12 June 2024 12:45 to 14 July 2024 12:45
Laure Tabouy, guest on the ‘La science CQFD’ programme
Brain-machine interfaces make it possible to control an instrument by thought. They also help disabled people recover their motor skills. How do these technologies work? What are their applications? What ethical and legal issues do they raise?
Laure Tabouy Neuroscientist, ethicist, researcher in the team Research in Ethics and Epistemology | cesp (inserm.fr)
Camille Jeunet CNRS research fellow at l’INCIA (Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d’Aquitaine)
François Vialatte Team leader « Interface cerveau machine » du laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, à l’Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielle de Paris