CESP workshop: New insights into psychiatry disorders : From basic science to clinical application.

07 June 2019 9:30

CESP workshop: New insights into psychiatry disorders : From basic science to clinical application.


International speakers from universities  of Toronto (CAMH, Canada),  Columbia (NY, USA), Texas (AU, USA)  and Tours (France) will present their research. 

L'inscription est obligatoire et limitée à 20 places. Ecrire à ea3544@gmail.com


• 09h 30– 09h 35: Pr Denis David (Univ. Paris-Sud, Châtenay-Malabry, France)

• 09h 35– 10h 15 : Dr Alexandre Surget (Univ. Tours, France)
Linking and disambiguating contextual memories in the hippocampus: underlying mechanisms and relevance for stress responses and antidepressant effects.

• 10h15–10h55: Pr Etienne Sibille (CAMH, Toronto, Canada)
Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying stress and age-related pathologies

• 10h55–11h15: Coffee Break

• 11h15–11h45: Dr Thomas Prévot (CAMH, Toronto, Canada)
Novel treatment for cognitive deficits across psychiatric diseases

• 11h45–12h30: Pr René Hen (Columbia Univ, New York, USA)
Adult-born Hippocampal Neurons Bidirectionally Modulate Entorhinal Inputs into the Dentate Gyrus: Relevance to Depression

• 14h10–14h45: Dr Christine Denny (Columbia Univ, New York, USA)
Developing novel, small-molecule compounds as prophylactic interventions for stress-induced psychiatric disease

• 14h45–15h20: Dr Michael Drew (University of Texas, Austin, USA) 
Fear Extinction Engrams in the Hippocampus

• 15h20–15h45: Coffee Break

• 15h45–16h20: Dr Mazen Kheirbeck (UCSF, San Francisco, USA)
Stimulus coding and discrimination in the dentate gyrus

• 16h20–16h55: Pr Alain Gardier (Univ Paris-Sud, France)
Is ketamine metabolism to norketamine and (R)-HNK necessary for its antidepressant effect?

• 17h00 : Conclusion

Salle AB 19/3, Faculté de Pharmacie, Chatenay Malabry