Women’s reproductive health knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to the Zika virus outbreak in northeast Brazil |
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2018 |
Borges, Ana Luiza Vilela; Moreau, Caroline; Burke, Anne; dos Santos, Osmara Alves; Chofakian, Christiane Borges |
Women’s Benefits and Harms Trade-Offs in Breast Cancer Screening: Results from a Discrete-Choice Experiment |
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2018 |
Sicsic, Jonathan; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Moumjid, Nora |
Women's occupational status during pregnancy and preventive behaviour and health outcomes between 1998 and 2016 in France |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Vigoureux, Solène; Lorthe, Elsa; Blondel, Béatrice; Ringa, Virginie; Saurel-Cubizolles, Marie-Josèphe |
Women with type 2 diabetes have LDL cholesterol levels higher than those of men, regardless of their treatment and their cardiovascular risk level |
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2023 |
Paquet, Sylvain; Sassenou, Jeanne; Ringa, Virginie; Czernichow, Sébastien; Zins, Marie; Ozguler, Anna; Rigal, Laurent |
Witnessing interparental violence in childhood and symptoms of depression in adulthood: data from the 2017 French Health Barometer |
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2020 |
Noémie Roland, Christophe Leon, Enguerrand du Roscoat, Henri Panjo, Marie-Josephe Saurel-Cubizolles and Virginie Ringa |
What do patients consulting in a free STI center know about HIV transmission and prevention? |
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2019 |
Duteil, C; de La Rochebrochard, E; Piron, P; Segouin, C; Troude, P |
What characterizes cancer family history collection tools? A critical literature review |
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2018 |
Cleophat, J.E.; Nabi, H.; Pelletier, S.; Bouchard, K.; Dorval, M. |
What Are the Determinants of Dental Care Expenditures in Institutions for Adults With Disabilities? Findings From a National Survey |
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2018 |
Naouri, Diane; Bussiere, Clémence; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Vers une intégration précoce des soins palliatifs en oncologie : Etude descriptive des besoins de santé des patients atteints de cancer avancé en Ile-de-France, et de l'adéquation de ces besoins avec les services de santé |
thesis |
2021 |
Sahut d 'Izarn, Marine; Destampa, Matthieu |
Vaping among French adolescents aged 17: results from the ESCAPAD 2017 survey (n = 39 115) |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas Spilka; Beck, François |
Validation of the French version of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL) |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Ousseine, Youssoufa M.; Rouquette, Alexandra; Bouhnik, Anne-Déborah; Rigal, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Smith, Allan ‘Ben’; Mancini, Julien |
Use of uterine manipulator and uterine perforation in minimally invasive endometrial cancer surgery |
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2023 |
Sallée, C; Lacorre, A; Despoux, F; Mbou, Vb; Margueritte, F; Gauthier, T |
Use of infertility treatments in the French population |
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2018 |
Ben Messaoud, K; Bouyer, J; de La Rochebrochard, E |
Usages de la cigarette électronique en France à 17 ans : résultats de l’enquête nationale ESCAPAD 2017 |
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2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas; Beck, François |
Understanding How Gender Transformative Interventions Affect Adolescent Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective |
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2023 |
Hunersen, Kara; Li, Mengmeng; Pinandari, Anggriyani Wahyu; Mbela, Pierrot; van Reeuwijk, Miranda; Barker, Kathryn M.; Maddaleno, Matilde; Moreau, Caroline |
Typologies of women’s abortion trajectories in Burkina Faso: findings from a qualitative study |
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2022 |
Bazié, Fiacre; Thomas, Haley L.; Byrne, Meagan E.; Kindo, Boukary; Bell, Suzanne O.; Moreau, Caroline |
Two morbidity indices developed in a nationwide population permitted performant outcome-specific severity adjustment |
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2018 |
Constantinou, Panayotis; Tuppin, Philippe; Fagot-Campagna, Anne; Gastaldi-Ménager, Christelle; Schellevis, François G.; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Trends in fertility intentions and contraceptive practices in the context of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from four national and regional population-based cohorts |
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2023 |
Moreau, Caroline; Karp, Celia; Wood, Shannon; Williams, Kelsey; Olaolorun, Funmilola M; Akilimali, Pierre; Guiella, Georges; Gichangi, Peter; Zimmerman, Linnea; Anglewicz, Philip |
Trends in clomiphene citrate and gonadotropins use in women with infertility between 2010 and 2017: A population‐based study in France |
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2023 |
Bourrion, Bastien; Panjo, Henri; François, Mathilde; Pelletier‐Fleury, Nathalie |
Travelling from France for CBRC: an internet survey as a first step to measure this phenomenon |
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2019 |
Rozée, Virginie; De La Rochebrochard, Elise |
Transvaginal treatment of anterior and apical genital prolapse using Restorelle® direct fix™: An observational study of medium-term complications and outcomes |
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2020 |
Gauthier, Anne; Ferry, Philippe; Bertherat, Pauline; De Tayrac, Renaud; Fernandez, Hervé |
Traitement médical de l’endométriose douloureuse sans infertilité, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
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2018 |
Sauvan, M.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Canis, M.; Collinet, P.; Fritel, X.; Geoffron, S.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.-M.; Fernandez, H. |
Traitement médical de l’endométriose : prise en charge de la douleur et de l’évolution des lésions par traitement hormonal. RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
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2018 |
Geoffron, S.; Cohen, J.; Sauvan, M.; Legendre, G.; Wattier, J.M.; Daraï, E.; Fernandez, H.; Chabbert-Buffet, N. |
Tobacco smoking: the likely confounder of the association between heart diseases and suicide |
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2020 |
Henri-Jean Aubin, Stephane Legleye, Daniel Thomas, Ivan Berlin |
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return |
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2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |
The use of multi-national web surveys for comparative analysis: Lessons from the European Web Survey on Drugs |
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2019 |
Matias, João; Kalamara, Eleni; Mathis, Federica; Skarupova, Katerina; Noor, André; Singleton, Nicola |
The Use of Baclofen as a Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Clinical Practice Perspective |
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2019 |
de Beaurepaire, Renaud; Sinclair, Julia M. A.; Heydtmann, Mathis; Addolorato, Giovanni; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Beraha, Esther M.; Caputo, Fabio; Chick, Jonathan D.; de La Selle, Patrick; Franchitto, Nicolas; Garbutt, James C.; Haber, Paul S.; Jaury, Philippe; Lingford-Hughes, Anne R.; Morley, Kirsten C.; Müller, Christian A.; Owens, Lynn; Pastor, Adam; Paterson, Louise M.; Pélissier, Fanny; Rolland, Benjamin; Stafford, Amanda; Thompson, Andrew; van den Brink, Wim; Leggio, Lorenzo; Agabio, Roberta |
The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General Population |
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2018 |
Legleye, Stéphane; Charrance, Géraldine; Razafindratsima, Nicolas; Bajos, Nathalie; Bohet, Aline; Moreau, Caroline; the FECOND research Team |
The TRKB rs2289656 genetic polymorphism is associated with acute suicide attempts in depressed patients: A transversal case control study |
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2018 |
Deflesselle, Eric; Colle, Romain; Rigal, Laurent; David, Denis J.; Vievard, Albane; Martin, Séverine; Becquemont, Laurent; Verstuyft, Céline; Corruble, Emmanuelle |
The surgical treatment of idiopathic abnormal uterine bleeding: An analysis of 88 000 patients from the French exhaustive national hospital discharge database from 2009 to 2015 |
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2019 |
de Léotoing, Lucie; Chaize, Gwendoline; Fernandes, Jérôme; Toth, Dusan; Descamps, Philippe; Dubernard, Gil; Lafon, Thomas; Lamarsalle, Ludovic; Fernandez, Hervé |
The impact of manual rotation of the occiput posterior position on spontaneous vaginal delivery rate: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RMOS) |
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2018 |
Verhaeghe, C.; Parot-Schinkel, E.; Bouet, P. E.; Madzou, S.; Biquard, F.; Gillard, P.; Descamps, P.; Legendre, G. |
The economic burden of infertility treatment and distribution of expenditures overtime in France: a self-controlled pre-post study |
journalArticle |
B. Bourrion, H.Panjo, P-L.Bithorel, E.de La Rochebrochard, M. François and N.Pelletier-Fleury |
The challenge of care coordination by midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national descriptive survey |
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2022 |
Gaucher, Laurent; Dupont, Corinne; Gautier, Sylvain; Baumann, Sophie; Rousseau, Anne |
The Association Between Age and Admission to an Inappropriate Ward: A Cross-Sectional Survey in France |
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2023 |
Naouri, Diane; Panjo, Henri; Moïsi, Laura; El Khoury, Carlos; Serre, Patrice; Schmidt, Jeannot; Yordanov, Youri; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
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2018 |
Guignard, Romain |
Tailored-Dose Baclofen in the Management of Alcoholism: A Retrospective Study of 144 Outpatients Followed for 3 Years in a French General Practice |
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2018 |
Pinot, Juliette; Rigal, Laurent; Granger, Bernard; Sidorkiewicz, Stéphanie; Jaury, Philippe |
Systematic Review and Critical Analysis of Longitudinal Studies Assessing Effect of E-Cigarettes on Cigarette Initiation among Adolescent Never-Smokers |
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2023 |
Dautzenberg, Bertrand; Legleye, Stéphane; Underner, Michel; Arvers, Philippe; Pothegadoo, Bhavish; Bensaidi, Abdelhalim |
Surgical implants and business ethics? |
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2018 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Study on the use practices and knowledges of French practitioners about the use of intra-uterine devices in early post-partum contraception in France |
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2022 |
Bléas, C.; Llouquet, F.; Neveu, M-E; Gaudu, S.; Fernandez, H.; Vigoureux, S. |
Socio-Economic Determinants of Dental Service Expenditure: Findings from a French National Survey |
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2022 |
Bas, Anne-Charlotte; Azogui-Lévy, Sylvie |