Cost-effectiveness analysis of medical management versus conservative surgery for early tubal pregnancy |
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2019 |
Bourel, G; Pelletier-Fleury, N; Bouyer, J; Delbarre, A; Fernandez, H; Capmas, P |
Introduction |
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2019 |
Franc, Carine; Paraponaris, Alain; Ventelou, Bruno |
Change in Fertility Intentions in the First Year of COVID‐19: Evidence from Four Countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Zimmerman, Linnea A.; Karp, Celia; Komuro, Naomi; Akilimali, Pierre; Zakirai, Musa Sani; OlaOlorun, Funmilola; Moreau, Caroline; Anglewicz, Philip; Gummerson, Elizabeth |
Head and neck cancer and occupational exposure to leather dust: results from the ICARE study, a French case-control study |
journalArticle |
2019 |
ICARE study group; Radoï, Loredana; Sylla, Fatoumata; Matrat, Mireille; Barul, Christine; Menvielle, Gwenn; Delafosse, Patricia; Stücker, Isabelle; Luce, Danièle |
Cross-sectional multicentre study on the cohort of all the French junior lecturers in general practice |
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2018 |
Barais, Marie; Laporte, Catherine; Schuers, Matthieu; Saint-Lary, Olivier; Frappé, Paul; Dibao-Dina, Clarisse; Darmon, David; Bouchez, Tiphanie; Gelly, Julien |
Patients’ experiences of being touched by their general practitioner: a qualitative study |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Devillers, Louise; Subts, Amélie; De Bandt, David; Druais, Pierre-Louis; Gilles de la Londe, Julie |
The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor Sexual and Reproductive Health in the General Population |
journalArticle |
2018 |
Legleye, Stéphane; Charrance, Géraldine; Razafindratsima, Nicolas; Bajos, Nathalie; Bohet, Aline; Moreau, Caroline; the FECOND research Team |
Understanding How Gender Transformative Interventions Affect Adolescent Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective |
journalArticle |
2023 |
Hunersen, Kara; Li, Mengmeng; Pinandari, Anggriyani Wahyu; Mbela, Pierrot; van Reeuwijk, Miranda; Barker, Kathryn M.; Maddaleno, Matilde; Moreau, Caroline |
France Grants an Approval to Baclofen for Alcohol Dependence |
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2020 |
Rolland, Benjamin; Simon, Nicolas; Franchitto, Nicolas; Aubin, Henri-Jean |
The Association Between Age and Admission to an Inappropriate Ward: A Cross-Sectional Survey in France |
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2023 |
Naouri, Diane; Panjo, Henri; Moïsi, Laura; El Khoury, Carlos; Serre, Patrice; Schmidt, Jeannot; Yordanov, Youri; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie |
Age Invariance of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test in a Probabilistic Sample of Cannabis Users |
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2018 |
Legleye, Stéphane; Rouquette, Alexandra |
The economic burden of infertility treatment and distribution of expenditures overtime in France: a self-controlled pre-post study |
journalArticle |
B. Bourrion, H.Panjo, P-L.Bithorel, La Rochebrochard, M. François and N.Pelletier-Fleury |
A Restructured Hospital Into a One-Building Organization for COVID-19 Patients: A Resilient and Effective Response to the Pandemic |
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2022 |
Bessis, Simon; Dinh, Aurélien; Gautier, Sylvain; Davido, Benjamin; Levy, Jonathan; Lawrence, Christine; Lot, Anne-Sophie; Bensmail, Djamel; Rech, Célia; Farcy-Afif, Muriel; Bouchand, Frédérique; de Truchis, Pierre; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Barbot, Frédéric; Orlikowski, David; Moine, Pierre; Perronne, Christian; Josseran, Loïc; Prigent, Hélène; Annane, Djillali |
Typologies of women’s abortion trajectories in Burkina Faso: findings from a qualitative study |
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2022 |
Bazié, Fiacre; Thomas, Haley L.; Byrne, Meagan E.; Kindo, Boukary; Bell, Suzanne O.; Moreau, Caroline |
Vaping among French adolescents aged 17: results from the ESCAPAD 2017 survey (n = 39 115) |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Chyderiotis, Sandra; Spilka, Stanislas Spilka; Beck, François |
Physical and psychosocial factors associated with psychostimulant use in a nationally representative sample of French adolescents: Specificities of cocaine, amphetamine, and ecstasy use |
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2019 |
Céline, Bonnaire; François, Beck; Stanislas, Spilka |
Reproductive health, social life and plans for the future of adolescents growing-up with HIV: a case-control study in Thailand |
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2019 |
Rolland-Guillard, L.; de La Rochebrochard, E.; Sirirungsi, W.; Kanabkaew, C.; Breton, D.; Le Cœur, S. |
Ovarian drilling in polycystic ovary syndrome: Long term pregnancy rate |
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2019 |
Debras, E.; Fernandez, H.; Neveu, M-E.; Deffieux, X.; Capmas, P. |
Differential discontinuation by covert use status in Kenya |
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2023 |
Sarnak, Dana; Wood, Shannon N.; Anglewicz, Phil; Gummerson, Elizabeth; Gichangi, Peter; Thiongo, Mary; Moreau, Caroline |
Des organisations et des pratiques coopératives diverses entre médecins généralistes et infirmières dans le dispositif Asalée : une typologie des binômes |
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2019 |
Afrite, Anissa; Franc, Carine; Mousques, Julien |
Smoking Among Immigrant Groups in the United States: Prevalence, Education Gradients, and Male-to-Female Ratios |
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2019 |
Pampel, Fred; Khlat, Myriam; Bricard, Damien; Legleye, Stéphane |
Validation of the French version of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL) |
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2018 |
Ousseine, Youssoufa M.; Rouquette, Alexandra; Bouhnik, Anne-Déborah; Rigal, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie; Smith, Allan ‘Ben’; Mancini, Julien |
Socio-Economic Determinants of Dental Service Expenditure: Findings from a French National Survey |
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2022 |
Bas, Anne-Charlotte; Azogui-Lévy, Sylvie |
Adolescent Hazardous Drinking and Socioeconomic Status in France: Insights Into the Alcohol Harm Paradox |
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2023 |
Stéphane Legleye, Myriam Khlat, Henri-Jean Aubin, Damien Bricard |
Deep Learning versus Conventional Machine Learning for Detection of Healthcare-Associated Infections in French Clinical Narratives |
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2019 |
Rabhi, Sara; Jakubowicz, Jérémie; Metzger, Marie-Helene |
Comparison of e‐cigarette use characteristics between exclusive e‐cigarette users and dual e‐cigarette and conventional cigarette users: an on‐line survey in France |
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2019 |
Berlin, Ivan; Nalpas, Bertrand; Targhetta, Rémi; Perney, Pascal |
Pooled analysis of three randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trials with rimonabant for smoking cessation: Rimonabant and smoking cessation |
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2018 |
Robinson, Jason D.; Cinciripini, Paul M.; Karam-Hage, Maher; Aubin, Henri-Jean; Dale, Lowell C.; Niaura, Raymond; Anthenelli, Robert M.; the STRATUS Group |
Peut-on encore utiliser des prothèses par voie vaginale dans le traitement des prolapsus ? |
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2019 |
Cosson, M.; Fernandez, H. |
Measuring unmet need for contraception as a point prevalence |
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2019 |
Moreau, Caroline; Shankar, Mridula; Helleringer, Stephane; Becker, Stanley |
Female and male decision-making regarding whether to continue or abort an unintended pregnancy: a secondary analysis of the FECOND study |
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2018 |
Lee, Jessica K.; Burke, Anne E.; Moreau, Caroline |
Gender differences in gambling preferences and problem gambling: a network-level analysis |
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2018 |
Baggio, Stéphanie; Gainsbury, Sally M.; Starcevic, Vladan; Richard, Jean-Baptiste; Beck, François; Billieux, Joël |
Impact of the first COVID-19 epidemic wave in a large French network of nursing homes: a cross-sectional study |
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2023 |
Mbalayen, Fabrice; Mir, Sarah; de l’Estoile, Valentine; Letty, Aude; Le Bruchec, Solenn; Pondjikli, Manon; Seringe, Elise; Berrut, Gilles; Kabirian, Fariba; Fourrier, Marie-Anne; Armaingaud, Didier; Josseran, Loïc; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Gautier, Sylvain |
Place des nouveaux traitements médicaux dans l’endométriose douloureuse, RPC Endométriose CNGOF-HAS |
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2018 |
Legendre, G.; Delbos, L.; Hudon, E.; Chabbert-Buffet, N.; Geoffron, S.; Sauvan, M.; Fernandez, H.; Bouet, P.-E.; Descamps, P. |
Experimenting first with e-cigarettes versus first with cigarettes and transition to daily cigarette use among adolescents: the crucial effect of age at first experiment |
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2020 |
Stéphane Legleye, Henri-Jean Aubin, Bruno Falissard, François Beck, Stanislas Spilka |
Fin de vie aux urgences : évaluation d’une formation dédiée sur les pratiques aux urgences du CHU Ambroise-Paré |
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2023 |
Ferreira, Justine; Arrouy, Laurence; Sahut d’Izarn, Marine; Poye, Jérémy; Beaune, Sébastien |
To return or not to return for STI-HIV tests results: A study among 214 patients screened positive in a free center in Paris offering SMS reminders to reduce failure to return |
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2018 |
Rolland, C.; Segouin, C.; De La Rochebrochard, E.; Shelly, M.; Troude, P. |
Sex Differences in the Occurrence of Major Clinical Events in Elderly People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Followed up in the General Practice |
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2018 |
Al-Salameh, Abdallah; Bucher, Sophie; Bauduceau, Bernard; Benattar-Zibi, Linda; Berrut, Gilles; Bertin, Philippe; Corruble, Emmanuelle; Danchin, Nicolas; Derumeaux, Geneviève; Doucet, Jean; Falissard, Bruno; Forette, Françoise; Hanon, Olivier; Ourabah, Rissane; Pasquier, Florence; Pinget, Michel; Becquemont, Laurent; Ringa, Virginie |
Gender performance and adolescent health trajectories |
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2019 |
Moreau, Caroline |
Women’s Benefits and Harms Trade-Offs in Breast Cancer Screening: Results from a Discrete-Choice Experiment |
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2018 |
Sicsic, Jonathan; Pelletier-Fleury, Nathalie; Moumjid, Nora |
Health policy analysis of the non-implementation of HPV vaccination coverage in the pay for performance scheme in France |
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2019 |
Ohannessian, Robin; Constantinou, Panayotis; Chauvin, Franck |