
Publications pour l'équipe Epidemiology of radiations

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
The PanCareSurFup consortium: research and guidelines to improve lives for survivors of childhood cancer journalArticle 2018 Byrne, Julianne; Alessi, Daniela; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Bagnasco, Francesca; Bárdi, Edit; Bautz, Andrea; Bright, Chloe J.; Brown, Morven; Diallo, Ibrahima; Feijen, Elizabeth A. M. Lieke; Fidler, Miranda M.; Frey, Eva; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Grabow, Desiree; Gudmundsdottir, Thorgerdur; Hagberg, Oskar; Harila-Saari, Arja; Hau, Eva M.; Haupt, Riccardo; Hawkins, Mike M.; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kaatsch, Peter; Kaiser, Melanie; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Kuonen, Rahel; Ladenstein, Ruth; Lähteenmäki, Päivi Maria; Levitt, Gill; Linge, Helena; LLanas, Damien; Michel, Gisela; Morsellino, Vera; Mulder, Renee L.; Reulen, Raoul C.; Ronckers, Cécile M.; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Skinner, Roderick; Steliarova-Foucher, Eva; van der Pal, Helena J.; de Vathaire, Florent; Vũ Bezin, Giao; Wesenberg, Finn; Wiebe, Thomas; Winter, David L.; Falck Winther, Jeanette; Witthoff, Elise; Zadravec Zaletel, Lorna; Hjorth, Lars
Family history of thyroid cancer and the risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in French polynesia journalArticle 2010 Brindel, Pauline; Doyon, Françoise; Bourgain, Catherine; Rachédi, Frédérique; Boissin, Jean-Louis; Sebbag, Joseph; Shan, Larrys; Bost-Bezeaud, Frédérique; Petitdidier, Patrice; Paoaafaite, John; Teuri, Joseph; de Vathaire, Florent
Risk of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Among 69 460 Five-Year Survivors of Childhood Cancer in Europe journalArticle 2017 Bright, Chloe J.; Hawkins, Mike M.; Winter, David L.; Alessi, Daniela; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Bagnasco, Francesca; Bárdi, Edit; Bautz, Andrea; Byrne, Julianne; Feijen, Elizabeth A. M.; Fidler, Miranda M.; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Grabow, Desiree; Gudmundsdottir, Thorgerdur; Guha, Joyeeta; Haddy, Nadia; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kaatsch, Peter; Kaiser, Melanie; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Linge, Helena; Øfstaas, Hilde; Ronckers, Cecile M.; Skinner, Roderick; Teepen, Jop C.; Terenziani, Monica; Vu-Bezin, Giao; Wesenberg, Finn; Wiebe, Thomas; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Haupt, Riccardo; Lähteenmäki, Päivi; Zaletel, Lorna Zadravec; Kuonen, Rahel; Winther, Jeanette F.; de Vathaire, Florent; Kremer, Leontien C.; Hjorth, Lars; Reulen, Raoul C.; PanCareSurFup Consortium
Impact on testicular function of a single ablative activity of 3.7 GBq radioactive iodine for differentiated thyroid carcinoma journalArticle 2018 Bourcigaux, N.; Rubino, C.; Berthaud, I.; Toubert, M. E.; Donadille, B.; Leenhardt, L.; Petrot-Keller, I.; Brailly-Tabard, S.; Fromigué, J.; de Vathaire, F.; Simon, T.; Siffroi, J. P.; Schlumberger, M.; Bouchard, P.; Christin-Maitre, S.
Long-term cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer journalArticle 2011 Bouillon, Kim; Haddy, Nadia; Delaloge, Suzette; Garbay, Jean-Remy; Garsi, Jerome-Philippe; Brindel, Pauline; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Lê, Monique G.; Labbe, Martine; Arriagada, Rodrigo; Jougla, Eric; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; Rubino, Carole; de Vathaire, Florent
Incidence rates of thyroid cancer and myeloid leukaemia in French Polynesia journalArticle 2011 Bouchardy, Christine; Benhamou, Simone; de Vathaire, Florent; Schaffar, Robin; Rapiti, Elisabetta
Field size dependent mapping of medical linear accelerator radiation leakage journalArticle 2015 Bezin, Jérémi Vũ; Veres, Attila; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Deutsch, Eric; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
A Clarion Call for Large-Scale Collaborative Studies of Pediatric Proton Therapy journalArticle 2017 Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy; Vikram, Bhadrasian; Buchsbaum, Jeffrey C.; de Vathaire, Florent; Dörr, Wolfgang; Hass-Kogan, Daphne; Langendijk, Johannes A.; Mahajan, Anita; Newhauser, Wayne; Ottolenghi, Andrea; Ronckers, Cecile; Schulte, Reinhard; Walsh, Linda; Yock, Torunn I.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.
No Association between Radiation Dose from Pediatric CT Scans and Risk of Subsequent Hodgkin Lymphoma journalArticle 2017 Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy; Journy, Neige; Lee, Choonsik; Morton, Lindsay M.; Harbron, Richard W.; Stewart, Douglas R.; Parker, Louise; Craft, Alan W.; McHugh, Kieran; Little, Mark P.; Pearce, Mark S.
Cataract Risk in a Cohort of U.S. Radiologic Technologists Performing Nuclear Medicine Procedures journalArticle 2018 Bernier, Marie-Odile; Journy, Neige; Villoing, Daphnee; Doody, Michele M.; Alexander, Bruce H.; Linet, Martha S.; Kitahara, Cari M.
Cohort Profile: the EPI-CT study: A European pooled epidemiological study to quantify the risk of radiation-induced cancer from paediatric CT journalArticle 2018 Bernier, Marie-Odile; Baysson, Hélène; Pearce, Mark S.; Moissonnier, Monika; Cardis, Elisabeth; Hauptmann, Michael; Struelens, Lara; Dabin, Jeremie; Johansen, Christoffer; Journy, Neige; Laurier, Dominique; Blettner, Maria; Le Cornet, Lucian; Pokora, Roman; Gradowska, Patrycja; Meulepas, Johanna M.; Kjaerheim, Kristina; Istad, Tore; Olerud, Hilde; Sovik, Aste; Bosch de Basea, Magda; Thierry-Chef, Isabelle; Kaijser, Magnus; Nordenskjöld, Arvid; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy; Harbron, Richard W.; Kesminiene, Ausrele
In reply to Alber and Söhn journalArticle 2015 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; de Vathaire, Florent; Blanchard, Pierre; Cardot, Hervé
Functional data analysis in NTCP modeling: a new method to explore the radiation dose-volume effects journalArticle 2014 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Blanchard, Pierre; Schwartz, Boris; Champoudry, Jérôme; Bouaita, Ryan; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Deutsch, Eric; Diallo, Ibrahima; Cardot, Hervé; de Vathaire, Florent
A multi-plane source model for out-of-field head scatter dose calculations in external beam photon therapy journalArticle 2012 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Bezin, Jérémi; Veres, Attila; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
Modélisation flexible du risque d'événements iatrogènes radio-induits thesis 2015 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine
Evaluation du coût global des effets iatrogènes à long terme des traitements des cancers de l’enfant et étude des déterminants de ce coût. Dirigée par Florent de Vathaire & Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury thesis 2019 BEJARANO QUISOBONI Daniel
The financial burden of morbidity in HIV-infected adults on antiretroviral therapy in Côte d'Ivoire journalArticle 2010 Beaulière, Arnousse; Touré, Siaka; Alexandre, Pierre-Kébreau; Koné, Koko; Pouhé, Alex; Kouadio, Bertin; Journy, Neige; Son, Jérôme; Ettiègne-Traoré, Virginie; Dabis, François; Eholié, Serge; Anglaret, Xavier
Suivi d’enfants exposés aux rayonnements ionisants dans le cadre de procédures radiologiques à visée diagnostique journalArticle 2013 Baysson, H.; Journy, N.; Rehel, J.L.; Mezzarobba, M.; Boudjemline, Y.; Bonnet, D.; Baruteau, A.; Petit, J.; Brisse, H.J.; Aubert, B.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.O.
Total heart volume as a function of clinical and anthropometric parameters in a population of external beam radiation therapy patients journalArticle 2012 Badouna, Audrey Nadège Ilembe; Veres, Cristina; Haddy, Nadia; Bidault, François; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
NADPH oxidase DUOX1 promotes long-term persistence of oxidative stress after an exposure to irradiation journalArticle 2015 Ameziane-El-Hassani, Rabii; Talbot, Monique; de Souza Dos Santos, Maria Carolina; Al Ghuzlan, Abir; Hartl, Dana; Bidart, Jean-Michel; De Deken, Xavier; Miot, Françoise; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Schlumberger, Martin; Dupuy, Corinne
Risk of Subsequent Leukemia After a Solid Tumor in Childhood: Impact of Bone Marrow Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy journalArticle 2015 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Schwartz, Boris; Veres, Cristina; Haddy, Nadia; Rubino, Carole; Le Deley, Marie-Cécile; Labbé, Martine; Diop, Fara; Jackson, Angela; Dayet, Florent; Benabdennebi, Aymen; Llanas, Damien; Vu Bezin, Jérémi; Chavaudra, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Deutsch, Eric; Oberlin, Odile; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
Simulation-extrapolation method to address errors in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates, 1950-2003 journalArticle 2015 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Schwartz, Boris; Diallo, Ibrahima; Agbovon, Césaire; Laurier, Dominique; de Vathaire, Florent
Risk of subsequent primary leukaemias among 69,460 five-year survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed from 1940 to 2008 in Europe: A cohort study within PanCareSurFup journalArticle 2019 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Hawkins, Mike M.; Bright, Chloe J.; Fidler-Benaoudia, Miranda M.; Winter, David L.; Alessi, Daniela; Fresneau, Brice; Journy, Neige; Morsellino, Vera; Bárdi, Edit; Bautz, Andrea; Byrne, Julianne; Feijen, Elizabeth Lieke Am; Teepen, Jop C.; Vu-Bezin, Giao; Rubino, Carole; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Grabow, Desiree; Gudmundsdottir, Thorgerdur; Guha, Joyeeta; Hau, Eva-Maria; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kaatsch, Peter; Kaiser, Melanie; Linge, Helena; Muraca, Monica; Llanas, Damien; Veres, Cristina; Øfstaas, Hilde; Diallo, Ibrahima; Mansouri, Imene; Ronckers, Cecile M.; Skinner, Roderick; Terenziani, Monica; Wesenberg, Finn; Wiebe, Thomas; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Haupt, Riccardo; Lähteenmäki, Päivi; Zaletel, Lorna Zadravec; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Winther, Jeanette F.; Michel, Gisela; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Hjorth, Lars; Haddy, Nadia; de Vathaire, Florent; Reulen, Raoul C.
Risk of subsequent colorectal cancers after a solid tumor in childhood: Effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy journalArticle 2019 Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Haddy, Nadia; Vu-Bezin, Giao; Dumas, Agnès; Fresneau, Brice; Mansouri, Imene; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Pacquement, Hélène; Munzer, Martine; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Oberlin, Odile; Rubino, Carole; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Role of radiation dose in the risk of secondary leukemia after a solid tumor in childhood treated between 1980 and 1999 journalArticle 2010 Allard, Aurore; Haddy, Nadia; Le Deley, Marie-Cécile; Rubino, Carole; Lassalle, Mathilde; Samsaldin, Akthar; Quiniou, Eric; Chompret, Agnès; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Experimental assessment of out-of-field dose components in high energy electron beams used in external beam radiotherapy journalArticle 2015 Alabdoaburas, Mohamad M.; Mege, Jean-Pierre; Chavaudra, Jean; Bezin, Jérémi Vũ; Veres, Atilla; de Vathaire, Florent; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima
Etude dosimétrique et modélisation des composantes de la dose à distance pour les faisceaux d'électrons en radiothérapie externe thesis 2017 Alabdoaburas Mohamad Mohamad
Multi-Morbidity and Risk of Breast Cancer among Women in the UK Biobank Cohort journalArticle 2023 Afi Mawulawoe Sylvie Henyoh,Rodrigue S. Allodji,Florent de Vathaire et al.