
Publications pour l'équipe Épidémiologie clinique

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Cost-effectiveness analysis of medical management versus conservative surgery for early tubal pregnancy journalArticle 2019 Bourel, G.; Pelletier-Fleury, N.; Bouyer, J.; Delbarre, A.; Fernandez, H.; Capmas, P.
42. Un diagnostic différentiel d’hémorragie digestive haute : l’épistaxis déglutie journalArticle 2019 Decaix, Théodore; Grognet, Alix; Cudennec, Tristan; Pépin, Marion
Clinical Profile of Methotrexate-resistant Juvenile Localised Scleroderma journalArticle 2019 Hardy, Juliette; Boralevi, Franck; Mallet, Stéphanie; Cabrera, Natalia; Belot, Alexandre; Phan, Alice; Barbarot, Sébastien; Duriez-Lasek, Audrey; Chiaverini, Christine; Hubiche, Thomas; Mahé, Emmanuel; Bégon, Edouard; Bourrat, Emmanuelle; Boccara, Olivia; Aubert, Hélène; Lerosey, Martine Grall; Droitcourt, Catherine; Piram, Maryam; Mazereeuw-Hautier, Juliette; Research Group of the French Society of Paediatric Dermatology (SDFP in French)
Biological treatments for paediatric psoriasis : a retrospective observational study on biological drug survival in daily practice in childhood psoriasis journalArticle 2019 Phan, C.; Beauchet, A.; Burztejn, A.-C.; Severino-Freire, M.; Barbarot, S.; Girard, C.; Lasek, A.; Reguiai, Z.; Hadj-Rabia, S.; Abasq, C.; Brenaut, E.; Droitcourt, C.; Perrussel, M.; Mallet, S.; Phan, A.; Lacour, J.-P.; Khemis, A.; Bourrat, E.; Chaby, G.; Deborde, R.; Plantin, P.; Maruani, A.; Piram, M.; Maccari, F.; Fougerousse, A.-C.; Kupfer-Bessaguet, I.; Balguérie, X.; Barthelemy, H.; Martin, L.; Quiles-Tsimaratos, N.; Mery-Brossard, L.; Pallure, V.; Lons-Danic, D.; Bouilly-Auvray, D.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Puzenat, E.; Aubin, F.; Mahé, E.; Groupe de Recherche de la Société Française de Dermatologie Pédiatrique; Groupe de Recherche sur le Psoriasis de la Société Française de Dermatologie
Age-specific characteristics of neutrophilic dermatoses and neutrophilic diseases in children journalArticle 2019 Bucchia, M.; Barbarot, S.; Reumaux, H.; Piram, M.; Mahe, E.; Mallet, S.; Balguerie, X.; Phan, A.; Lacour, J.-P.; Decramer, S.; Hatchuel, Y.; Jean, S.; Begon, E.; Joubert, A.; Merlin, E.; Wallach, D.; Meinzer, U.; Bourrat, E.; Groupe de recherche de la Société Française de Dermatologie Pédiatrique; Société Francophone pour la rhumatologie et les Maladies Inflammatoires en Pédiatrie (SOFREMIP)
Genetic diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies: A survey of the French national registry journalArticle 2019 Mahlaoui, Nizar; Picard, Capucine; Bach, Perrine; Costes, Laurence; Courteille, Virginie; Ranohavimparany, Anja; Alcaïs, Alexandre; Jais, Jean-Philippe; Fischer, Alain; CEREDIH French PID study group
Antibiotic prescription for febrile children in European emergency departments: a cross-sectional, observational study journalArticle 2019 van de Maat, Josephine; van de Voort, Elles; Mintegi, Santiago; Gervaix, Alain; Nieboer, Daan; Moll, Henriette; Oostenbrink, Rianne; Research in European Pediatric Emergency Medicine study group
A 1-Year Prospective French Nationwide Study of Emergency Hospital Admissions in Children and Adults with Primary Immunodeficiency journalArticle 2019 Coignard-Biehler, Hélène; Mahlaoui, Nizar; Pilmis, Benoit; Barlogis, Vincent; Brosselin, Pauline; De Vergnes, Nathalie; Debré, Marianne; Malphettes, Marion; Frange, Pierre; Catherinot, Emilie; Pellier, Isabelle; Durieu, Isabelle; Perlat, Antoinette; Royer, Bruno; Le Quellec, Alain; Jeziorski, Eric; Fischer, Alain; Lortholary, Olivier; CEREDIH French PID study group; Aaron, Laurent; Adoue, Daniel; Aguilar, Claire; Aladjidi, Nathalie; Alcais, Alexandre; Amoura, Zahir; Arlet, Philippe; Armari-Alla, Corinne; Bader-Meunier, Brigitte; Bayart, Sophie; Bertrand, Yves; Bienvenu, Boris; Blanche, Stéphane; Bodet, Damien; Bonnotte, Bernard; Borie, Raphaël; Boutard, Patrick; Briandet, Claire; Brion, Jean-Paul; Brouard, Jacques; Cohen-Beaussant, Sarah; Costes, Laurence; Couderc, Louis-Jean; Cougoul, Pierre; Courteille, Virginie; de Saint Basile, Geneviève; Devoldere, Catherine; Deville, Anne; Donadieu, Jean; Dore, Eric; Dulieu, Fabienne; Edan, Christine; Entz-Werle, Natacha; Fieschi, Claire; F
Vitamin D status during pregnancy and in cord blood in a large prospective French cohort journalArticle 2019 Courbebaisse, Marie; Souberbielle, Jean-Claude; Baptiste, Amandine; Taieb, Joëlle; Tsatsaris, Vassilis; Guibourdenche, Jean; Senat, Marie-Victoire; Haidar, Hazar; Jani, Jacques; Guizani, Meriem; Jouannic, Jean-Marie; Haguet, Marie-Clotilde; Winer, Norbert; Masson, Damien; Elie, Caroline; Benachi, Alexandra
[Diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for sexually transmitted diseases: Genital herpes] journalArticle 2019 Milpied, B.; Janier, M.; Timsit, J.; Spenatto, N.; Caumes, E.; Chosidow, O.; Sentilhes, L.; Senat, M.-V.; Groupe infectiologie dermatologique et infections sexuellement transmissibles (GrIDIST) de la Société française de dermatologie et du Collège national des gynécologues obstétriciens français (CNGOF)
Outpatient versus inpatient care for preterm premature rupture of membranes before 34 weeks of gestation journalArticle 2019 Bouchghoul, Hanane; Kayem, Gilles; Schmitz, Thomas; Benachi, Alexandra; Sentilhes, Loïc; Dussaux, Chloé; Senat, Marie-Victoire
Preterm premature rupture of the membranes: Guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) journalArticle 2019 Schmitz, Thomas; Sentilhes, Loïc; Lorthe, Elsa; Gallot, Denis; Madar, Hugo; Doret-Dion, Muriel; Beucher, Gaël; Charlier, Caroline; Cazanave, Charles; Delorme, Pierre; Garabédian, Charles; Azria, Elie; Tessier, Véronique; Sénat, Marie-Victoire; Kayem, Gilles
[Abnormalities of umbilical-portal circulation: From screening to diagnosis] journalArticle 2019 Jacquier, M.; Dumery, G.; Bault, J. P.; Franchi, S.; Sénat, M. V.
Prognostic value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the fetal brain in fetal growth restriction: results of a prospective multicenter study journalArticle 2019 Jouannic, J. M.; Blondiaux, E.; Senat, M. V.; Friszer, S.; Adamsbaum, C.; Rousseau, J.; Hornoy, P.; Letourneau, A.; de Laveaucoupet, J.; Lecarpentier, E.; Rosenblatt, J.; Quibel, T.; Mollot, M.; AncelY, P. Y.; Alison, M.; Goffinet, F.
First Trimester Maternal Vitamin D Status and Risks of Preterm Birth and Small-For-Gestational Age journalArticle 2019 Monier, Isabelle; Baptiste, Amandine; Tsatsaris, Vassilis; Senat, Marie-Victoire; Jani, Jacques; Jouannic, Jean-Marie; Winer, Norbert; Elie, Caroline; Souberbielle, Jean-Claude; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Benachi, Alexandra
Risk factors for failed induction of labor among pregnant women with Class III obesity journalArticle 2019 Kerbage, Yohan; Senat, Marie V.; Drumez, Elodie; Subtil, Damien; Vayssiere, Christophe; Deruelle, Philippe
Cyclosporine A inhibits MRTF-SRF signaling through Na+/K+ ATPase inhibition and actin remodeling journalArticle 2019 Burat, Bastien; Faucher, Quentin; Čechová, Petra; Arnion, Hélène; Di Meo, Florent; Sauvage, François-Ludovic; Marquet, Pierre; Essig, Marie
Learning about diabetes through epidemiology journalArticle 2019 Balkau, B.; Holt, R. I. G.
Early treated HIV-infected children remain at risk of growth retardation during the first five years of life: Results from the ANRS-PEDIACAM cohort in Cameroon journalArticle 2019 Sofeu, Casimir Ledoux; Tejiokem, Mathurin Cyrille; Penda, Calixte Ida; Protopopescu, Camelia; Ateba Ndongo, Francis; Tetang Ndiang, Suzie; Guemkam, Georgette; Warszawski, Josiane; Faye, Albert; Giorgi, Roch; ANRS-PEDIACAM study group
HIV-mediated immune aging in young adults infected perinatally or during childhood journalArticle 2019 Fastenackels, Solène; Sauce, Delphine; Vigouroux, Corinne; Avettand-Fènoël, Véronique; Bastard, Jean-Philippe; Fellahi, Soraya; Nailler, Laura; Arezes, Elisa; Rouzioux, Christine; Warszawski, Josiane; Viard, Jean Paul; Appay, Victor; ANRS Co19 COVERTE Study Group
Low compliance with hepatocellular carcinoma screening guidelines in hepatitis B/C virus co-infected HIV patients with cirrhosis journalArticle 2019 Willemse, Sophie; Smit, Colette; Sogni, Philippe; Sarcletti, Mario; Uberti-Foppa, Caterina; Wittkop, Linda; Raben, Dorthe; D'Arminio Monforte, Antonella; Dabis, Francois; Van Der Valk, Marc; Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening Project Working Group for the Collaboration of Observational HIV on behalf of Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) In EuroCoord
CD4 recovery following antiretroviral treatment interruptions in children and adolescents with HIV infection in Europe and Thailand journalArticle 2019 European Pregnancy and Paediatric HIV Cohort Collaboration (EPPICC) Study Group in EuroCoord
Low rate of early vertical transmission of HIV supports the feasibility of effective implementation of the national PMTCT guidelines in routine practice of referral hospitals in Cameroon journalArticle 2019 Penda, Calixte Ida; Tejiokem, Mathurin Cyrille; Sofeu, Casimir Ledoux; Ndiang, Suzie Tetang; Ateba Ndongo, Francis; Kfutwah, Anfumbom; Guemkam, Georgette; Warszawski, Josiane; Faye, Albert; Study Group, The Anrs-Pediacam
Incidence of switching to second-line antiretroviral therapy and associated factors in children with HIV: an international cohort collaboration journalArticle 2019 Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Global Cohort Collaboration
Liver Enzyme Elevation in Pregnant Women Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in the ANRS-French Perinatal Cohort journalArticle 2019 Sibiude, Jeanne; Warszawski, Josiane; Tubiana, Roland; Le Chenadec, Jérôme; Meier, Françoise; Faye, Albert; Blanche, Stéphane; Mandelbrot, Laurent; ANRS-French Perinatal Cohort Study Group
Does Changing Antiretroviral Therapy in the First Trimester of Pregnancy for Safety Concerns Have an Impact on Viral Suppression? journalArticle 2019 Peyronnet, Violaine; Warszawski, Josiane; Sibiude, Jeanne; Dialla, Olivia; Bourgeois-Moine, Agnès; Bui, Eida; Toulza, Caroline Simon; Peretti, Delphine; Brunet-Cartier, Cécile; Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique; Chenadec, Jérôme L.; Faye, Albert; Tubiana, Roland; Mandelbrot, Laurent
Risk of cancer in children exposed to antiretroviral nucleoside analogues in utero: The french experience journalArticle 2019 Hleyhel, Mira; Goujon, Stéphanie; Sibiude, Jeanne; Tubiana, Roland; Dollfus, Catherine; Faye, Albert; Mandelbrot, Laurent; Clavel, Jacqueline; Warszawski, Josiane; Blanche, Stéphane; ANRS French Perinatal Cohort study Group
[Télédent, an oral tele-expertise experience in a penitentiary environment] journalArticle 2019 Novais, Anita; Fac, Catherine; Allouche, Michael; Atallah, Émile; Godkine, Nils; Guyader, Thomas; Hariga, Anissa; Hoarau, Wanda; Oulmi, Alexis; Trumbic, Felix; Goujard, Cécile; Pirnay, Philippe
Mass Cytometry Analysis Reveals Complex Cell-State Modifications of Blood Myeloid Cells During HIV Infection journalArticle 2019 Coindre, Sixtine; Tchitchek, Nicolas; Alaoui, Lamine; Vaslin, Bruno; Bourgeois, Christine; Goujard, Cecile; Lecuroux, Camille; Bruhns, Pierre; Le Grand, Roger; Beignon, Anne-Sophie; Lambotte, Olivier; Favier, Benoit
Reaching the Second and Third Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 90-90-90 Targets Is Accompanied by a Dramatic Reduction in Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and in Recent HIV Infections in a Large French Nationwide HIV Cohort journalArticle 2019 Le Guillou, Adrien; Pugliese, Pascal; Raffi, François; Cabie, André; Cuzin, Lise; Katlama, Christine; Allavena, Clotilde; Drame, Moustapha; Cotte, Laurent; Bani-Sadr, Firouzé; Dat’AIDS Study Group
Determinants of blood telomere length in antiretroviral treatment-naïve HIV-positive participants enrolled in the NEAT 001/ANRS 143 clinical trial journalArticle 2019 Alejos, B.; Stella-Ascariz, N.; Montejano, R.; Rodriguez-Centeno, J.; Schwimmer, C.; Bernardino, J. I.; Rodes, B.; Esser, S.; Goujard, C.; Sarmento-Castro, R.; De Miguel, R.; Esteban-Cantos, A.; Wallet, C.; Raffi, F.; Arribas, J. R.; NEAT 001/ANRS 143 Study Group
Dual therapy combining raltegravir with etravirine maintains a high level of viral suppression over 96 weeks in long-term experienced HIV-infected individuals over 45 years on a PI-based regimen: results from the Phase II ANRS 163 ETRAL study journalArticle 2019 Katlama, Christine; Assoumou, Lambert; Valantin, Marc-Antoine; Soulié, Cathia; Martinez, Esteban; Béniguel, Lydie; Bouchaud, Olivier; Raffi, François; Molina, Jean-Michel; Fellahi, Soraya; Peytavin, Gilles; Marcelin, Anne-Geneviève; Kolta, Sami; Capeau, Jacqueline; Gibowski, Severine; Cardon, Fanny; Reynes, Jacques; Costagliola, Dominique; members of the ANRS 163 ETRAL study
Dolutegravir Cerebrospinal Fluid Diffusion in HIV-1-Infected Patients with Central Nervous System Impairment journalArticle 2019 Gelé, Thibaut; Furlan, Valérie; Taburet, Anne-Marie; Pallier, Coralie; Becker, Pierre-Hadrien; Goujard, Cécile; Gasnault, Jacques; Barrail-Tran, Aurélie; Chéret, Antoine
18F-FDG PET/CT of sarcoidosis with extensive cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules: the snow leopard sign journalArticle 2019 Bompard, Florian; de Menthon, Mathilde; Gomez, Léa; Gottlieb, Jeremy; Saleh, Nouredine S.; Chekroun, Malika; Grimon, Gilles; Goujard, Cécile; Durand, Emmanuel; Besson, Florent L.
Missed opportunities of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in France: a retrospective analysis in the French DAT'AIDS cohort journalArticle 2019 Lions, C.; Cabras, O.; Cotte, L.; Huleux, T.; Gagneux-Brugnon, A.; Makinson, A.; Cabié, A.; Bonnet, B.; Duvivier, C.; Hocqueloux, L.; Cua, E.; Cheret, A.; Hustache-Mathieu, L.; Obry-Roguet, V.; Jacomet, C.; Poizot-Martin, I.; DAT’AIDS STUDY GROUP
Lack of a Clinically Significant Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Etravirine and Raltegravir Using an Original Approach Based on Drug Metabolism, Protein Binding, and Penetration in Seminal Fluid: A Pharmacokinetic Substudy of the ANRS-163 ETRAL Study journalArticle 2019 Lê, Minh Patrick; Valantin, Marc-Antoine; Assoumou, Lambert; Soulie, Cathia; Le Mestre, Soizic; Weiss, Laurence; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Molina, Jean-Michel; Bouchaud, Olivier; Raffi, François; Reynes, Jacques; Calvez, Vincent; Marcelin, Anne-Geneviève; Costagliola, Dominique; Katlama, Christine; Peytavin, Gilles; ANRS-163 ETRAL study group
Low incidence of acute rejection within 6 months of kidney transplantation in HIV-infected recipients treated with raltegravir: the Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les Hépatites Virales (ANRS) 153 TREVE trial journalArticle 2019 Matignon, M.; Lelièvre, J.-D.; Lahiani, A.; Abbassi, K.; Desvaux, D.; Diallo, A.; Peraldi, M.-N.; Taburet, A.-M.; Saillard, J.; Delaugerre, C.; Costagliola, D.; Assoumou, L.; Grimbert, P.; ANRS 153 TREVE study group
Increased liver stiffness is associated with mortality in HIV/HCV coinfected subjects: The French nationwide ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort study journalArticle 2019 Shili-Masmoudi, Sarah; Sogni, Philippe; de Ledinghen, Victor; Esterle, Laure; Valantin, Marc-Antoine; Poizot-Martin, Isabelle; Simon, Anne; Rosenthal, Eric; Lacombe, Karine; Pialoux, Gilles; Bouchaud, Olivier; Gervais-Hasenknoff, Anne; Goujard, Cécile; Piroth, Lionel; Zucman, David; Dominguez, Stéphanie; Raffi, François; Alric, Laurent; Bani-Sadr, Firouzé; Lascoux-Combe, Caroline; Garipuy, Daniel; Miailhes, Patrick; Vittecoq, Daniel; Duvivier, Claudine; Aumaître, Hugues; Neau, Didier; Morlat, Philippe; Dabis, François; Salmon, Dominique; Wittkop, Linda; ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH study group
Perceived HIV-related physical fatigue, sociodemographic characteristics and physical activity: A cross-sectional study journalArticle 2019 Bergamaschi, Alessandro; d'Arripe-Longueville, Fabienne; Gray, Laura L.; Colson, Serge S.; Goujard, Cecile; Ferez, Sylvain; Rouanet, Isabelle; Durant, Jacques; Rosenthal, Eric; Pradier, Christian; Duracinsky, Martin; Schuft, Laura
Integrase strand transfer inhibitors and neuropsychiatric adverse events in a large prospective cohort journalArticle 2019 Cuzin, Lise; Pugliese, Pascal; Katlama, Christine; Bani-Sadr, Firouzé; Ferry, Tristan; Rey, David; Lourenco, Jeremy; Bregigeon, Sylvie; Allavena, Clotilde; Reynes, Jacques; Cabié, André; Dat’AIDS Study Group