Increase in American Joint Committee on Cancer Stage at Diagnosis for Patients with Skin Cancers after the COVID-19 Lockdown |
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2022 |
Nardin, Charlée; Senot, Lise; Pernot, Paul; Puzenat, Eve; Aubin, François; Morin, Lucas |
Incidence of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Following Macular Surgery in France Between 2006 and 2016 |
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2022 |
Ben Ghezala, Inès; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Baudin, Florian; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine |
Socio-Demographic Factors Associated With COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Middle-Aged Adults During the Quebec's Vaccination Campaign |
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2022 |
Jantzen, Rodolphe; Maltais, Mathieu; Broët, Philippe |
Contact patterns and HPV-genotype interactions yield heterogeneous HPV-vaccine impacts depending on sexual behaviors: An individual-based model |
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2022 |
Bonneault, Mélanie; Poletto, Chiara; Flauder, Maxime; Guillemot, Didier; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Thiébaut*, Anne C. M.; Opatowski*, Lulla |
Where to begin? Thirty must-read papers for newcomers to pharmacoepidemiology |
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2022 |
Pottegård, Anton; Morin, Lucas; Hallas, Jesper; Gerhard, Tobias; Winterstein, Almut G.; Perez-Gutthann, Susanna; Tadrous, Mina |
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on induced abortions in France in 2020 |
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2022 |
Vilain, Annick; Rey, Sylvie; Le Ray, Camille; Quantin, Catherine; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Fresson, Jeanne |
COVID-19 and social inequalities: a complex and dynamic interaction |
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2022 |
Quantin, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale |
Développements méthodologiques pour l'étude du rôle des variants récessifs rares dans les maladies multifactorielles |
thesis |
2022 |
Foulon, Sidonie; Perdry, Hervé; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Truong, Thérèse |
Impact of nutritional status on heart failure mortality: a retrospective cohort study |
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2022 |
Abdoul Carime, Nafiz; Cottenet, Jonathan; Clerfond, Guillaume; Eschalier, Romain; Quilliot, Didier; Eicher, Jean-Christophe; Joly, Bertrand; Quantin, Catherine |
Last year of life of adults with congenital heart diseases: causes of death and patterns of care |
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2022 |
Van Bulck, Liesbet; Goossens, Eva; Morin, Lucas; Luyckx, Koen; Ombelet, Fouke; Willems, Ruben; Budts, Werner; De Groote, Katya; De Backer, Julie; Annemans, Lieven; Moniotte, Stéphane; de Hosson, Michèle; Marelli, Arianne; Moons, Philip; BELCODAC consortium |
Estimation of mid-and long-term benefits and hypothetical risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome after human papillomavirus vaccination among boys in France: A simulation study |
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2022 |
Duong, Chi-Hong; Mueller, Judith E.; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Escolano, Sylvie |
Moment estimators of relatedness from low-depth whole-genome sequencing data |
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2022 |
Herzig, Anthony F.; Ciullo, M.; FranceGenRef Consortium; Leutenegger, A.-L.; Perdry, H. |
Novel threshold value of midnight serum cortisol for diagnosis of hypercortisolism using the Roche Cortisol II assay |
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2022 |
Noel, Marc-Michel; Fraissinet, François; Lefebvre, Hervé; Benichou, Jacques; Brunel, Valéry; Ziegler, Frédéric |
"A Delicate balance"-Perceptions and Experiences of ICU Physicians and Nurses Regarding Controlled Donation After Circulatory Death. A Qualitative Study |
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2022 |
Le Dorze, Matthieu; Martouzet, Sara; Cassiani-Ingoni, Etienne; Roussin, France; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Morin, Lucas; Kentish-Barnes, Nancy |
Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Intravitreal Injections: Impact on the Incidence of Acute Endophthalmitis-A Nationwide Study in France from 2009 to 2018 |
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2022 |
Baudin, Florian; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Ghezala, Inès Ben; Bron, Alain M.; Daien, Vincent; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine |
OntoBioStat: Supporting Causal Diagram Design and Analysis |
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2022 |
Pressat Laffouilhère, Thibaut; Grosjean, Julien; Bénichou, Jacques; Darmoni, Stefan J.; Soualmia, Lina F. |
Is there variation between hospitals within each region in postoperative mortality for lung cancer surgery in France? A nationwide study from 2013 to 2020 |
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2023 |
Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Pages, Pierre-Benoit; Quantin, Catherine |
Response to Biologic Drugs in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Antidrug Antibodies |
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2023 |
Bitoun, Samuel; Hässler, Signe; Ternant, David; Szely, Natacha; Gleizes, Aude; Richez, Christophe; Soubrier, Martin; Avouac, Jérome; Brocq, Olivier; Sellam, Jérémie; de Vries, Niek; Huizinga, Tom W. J.; Jury, Elizabeth C.; Manson, Jessica J.; Mauri, Claudia; Matucci, Andrea; Hacein Bey Abina, Salima; Mulleman, Denis; Pallardy, Marc; Broët, Philippe; Mariette, Xavier; ABIRISK Consortium |
Ravages: An R package for the simulation and analysis of rare variants in multicategory phenotypes |
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2023 |
Bocher, Ozvan; Marenne, Gaëlle; Génin, Emmanuelle; Perdry, Hervé |
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on surgical procedures for retinal detachment in France: a national database study |
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2023 |
Baudin, Florian; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Ben Ghezala, Inès; Daien, Vincent; Gabrielle, Pierre-Henry; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P. |
Incidence of new-onset type 1 diabetes during Covid-19 pandemic: A French nationwide population-based study |
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2023 |
Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Petit, Jean-Michel; Benzenine, Eric; Quantin, Catherine; Bouillet, Benjamin |
Using LASSO regression to estimate the population-level impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines |
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2023 |
Wong, Anabelle; Kramer, Sarah C.; Piccininni, Marco; Rohmann, Jessica L.; Kurth, Tobias; Escolano, Sylvie; Grittner, Ulrike; de Cellès, Matthieu Domenech |
Tracking clusters of patients over time enables extracting information from medico-administrative databases |
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2023 |
Lambert, Judith; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Jannot, Anne-Sophie; Baudot, Anaïs |
Ability of epidemiological studies to monitor HPV post-vaccination dynamics: a simulation study |
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2023 |
Bonneault, Mélanie; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Flauder, Maxime; Bogaards, Johannes A.; Guillemot, Didier; Opatowski*, Lulla; Thiébaut*, Anne C. M. |
Hospitalization for physical child abuse: Associated medical factors and medical history since birth |
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2023 |
Loiseau, Mélanie; Cottenet, Jonathan; François-Purssell, Irène; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Jud, Andreas; Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Quantin, Catherine |
Diffusion of Minimally Invasive Approach for Lung Cancer Surgery in France: A Nationwide, Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study |
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2023 |
Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Pages, Pierre-Benoit; Quantin, Catherine |
Eurythmics or Xenakis? Cultural Tastes (Are Not Made of Genes): Comment on Jæger and Møllegaard, |
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2023 |
Larrègue, Julien; Lebaron, Frédéric; Perdry, Hervé; Robette, Nicolas |
Comparison of cohort and nested case-control designs for estimating the effect of time-varying drug exposure on the risk of adverse event in the presence of ties |
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2023 |
Manitchoko, Liliane; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Benichou, Jacques; Thiébaut, Anne C. M. |
Ten deprescribing articles you should know about: A guide for newcomers to the field |
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2023 |
Thompson, Wade; Reeve, Emily; McDonald, Emily G.; Farrell, Barbara; Scott, Sion; Steinman, Michael A.; Morin, Lucas; Lundby, Carina |
Association between vaccination and the risk of central demyelination: results from a case-referent study |
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2023 |
Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lamiae; Papeix, Caroline; Hamon, Yann; Benichou, Jacques; Abenhaim, Lucien |
Mortality and failure-to-rescue major complication trends after lung cancer surgery between 2005 and 2020: a nationwide population-based study |
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2023 |
Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Pagès, Pierre-Benoit; Quantin, Catherine |
Increased risk of colon cancer after acute appendicitis: a nationwide, population-based study |
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2023 |
Viennet, Manon; Tapia, Solène; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bernard, Alain; Ortega-Deballon, Pablo; Quantin, Catherine |
Risk of non-fatal self-harm and premature mortality in the three years following hospitalization in adolescents and young adults with an eating disorder: A nationwide population-based study |
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2023 |
Duriez, Philibert; Goueslard, Karine; Treasure, Janet; Quantin, Catherine; Jollant, Fabrice |
Provincial variation in colorectal cancer screening adherence in Canada; evidence from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow's Health |
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2023 |
Darvishian, Maryam; Moustaqim-Barrette, Amina; Awadalla, Philip; Bhatti, Parveen; Broet, Philippe; McDonald, Kelly; Murphy, Rachel A.; Skead, Kimberly; Urquhart, Robin; Vena, Jennifer; Dummer, Trevor J. B. |
Hospitalisation for non-lethal self-harm and premature mortality in the 3 years following adolescent pregnancy: Population-based nationwide cohort study |
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2023 |
Goueslard, Karine; Jollant, Fabrice; Cottenet, Jonathan; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Rozenberg, Patrick; Simon, Emmanuel; Quantin, Catherine |
Background rates of adverse events of special interest for COVID-19 vaccines: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) analysis |
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2023 |
Phillips, A.; Jiang, Y.; Walsh, D.; Andrews, N.; Artama, M.; Clothier, H.; Cullen, L.; Deng, L.; Escolano, S.; Gentile, A.; Gidding, G.; Giglio, N.; Junker, T.; Huang, W.; Janjua, N.; Kwong, J.; Li, J.; Nasreen, S.; Naus, M.; Naveed, Z.; Pillsbury, A.; Stowe, J.; Vo, T.; Buttery, J.; Petousis-Harris, H.; Black, S.; Hviid, A. |
Deficiency of the minor spliceosome component U4atac snRNA secondarily results in ciliary defects in human and zebrafish |
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2023 |
Khatri, Deepak; Putoux, Audrey; Cologne, Audric; Kaltenbach, Sophie; Besson, Alicia; Bertiaux, Eloïse; Guguin, Justine; Fendler, Adèle; Dupont, Marie A.; Benoit-Pilven, Clara; Qebibo, Leila; Ahmed-Elie, Samira; Audebert-Bellanger, Séverine; Blanc, Pierre; Rambaud, Thomas; Castelle, Martin; Cornen, Gaëlle; Grotto, Sarah; Guët, Agnès; Guibaud, Laurent; Michot, Caroline; Odent, Sylvie; Ruaud, Lyse; Sacaze, Elise; Hamel, Virginie; Bordonné, Rémy; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Edery, Patrick; Burglen, Lydie; Attié-Bitach, Tania; Mazoyer, Sylvie; Delous, Marion |
[Child maltreatment and Covid-19: A crisis within a crisis] |
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2023 |
Loiseau, Mélanie; Cottenet, Jonathan; Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; François-Purssell, Irène; Mikaeloff, Yann; Quantin, Catherine |
Does the implementation of pay-for-performance indicators improve the quality of healthcare? First results in France |
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2023 |
Sanchez, Marc-Antoine; Sanchez, Stéphane; Bouazzi, Leila; Peillard, Louise; Ohl-Hurtaud, Aline; Quantin, Catherine |
Impact of early postoperative blood glucose variability on serum endocan level in cardiac surgery patients: a sub study of the ENDOLUNG observational study |
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2023 |
Chazal, Etienne; Morin, Lucas; Chocron, Sidney; Lassalle, Philippe; Pili-Floury, Sebastien; Salomon du Mont, Lucie; Ferreira, David; Samain, Emmanuel; Perrotti, Andrea; Besch, Guillaume |