
Publications pour l'équipe Épidémiologie des radiations

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Identification des variants génétiques rares associés au risque de second cancer après traitement d'un cancer pédiatrique thesis Claire Ducos
Effets iatrogènes à long terme de la radiothérapie dans l’enfance : prédiction de risque et dépistage – exemple des seconds cancers thesis Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte
Développement de méthodes pour modéliser la survenue d’évènements iatrogènes multiples chez les anciens patients de cancers pédiatriques thesis Thibaud Charrier
Prise en compte des distributions de doses aux tissus sains dans la prédiction des effets iatrogènes de la radiothérapie : Application à la radiothérapie des cancers pédiatriques. thesis CHOUNTA Stefania
Risque de cardiotoxicité radio-induite chez les femmes traitées par radiothérapie pour un cancer du sein dans la cohorte CANTO-RT thesis Nicolas MEILLAN
La susceptibilité génétique au cancer de la thyroïde après irradiation dans l’enfance thesis Zidane Monia
Mortalité spécifique et événements iatrogènes peu étudiés survenant à très long terme après traitement d’un cancer de l’enfant thesis Tukenova Markhaba
Smoking and Cannabis Use among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Results of the French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study journalArticle Nicolas Bougas,Brice Fresneau,Sandrine Pinto,Aurelie Mayet,Joffrey Marchi,Francois Pein,Imene Mansouri,Neige M.Y. Journy,Angela Jackson,Vincent Souchard,Charlotte Demoor-Goldschmidt,Giao Vu-Bezin,Carole Rubino,Odile Oberlin, Nadia Haddy,Florent de Vathaire,Rodrigue S. Allodji,Agnes Dumas
Prédiction de la survie des patients atteints de cancer du foie à partir des CT-scans utilisant des réseaux de neurones profonds et de la régression basée sur les caractéristiques radiomiques thesis Zossou Vincent
Analyses pronostiques en oncologie pédiatrique : Identification de facteurs de susceptibilité tumorale ou individuelle à l’efficacité et/ou à la toxicité des traitements anticancéreux utilisés chez l’enfant thesis Fresneau Brice
Smoking and Cannabis Use among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Results of the French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study journalArticle Nicolas Bougas,Brice Fresneau,Sandrine Pinto,Aurelie Mayet,Joffrey Marchi,Francois Pein,Imene Mansouri,Neige M.Y. Journy,Angela Jackson,Vincent Souchard,Charlotte Demoor-Goldschmidt,Giao Vu-Bezin,Carole Rubino,Odile Oberlin, Nadia Haddy,Florent de Vathaire,Rodrigue S. Allodji,Agnes Dumas
Family history of thyroid cancer and the risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in French polynesia journalArticle 2010 Brindel, Pauline; Doyon, Françoise; Bourgain, Catherine; Rachédi, Frédérique; Boissin, Jean-Louis; Sebbag, Joseph; Shan, Larrys; Bost-Bezeaud, Frédérique; Petitdidier, Patrice; Paoaafaite, John; Teuri, Joseph; de Vathaire, Florent
Pooled analysis of two case-control studies in New Caledonia and French Polynesia of body mass index and differentiated thyroid cancer: the importance of body surface area journalArticle 2010 Cléro, Enora; Leux, Christophe; Brindel, Pauline; Truong, Thérèse; Anger, Antoinette; Teinturier, Cécile; Diallo, Ibrahima; Doyon, Françoise; Guénel, Pascal; de Vathaire, Florent
Relation of risk of contralateral breast cancer to the interval since the first primary tumour journalArticle 2010 Rubino, C.; Arriagada, R.; Delaloge, S.; Le, M. G.
The financial burden of morbidity in HIV-infected adults on antiretroviral therapy in Côte d'Ivoire journalArticle 2010 Beaulière, Arnousse; Touré, Siaka; Alexandre, Pierre-Kébreau; Koné, Koko; Pouhé, Alex; Kouadio, Bertin; Journy, Neige; Son, Jérôme; Ettiègne-Traoré, Virginie; Dabis, François; Eholié, Serge; Anglaret, Xavier
Role of radiation dose in the risk of secondary leukemia after a solid tumor in childhood treated between 1980 and 1999 journalArticle 2010 Allard, Aurore; Haddy, Nadia; Le Deley, Marie-Cécile; Rubino, Carole; Lassalle, Mathilde; Samsaldin, Akthar; Quiniou, Eric; Chompret, Agnès; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Thyroid cancer following nuclear tests in French Polynesia journalArticle 2010 de Vathaire, F.; Drozdovitch, V.; Brindel, P.; Rachedi, F.; Boissin, J.-L.; Sebbag, J.; Shan, L.; Bost-Bezeaud, F.; Petitdidier, P.; Paoaafaite, J.; Teuri, J.; Iltis, J.; Bouville, A.; Cardis, E.; Hill, C.; Doyon, F.
Long-term mortality from second malignant neoplasms in 5-year survivors of solid childhood tumors: temporal pattern of risk according to type of treatment journalArticle 2010 Tukenova, Markhaba; Diallo, Ibrahima; Hawkins, Mike; Guibout, Catherine; Quiniou, Eric; Pacquement, Hélène; Dhermain, Frederic; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Oberlin, Odile; de Vathaire, Florent
Effect of a plaster containing DHEP and heparin in acute ankle sprains with oedema: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study journalArticle 2010 Coudreuse, J.-M.; de Vathaire, F.
Breast cancer following radiotherapy for a hemangioma during childhood journalArticle 2010 Haddy, Nadia; Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle; Paoletti, Catherine; Rubino, Carole; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Doyon, Françoise; Labbé, Martine; Robert, Caroline; Avril, Marie-Françoise; Demars, Rogers; Molinie, Florence; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Role of cancer treatment in long-term overall and cardiovascular mortality after childhood cancer journalArticle 2010 Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Oberlin, Odile; Doyon, Françoise; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Haddy, Nadia; Guérin, Sylvie; Pacquement, Hélène; Aouba, Albertine; Hawkins, Mike; Winter, Dave; Bourhis, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
[Offspring of childhood cancer survivors] journalArticle 2010 Dufour, C.; Oberlin, O.; De Vathaire, F.
Thyroid volume measurement in external beam radiotherapy patients using CT imaging: correlation with clinical and anthropometric characteristics journalArticle 2010 Veres, C.; Garsi, J. P.; Rubino, C.; Pouzoulet, F.; Bidault, F.; Chavaudra, J.; Bridier, A.; Ricard, M.; Ferreira, I.; Lefkopoulos, D.; de Vathaire, F.; Diallo, I.
[Thyroid cancer following exposure to ionising radiation] journalArticle 2011 Schlumberger, M.; Chevillard, S.; Ory, K.; Dupuy, C.; Le Guen, B.; de Vathaire, F.
Gene expression signature discriminates sporadic from post-radiotherapy-induced thyroid tumors journalArticle 2011 Ory, Catherine; Ugolin, Nicolas; Levalois, Céline; Lacroix, Ludovic; Caillou, Bernard; Bidart, Jean-Michel; Schlumberger, Martin; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Hofman, Paul; Santini, José; Malfoy, Bernard; Chevillard, Sylvie
Radiation therapy and late mortality from second sarcoma, carcinoma, and hematological malignancies after a solid cancer in childhood journalArticle 2011 Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Hawkins, Mike; Quiniou, Eric; Mousannif, Abddedahir; Pacquement, Hélène; Winter, David; Bridier, André; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Oberlin, Odile; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Relationship between the brain radiation dose for the treatment of childhood cancer and the risk of long-term cerebrovascular mortality journalArticle 2011 Haddy, Nadia; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Grill, Jacques; Dhermain, Frédéric; Pacquement, Hélène; Oberlin, Odile; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Rubino, Carole; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Le-Deley, Marie-Cécile; Hawkins, Mike; Winter, Dave; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Incidence rates of thyroid cancer and myeloid leukaemia in French Polynesia journalArticle 2011 Bouchardy, Christine; Benhamou, Simone; de Vathaire, Florent; Schaffar, Robin; Rapiti, Elisabetta
A new method of assessing the dose-carcinogenic effect relationship in patients exposed to ionizing radiation. A concise presentation of preliminary data journalArticle 2011 Tubiana, Maurice; Diallo, Ibrahima; Chavaudra, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Bourhis, Jean; Girinsky, Théodore; Brider, André; Hawkins, Mike; Haddy, Nadia; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Clero, Enora; de Vathaire, Florent
Long-term cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer journalArticle 2011 Bouillon, Kim; Haddy, Nadia; Delaloge, Suzette; Garbay, Jean-Remy; Garsi, Jerome-Philippe; Brindel, Pauline; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Lê, Monique G.; Labbe, Martine; Arriagada, Rodrigo; Jougla, Eric; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; Rubino, Carole; de Vathaire, Florent
Radiation dose to the pancreas and risk of diabetes mellitus in childhood cancer survivors: a retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2012 de Vathaire, Florent; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Ben Ayed, Faten Fedhila; Haddy, Nadia; Guibout, Catherine; Winter, David; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Veres, Cristina; Jackson, Angela; Pacquement, Hélène; Schlumberger, Martin; Hawkins, Mike; Diallo, Ibrahima; Oberlin, Odile
Ionizing radiation biomarkers for potential use in epidemiological studies journalArticle 2012 Pernot, Eileen; Hall, Janet; Baatout, Sarah; Benotmane, Mohammed Abderrafi; Blanchardon, Eric; Bouffler, Simon; El Saghire, Houssein; Gomolka, Maria; Guertler, Anne; Harms-Ringdahl, Mats; Jeggo, Penny; Kreuzer, Michaela; Laurier, Dominique; Lindholm, Carita; Mkacher, Radhia; Quintens, Roel; Rothkamm, Kai; Sabatier, Laure; Tapio, Soile; de Vathaire, Florent; Cardis, Elisabeth
Common genetic variants in sex hormone pathway genes and papillary thyroid cancer risk journalArticle 2012 Schonfeld, Sara J.; Neta, Gila; Sturgis, Erich M.; Pfeiffer, Ruth M.; Hutchinson, Amy A.; Xu, Li; Wheeler, William; Guénel, Pascal; Rajaraman, Preetha; de Vathaire, Florent; Ron, Elaine; Tucker, Margaret A.; Chanock, Stephen J.; Sigurdson, Alice J.; Brenner, Alina V.
Updated relevance of mammographic screening modalities in women previously treated with chest irradiation for Hodgkin disease journalArticle 2012 Colin, Catherine; de Vathaire, Florent; Noël, Alain; Charlot, Mathilde; Devic, Clément; Foray, Nicolas; Valette, Pierre-Jean
A pooled analysis of thyroid cancer incidence following radiotherapy for childhood cancer journalArticle 2012 Veiga, Lene H. S.; Lubin, Jay H.; Anderson, Harald; de Vathaire, Florent; Tucker, Margaret; Bhatti, Parveen; Schneider, Arthur; Johansson, Robert; Inskip, Peter; Kleinerman, Ruth; Shore, Roy; Pottern, Linda; Holmberg, Erik; Hawkins, Michael M.; Adams, M. Jacob; Sadetzki, Siegal; Lundell, Marie; Sakata, Ritsu; Damber, Lena; Neta, Gila; Ron, Elaine
Anthropométrie, alimentation et risque du cancer différencié de la thyroïde dans les îles du Pacifique thesis 2012 Cléro Enora
Thyroid adenomas after solid cancer in childhood journalArticle 2012 Haddy, Nadia; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Guibout, Catherine; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Oberlin, Odile; Veres, Cristina; Pacquement, Hélène; Jackson, Angela; Munzer, Martine; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Bridier, André; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Schlumberger, Martin; Rubino, Carole; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Total heart volume as a function of clinical and anthropometric parameters in a population of external beam radiation therapy patients journalArticle 2012 Badouna, Audrey Nadège Ilembe; Veres, Cristina; Haddy, Nadia; Bidault, François; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
A multi-plane source model for out-of-field head scatter dose calculations in external beam photon therapy journalArticle 2012 Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Bezin, Jérémi; Veres, Attila; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima
Systematic review and meta-analysis of circulatory disease from exposure to low-level ionizing radiation and estimates of potential population mortality risks journalArticle 2012 Little, Mark P.; Azizova, Tamara V.; Bazyka, Dimitry; Bouffler, Simon D.; Cardis, Elisabeth; Chekin, Sergey; Chumak, Vadim V.; Cucinotta, Francis A.; de Vathaire, Florent; Hall, Per; Harrison, John D.; Hildebrandt, Guido; Ivanov, Victor; Kashcheev, Valeriy V.; Klymenko, Sergiy V.; Kreuzer, Michaela; Laurent, Olivier; Ozasa, Kotaro; Schneider, Thierry; Tapio, Soile; Taylor, Andrew M.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Vandoolaeghe, Wendy L.; Wakeford, Richard; Zablotska, Lydia B.; Zhang, Wei; Lipshultz, Steven E.