
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
A Single-Arm Phase II Trial of Lenalidomide in Relapsing or Refractory Primary Cutaneous Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type journalArticle 2018 Beylot-Barry, M.; Mermin, D.; Maillard, A.; Bouabdallah, R.; Bonnet, N.; Duval-Modeste, A. B.; Mortier, L.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Barete, S.; Dalle, S.; Maubec, E.; Quereux, G.; Templier, I.; Bagot, M.; Grange, F.; Joly, P.; Vergier, B.; Vially, P. J.; Gros, A.; Pham-Ledard, A.; Frison, E.; Merlio, J. P.
Human epidermal receptor family inhibitors in patients with ERBB3 mutated cancers: Entering the back door journalArticle 2018 Verlingue, L.; Hollebecque, A.; Lacroix, L.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Varga, A.; El Dakdouki, Y.; Baldini, C.; Balheda, R.; Gazzah, A.; Michot, J. M.; Marabelle, A.; Mir, O.; Arnedos, M.; Rouleau, E.; Solary, E.; De Baere, T.; Angevin, E.; Armand, J. P.; Michiels, S.; André, F.; Deutsch, E.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Soria, J. C.; Massard, C.
Tolerance and outcomes of stereotactic radiosurgery combined with anti-programmed cell death-1 (pembrolizumab) for melanoma brain metastases journalArticle 2018 Nardin, C.; Mateus, C.; Texier, M.; Lanoy, E.; Hibat-Allah, S.; Ammari, S.; Robert, C.; Dhermain, F.
biospear: an R package for biomarker selection in penalized Cox regression journalArticle 2018 Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.; Michiels, S.
Quality of life after brachytherapy or bilateral nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a prospective cohort journalArticle 2018 Blanchard, P.; Davis, J. W.; Frank, S. J.; Kim, J.; Pettaway, C. A.; Pugh, T. J.; Pisters, L. L.; Ward, J. F.; Choi, S.; Chapin, B. F.; Hoffman, K.; Navai, N.; Achim, M.; McGuire, S. E.; Matin, S. F.; Nguyen, Q.; Mahmood, U.; Graber, W. J.; Chen, H. C.; Wang, X.; Kuban, D. A.
Tumor PIK3CA Genotype and Prognosis in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Patient Data journalArticle 2018 Zardavas, D.; Te Marvelde, L.; Milne, R. L.; Fumagalli, D.; Fountzilas, G.; Kotoula, V.; Razis, E.; Papaxoinis, G.; Joensuu, H.; Moynahan, M. E.; Hennessy, B. T.; Bieche, I.; Saal, L. H.; Stal, O.; Iacopetta, B.; Jensen, J. D.; O''''Toole, S.; Lopez-Knowles, E.; Barbaraeschi, M.; Noguchi, S.; Azim, H. A.; Lerma, E.; Bachelot, T.; Wang, Q.; Perez-Tenorio, G.; Can de Velde, C. J. H.; Rea, D. W.; Sabine, V.; Bartlett, J. M. S.; Sotiriou, C.; Michiels, S.; Loi, S.
Influence of tumor-associated macrophages and HLA class I expression according to HPV status in head and neck cancer patients receiving chemo/bioradiotherapy journalArticle 2018 Ou, D.; Adam, J.; Garberis, I.; Blanchard, P.; Nguyen, F.; Levy, A.; Casiraghi, O.; Gorphe, P.; Breuskin, I.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Deutsch, E.; Tao, Y.
Follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer - what should (and what should not) be done journalArticle 2018 Lamartina, L.; Grani, G.; Durante, C.; Borget, I.; Filetti, S.; Schlumberger, M.
Meta-analysis of prognostic and predictive factors: Towards individual participant data? journalArticle 2018 Faron, Matthieu; Pignon, Jean-Pierre; Paoletti, Xavier
[Editorial] journalArticle 2018 Perrier, L.
Update of survival and cost of metastatic melanoma with new drugs: Estimations from the MelBase cohort journalArticle 2018 Kandel, M.; Allayous, C.; Dalle, S.; Mortier, L.; Dalac, S.; Dutriaux, C.; Leccia, M. T.; Guillot, B.; Saiag, P.; Lacour, J. P.; Legoupil, D.; Lesimple, T.; Aubin, F.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Brunet-Possenti, F.; Arnault, J. P.; Granel-Brocard, F.; Stoebner, P. E.; Dupuy, A.; Maubec, E.; Grob, J. J.; Dreno, B.; Rotolo, F.; Ballon, A.; Michiels, S.; Lebbe, C.; Borget, I.
Results of external beam radiotherapy for diffuse choroidal hemangiomas in Sturge-Weber syndrome journalArticle 2018 Randon, M.; Lévy-Gabriel, C.; Abbas, R.; Dendale, R.; Lumbroso, L.; Desjardins, L.; Cassoux, N.
Results of methotrexate-etoposide-ifosfamide based regimen (M-EI) in osteosarcoma patients included in the French OS2006/sarcome-09 study journalArticle 2018 Gaspar, N.; Occean, B. V.; Pacquement, H.; Bompas, E.; Bouvier, C.; Brisse, H. J.; Castex, M. P.; Cheurfa, N.; Corradini, N.; Delaye, J.; Entz-Werle, N.; Gentet, J. C.; Italiano, A.; Lervat, C.; Marec-Berard, P.; Mascard, E.; Redini, F.; Saumet, L.; Schmitt, C.; Tabone, M. D.; Verite-Goulard, C.; Le Deley, M. C.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Brugieres, L.; Sfce; Gsf, Geto; group, Unicancer sarcoma
Patient-reported health-related quality of life for men treated with low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy as monotherapy with 125-iodine, 103-palladium, or 131-cesium: Results of a prospective phase II study journalArticle 2018 Blanchard, P.; Pugh, T. J.; Swanson, D. A.; Mahmood, U.; Chen, H. C.; Wang, X.; Graber, W. J.; Kudchadker, R. J.; Bruno, T.; Feeley, T.; Frank, S. J.
Is alpha-fetoprotein decline a prognostic factor of childhood non-seminomatous germ cell tumours? Results of the French TGM95 study journalArticle 2018 Fresneau, B.; Orbach, D.; Faure-Conter, C.; Sudour-Bonnange, H.; Vérité, C.; Gandemer, V.; Pasquet, M.; Fasola, S.; Rome, A.; Raimbault, S.; Martelli, H.; Frappaz, D.; Le Teuff, G.; Patte, C.
[Economic analysis of multinational clinical trials in oncology] journalArticle 2018 Lejeune, C.; Lueza, B.; Bonastre, J.
Comparing Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy With Intensity-Modulated Photon Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer: The Journey From Clinical Trial Concept to Activation journalArticle 2018 Frank, S. J.; Blanchard, P.; Lee, J. J.; Sturgis, E. M.; Kies, M. S.; Machtay, M.; Vikram, B.; Garden, A. S.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Fuller, C. D.; Hutcheson, K.; Lai, S.; Busse, P. M.; Lee, N. Y.; Lin, A.; Foote, R. L.
Efficacy and safety of regorafenib compared to placebo and to post-cross-over regorafenib in advanced non-adipocytic soft tissue sarcoma journalArticle 2018 Brodowicz, T.; Mir, O.; Wallet, J.; Italiano, A.; Blay, J. Y.; Bertucci, F.; Eisterer, W.; Chevreau, C.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Bompas, E.; Ryckewaert, T.; Liegl-Antzwager, B.; Thery, J.; Penel, N.; Le Cesne, A.; Le Deley, M. C.
[Data sources, the data used, and the modality for collection] journalArticle 2018 Mercier, G.; Costa, N.; Dutot, C.; Riche, V. P.
A gene signature to predict high tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and outcome in patients with triple-negative breast cancer journalArticle 2018 Criscitiello, C.; Bayar, M. A.; Curigliano, G.; Symmans, F. W.; Desmedt, C.; Bonnefoi, H.; Sinn, B.; Pruneri, G.; Vicier, C.; Pierga, J. Y.; Denkert, C.; Loibl, S.; Sotiriou, C.; Michiels, S.; André, F.
Genome-wide copy number analyses of samples from LACE-Bio project identify novel prognostic and predictive markers in early stage non-small cell lung cancer journalArticle 2018 Rotolo, F.; Zhu, C. Q.; Brambilla, E.; Graziano, S. L.; Olaussen, K.; Le-Chevalier, T.; Pignon, J. P.; Kratzke, R.; Soria, J. C.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Michiels, S.; Tsao, M. S.
Prospective in silico study of the feasibility and dosimetric advantages of MRI-guided dose adaptation for human papillomavirus positive oropharyngeal cancer patients compared with standard IMRT journalArticle 2018 Mohamed, A. S. R.; Bahig, H.; Aristophanous, M.; Blanchard, P.; Kamal, M.; Ding, Y.; Cardenas, C. E.; Brock, K. K.; Lai, S. Y.; Hutcheson, K. A.; Phan, J.; Wang, J.; Ibbott, G.; Gabr, R. E.; Narayana, P. A.; Garden, A. S.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Fuller, C. D.; Group, M. D. Anderson MRLinac Development Working
Revisiting vascular contraindications for transoral robotic surgery for oropharyngeal cancer journalArticle 2018 Gorphe, P.; Auperin, A.; Honart, J. F.; Ton Van, J.; El Bedoui, S.; Bidault, F.; Temam, S.; Kolb, F.; Qassemyar, Q.
What''s next in using CT scans to better understand cachexia? journalArticle 2018 Antoun, S.; Rossoni, C.; Lanoy, E.
LACE-Bio: Validation of Predictive and/or Prognostic Immunohistochemistry/Histochemistry-based Biomarkers in Resected Non-small-cell Lung Cancer journalArticle 2018 Seymour, L.; Le Teuff, G.; Brambilla, E.; Shepherd, F. A.; Soria, J. C.; Kratzke, R.; Graziano, S.; Douillard, J. Y.; Rosell, R.; Reiman, A.; Lacas, B.; Lueza, B.; Aviel-Ronen, S.; McLeer, A.; Le Chevalier, T.; Pirker, R.; Filipits, M.; Dunant, A.; Pignon, J. P.; Tsao, M. S.; Committee, L. ACE-Bio Steering
Testicular germ-cell tumours and penile squamous cell carcinoma: Appropriate management makes the difference journalArticle 2018 Nicolai, N.; Biasoni, D.; Catanzaro, M. A.; Colecchia, M.; Trama, A.
ER+ breast cancers resistant to prolonged neoadjuvant letrozole exhibit an E2F4 transcriptional program sensitive to CDK4/6 inhibitors journalArticle 2018 Guerrero-Zotano, A.; Stricker, T.; Formisano, L.; Hutchinson, K. E.; Stover, D. G.; Lee, K. M.; Schwarz, L. J.; Giltnane, J. M.; Estrada, M. V.; Jansen, V. M.; Servetto, A.; Gavilá, J.; Pérez-Fidalgo, J. A.; Lluch, A.; Llombart-Cussac, A.; Bayar, M. A.; Michiels, S.; Andre, F.; Arnedos, M.; Guillem, V.; Ruiz-Simon, A.; Arteaga, C. L.
A benchmark study of scoring methods for non-coding mutations journalArticle 2018 Drubay, D.; Gautheret, D.; Michiels, S.
Magnetic Resonance-based Response Assessment and Dose Adaptation in Human Papilloma Virus Positive Tumors of the Oropharynx treated with Radiotherapy (MR-ADAPTOR): An R-IDEAL stage 2a-2b/Bayesian phase II trial journalArticle 2018 Bahig, H.; Yuan, Y.; Mohamed, A. S. R.; Brock, K. K.; Ng, S. P.; Wang, J.; Ding, Y.; Hutcheson, K.; McCulloch, M.; Balter, P. A.; Lai, S. Y.; Al-Mamgani, A.; Sonke, J. J.; van der Heide, U. A.; Nutting, C.; Li, X. A.; Robbins, J.; Awan, M.; Karam, I.; Newbold, K.; Harrington, K.; Oelfke, U.; Bhide, S.; Philippens, M. E. P.; Terhaard, C. H. J.; McPartlin, A. J.; Blanchard, P.; Garden, A. S.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Phan, J.; Cazoulat, G.; Aristophanous, M.; McSpadden, K. K.; Garcia, J. A.; van den Berg, C. A. T.; Raaijmakers, C. P. J.; Kerkmeijer, L.; Doornaert, P.; Blinde, S.; Frank, S. J.; Fuller, C. D.
Improved Outcome by Adding Concurrent Chemotherapy to Cetuximab and Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Carcinomas: Results of the GORTEC 2007-01 Phase III Randomized Trial journalArticle 2018 Tao, Y.; Auperin, A.; Sire, C.; Martin, L.; Khoury, C.; Maingon, P.; Bardet, E.; Kaminsky, M. C.; Lapeyre, M.; Chatellier, T.; Alfonsi, M.; Pointreau, Y.; Jadaud, E.; Géry, B.; Zawadi, A.; Tourani, J. M.; Laguerre, B.; Coutte, A.; Racadot, S.; Hasbini, A.; Malaurie, E.; Borel, C.; Meert, N.; Cornely, A.; Ollivier, N.; Casiraghi, O.; Sun, X. S.; Bourhis, J.
Mesothelioma and thymic tumors: Treatment challenges in (outside) a network setting journalArticle 2018 Imbimbo, M.; Maury, J. M.; Garassino, M.; Girard, N.
Phase I–II trial designs: how early should efficacy guide the dose recommendation process? journalArticle 2018 Paoletti, X; Postel-Vinay, S
Circulating oncometabolite D-2-hydroxyglutarate enantiomer is a surrogate marker of isocitrate dehydrogenase-mutated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas journalArticle 2018 Delahousse, J.; Verlingue, L.; Broutin, S.; Legoupil, C.; Touat, M.; Doucet, L.; Ammari, S.; Lacroix, L.; Ducreux, M.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Malka, D.; Paci, A.; Hollebecque, A.
Scoring of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes: From visual estimation to machine learning journalArticle 2018 Klauschen, F.; Müller, K. R.; Binder, A.; Bockmayr, M.; Hägele, M.; Seegerer, P.; Wienert, S.; Pruneri, G.; de Maria, S.; Badve, S.; Michiels, S.; Nielsen, T. O.; Adams, S.; Savas, P.; Symmans, F.; Willis, S.; Gruosso, T.; Park, M.; Haibe-Kains, B.; Gallas, B.; Thompson, A. M.; Cree, I.; Sotiriou, C.; Solinas, C.; Preusser, M.; Hewitt, S. M.; Rimm, D.; Viale, G.; Loi, S.; Loibl, S.; Salgado, R.; Denkert, C.
[Prostate brachytherapy: New techniques, new indications] journalArticle 2018 Blanchard, P.; Graff-Cailleaud, P.; Bossi, A.
Prognostic value of tissue necrosis, hypoxia-related markers and correlation with HPV status in head and neck cancer patients treated with bio- or chemo-radiotherapy journalArticle 2018 Ou, D.; Garberis, I.; Adam, J.; Blanchard, P.; Nguyen, F.; Levy, A.; Casiraghi, O.; Gorphe, P.; Breuskin, I.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Deutsch, E.; Tao, Y.
How to Reliably Assess Nodal Status in Distal Pancreatectomy for Adenocarcinoma journalArticle 2018 Faron, M.; Vuarnesson, H.; Boher, J. M.; Bachellier, P.; Sauvanet, A.; Sa Cunha, A.; Le Treut, Y. P.; Mabrut, J. Y.; Delpero, J. R.; Paye, F.
Treating Metastatic Prostate Cancer With Local Therapies: Is It Still Wishful Thinking? journalArticle 2018 Bibault, J. E.; Blanchard, P.
Daily Biopsy Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology: Concordance Between Light Microscopy and Whole-Slide Imaging in Real-Life Conditions journalArticle 2018 Villa, I.; Mathieu, M. C.; Bosq, J.; Auperin, A.; Pomerol, J. F.; Lacroix-Triki, M.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Dartigues, P.
Individualized Prediction of Menses Recovery After Chemotherapy for Early-stage Breast Cancer: A Nomogram Developed From UNICANCER PACS04 and PACS05 Trials journalArticle 2018 Pistilli, B.; Mazouni, C.; Zingarello, A.; Faron, M.; Saghatchian, M.; Grynberg, M.; Spielmann, M.; Kerbrat, P.; Roche, H.; Lorgis, V.; Bachelot, T.; Campone, M.; Levy, C.; Goncalves, A.; Lesur, A.; Veyret, C.; Vanlemmens, L.; Lemonnier, J.; Delaloge, S.