Identification des variants génétiques rares associés au risque de second cancer après traitement d'un cancer pédiatrique |
thesis |
Claire Ducos |
Effets iatrogènes à long terme de la radiothérapie dans l’enfance : prédiction de risque et dépistage – exemple des seconds cancers |
thesis |
Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte |
Développement de méthodes pour modéliser la survenue d’évènements iatrogènes multiples chez les anciens patients de cancers pédiatriques |
thesis |
Thibaud Charrier |
Prise en compte des distributions de doses aux tissus sains dans la prédiction des effets iatrogènes de la radiothérapie : Application à la radiothérapie des cancers pédiatriques. |
thesis |
CHOUNTA Stefania |
Risque de cardiotoxicité radio-induite chez les femmes traitées par radiothérapie pour un cancer du sein dans la cohorte CANTO-RT |
thesis |
Nicolas MEILLAN |
La susceptibilité génétique au cancer de la thyroïde après irradiation dans l’enfance |
thesis |
Zidane Monia |
Mortalité spécifique et événements iatrogènes peu étudiés survenant à très long terme après traitement d’un cancer de l’enfant |
thesis |
Tukenova Markhaba |
Smoking and Cannabis Use among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Results of the French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study |
journalArticle |
Nicolas Bougas,Brice Fresneau,Sandrine Pinto,Aurelie Mayet,Joffrey Marchi,Francois Pein,Imene Mansouri,Neige M.Y. Journy,Angela Jackson,Vincent Souchard,Charlotte Demoor-Goldschmidt,Giao Vu-Bezin,Carole Rubino,Odile Oberlin, Nadia Haddy,Florent de Vathaire,Rodrigue S. Allodji,Agnes Dumas |
Prédiction de la survie des patients atteints de cancer du foie à partir des CT-scans utilisant des réseaux de neurones profonds et de la régression basée sur les caractéristiques radiomiques |
thesis |
Zossou Vincent |
Analyses pronostiques en oncologie pédiatrique : Identification de facteurs de susceptibilité tumorale ou individuelle à l’efficacité et/ou à la toxicité des traitements anticancéreux utilisés chez l’enfant |
thesis |
Fresneau Brice |
Smoking and Cannabis Use among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Results of the French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study |
journalArticle |
Nicolas Bougas,Brice Fresneau,Sandrine Pinto,Aurelie Mayet,Joffrey Marchi,Francois Pein,Imene Mansouri,Neige M.Y. Journy,Angela Jackson,Vincent Souchard,Charlotte Demoor-Goldschmidt,Giao Vu-Bezin,Carole Rubino,Odile Oberlin, Nadia Haddy,Florent de Vathaire,Rodrigue S. Allodji,Agnes Dumas |
Family history of thyroid cancer and the risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in French polynesia |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Brindel, Pauline; Doyon, Françoise; Bourgain, Catherine; Rachédi, Frédérique; Boissin, Jean-Louis; Sebbag, Joseph; Shan, Larrys; Bost-Bezeaud, Frédérique; Petitdidier, Patrice; Paoaafaite, John; Teuri, Joseph; de Vathaire, Florent |
Pooled analysis of two case-control studies in New Caledonia and French Polynesia of body mass index and differentiated thyroid cancer: the importance of body surface area |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Cléro, Enora; Leux, Christophe; Brindel, Pauline; Truong, Thérèse; Anger, Antoinette; Teinturier, Cécile; Diallo, Ibrahima; Doyon, Françoise; Guénel, Pascal; de Vathaire, Florent |
Relation of risk of contralateral breast cancer to the interval since the first primary tumour |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Rubino, C.; Arriagada, R.; Delaloge, S.; Le, M. G. |
The financial burden of morbidity in HIV-infected adults on antiretroviral therapy in Côte d'Ivoire |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Beaulière, Arnousse; Touré, Siaka; Alexandre, Pierre-Kébreau; Koné, Koko; Pouhé, Alex; Kouadio, Bertin; Journy, Neige; Son, Jérôme; Ettiègne-Traoré, Virginie; Dabis, François; Eholié, Serge; Anglaret, Xavier |
Role of radiation dose in the risk of secondary leukemia after a solid tumor in childhood treated between 1980 and 1999 |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Allard, Aurore; Haddy, Nadia; Le Deley, Marie-Cécile; Rubino, Carole; Lassalle, Mathilde; Samsaldin, Akthar; Quiniou, Eric; Chompret, Agnès; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
Thyroid cancer following nuclear tests in French Polynesia |
journalArticle |
2010 |
de Vathaire, F.; Drozdovitch, V.; Brindel, P.; Rachedi, F.; Boissin, J.-L.; Sebbag, J.; Shan, L.; Bost-Bezeaud, F.; Petitdidier, P.; Paoaafaite, J.; Teuri, J.; Iltis, J.; Bouville, A.; Cardis, E.; Hill, C.; Doyon, F. |
Long-term mortality from second malignant neoplasms in 5-year survivors of solid childhood tumors: temporal pattern of risk according to type of treatment |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Tukenova, Markhaba; Diallo, Ibrahima; Hawkins, Mike; Guibout, Catherine; Quiniou, Eric; Pacquement, Hélène; Dhermain, Frederic; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Oberlin, Odile; de Vathaire, Florent |
Effect of a plaster containing DHEP and heparin in acute ankle sprains with oedema: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Coudreuse, J.-M.; de Vathaire, F. |
Breast cancer following radiotherapy for a hemangioma during childhood |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Haddy, Nadia; Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle; Paoletti, Catherine; Rubino, Carole; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Doyon, Françoise; Labbé, Martine; Robert, Caroline; Avril, Marie-Françoise; Demars, Rogers; Molinie, Florence; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
Role of cancer treatment in long-term overall and cardiovascular mortality after childhood cancer |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Oberlin, Odile; Doyon, Françoise; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Haddy, Nadia; Guérin, Sylvie; Pacquement, Hélène; Aouba, Albertine; Hawkins, Mike; Winter, Dave; Bourhis, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
[Offspring of childhood cancer survivors] |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Dufour, C.; Oberlin, O.; De Vathaire, F. |
Thyroid volume measurement in external beam radiotherapy patients using CT imaging: correlation with clinical and anthropometric characteristics |
journalArticle |
2010 |
Veres, C.; Garsi, J. P.; Rubino, C.; Pouzoulet, F.; Bidault, F.; Chavaudra, J.; Bridier, A.; Ricard, M.; Ferreira, I.; Lefkopoulos, D.; de Vathaire, F.; Diallo, I. |
[Thyroid cancer following exposure to ionising radiation] |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Schlumberger, M.; Chevillard, S.; Ory, K.; Dupuy, C.; Le Guen, B.; de Vathaire, F. |
Gene expression signature discriminates sporadic from post-radiotherapy-induced thyroid tumors |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Ory, Catherine; Ugolin, Nicolas; Levalois, Céline; Lacroix, Ludovic; Caillou, Bernard; Bidart, Jean-Michel; Schlumberger, Martin; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Hofman, Paul; Santini, José; Malfoy, Bernard; Chevillard, Sylvie |
Radiation therapy and late mortality from second sarcoma, carcinoma, and hematological malignancies after a solid cancer in childhood |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Hawkins, Mike; Quiniou, Eric; Mousannif, Abddedahir; Pacquement, Hélène; Winter, David; Bridier, André; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Oberlin, Odile; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
Relationship between the brain radiation dose for the treatment of childhood cancer and the risk of long-term cerebrovascular mortality |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Haddy, Nadia; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Grill, Jacques; Dhermain, Frédéric; Pacquement, Hélène; Oberlin, Odile; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Rubino, Carole; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Le-Deley, Marie-Cécile; Hawkins, Mike; Winter, Dave; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
Incidence rates of thyroid cancer and myeloid leukaemia in French Polynesia |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Bouchardy, Christine; Benhamou, Simone; de Vathaire, Florent; Schaffar, Robin; Rapiti, Elisabetta |
A new method of assessing the dose-carcinogenic effect relationship in patients exposed to ionizing radiation. A concise presentation of preliminary data |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Tubiana, Maurice; Diallo, Ibrahima; Chavaudra, Jean; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Bourhis, Jean; Girinsky, Théodore; Brider, André; Hawkins, Mike; Haddy, Nadia; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Clero, Enora; de Vathaire, Florent |
Long-term cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer |
journalArticle |
2011 |
Bouillon, Kim; Haddy, Nadia; Delaloge, Suzette; Garbay, Jean-Remy; Garsi, Jerome-Philippe; Brindel, Pauline; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Lê, Monique G.; Labbe, Martine; Arriagada, Rodrigo; Jougla, Eric; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; Rubino, Carole; de Vathaire, Florent |
Radiation dose to the pancreas and risk of diabetes mellitus in childhood cancer survivors: a retrospective cohort study |
journalArticle |
2012 |
de Vathaire, Florent; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Ben Ayed, Faten Fedhila; Haddy, Nadia; Guibout, Catherine; Winter, David; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Veres, Cristina; Jackson, Angela; Pacquement, Hélène; Schlumberger, Martin; Hawkins, Mike; Diallo, Ibrahima; Oberlin, Odile |
Ionizing radiation biomarkers for potential use in epidemiological studies |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Pernot, Eileen; Hall, Janet; Baatout, Sarah; Benotmane, Mohammed Abderrafi; Blanchardon, Eric; Bouffler, Simon; El Saghire, Houssein; Gomolka, Maria; Guertler, Anne; Harms-Ringdahl, Mats; Jeggo, Penny; Kreuzer, Michaela; Laurier, Dominique; Lindholm, Carita; Mkacher, Radhia; Quintens, Roel; Rothkamm, Kai; Sabatier, Laure; Tapio, Soile; de Vathaire, Florent; Cardis, Elisabeth |
Common genetic variants in sex hormone pathway genes and papillary thyroid cancer risk |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Schonfeld, Sara J.; Neta, Gila; Sturgis, Erich M.; Pfeiffer, Ruth M.; Hutchinson, Amy A.; Xu, Li; Wheeler, William; Guénel, Pascal; Rajaraman, Preetha; de Vathaire, Florent; Ron, Elaine; Tucker, Margaret A.; Chanock, Stephen J.; Sigurdson, Alice J.; Brenner, Alina V. |
Updated relevance of mammographic screening modalities in women previously treated with chest irradiation for Hodgkin disease |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Colin, Catherine; de Vathaire, Florent; Noël, Alain; Charlot, Mathilde; Devic, Clément; Foray, Nicolas; Valette, Pierre-Jean |
A pooled analysis of thyroid cancer incidence following radiotherapy for childhood cancer |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Veiga, Lene H. S.; Lubin, Jay H.; Anderson, Harald; de Vathaire, Florent; Tucker, Margaret; Bhatti, Parveen; Schneider, Arthur; Johansson, Robert; Inskip, Peter; Kleinerman, Ruth; Shore, Roy; Pottern, Linda; Holmberg, Erik; Hawkins, Michael M.; Adams, M. Jacob; Sadetzki, Siegal; Lundell, Marie; Sakata, Ritsu; Damber, Lena; Neta, Gila; Ron, Elaine |
Anthropométrie, alimentation et risque du cancer différencié de la thyroïde dans les îles du Pacifique |
thesis |
2012 |
Cléro Enora |
Thyroid adenomas after solid cancer in childhood |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Haddy, Nadia; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Guibout, Catherine; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Oberlin, Odile; Veres, Cristina; Pacquement, Hélène; Jackson, Angela; Munzer, Martine; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Bridier, André; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Schlumberger, Martin; Rubino, Carole; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent |
Total heart volume as a function of clinical and anthropometric parameters in a population of external beam radiation therapy patients |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Badouna, Audrey Nadège Ilembe; Veres, Cristina; Haddy, Nadia; Bidault, François; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima |
A multi-plane source model for out-of-field head scatter dose calculations in external beam photon therapy |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine; Bezin, Jérémi; Veres, Attila; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Chavaudra, Jean; Bridier, André; de Vathaire, Florent; Diallo, Ibrahima |
Systematic review and meta-analysis of circulatory disease from exposure to low-level ionizing radiation and estimates of potential population mortality risks |
journalArticle |
2012 |
Little, Mark P.; Azizova, Tamara V.; Bazyka, Dimitry; Bouffler, Simon D.; Cardis, Elisabeth; Chekin, Sergey; Chumak, Vadim V.; Cucinotta, Francis A.; de Vathaire, Florent; Hall, Per; Harrison, John D.; Hildebrandt, Guido; Ivanov, Victor; Kashcheev, Valeriy V.; Klymenko, Sergiy V.; Kreuzer, Michaela; Laurent, Olivier; Ozasa, Kotaro; Schneider, Thierry; Tapio, Soile; Taylor, Andrew M.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Vandoolaeghe, Wendy L.; Wakeford, Richard; Zablotska, Lydia B.; Zhang, Wei; Lipshultz, Steven E. |