
Publications pour l'équipe Primary care and prevention

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Women’s reproductive health knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to the Zika virus outbreak in northeast Brazil journalArticle 2018 Borges, Ana Luiza Vilela; Moreau, Caroline; Burke, Anne; dos Santos, Osmara Alves; Chofakian, Christiane Borges
Women’s Benefits and Harms Trade-Offs in Breast Cancer Screening: Results from a Discrete-Choice Experiment journalArticle 2018 Sicsic, Jonathan; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Moumjid, Nora
Women's occupational status during pregnancy and preventive behaviour and health outcomes between 1998 and 2016 in France journalArticle 2023 Vigoureux, Solène; Lorthe, Elsa; Blondel, Béatrice; Ringa, Virginie; Saurel-Cubizolles, Marie-Josèphe
Women with type 2 diabetes have LDL cholesterol levels higher than those of men, regardless of their treatment and their cardiovascular risk level journalArticle 2023 Paquet, Sylvain; Sassenou, Jeanne; Ringa, Virginie; Czernichow, Sébastien; Zins, Marie; Ozguler, Anna; Rigal, Laurent
Witnessing interparental violence in childhood and symptoms of depression in adulthood: data from the 2017 French Health Barometer journalArticle 2020 Noémie Roland, Christophe Leon, Enguerrand du Roscoat, Henri Panjo, Marie-Josephe Saurel-Cubizolles and Virginie Ringa
What do patients consulting in a free STI center know about HIV transmission and prevention? journalArticle 2019 Duteil, C; de La Rochebrochard, E; Piron, P; Segouin, C; Troude, P
What characterizes cancer family history collection tools? A critical literature review journalArticle 2018 Cleophat, J.E.; Nabi, H.; Pelletier, S.; Bouchard, K.; Dorval, M.
What Are the Determinants of Dental Care Expenditures in Institutions for Adults With Disabilities? Findings From a National Survey journalArticle 2018 Naouri, Diane; Bussiere, Clémence; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
Vers une intégration précoce des soins palliatifs en oncologie : Etude descriptive des besoins de santé des patients atteints de cancer avancé en Ile-de-France, et de l'adéquation de ces besoins avec les services de santé thesis 2021 Sahut d 'Izarn, Marine; Destampa, Matthieu
Vaping among French adolescents aged 17: results from the ESCAPAD 2017 survey (n = 39 115) journalArticle 2019 Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas Spilka; Beck, François
Validation of the French version of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL) journalArticle 2018 Ousseine, Youssoufa M.; Rouquette, Alexandra; Bouhnik, Anne-Déborah; Rigal, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Smith, Allan ‘Ben’; Mancini, Julien
Use of uterine manipulator and uterine perforation in minimally invasive endometrial cancer surgery journalArticle 2023 Sallée, C; Lacorre, A; Despoux, F; Mbou, Vb; Margueritte, F; Gauthier, T
Use of infertility treatments in the French population journalArticle 2018 Ben Messaoud, K; Bouyer, J; de La Rochebrochard, E
Usages de la cigarette électronique en France à 17 ans : résultats de l’enquête nationale ESCAPAD 2017 journalArticle 2019 Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas; Beck, François
Understanding How Gender Transformative Interventions Affect Adolescent Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective journalArticle 2023 Hunersen, Kara; Li, Mengmeng; Pinandari, Anggriyani Wahyu; Mbela, Pierrot; van Reeuwijk, Miranda; Barker, Kathryn M.; Maddaleno, Matilde; Moreau, Caroline
Typologies of women’s abortion trajectories in Burkina Faso: findings from a qualitative study journalArticle 2022 Bazié, Fiacre; Thomas, Haley L.; Byrne, Meagan E.; Kindo, Boukary; Bell, Suzanne O.; Moreau, Caroline
Two morbidity indices developed in a nationwide population permitted performant outcome-specific severity adjustment journalArticle 2018 Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Fagot-Campagna, Anne; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Schellevis, François G.; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
Trends in fertility intentions and contraceptive practices in the context of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from four national and regional population-based cohorts journalArticle 2023 Moreau, Caroline; Karp, Celia; Wood, Shannon; Williams, Kelsey; Olaolorun, Funmilola M; Akilimali, Pierre; Guiella, Georges; Gichangi, Peter; Zimmerman, Linnea; Anglewicz, Philip
Trends in clomiphene citrate and gonadotropins use in women with infertility between 2010 and 2017: A population‐based study in France journalArticle 2023 Bourrion, Bastien; Panjo, Henri; François, Mathilde; Pelletier‐Fleury, Nathalie
Travelling from France for CBRC: an internet survey as a first step to measure this phenomenon journalArticle 2019 Rozée, Virginie; De La Rochebrochard, Elise
Transvaginal treatment of anterior and apical genital prolapse using Restorelle® direct fix™: An observational study of medium-term complications and outcomes journalArticle 2020 Gauthier, Anne; Ferry, Philippe; Bertherat, Pauline; De Tayrac, Renaud; Fernandez, Hervé
Traitement médical de l’endométriose douloureuse sans infertilité, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS journalArticle 2018 Sauvan, M.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Canis, M.; Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Geoffron, S.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.-M.; Fernandez, H.
Traitement médical de l’endométriose : prise en charge de la douleur et de l’évolution des lésions par traitement hormonal. RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS journalArticle 2018 Geoffron, S.; Cohen, J.; Sauvan, M.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.M.; Daraï, E.; Fernandez, H.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.
Tobacco smoking: the likely confounder of the association between heart diseases and suicide journalArticle 2020 Henri-Jean Aubin, Stephane Legleye, Daniel Thomas, Ivan Berlin
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return journalArticle 2018 Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P.
The use of multi-national web surveys for comparative analysis: Lessons from the European Web Survey on Drugs journalArticle 2019 Matias, João; Kalamara, Eleni; Mathis, Federica; Skarupova, Katerina; Noor, André; Singleton, Nicola
The Use of Baclofen as a Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Clinical Practice Perspective journalArticle 2019 de Beaurepaire, Renaud; Sinclair, Julia M. A.; Heydtmann, Mathis; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Beraha, Esther M.; Caputo, Fabio; Chick, Jonathan D.; de La Selle, Patrick; Franchitto, Nicolas; Garbutt, James C.; Haber, Paul S.; Jaury, Philippe; Lingford-Hughes, Anne R.; Morley, Kirsten C.; Müller, Christian A.; Owens, Lynn; Pastor, Adam; Paterson, Louise M.; Pélissier, Fanny; Rolland, Benjamin; Stafford, Amanda; Thompson, Andrew; van den Brink, Wim; Leggio, Lorenzo; Agabio, Roberta
The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General Population journalArticle 2018 Legleye, Stéphane; Charrance, Géraldine; Razafindratsima, Nicolas; Bajos, Nathalie; Bohet, Aline; Moreau, Caroline; the FECOND research Team
The TRKB rs2289656 genetic polymorphism is associated with acute suicide attempts in depressed patients: A transversal case control study journalArticle 2018 Deflesselle, Eric; Colle, Romain; Rigal, Laurent; David, Denis J.; Vievard, Albane; Martin, Séverine; Becquemont, Laurent; Verstuyft, Céline; Corruble, Emmanuelle
The surgical treatment of idiopathic abnormal uterine bleeding: An analysis of 88 000 patients from the French exhaustive national hospital discharge database from 2009 to 2015 journalArticle 2019 de Léotoing, Lucie; Chaize, Gwendoline; Fernandes, Jérôme; Toth, Dusan; Descamps, Philippe; Dubernard, Gil; Lafon, Thomas; Lamarsalle, Ludovic; Fernandez, Hervé
The impact of manual rotation of the occiput posterior position on spontaneous vaginal delivery rate: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RMOS) journalArticle 2018 Verhaeghe, C.; Parot-Schinkel, E.; Bouet, P. E.; Madzou, S.; Biquard, F.; Gillard, P.; Descamps, P.; Legendre, G.
The economic burden of infertility treatment and distribution of expenditures overtime in France: a self-controlled pre-post study journalArticle B. Bourrion, H.Panjo, P-L.Bithorel, La Rochebrochard, M. François and N.Pelletier-Fleury
The challenge of care coordination by midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national descriptive survey journalArticle 2022 Gaucher, Laurent; Dupont, Corinne; Gautier, Sylvain; Baumann, Sophie; Rousseau, Anne
The Association Between Age and Admission to an Inappropriate Ward: A Cross-Sectional Survey in France journalArticle 2023 Naouri, Diane; Panjo, Henri; Moïsi, Laura; El Khoury, Carlos; Serre, Patrice; Schmidt, Jeannot; Yordanov, Youri; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie
Tailored-Dose Baclofen in the Management of Alcoholism: A Retrospective Study of 144 Outpatients Followed for 3 Years in a French General Practice journalArticle 2018 Pinot, Juliette; Rigal, Laurent; Granger, Bernard; Sidorkiewicz, Stéphanie; Jaury, Philippe
Systematic Review and Critical Analysis of Longitudinal Studies Assessing Effect of E-Cigarettes on Cigarette Initiation among Adolescent Never-Smokers journalArticle 2023 Dautzenberg, Bertrand; Legleye, Stéphane; Underner, Michel; Arvers, Philippe; Pothegadoo, Bhavish; Bensaidi, Abdelhalim
Surgical implants and business ethics? journalArticle 2018 Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H.
Study on the use practices and knowledges of French practitioners about the use of intra-uterine devices in early post-partum contraception in France journalArticle 2022 Bléas, C.; Llouquet, F.; Neveu, M-E; Gaudu, S.; Fernandez, H.; Vigoureux, S.
Socio-Economic Determinants of Dental Service Expenditure: Findings from a French National Survey journalArticle 2022 Bas, Anne-Charlotte; Azogui-Lévy, Sylvie