Directeur.trice du centre

Je suis mathématicien et psychiatre de formation. En ce moment j'enseigne les statistiques à la faculté de médecine Paris-Sud et je suis président de IACAPAP (International Association for Childand Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professtions).

Mes thèmes de recherche : 

  • l'évaluation des médicaments,
  • l'évaluation des soins non conventionnels,
  • l'épistémologie et la méthodologie de recherche en médecine,
  • la psychiatrie,
  • la psychanalyse,
  • les neurosciences.


Mathematician and psychiatrist by training, I am at the moment professor in biostatistics in South-Paris Medical University. I am also President of the IACAPAP (International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions).

My research interst is on:

  • Evaluation of medications
  • Evaluation of unconventional treatments
  • Epistemology and methodology of biomedical research
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Neurosciences

Université Paris 11 - UPSud

Clinical professor
01 58 41 28 50

Maison de Solenn, Hopital Cochin, Paris


Assessment of transcultural psychotherapy to treat resistant major depressive disorder in children and adolescents from migrant families: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial using mixed method and Bayesian approaches. Jonathan Lachal, Marie Rose Moro, Emilie Carretier, Amalini Simon, Caroline Barry, Bruno Falissard, Alexandra Rouquette. . 2020; :
Constructing childhood depression: a qualitative study with international experts in child psychiatry. Alexis Rayapoullé,Marine de Chassey,Laelia Benoit,Christine Hassler,Bruno Falissard. . ; :