Immunosuppression and Graft Rejection in Living-Related HLA-Identical Renal Transplantation: The RADOVFULL Study

Immunosuppression and Graft Rejection in Living-Related HLA-Identical Renal Transplantation: The RADOVFULL Study. Ossman, Rim; Jamme, Matthieu; Moulin, Bruno; Legendre, Christophe; Morelon, Emmanuel; Frimat, Luc; Hourmant, Maryvonne; Durrbach, Antoine; Malvezzi, Paolo; Rostaing, Lionel; Taupin, Jean Luc; Mesnard, Laurent; Rondeau, Eric; RADOVFULL Study Group. Transplantation. 2019; : . doi:10.1097/TP.0000000000002937