
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Prognostic value of tumor mutations in radically treated locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients journalArticle 2017 Boros, A.; Lacroix, L.; Lacas, B.; Adam, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Caramella, C.; Planchard, D.; de Montpreville, V.; Deutsch, E.; Levy, A.; Besse, B.; Le Pechoux, C.
Optimizing Local Control in High-Grade Uterine Sarcoma: Adjuvant Vaginal Vault Brachytherapy as Part of a Multimodal Treatment journalArticle 2017 Annede, P.; Gouy, S.; Mazeron, R.; Bentivegna, E.; Maroun, P.; Petit, C.; Dumas, I.; Leary, A.; Genestie, C.; Lhomme, C.; Deutsch, E.; Morice, P.; Pautier, P.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.
In Regard to Arthurs et al journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Garden, A. S.
Diagnosis of systemic inflammatory diseases among patients admitted for acute pericarditis with pericardial effusion journalArticle 2017 Assayag, M.; Abbas, R.; Chanson, N.; Perozziello, A.; Ducrocq, G.; Alexandra, J. F.; Dossier, A.; Papo, T.; Sacre, K.
Burnout among young European oncologists: a call for action journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.
Repeated measures dose-finding design with time-trend detection in the presence of correlated toxicity data journalArticle 2017 Yin, Jun; Paoletti, Xavier; Sargent, Daniel J; Mandrekar, Sumithra J
Pazopanib or placebo in completely resected stage I NSCLC patients: results of the phase II IFCT-0703 trial journalArticle 2017 Besse, B.; Mazières, J.; Ribassin-Majed, L.; Barlesi, F.; Bennouna, J.; Gervais, R.; Moreau, L.; Berard, H.; Debieuvre, D.; Molinier, O.; Moro-Sibilot, D.; Souquet, P. J.; Jacquot, S.; Petit, L.; Lena, H.; Pignon, J. P.; Lacas, B.; Morin, F.; Milleron, B.; Zalcman, G.; Soria, J. C.
Bayesian survival analysis in clinical trials: What methods are used in practice? journalArticle 2017 Brard, C.; Le Teuff, G.; Le Deley, M. C.; Hampson, L. V.
Revisiting the definition of dose-limiting toxicities in paediatric oncology phase I clinical trials: An analysis from the Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Consortium journalArticle 2017 Bautista, F.; Moreno, L.; Marshall, L.; Pearson, A. D. J.; Geoerger, B.; Paoletti, X.
Angiogenesis inhibition in the second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: A systematic review and pooled analysis journalArticle 2017 Chebib, R.; Verlingue, L.; Cozic, N.; Faron, M.; Burtin, P.; Boige, V.; Hollebecque, A.; Malka, D.
Clinical outcomes after interstitial brachytherapy for early-stage nasal squamous cell carcinoma journalArticle 2017 Bacorro, W.; Escande, A.; Temam, S.; Dumas, I.; Routier, E.; Gensse, M. C.; Blanchard, P.; Janot, F.; Mateus, C.; Tao, Y.; Robert, C.; Deutsch, E.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.
Prognostic factors of successful on-purpose tumor biopsies in metastatic cancer patients included in the SHIVA prospective clinical trial journalArticle 2017 Desportes, E.; Wagner, M.; Kamal, M.; Salomon, A. V.; Deniziaut, G.; Pierron, G.; Rouleau, E.; Jouffroy, T.; Le Tourneau, C.; Paoletti, X.; Servois, V.
Inflammatory bowel diseases activity in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy journalArticle 2017 Annede, P.; Seisen, T.; Klotz, C.; Mazeron, R.; Maroun, P.; Petit, C.; Deutsch, E.; Bossi, A.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.; Blanchard, P.
[A randomized controlled trial of metastases-directed treatment in patients with metastatic prostate cancer using stereotactic body irradiation: A GETUG-AFU trial] journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Foulon, S.; Louvel, G.; Habibian, M.; Fizazi, K.
Patients' perceived tolerance of side effects in phase I cancer clinical trials: A qualitative study journalArticle 2017 Bredart, A.; Bodson, S.; Le Tourneau, C.; Flahault, C.; Bonnetain, F.; Beaudeau, A.; Coquan, E.; Dolbeault, S.; Paoletti, X.
Randomized phase II trial comparing molecularly targeted therapy based on tumor molecular profiling versus conventional therapy in patients with refractory cancer: cross-over analysis from the SHIVA trial journalArticle 2017 Belin, L.; Kamal, M.; Mauborgne, C.; Plancher, C.; Mulot, F.; Delord, J. P.; Gonçalves, A.; Gavoille, C.; Dubot, C.; Isambert, N.; Campone, M.; Trédan, O.; Ricci, F.; Alt, M.; Loirat, D.; Sablin, M. P.; Paoletti, X.; Servois, V.; Le Tourneau, C.
Radiation-induced neurocognitive dysfunction in head and neck cancer patients journalArticle 2017 De Felice, F.; Blanchard, P.
Outcomes and prognostic factors for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue in young adults: a single-institution case-matched analysis journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Belkhir, F.; Temam, S.; El Khoury, C.; De Felice, F.; Casiraghi, O.; Patrikidou, A.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Even, C.; Gorphe, P.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
Inflammatory bowel diseases activity in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy journalArticle 2017 Annede, P.; Seisen, T.; Klotz, C.; Mazeron, R.; Maroun, P.; Petit, C.; Deutsch, E.; Bossi, A.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.; Blanchard, P.
Clinical use of magnetic resonance imaging across the prostate brachytherapy workflow journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Menard, C.; Frank, S. J.
Enjeux méthodologiques de la médecine de précision en oncologie journalArticle 2017 Asselain, B.; Paoletti, X.
Letter on the article "The BIAL/Biotrial case of death of a human volunteer in the first-in-human study of BIA 10-2474: Are we missing the fundamentals?" journalArticle 2017 Hill, C.; Asselain, B.
Patients' perceived tolerance of side effects in phase I cancer clinical trials: A qualitative study journalArticle 2017 Bredart, A.; Bodson, S.; Le Tourneau, C.; Flahault, C.; Bonnetain, F.; Beaudeau, A.; Coquan, E.; Dolbeault, S.; Paoletti, X.
Statistical approaches for evaluating body composition markers in clinical cancer research journalArticle 2017 Bayar, M. A.; Antoun, S.; Lanoy, E.
Integrating Tenascin-C protein expression and 1q25 copy number status in pediatric intracranial ependymoma prognostication: A new model for risk stratification journalArticle 2017 Andreiuolo, F.; Le Teuff, G.; Bayar, M. A.; Kilday, J. P.; Pietsch, T.; von Bueren, A. O.; Witt, H.; Korshunov, A.; Modena, P.; Pfister, S. M.; Pagès, M.; Castel, D.; Giangaspero, F.; Chimelli, L.; Varlet, P.; Rutkowski, S.; Frappaz, D.; Massimino, M.; Grundy, R.; Grill, J.
Prognostic and predictive value of primary tumour side in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy and EGFR directed antibodies in six randomized trials journalArticle 2017 Arnold, D.; Lueza, B.; Douillard, J. Y.; Peeters, M.; Lenz, H. J.; Venook, A.; Heinemann, V.; Van Cutsem, E.; Pignon, J. P.; Tabernero, J.; Cervantes, A.; Ciardiello, F.
[Proton therapy for head and neck cancers] journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Frank, S. J.
Metastatic chromophobe renal cell carcinoma treated with targeted therapies: A Renal Cross Channel Group study journalArticle 2017 Colomba, E.; Le Teuff, G.; Eisen, T.; Stewart, G. D.; Fife, K.; Larkin, J.; Biondo, A.; Pickering, L.; Srinivasan, A.; Boyle, H.; Derosa, L.; Sternberg, C. N.; Recine, F.; Ralph, C.; Saldana, C.; Barthélémy, P.; Bernhard, J. C.; Gurney, H.; Verhoest, G.; Vauleon, E.; Bigot, P.; Berger, J.; Pfister, C.; Gravis, G.; Rodier, J. M.; Culine, S.; Caty, A.; Rolland, F.; Priou, F.; Escudier, B.; Albiges, L.
Outcomes and prognostic factors for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue in young adults: a single-institution case-matched analysis journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Belkhir, F.; Temam, S.; El Khoury, C.; De Felice, F.; Casiraghi, O.; Patrikidou, A.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Even, C.; Gorphe, P.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
Clinical evidence of variable proton biological effectiveness in pediatric patients treated for ependymoma journalArticle 2016 Peeler, C. R.; Mirkovic, D.; Titt, U.; Blanchard, P.; Gunther, J. R.; Mahajan, A.; Mohan, R.; Grosshans, D. R.
Prognostic value of the infarct- and non-infarct like patterns and cardiovascular magnetic resonance parameters on long-term outcome of patients after acute myocarditis journalArticle 2016 Chopra, H.; Arangalage, D.; Bouleti, C.; Zarka, S.; Fayard, F.; Chillon, S.; Laissy, J. P.; Henry-Feugeas, M. C.; Steg, P. G.; Vahanian, A.; Ou, P.
European cost-effectiveness study of uPA/PAI-1 biomarkers to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer journalArticle 2016 Marguet, S.; Mazouni, C.; Ramaekers, B. L.; Dunant, A.; Kates, R.; Jacobs, V. R.; Joore, M. A.; Harbeck, N.; Bonastre, J.
Results and Survival of Locally Advanced AJCC 7th Edition T4a Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Primary Total Laryngectomy and Postoperative Radiotherapy journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Matias, M.; Moya-Plana, A.; Tabarino, F.; Blanchard, P.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.
[Oral cavity cancers among young people: Clinical results and prognostic analysis] journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; El Khoury, C.; Temam, S.; Casiraghi, O.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Gorphe, P.; Even, C.; De Felice, F.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
[A new classification for meibomian gland diseases with in vivo confocal microscopy] journalArticle 2016 Randon, M.; Liang, H.; Abbas, R.; Michee, S.; Denoyer, A.; Baudouin, C.; Labbe, A.
Association of Vitiligo With Tumor Response in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma Treated With Pembrolizumab journalArticle 2016 Hua, C.; Boussemart, L.; Mateus, C.; Routier, E.; Boutros, C.; Cazenave, H.; Viollet, R.; Thomas, M.; Roy, S.; Benannoune, N.; Tomasic, G.; Soria, J. C.; Champiat, S.; Texier, M.; Lanoy, E.; Robert, C.
Mutation allele burden remains unchanged in chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia responding to hypomethylating agents journalArticle 2016 Merlevede, J.; Droin, N.; Qin, T.; Meldi, K.; Yoshida, K.; Morabito, M.; Chautard, E.; Auboeuf, D.; Fenaux, P.; Braun, T.; Itzykson, R.; de Botton, S.; Quesnel, B.; Commes, T.; Jourdan, E.; Vainchenker, W.; Bernard, O.; Pata-Merci, N.; Solier, S.; Gayevskiy, V.; Dinger, M. E.; Cowley, M. J.; Selimoglu-Buet, D.; Meyer, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Deleuze, J. F.; Preudhomme, C.; Stratton, M. R.; Alexandrov, L. B.; Padron, E.; Ogawa, S.; Koscielny, S.; Figueroa, M.; Solary, E.
Underuse of self-controlled designs in pharmacoepidemiology in electronic healthcare databases: a systematic review journalArticle 2016 Gault, N.; Castaneda-Sanabria, J.; Guillo, S.; Foulon, S.; Tubach, F.
Concordance between HER-2 status determined by qPCR in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) samples compared with IHC and FISH in Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) or surgical specimens in breast cancer patients journalArticle 2016 Rodriguez, C.; Suciu, V.; Poterie, A.; Lacroix, L.; Miran, I.; Boichard, A.; Delaloge, S.; Deneuve, J.; Azoulay, S.; Mathieu, M. C.; Valent, A.; Michiels, S.; Arnedos, M.; Vielh, P.
Joint model for left-censored longitudinal data, recurrent events and terminal event: Predictive abilities of tumor burden for cancer evolution with application to the FFCD 2000-05 trial journalArticle 2016 Krol, A.; Ferrer, L.; Pignon, J. P.; Proust-Lima, C.; Ducreux, M.; Bouche, O.; Michiels, S.; Rondeau, V.