; Bastiani, Sophie; Ketz, Flora; Boully, Clémence; de Villelongue, Cédric; Romdhani, Mouna; Desoutter, Marie-Astrid; Duron, Emmanuelle; David, Jean-Philippe; Thomas, Caroline; Paillaud, Elena; de Malglaive, Pauline; Bouvard, Eric; Lacrampe, Mathilde; Mercadier, Elise; Monti, Alexandra; Hanon, Olivier; Fossey-Diaz, Virginie; Bourdonnec, Lauriane; Riou, Bruno; Vallet, Hélène; Boddaert, Jacques; APHP / Universities / Inserm COVID-19 research collaboration
Systolic-dicrotic notch pressure difference can identify patients with septic shock at risk of cardiovascular decompensation in case of heart rate reduction journalArticle 2020 Morelli, Andrea; Romano, Salvatore M.; Sanfilippo, Filippo; Santonocito, Cristina; Frati, Giacomo; Chiostri, Marco; Agrò, Felice E.; Ertmer, Christian; Rehberg, Sebastian W.; Vieillard-Baron, Antoine
Critically ill patients with COVID-19: are they hemodynamically unstable and do we know why? journalArticle 2020 Michard, Frederic; Vieillard-Baron, Antoine
Incidence and Outcome of Subclinical Acute Kidney Injury Using penKid in Critically Ill Patients journalArticle 2020 Dépret, François; Hollinger, Alexa; Cariou, Alain; Deye, Nicolas; Vieillard-Baron, Antoine; Fournier, Marie-Céline; Jaber, Samir; Damoisel, Charles; Lu, Qin; Monnet, Xavier; Rennuit, Isabelle; Darmon, Michael; Leone, Marc; Guidet, Bertrand; Sonneville, Romain; Montravers, Philippe; Pili-Floury, Sébastien; Lefrant, Jean-Yves; Duranteau, Jacques; Laterre, Pierre-François; Brechot, Nicolas; Oueslati, Haikel; Cholley, Bernard; Struck, Joachim; Hartmann, Oliver; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Gayat, Etienne; Legrand, Matthieu
High-Flow Nasal Cannula in Critically III Patients with Severe COVID-19 journalArticle 2020 Demoule, Alexandre; Vieillard Baron, Antoine; Darmon, Michael; Beurton, Alexandra; Géri, Guillaume; Voiriot, Guillaume; Dupont, Thibault; Zafrani, Lara; Girodias, Lola; Labbé, Vincent; Dres, Martin; Fartoukh, Muriel; Azoulay, Elie
Lung ultrasonography as an alternative to chest computed tomography in COVID-19 pneumonia? journalArticle 2020 Vieillard-Baron, Antoine; Goffi, Alberto; Mayo, Paul
Impact of Coronary Lesion Stability on the Benefit of Emergent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention After Sudden Cardiac Arrest journalArticle 2020 Pechmajou, Louis; Marijon, Eloi; Varenne, Olivier; Dumas, Florence; Beganton, Frankie; Jost, Daniel; Lamhaut, Lionel; Lecarpentier, Eric; Loeb, Thomas; Agostinucci, Jean-Marc; Sideris, Georgios; Riant, Elisabeth; Baudinaud, Pierre; Hagege, Albert; Bougouin, Wulfran; Spaulding, Christian; Cariou, Alain; Jouven, Xavier; Karam, Nicole; Paris-Sudden Death Expertise Center Investigators†
Association of weaning failure from mechanical ventilation with transthoracic echocardiography parameters: a systematic review and meta-analysis journalArticle 2020 Sanfilippo, Filippo; Di Falco, Davide; Noto, Alberto; Santonocito, Cristina; Morelli, Andrea; Bignami, Elena; Scolletta, Sabino; Vieillard-Baron, Antoine; Astuto, Marinella
International consensus definitions of clinical trial outcomes for kidney failure: 2020 journalArticle 2020 Levin, Adeera; Agarwal, Rajiv; Herrington, William G.; Heerspink, Hiddo L.; Mann, Johannes F. E.; Shahinfar, Shahnaz; Tuttle, Katherine R.; Donner, Jo-Ann; Jha, Vivekanand; Nangaku, Masaomi; de Zeeuw, Dick; Jardine, Meg J.; Mahaffey, Kenneth W.; Thompson, Aliza M.; Beaucage, Mary; Chong, Kate; Roberts, Glenda V.; Sunwold, Duane; Vorster, Hans; Warren, Madeleine; Damster, Sandrine; Malik, Charu; Perkovic, Vlado; participant authors of the International Society of Nephrology’s 1st International Consensus Meeting on Defining Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials
Reliability and validity of the French adaptation of the Family Relationship Index-short form in patients' with chronic kidney disease journalArticle 2020 Montalescot, Lucile; Speyer, Elodie; Legrand, Karine; Ayav, Carole; Combe, Christian; Stengel, Bénédicte; Untas, Aurélie