Hemodynamic efficiency of hemodialysis treatment with high cut-off membrane during the early period of post-resuscitation shock: The HYPERDIA trial

Hemodynamic efficiency of hemodialysis treatment with high cut-off membrane during the early period of post-resuscitation shock: The HYPERDIA trial. Geri, Guillaume; Grimaldi, David; Seguin, Thierry; Lamhaut, Lionel; Marin, Nathalie; Chiche, Jean-Daniel; Pène, Frédéric; Bouglé, Adrien; Daviaud, Fabrice; Morichau-Beauchant, Tristan; Arnaout, Michel; Champigneulle, Benoit; Zafrani, Lara; Bourcier, Simon; Nguyen, Yen-Lan; Charpentier, Julien; Mira, Jean-Paul; Coste, Joël; Vinsonneau, Christophe; Cariou, Alain. Resuscitation. 2019; 140: p.170-177. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.03.045