
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Joint model for left-censored longitudinal data, recurrent events and terminal event: Predictive abilities of tumor burden for cancer evolution with application to the FFCD 2000-05 trial journalArticle 2016 Krol, A.; Ferrer, L.; Pignon, J. P.; Proust-Lima, C.; Ducreux, M.; Bouche, O.; Michiels, S.; Rondeau, V.
Long-term evaluation of urinary, sexual, and quality of life outcomes after brachytherapy for penile carcinoma journalArticle 2018 Gambachidze, D.; Lebacle, C.; Maroun, P.; Escande, A.; Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.; Deutsch, E.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.
Outcome after ablation in patients with low-risk thyroid cancer (ESTIMABL1): 5-year follow-up results of a randomised, phase 3, equivalence trial journalArticle 2018 Schlumberger, M.; Leboulleux, S.; Catargi, B.; Deandreis, D.; Zerdoud, S.; Bardet, S.; Rusu, D.; Godbert, Y.; Buffet, C.; Schvartz, C.; Vera, P.; Morel, O.; Benisvy, D.; Bournaud, C.; Toubert, M. E.; Kelly, A.; Benhamou, E.; Borget, I.
New Simplified Screening Method for Postprandial Hypotension in Older People journalArticle 2018 Abbas, R.; Tanguy, A.; Bonnet-Zamponi, D.; Djedid, R.; Lounis, A.; Gaubert-Dahan, M. L.
Prognostic factors in patients with soft palate squamous cell carcinoma journalArticle 2019 Schernberg, A.; Canova, C.; Blanchard, P.; Gorphe, P.; Breuskin, I.; Mirghani, H.; Moya-Plana, A.; Janot, F.; Bidault, F.; Chargari, C.; Bellefqih, S.; Ruffier, A.; Even, C.; Nguyen, F.; Temam, S.; Tao, Y.
Cost Of Genome Analysis: The Sanger Sequencing Method journalArticle 2015 Perrier, L.; Heinz, D.; Baffert, S.; Zou, Z.; Durand Zaleski, I.; Rouleau, E.; Wang, Q.; Haddad, V.; Bringuier, P.; Merlio, J.; Caumont, C.; Lacroix, L.; Marino, P.; Borget, I.
[Oral cavity cancers among young people: Clinical results and prognostic analysis] journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; El Khoury, C.; Temam, S.; Casiraghi, O.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Gorphe, P.; Even, C.; De Felice, F.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
Reduced acute toxicity and improved efficacy from intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) for the management of head and neck cancer journalArticle 2016 McKeever, M. R.; Sio, T. T.; Gunn, G. B.; Holliday, E. B.; Blanchard, P.; Kies, M. S.; Weber, R. S.; Frank, S. J.
Underuse of self-controlled designs in pharmacoepidemiology in electronic healthcare databases: a systematic review journalArticle 2016 Gault, N.; Castaneda-Sanabria, J.; Guillo, S.; Foulon, S.; Tubach, F.
Lung Adenocarcinoma as Part of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Spectrum: Preliminary Data of the LIFSCREEN Randomized Clinical Trial journalArticle 2017 Caron, O.; Frebourg, T.; Benusiglio, P. R.; Foulon, S.; Brugières, L.
Impact of gender on efficacy and acute toxicity of alkylating agent -based chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma: secondary analysis of the Euro-Ewing99-R1 trial journalArticle 2015 van den Berg, H.; Paulussen, M.; Le Teuff, G.; Judson, I.; Gelderblom, H.; Dirksen, U.; Brennan, B.; Whelan, J.; Ladenstein, R. L.; Marec-Berard, P.; Kruseova, J.; Hjorth, L.; Kuhne, T.; Brichard, B.; Wheatley, K.; Craft, A.; Juergens, H.; Gaspar, N.; Le Deley, M. C.; Euro, Ewing Group
Primary cutaneous and subcutaneous Ewing sarcoma journalArticle 2015 Di Giannatale, A.; Frezza, A. M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Marec-Bérard, P.; Benson, C.; Blay, J. Y.; Bui, B.; Judson, I.; Oberlin, O.; Whelan, J.; Gaspar, N.
[Prophylactic nodal radiotherapy in prostate cancer] journalArticle 2019 Bourdais, R.; Achkar, S.; Chauffert-Yvart, L.; Pasquier, D.; Sargos, P.; Blanchard, P.; Latorzeff, I.
Outcome of and prognostic factors for relapse in children and adolescents with mature B-cell lymphoma and leukemia treated in three consecutive prospective "Lymphomes Malins B" protocols. A Société Française des Cancers de l'Enfant study journalArticle 2015 Jourdain, A.; Auperin, A.; Minard-Colin, V.; Aladjidi, N.; Zsiros, J.; Coze, C.; Gandemer, V.; Bertrand, Y.; Leverger, G.; Bergeron, C.; Michon, J.; Patte, C.
Sentinel node biopsy in early oral squamous cell carcinomas: Long-term follow-up and nodal failure analysis journalArticle 2018 Moya-Plana, A.; Aupérin, A.; Guerlain, J.; Gorphe, P.; Casiraghi, O.; Mamelle, G.; Melkane, A.; Lumbroso, J.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.
Unilateral or bilateral irradiation in cervical lymph node metastases of unknown primary? A retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2019 Pflumio, C.; Troussier, I.; Sun, X. S.; Salleron, J.; Petit, C.; Caubet, M.; Beddok, A.; Calugaru, V.; Servagi-Vernat, S.; Castelli, J.; Miroir, J.; Krengli, M.; Giraud, P.; Romano, E.; Khalifa, J.; Dore, M.; Blanchard, N.; Coutte, A.; Dupin, C.; Sumodhee, S.; Pointreau, Y.; Patel, S.; Rehailia-Blanchard, A.; Catteau, L.; Bensadoun, R. J.; Tao, Y.; Roth, V.; Geoffrois, L.; Faivre, J. C.; Thariat, J.
The influence of obesity-related factors in the etiology of renal cell carcinoma-A mendelian randomization study journalArticle 2019 Johansson, M.; Carreras-Torres, R.; Scelo, G.; Purdue, M. P.; Mariosa, D.; Muller, D. C.; Timpson, N. J.; Haycock, P. C.; Brown, K. M.; Wang, Z.; Ye, Y.; Hofmann, J. N.; Foll, M.; Gaborieau, V.; Machiela, M. J.; Colli, L. M.; Li, P.; Garnier, J. G.; Blanche, H.; Boland, A.; Burdette, L.; Prokhortchouk, E.; Skryabin, K. G.; Yeager, M.; Radojevic-Skodric, S.; Ognjanovic, S.; Foretova, L.; Holcatova, I.; Janout, V.; Mates, D.; Mukeriya, A.; Rascu, S.; Zaridze, D.; Bencko, V.; Cybulski, C.; Fabianova, E.; Jinga, V.; Lissowska, J.; Lubinski, J.; Navratilova, M.; Rudnai, P.; Benhamou, S.; Cancel-Tassin, G.; Cussenot, O.; Weiderpass, E.; Ljungberg, B.; Tumkur Sitaram, R.; Haggstrom, C.; Bruinsma, F.; Jordan, S. J.; Severi, G.; Winship, I.; Hveem, K.; Vatten, L. J.; Fletcher, T.; Larsson, S. C.; Wolk, A.; Banks, R. E.; Selby, P. J.; Easton, D. F.; Andreotti, G.; Beane Freeman, L. E.; Koutros, S.; Mannisto, S.; Weinstein, S.; Clark, P. E.; Edwards, T. L.; Lipworth, L.; Gapstur, S. M.; Stevens,
Innovations for phase I dose-finding designs in pediatric oncology clinical trials journalArticle 2016 Doussau, A.; Geoerger, B.; Jimenez, I.; Paoletti, X.
Factors associated with success of image-guided tumour biopsies: Results from a prospective molecular triage study (MOSCATO-01) journalArticle 2016 Tacher, V.; Le Deley, M. C.; Hollebecque, A.; Deschamps, F.; Vielh, P.; Hakime, A.; Ileana, E.; Abedi-Ardekani, B.; Charpy, C.; Massard, C.; Rosellini, S.; Gajda, D.; Celebic, A.; Ferte, C.; Ngo-Camus, M.; Gouissem, S.; Koubi-Pick, V.; Andre, F.; Vassal, G.; Deandreis, D.; Lacroix, L.; Soria, J. C.; De Baere, T.
A Case-Control Study Brings to Light the Causes of Screen Failures in Phase 1 Cancer Clinical Trials journalArticle 2016 Kempf, E.; Lemoine, N.; Tergemina-Clain, G.; Turpin, A.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Lanoy, E.; Soria, J. C.; Massard, C.; Hollebecque, A.
Phase I trial of everolimus in combination with thoracic radiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer journalArticle 2015 Deutsch, E.; Le Péchoux, C.; Faivre, L.; Rivera, S.; Tao, Y.; Pignon, J. P.; Angokai, M.; Bahleda, R.; Deandreis, D.; Angevin, E.; Hennequin, C.; Besse, B.; Levy, A.; Soria, J. C.
How to Model Survival In Cost-Effectiveness Analysis? Differences Between Markov and Partitioned Survival Analysis Models journalArticle 2015 Minacori, R.; Bonastre, J.; Lueza, B.; Marguet, S.; Levy, P.
A randomized trial of induction docetaxel-cisplatin-5FU followed by concomitant cisplatin-RT versus concomitant cisplatin-RT in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (GORTEC 2006-02) journalArticle 2018 Frikha, M.; Auperin, A.; Tao, Y.; Elloumi, F.; Toumi, N.; Blanchard, P.; Lang, P.; Sun, S.; Racadot, S.; Thariat, J.; Alfonsi, M.; Tuchais, C.; Cornely, A.; Moussa, A.; Guigay, J.; Daoud, J.; Bourhis, J.; Gortec
Leukocytosis, prognosis biomarker in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients after chemoradiotherapy journalArticle 2018 Schernberg, A.; Blanchard, P.; Chargari, C.; Ou, D.; Levy, A.; Gorphe, P.; Breuskin, I.; Atallah, S.; Caula, A.; Escande, A.; Janot, F.; Nguyen, F.; Temam, S.; Deutsch, E.; Tao, Y.
Locoregional symptoms in patients with de novo metastatic prostate cancer: Morbidity, management, and disease outcome journalArticle 2015 Patrikidou, A.; Brureau, L.; Casenave, J.; Albiges, L.; Di Palma, M.; Patard, J. J.; Baumert, H.; Blanchard, P.; Bossi, A.; Kitikidou, K.; Massard, C.; Fizazi, K.; Blanchet, P.; Loriot, Y.
Re: Christopher J.D. Wallis, Refik Saskin, Richard Choo, et al. Surgery Versus Radiotherapy for Clinically-localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol 2016;70:21-30 journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Briganti, A.; Bossi, A.
Phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of tumor tissue and circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: A report from the PETRUS prospective study journalArticle 2016 Massard, C.; Oulhen, M.; Le Moulec, S.; Auger, N.; Foulon, S.; Abou-Lovergne, A.; Billiot, F.; Valent, A.; Marty, V.; Loriot, Y.; Fizazi, K.; Vielh, P.; Farace, F.
Somatic mutation, copy number and transcriptomic profiles of primary and matched metastatic estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers journalArticle 2016 Fumagalli, D.; Wilson, T. R.; Salgado, R.; Lu, X.; Yu, J.; O'Brien, C.; Walter, K.; Huw, L. Y.; Criscitiello, C.; Laios, I.; Jose, V.; Brown, D. N.; Rothe, F.; Maetens, M.; Zardavas, D.; Savas, P.; Larsimont, D.; Piccart-Gebhart, M. J.; Michiels, S.; Lackner, M. R.; Sotiriou, C.; Loi, S.
Patients' perceived tolerance of side effects in phase I cancer clinical trials: A qualitative study journalArticle 2017 Bredart, A.; Bodson, S.; Le Tourneau, C.; Flahault, C.; Bonnetain, F.; Beaudeau, A.; Coquan, E.; Dolbeault, S.; Paoletti, X.
Percutaneous bone biopsies: comparison between flat-panel cone-beam CT and CT-scan guidance journalArticle 2015 Tselikas, L.; Joskin, J.; Roquet, F.; Farouil, G.; Dreuil, S.; Hakime, A.; Teriitehau, C.; Auperin, A.; de Baere, T.; Deschamps, F.
Cost of cancer diagnosis using next-generation sequencing targeted gene panels in routine practice: a nationwide French study journalArticle 2018 Marino, P.; Touzani, R.; Perrier, L.; Rouleau, E.; Kossi, D. S.; Zhaomin, Z.; Charrier, N.; Goardon, N.; Preudhomme, C.; Durand-Zaleski, I.; Borget, I.; Baffert, S.
[Individualization of dose and fractionation of radiotherapy for head and neck cancers] journalArticle 2019 Blanchard, P.; Biau, J.; Castelli, J.; Tao, Y.; Graff, P.; Nguyen, F.
Predisposing factors of liver necrosis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumor journalArticle 2015 Joskin, J.; de Baere, T.; Auperin, A.; Tselikas, L.; Guiu, B.; Farouil, G.; Boige, V.; Malka, D.; Leboulleux, S.; Ducreux, M.; Baudin, E.; Deschamps, F.
(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to assess response after radiation therapy in anaplastic thyroid cancer journalArticle 2015 Levy, A.; Leboulleux, S.; Lepoutre-Lussey, C.; Baudin, E.; Ghuzlan, A. A.; Hartl, D.; Deutsch, E.; Deandreis, D.; Lumbroso, J.; Tao, Y.; Schlumberger, M.; Blanchard, P.
Prospective in silico study of the feasibility and dosimetric advantages of MRI-guided dose adaptation for human papillomavirus positive oropharyngeal cancer patients compared with standard IMRT journalArticle 2018 Mohamed, A. S. R.; Bahig, H.; Aristophanous, M.; Blanchard, P.; Kamal, M.; Ding, Y.; Cardenas, C. E.; Brock, K. K.; Lai, S. Y.; Hutcheson, K. A.; Phan, J.; Wang, J.; Ibbott, G.; Gabr, R. E.; Narayana, P. A.; Garden, A. S.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Fuller, C. D.; Group, M. D. Anderson MRLinac Development Working
[The role of the expansion cohort in phase I trials in oncology: guidelines of the phase I HUB] journalArticle 2015 Ezzalfani, M.; Dugue, A.; Mollevi, C.; Pulido, M.; Bonnetain, F.; Filleron, T.; Gal, J.; Gauthier, M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Le Tourneau, C.; Medioni, J.; Nguyen, J. M.; Chabaud, S.; Teixeira, L.; Thivat, E.; You, B.; Kramar, A.; Paoletti, X.
REBECA: a phase I study of bevacizumab and whole-brain radiation therapy for the treatment of brain metastasis from solid tumours journalArticle 2015 Levy, C.; Allouache, D.; Lacroix, J.; Dugue, A. E.; Supiot, S.; Campone, M.; Mahe, M.; Kichou, S.; Leheurteur, M.; Hanzen, C.; Dieras, V.; Kirova, Y.; Campana, F.; Le Rhun, E.; Gras, L.; Bachelot, T.; Sunyach, M. P.; Hrab, I.; Geffrelot, J.; Gunzer, K.; Constans, J. M.; Grellard, J. M.; Clarisse, B.; Paoletti, X.
A joint model for the dependence between clustered times to tumour progression and deaths: A meta-analysis of chemotherapy in head and neck cancer journalArticle 2015 Rondeau, V.; Pignon, J. P.; Michiels, S.; Group, Mach-Nc collaborative
Mineralogy and uranium leaching of ores from Triassic Peribaltic sandstones journalArticle 2015 Gajda, D.; Kiegiel, K.; Zakrzewska-Koltuniewicz, G.; Chajduk, E.; Bartosiewicz, I.; Wolkowicz, S.
Subtype Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma Predicts Benefit From Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients Undergoing Complete Resection journalArticle 2015 Tsao, M. S.; Marguet, S.; Le Teuff, G.; Lantuejoul, S.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Kratzke, R.; Graziano, S. L.; Popper, H. H.; Rosell, R.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le-Chevalier, T.; Pignon, J. P.; Soria, J. C.; Brambilla, E. M.