Change in Fertility Intentions in the First Year of COVID‐19: Evidence from Four Countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa |
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2023 |
Zimmerman, Linnea A.; Karp, Celia; Komuro, Naomi; Akilimali, Pierre; Zakirai, Musa Sani; OlaOlorun, Funmilola; Moreau, Caroline; Anglewicz, Philip; Gummerson, Elizabeth |
Prognostic impact of cytoreductive surgery conducted with primary intent, versus cytoreductive surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, in the management of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancers: a multicentre, propensity score‐matched study from the <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">FRANCOGYN</span> group |
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2023 |
Wohrer, Henri; Koual, Meriem; Bentivegna, Enrica; Benoit, Louise; Metairie, Marie; Bolze, Pierre‐Adrien; Kerbage, Yohan; Raimond, Emilie; Akladios, Cherif; Carcopino, Xavier; Canlorbe, Geoffroy; Uzan, Jennifer; Lavoue, Vincent; Mimoun, Camille; Huchon, Cyrille; Koskas, Martin; Costaz, Hélène; Margueritte, François; Dabi, Yohann; Touboul, Cyril; Bendifallah, Sofiane; Ouldamer, Lobna; Delanoy, Nicolas; Nguyen‐Xuan, Huyen‐Thu; Bats, Anne‐Sophie; Azaïs, Henri |
Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness-based relapse prevention program in a naturalistic setting among treatment-seeking patients with alcohol use disorder: a prospective observational study |
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2019 |
von Hammerstein, Cora; Khazaal, Yasser; Dupuis, Mathilde; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Luquiens, Amandine; Romo, Lucia |
Incitations et Prévention chez les femmes vulnérables |
thesis |
2023 |
Violette Deslille, Carine Franc, Marc Bardou, Lise Rochaix |
Women's occupational status during pregnancy and preventive behaviour and health outcomes between 1998 and 2016 in France |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Vigoureux, Solène; Lorthe, Elsa; Blondel, Béatrice; Ringa, Virginie; Saurel-Cubizolles, Marie-Josèphe |
The impact of manual rotation of the occiput posterior position on spontaneous vaginal delivery rate: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RMOS) |
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2018 |
Verhaeghe, C.; Parot-Schinkel, E.; Bouet, P. E.; Madzou, S.; Biquard, F.; Gillard, P.; Descamps, P.; Legendre, G. |
Elective abortion: Clinical practice guidelines from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) |
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2018 |
Vayssière, Christophe; Gaudineau, Adrien; Attali, Luisa; Bettahar, Karima; Eyraud, Sophie; Faucher, Philippe; Fournet, Patrick; Hassoun, Danielle; Hatchuel, Marie; Jamin, Christian; Letombe, Brigitte; Linet, Teddy; Msika Razon, Marie; Ohanessian, Alexandra; Segain, Hélène; Vigoureux, Solène; Winer, Norbert; Wylomanski, Sophie; Agostini, Aubert |
Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level: Efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate in alcohol-dependent patients with a very high drinking risk level |
journalArticle |
2018 |
van den Brink, Wim; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Benyamina, Amine; Caputo, Fabio; Dematteis, Maurice; Gual, Antoni; Lesch, Otto-Michael; Mann, Karl; Maremmani, Icro; Nutt, David; Paille, François; Perney, Pascal; Rehm, Jürgen; Reynaud, Michel; Simon, Nicolas; Söderpalm, Bo; Sommer, Wolfgang H.; Walter, Henriette; Spanagel, Rainer |
Accuracy of using natural language processing methods for identifying healthcare-associated infections |
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2018 |
Tvardik, Nastassia; Kergourlay, Ivan; Bittar, André; Segond, Frédérique; Darmoni, Stefan; Metzger, Marie-Hélène |
Reductions in WHO risk drinking levels correlate with alcohol craving among individuals with alcohol use disorder |
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2024 |
Tuchman, Felicia R.; Hallgren, Kevin A.; Richards, Dylan K.; Aldridge, Arnie; Anton, Raymond F.; Aubin, Henri‐Jean; Kranzler, Henry R.; Mann, Karl; O'Malley, Stephanie S.; Witkiewitz, Katie |
Postabortion care availability, readiness, and accessibility in Niger in 2022: results from linked facility-female cross-sectional data |
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2023 |
Thomas, Haley L.; Alzouma, Souleymane; Oumarou, Sani; Moreau, Caroline; Bell, Suzanne O. |
Impact de l'hôpital de jour de soins palliatifs intégrés en oncologie sur l'état de santé et l'utilisation des ressources. |
thesis |
2022 |
Thery, Laura; Destampa, Matthieu |
Are 3D ultrasound and office hysteroscopy useful for the assessment of uterine cavity after late foetal loss? |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Thellier, E.; Levaillant, J.-M.; Pourcelot, A.-G.; Houllier, M.; Fernandez, H.; Capmas, P. |
Accumulation of unhealthy behaviors: Marked social inequalities in men and women |
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2018 |
Thebault, Jean-Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Panjo, Henri; Bloy, Géraldine; Falcoff, Hector; Rigal, Laurent |
HCV and HBV prevalence based on home blood self-sampling and screening history in the general population in 2016: contribution to the new French screening strategy |
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2019 |
the 2016 Health Barometer Group; Brouard, Cécile; Saboni, Leïla; Gautier, Arnaud; Chevaliez, Stéphane; Rahib, Delphine; Richard, Jean-Baptiste; Barin, Francis; Larsen, Christine; Sommen, Cécile; Pillonel, Josiane; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Lydié, Nathalie; Lot, Florence |
HCV and HBV prevalence based on home blood self-sampling and screening history in the general population in 2016: contribution to the new French screening strategy |
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2019 |
the 2016 Health Barometer Group; Brouard, Cécile; Saboni, Leïla; Gautier, Arnaud; Chevaliez, Stéphane; Rahib, Delphine; Richard, Jean-Baptiste; Barin, Francis; Larsen, Christine; Sommen, Cécile; Pillonel, Josiane; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Lydié, Nathalie; Lot, Florence |
Conséquences des mutilations génitales féminines sur la santé reproductive des femmes dans le contexte européen. Le cas de la France. Dirigée par Armelle Andro et Caroline Moreau. |
thesis |
Sylla, Fatoumata |
A critical appraisal of acute sore throat guidelines using the AGREE II instrument: a scoping review |
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2024 |
Supper, Irène; Gratadour, Johanna; François, Mathilde; Jaafari, Nemat; Boussageon, Rémy |
Adolescent Hazardous Drinking and Socioeconomic Status in France: Insights Into the Alcohol Harm Paradox |
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2023 |
Stéphane Legleye, Myriam Khlat, Henri-Jean Aubin, Damien Bricard |
Experimenting first with e-cigarettes versus first with cigarettes and transition to daily cigarette use among adolescents: the crucial effect of age at first experiment |
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2020 |
Stéphane Legleye, Henri-Jean Aubin, Bruno Falissard, François Beck, Stanislas Spilka |
Predictive Factors Leading to Not Living at Home in a Very Frail Community Dwelling Older Population |
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2019 |
Stampa, Matthieu de; Bagaragaza, Emmanuel; Cerase, Valérie; Lys, Elodie; Alitta, Quentin; Aegerter, Philippe; Henrard, Jean Claude; Ankri, Joel |
Ectopic pregnancy 6 years after subtotal hysterectomy: A case report |
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2018 |
Sobczyk, O.; Levy-Zauberman, Y.; Houllier, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Analyses économiques des enjeux et effets de la féminisation des professions médicales |
thesis |
2023 |
Simon Drapala, Carine Franc |
Adolescent–Parent Relationships and Communication: Consequences for Pregnancy Knowledge and Family Planning Service Awareness |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Sievwright, Kirsty M.; Moreau, Caroline; Li, Mengmeng; Ramaiya, Astha; Gayles, Jennifer; Blum, Robert Wm. |
Women’s Benefits and Harms Trade-Offs in Breast Cancer Screening: Results from a Discrete-Choice Experiment |
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2018 |
Sicsic, Jonathan; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Moumjid, Nora |
Passive smoking in childhood increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis |
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2019 |
Seror, Raphaèle; Henry, Julien; Gusto, Gaelle; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Mariette, Xavier |
Office hysteroscopy for postmenopausal women: Feasibility and correlation with transvaginal ultrasound |
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2018 |
Sauvan, Marine; Pourcelot, Anne-Gaëlle; Fournet, Sandrine; Fernandez, Hervé; Capmas, Perrine |
Traitement médical de l’endométriose douloureuse sans infertilité, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
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2018 |
Sauvan, M.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Canis, M.; Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Geoffron, S.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.-M.; Fernandez, H. |
Combined influence of immigration status and income on cervical cancer screening uptake |
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2023 |
Sassenou, Jeanne; Ringa, Virginie; Zins, Marie; Ozguler, Anna; Paquet, Sylvain; Panjo, Henri; Franck, Jeanna-Eve; Menvielle, Gwenn; Rigal, Laurent |
Inégalités sociales de santé du dépistage par FCU : étude du sur et du sous dépistage en fonction des caractéristiques des femmes et du parcours de soins à partir des données de la cohorte Constances. Dirigée par Laurent Rigal et Virginie Ringa. |
thesis |
Sassenou, Jeanne |
Differential discontinuation by covert use status in Kenya |
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2023 |
Sarnak, Dana; Wood, Shannon N.; Anglewicz, Phil; Gummerson, Elizabeth; Gichangi, Peter; Thiongo, Mary; Moreau, Caroline |
Entraînement cognitif du contrôle inhibiteur dans le trouble de l'usage de l'alcool et le trouble lié au jeu d'argent. Dirigée par Amandine Luquiens. |
thesis |
2019 |
Santiago, Antoine |
Use of uterine manipulator and uterine perforation in minimally invasive endometrial cancer surgery |
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2023 |
Sallée, C; Lacorre, A; Despoux, F; Mbou, Vb; Margueritte, F; Gauthier, T |
Vers une intégration précoce des soins palliatifs en oncologie : Etude descriptive des besoins de santé des patients atteints de cancer avancé en Ile-de-France, et de l'adéquation de ces besoins avec les services de santé |
thesis |
2021 |
Sahut d 'Izarn, Marine; Destampa, Matthieu |
Travelling from France for CBRC: an internet survey as a first step to measure this phenomenon |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Rozée, Virginie; De La Rochebrochard, Elise |
Évolution de la loi de bioéthique française : éléments de discussion à partir des recherches menées sur l’AMP à l’Ined |
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2019 |
Rozée, Virginie; De La Rochebrochard, Elise |
General practitioner consultation after a visit to the emergency department: an observational study |
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2019 |
Rotival, Julie; Yordanov, Youri; Thiebaud, Pierre-Clément; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Jacquet, Elsa; Debuc, Erwan; Pateron, Dominique; Naouri, Diane |
Reproductive health, social life and plans for the future of adolescents growing-up with HIV: a case-control study in Thailand |
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2019 |
Rolland-Guillard, L.; de La Rochebrochard, E.; Sirirungsi, W.; Kanabkaew, C.; Breton, D.; Le Cœur, S. |
Qui ne vient pas chercher ses résultats après un dépistage positif d’une IST en CeGIDD ? |
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2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; de Larochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return |
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2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |