
Publications for the team Epidemiology of radiations

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
A French national breast and thyroid cancer screening programme for survivors of childhood, adolescent and young adult (CAYA) cancers - DeNaCaPST programme journalArticle 2017 Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Drui, Delphine; Doutriaux, Isabelle; Michel, Gérard; Auquier, Pascal; Dumas, Agnès; Berger, Claire; Bernier, Valérie; Bohrer, Sandrine; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Filhon, Bruno; Fresneau, Brice; Freycon, Claire; Stefan, Dinu; Helfre, Sylvie; Jackson, Angela; Kerr, Christine; Laprie, Anne; Leseur, Julie; Mahé, Marc-André; Oudot, Caroline; Pluchard, Claire; Proust, Stéphanie; Sudour-Bonnange, Hélène; Vigneron, Céline; Lassau, Nathalie; Schlumberger, Martin; Conter, Cécile Faure; de Vathaire, Florent
[Treatment-related cardiotoxicity in childhood cancer survivors: Risk factors and follow-up] journalArticle 2017 Fresneau, B.; Fayech, C.; Butel, T.; Haddy, N.; Valteau-Couanet, D.; Ou, P.
A review of uncertainties in radiotherapy dose reconstruction and their impacts on dose-response relationships journalArticle 2017 Vũ Bezin, Jérémi; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Mège, Jean-Pierre; Beldjoudi, Guillaume; Saunier, Fleur; Chavaudra, Jean; Deutsch, Eric; de Vathaire, Florent; Bernier, Valérie; Carrie, Christian; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima
Evaluation of MVCT imaging dose levels during helical IGRT: comparison between ion chamber, TLD, and EBT3 films journalArticle 2016 Mege, Jean-Pierre; Wenzhao, Sun; Veres, Attila; Auzac, Guillaume; Diallo, Ibrahima; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri
Childhood CT scans and cancer risk: impact of predisposing factors for cancer on the risk estimates journalArticle 2016 Journy, N.; Roué, T.; Cardis, E.; Le Pointe, H. Ducou; Brisse, H.; Chateil, J.-F.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Thyroid Cancer after Childhood Exposure to External Radiation: An Updated Pooled Analysis of 12 Studies journalArticle 2016 Veiga, Lene H. S.; Holmberg, Erik; Anderson, Harald; Pottern, Linda; Sadetzki, Siegal; Adams, M. Jacob; Sakata, Ritsu; Schneider, Arthur B.; Inskip, Peter; Bhatti, Parveen; Johansson, Robert; Neta, Gila; Shore, Roy; de Vathaire, Florent; Damber, Lena; Kleinerman, Ruth; Hawkins, Michael M.; Tucker, Margaret; Lundell, Marie; Lubin, Jay H.
Complications rénales chroniques à long termes chez les survivants de cancer thesis 2016 Mansouri Imène
Cardiac Diseases Following Childhood Cancer Treatment: Cohort Study journalArticle 2016 Haddy, Nadia; Diallo, Stéphanie; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Schwartz, Boris; Pein, François; Hawkins, Mike; Veres, Cristina; Oberlin, Odile; Guibout, Catherine; Pacquement, Hélène; Munzer, Martine; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Scarabin, Pierre-Yves; Jouven, Xavier; Bridier, André; Koscielny, Serge; Deutsch, Eric; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Medical conditions associated with the use of CT in children and young adults, Great Britain, 1995-2008 journalArticle 2016 Journy, Neige M.; McHugh, Kieran; Harbron, Richard W.; Pearce, Mark S.; Berrington De Gonzalez, Amy
Can We Spare the Pancreas and Other Abdominal Organs at Risk? A Comparison of Conformal Radiotherapy, Helical Tomotherapy and Proton Beam Therapy in Pediatric Irradiation journalArticle 2016 Jouglar, Emmanuel; Wagner, Antoine; Delpon, Grégory; Campion, Loïc; Meingan, Philippe; Bernier, Valérie; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Mahé, Marc-André; Lacornerie, Thomas; Supiot, Stéphane
FOXE1 Polymorphism Interacts with Dietary Iodine Intake in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Risk in the Cuban Population journalArticle 2016 Ren, Yan; Lence-Anta, Juan J.; Pereda, Celia M.; Chappe, Mae; Velasco, Milagros; Infante, Idalmis; Bustillo, Marlene; Turcios, Silvia; Leufroy, Axelle; Guérin, Thierry; Noël, Laurent; Lesueur, Fabienne; Maillard, Stéphane; Cléro, Enora; Xhaard, Constance; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Rubino, Carole; Rodriguez, Regla; Ortiz, Rosa M.; de Vathaire, Florent
Second Primary Cancers After Intensity-Modulated vs 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer journalArticle 2016 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Morton, Lindsay M.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Bekelman, Justin E.; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy
[Sarcoma developed in irradiated area: Preliminary results of the SARI trial] journalArticle 2016 Maingon, P.; Mirjolet, C.; Diallo, I.; Veres, C.; Collin, F.; Italiano, A.; Chibon, F.; Merlin, J. L.; Coindre, J. M.
Recreational Physical Activity and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis of Two Case-Control Studies journalArticle 2016 Xhaard, Constance; Lence-Anta, Juan J.; Ren, Yan; Borson-Chazot, Françoise; Sassolas, Geneviève; Schvartz, Claire; Colonna, Marc; Lacour, Brigitte; Danzon, Arlette; Velten, Michel; Clero, Enora; Maillard, Stéphane; Marrer, Emilie; Bailly, Laurent; Mariné Barjoan, Eugènia; Schlumberger, Martin; Orgiazzi, Jacques; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Pereda, Celia M.; Turcios, Silvia; Velasco, Milagros; Chappe, Mae; Infante, Idalmis; Bustillo, Marlene; García, Anabel; Salazar, Sirced; Rodriguez, Regla; Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Ortiz, Rosa M.; Rubino, Carole; de Vathaire, Florent
Risk of Subsequent Leukemia After a Solid Tumor in Childhood: Impact of Bone Marrow Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy journalArticle 2015 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Schwartz, Boris; Veres, Cristina; Haddy, Nadia; Rubino, Carole; Le Deley, Marie-Cécile; Labbé, Martine; Diop, Fara; Jackson, Angela; Dayet, Florent; Benabdennebi, Aymen; Llanas, Damien; Vu Bezin, Jérémi; Chavaudra, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Deutsch, Eric; Oberlin, Odile; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
Efficacy of vaccination against HPV infection to prevent cervical cancer in France. - PubMed - NCBI journalArticle 2015 Ribassin-Majed, L.; Hill, C.; Lounes, R.
Field size dependent mapping of medical linear accelerator radiation leakage journalArticle 2015 Bezin, Jérémi Vũ; Veres, Attila; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Deutsch, Eric; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
Thyroid volume and its relation to anthropometric measures in a healthy cuban population journalArticle 2015 Turcios, Silvia; Lence-Anta, Juan J.; Santana, Jose-Luis; Pereda, Celia M.; Velasco, Milagros; Chappe, Mae; Infante, Idalmis; Bustillo, Marlene; García, Anabel; Clero, Enora; Maillard, Stephane; Rodriguez, Regla; Xhaard, Constance; Ren, Yan; Rubino, Carole; Ortiz, Rosa M.; de Vathaire, Florent
Optimisation et validation des méthodes de calcul de dose à distance des faisceaux d’irradiation pour leur application dans les études épidémiologiques et cliniques en radiothérapie thesis 2015 Jérémi Vũ Bezin
Simulation-extrapolation method to address errors in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates, 1950-2003 journalArticle 2015 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Schwartz, Boris; Diallo, Ibrahima; Agbovon, Césaire; Laurier, Dominique; de Vathaire, Florent
Experimental assessment of out-of-field dose components in high energy electron beams used in external beam radiotherapy journalArticle 2015 Alabdoaburas, Mohamad M.; Mege, Jean-Pierre; Chavaudra, Jean; Bezin, Jérémi Vũ; Veres, Atilla; de Vathaire, Florent; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima
Childhood cancer survivor cohorts in Europe journalArticle 2015 Winther, Jeanette F.; Kenborg, Line; Byrne, Julianne; Hjorth, Lars; Kaatsch, Peter; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Auquier, Pascal; Michel, Gérard; de Vathaire, Florent; Haupt, Riccardo; Skinner, Roderick; Madanat-Harjuoja, Laura M.; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Wesenberg, Finn; Reulen, Raoul C.; Grabow, Desiree; Ronckers, Cecile M.; van Dulmen-den Broeder, Eline; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Marry M.; Schindler, Matthias; Berbis, Julie; Holmqvist, Anna S.; Gudmundsdottir, Thorgerdur; de Fine Licht, Sofie; Bonnesen, Trine G.; Asdahl, Peter H.; Bautz, Andrea; Kristoffersen, Anja K.; Himmerslev, Liselotte; Hasle, Henrik; Olsen, Jørgen H.; Hawkins, Mike M.
Tabac, grossesse et allaitement : Exposition, connaissances et perceptions des risques journalArticle 2015 Dumas, Agnès
Thyroid Radiation Dose and Other Risk Factors of Thyroid Carcinoma Following Childhood Cancer journalArticle 2015 de Vathaire, Florent; Haddy, Nadia; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Hawkins, Mike; Guibout, Catherine; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Teinturier, Cécile; Oberlin, Odile; Pacquement, Hélène; Diop, Fara; Kalhouche, Amar; Benadjaoud, Mohamedamine; Winter, David; Jackson, Angela; Bezin Mai-Quynh, Giao; Benabdennebi, Aymen; Llanas, Damien; Veres, Cristina; Munzer, Martine; Nguyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Deutsch, Eric; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Schlumberger, Martin; Diallo, Ibrahima; Rubino, Carole
Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach journalArticle 2015 Escolano, S.; Hill, C.; Tubert-Bitter, P.
Intrafractional organs movement in three-dimensional image-guided adaptive pulsed-dose-rate cervical cancer brachytherapy: assessment and dosimetric impact journalArticle 2015 Mazeron, Renaud; Champoudry, Jérôme; Gilmore, Jennifer; Dumas, Isabelle; Goulart, Jennifer; Oberlander, Anne-Sophie; Rivin del Campo, Eleonor; Diallo, Ibrahima; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Haie-Meder, Christine
Comment on: Are the studies on cancer risk from CT scans biased by indication? Elements of answer from a large-scale cohort study in France journalArticle 2015 Journy, N.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Common variants at the 9q22.33, 14q13.3 and ATM loci, and risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in the Cuban population journalArticle 2015 Pereda, Celia M.; Lesueur, Fabienne; Pertesi, Maroulio; Robinot, Nivonirina; Lence-Anta, Juan J.; Turcios, Silvia; Velasco, Milagros; Chappe, Mae; Infante, Idalmis; Bustillo, Marlene; García, Anabel; Clero, Enora; Xhaard, Constance; Ren, Yan; Maillard, Stéphane; Damiola, Francesca; Rubino, Carole; Salazar, Sirced; Rodriguez, Regla; Ortiz, Rosa M.; de Vathaire, Florent
Risk of a Second Kidney Carcinoma Following Childhood Cancer: Role of Chemotherapy and Radiation Dose to Kidneys journalArticle 2015 de Vathaire, Florent; Scwhartz, Boris; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Allodji, Rodrigue Sètchéou; Escudier, Bernard; Hawkins, Mike; Diallo, Ibrahima; Haddy, Nadia
Estimating the number of sudden cardiac deaths attributable to the use of domperidone in France journalArticle 2015 Hill, C.; Nicot, P.; Piette, C.; Le Gleut, K.; Durand, G.; Toussaint, B.
[Organized or individual breast cancer screening: what motivates women?] journalArticle 2015 Kalecinski, Julie; Régnier-Denois, Véronique; Ouédraogo, Samiratou; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Dumas, Agnès; Arveux, Patrick; Chauvin, Franck
Ovarian reserve after treatment with alkylating agents during childhood journalArticle 2015 Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Allodji, Rodrigue Sétchéou; Svetlova, Ekaterina; Frey, Marie-Alix; Oberlin, Odile; Millischer, Anne-Elodie; Epelboin, Sylvie; Decanter, Christine; Pacquement, Helene; Tabone, Marie-Dominique; Sudour-Bonnange, Helene; Baruchel, André; Lahlou, Najiba; De Vathaire, Florent
L’apport alimentaire en iode, sélénium dans les ongles, et risque du cancer différencié de la thyroïde : analyses d’études cas-témoins du consortium Epi-Thyr thesis 2015 Ren Yan
The visceromotor and somatic afferent nerves of the penis journalArticle 2015 Diallo, Djibril; Zaitouna, Mazen; Alsaid, Bayan; Quillard, Jeanine; Ba, Nathalie; Allodji, Rodrigue Sètchéou; Benoit, Gérard; Bedretdinova, Dina; Bessede, Thomas
Are the studies on cancer risk from CT scans biased by indication? Elements of answer from a large-scale cohort study in France journalArticle 2015 Journy, N.; Rehel, J.-L.; Ducou Le Pointe, H.; Lee, C.; Brisse, H.; Chateil, J.-F.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Survivorship after childhood cancer: PanCare: a European Network to promote optimal long-term care journalArticle 2015 Hjorth, Lars; Haupt, Riccardo; Skinner, Roderick; Grabow, Desiree; Byrne, Julianne; Karner, Sabine; Levitt, Gill; Michel, Gisela; van der Pal, Helena; Bárdi, Edit; Beck, Jörn D.; de Vathaire, Florent; Essig, Stefan; Frey, Eva; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Hawkins, Mike; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kazanowska, Bernarda; Kepak, Tomas; Kremer, Leontien; Lackner, Herwig; Sugden, Elaine; Terenziani, Monica; Zaletel, Lorna Zadravec; Kaatsch, Peter; PanCare Network
Common variants at 9q22.33, 14q13.3, and ATM loci, and risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in the French Polynesian population journalArticle 2015 Maillard, Stéphane; Damiola, Francesca; Clero, Enora; Pertesi, Maroulio; Robinot, Nivonirina; Rachédi, Frédérique; Boissin, Jean-Louis; Sebbag, Joseph; Shan, Larrys; Bost-Bezeaud, Frédérique; Petitdidier, Patrick; Doyon, Françoise; Xhaard, Constance; Rubino, Carole; Blanché, Hélène; Drozdovitch, Vladimir; Lesueur, Fabienne; de Vathaire, Florent
Dose-Effect Relationship of Alkylating Agents on Testicular Function in Male Survivors of Childhood Lymphoma journalArticle 2015 Servitzoglou, Marina; De Vathaire, Florent; Oberlin, Odile; Patte, Catherine; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile
[Breast cancer screening in thirteen French departments] journalArticle 2015 Ouédraogo, Samiratou; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Roussot, Adrien; Dialla, Pegdwendé Olivia; Pornet, Carole; Poillot, Marie-Laure; Soler-Michel, Patricia; Sarlin, Nathalie; Lunaud, Philippe; Desmidt, Pascal; Paré, Etienne; Mathis, Corinne; Rymzhanova, Rachouan; Kuntz-Huon, Janine; Exbrayat, Catherine; Bataillard, Anne; Régnier, Véronique; Kalecinski, Julie; Quantin, Catherine; Dumas, Agnès; Gentil, Julie; Amiel, Philippe; Chauvin, Franck; Dancourt, Vincent; Arveux, Patrick
In reply to Alber and Söhn journalArticle 2015 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; de Vathaire, Florent; Blanchard, Pierre; Cardot, Hervé