Stroke and Death Following Carotid Endarterectomy or Carotid Artery Stenting: A Ten Year Nationwide Study in France |
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2024 |
Steinmetz, Eric; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Morin, Lucas; Bernard, Alain; Béjot, Yannick; Quantin, Catherine |
Hospitalization for physical child abuse: Associated medical factors and medical history since birth |
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2023 |
Loiseau, Mélanie; Cottenet, Jonathan; François-Purssell, Irène; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Jud, Andreas; Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Quantin, Catherine |
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on preterm birth and stillbirth: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study |
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2021 |
Simon, Emmanuel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bechraoui-Quantin, Sonia; Rozenberg, Patrick; Gouyon, Jean-Bernard; Quantin, Catherine |
Post-term growth and cognitive development at 5 years of age in preterm children: Evidence from a prospective population-based cohort |
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2017 |
Simon, Laure; Nusinovici, Simon; Flamant, Cyril; Cariou, Bertrand; Rouger, Valérie; Gascoin, Géraldine; Darmaun, Dominique; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu |
Comparison of methods for estimating the attributable risk in the context of survival analysis |
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2017 |
Gassama, Malamine; Bénichou, Jacques; Dartois, Laureen; Thiébaut, Anne C. M. |
Cardiovascular Surgical Emergencies in France, before, during and after the First Lockdown for COVID-19 in 2020: A Comparative Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study |
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2021 |
Baudry, Anna; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Crespy, Valentin; Bernard, Chloé; Morgant, Marie-Catherine; Bejot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Bouchot, Olivier; Steinmetz, Eric; Quantin, Catherine |
Use of the prevented fraction for the population to determine deaths averted by existing prevalence of physical activity: a descriptive study |
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2020 |
Strain, Tessa; Brage, Søren; Sharp, Stephen J.; Richards, Justin; Tainio, Marko; Ding, Ding; Benichou, Jacques; Kelly, Paul |
Antiretroviral exposure and comorbidities in an aging HIV-infected population: The challenge of geriatric patients |
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2018 |
Allavena, Clotilde; Hanf, Matthieu; Rey, David; Duvivier, Claudine; BaniSadr, Firouze; Poizot-Martin, Isabelle; Jacomet, Christine; Pugliese, Pascal; Delobel, Pierre; Katlama, Christine; Joly, Véronique; Chidiac, Christian; Dournon, Nathalie; Merrien, Dominique; May, Thierry; Reynes, Jacques; Gagneux-Brunon, Amandine; Chirouze, Catherine; Huleux, Thomas; Cabié, André; Raffi, François; Dat’AIDS study group |
Early cardiovascular events in women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus |
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2016 |
Goueslard, Karine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Giroud, Maurice; Cottin, Yves; Petit, Jean-Michel; Quantin, Catherine |
Normal sex and age-specific parameters in a multi-ethnic population: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study of the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds cohort |
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2022 |
Luu, Judy M.; Gebhard, Catherine; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie; Desai, Dipika; Schulze, Karleen; Marcotte, Francois; Awadalla, Philip; Broet, Philippe; Dummer, Trevor; Hicks, Jason; Larose, Eric; Moody, Alan; Smith, Eric E.; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Teixeira, Tiago; Teo, Koon K.; Vena, Jennifer; Lee, Douglas S.; Anand, Sonia S.; Friedrich, Matthias G.; CAHHM Study Investigators |
Last year of life of adults with congenital heart diseases: causes of death and patterns of care |
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2022 |
Van Bulck, Liesbet; Goossens, Eva; Morin, Lucas; Luyckx, Koen; Ombelet, Fouke; Willems, Ruben; Budts, Werner; De Groote, Katya; De Backer, Julie; Annemans, Lieven; Moniotte, Stéphane; de Hosson, Michèle; Marelli, Arianne; Moons, Philip; BELCODAC consortium |
Comparison of Epithor clinical national database and medico-administrative database to identify the influence of case-mix on the estimation of hospital outliers |
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2019 |
Bernard, Alain; Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel; Thomas, Pascal Antoine; Rivera, Caroline; Brouchet, Laurent; Baste, Jean Marc; Puyraveau, Marc; Quantin, Catherine; Pages, Pierre Benoit; Dahan, Marcel |
Risk stratification integrating genetic data for factor VIII inhibitor development in patients with severe hemophilia A |
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2019 |
Bachelet, Delphine; Albert, Thilo; Mbogning, Cyprien; Hässler, Signe; Zhang, Yuan; Schultze-Strasser, Stephan; Repessé, Yohann; Rayes, Julie; Pavlova, Anna; Pezeshkpoor, Behnaz; Liphardt, Kerstin; Davidson, Julie E.; Hincelin-Méry, Agnès; Dönnes, Pierre; Lacroix-Desmazes, Sébastien; Königs, Christoph; Oldenburg, Johannes; Broët, Philippe; ABIRISK consortium |
Increased Risk of Rehospitalization for Acute Diabetes Complications and Suicide Attempts in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes and Comorbid Schizophrenia |
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2018 |
Goueslard, Karine; Petit, Jean-Michel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Jollant, Fabrice; Quantin, Catherine |
Impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic peak and lockdown on the interventional management of carotid artery stenosis in France |
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2022 |
Crespy, Valentin; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Baudry, Anna; Bernard, Chloe; Bejot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Steinmetz, Eric; Quantin, Catherine |
Chronic respiratory diseases are predictors of severe outcome in COVID-19 hospitalised patients: a nationwide study |
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2021 |
Beltramo, Guillaume; Cottenet, Jonathan; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Georges, Marjolaine; Piroth, Lionel; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine |
Vaginal microbiota stability over 18 months in young student women in France |
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2024 |
Tamarelle, Jeanne; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; de Barbeyrac, Bertille; Bébéar, Cécile; Bourret, Antoine; Fauconnier, Arnaud; Ravel, Jacques; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; i-Predict study group |
Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries |
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2020 |
Christophe, Clesse; Jonathan, Cottenet; Joelle, Lighezzolo-Alnot; Karine, Goueslard; Michele, Scheffler; Paul, Sagot; Catherine, Quantin |
Health state utility and quality of life measures in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in France |
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2021 |
Foulon, S; Cony-Makhoul, P; Guerci-Bresler, A; Daban, M; Kapso, R; Tubert-Bitter*, P; Bonastre*, J |
Neonatal EEG and neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants born before 32 weeks |
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2016 |
Périvier, Maximilien; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Gascoin, Géraldine; Hanf, Matthieu; Branger, Bernard; Rouger, Valérie; Berlie, Isabelle; Montcho, Yannis; Péréon, Yann; Flamant, Cyril; Nguyen The Tich, Sylvie |
Hospitalizations for Anorexia Nervosa during the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: A Nationwide Population-Based Study |
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2022 |
Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Roussot, Adrien; Vergès, Bruno; Petit, Jean-Michel; Jollant, Fabrice; Quantin, Catherine |
Safety of first year vaccination in children born to mothers with inflammatory bowel disease and exposed in utero to anti-TNFα agents: a French nationwide population-based cohort |
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2019 |
Luu, Maxime; Benzenine, Eric; Barkun, Alan; Doret, Muriel; Michiels, Christophe; Degand, Thibault; Quantin, Catherine; Bardou, Marc |
Positive Predictive Value of French Hospitalization Discharge Codes for Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack |
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2015 |
Giroud, Maurice; Hommel, Marc; Benzenine, Eric; Fauconnier, Jérôme; Béjot, Yannick; Quantin, Catherine; FRESCO Study |
Where is the causal variant? On the advantage of the family design over the case-control design in genetic association studies |
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2015 |
Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé |
The use of national administrative data to describe the spatial distribution of in-hospital mortality following stroke in France, 2008-2011 |
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2016 |
Roussot, Adrien; Cottenet, Jonathan; Gadreau, Maryse; Giroud, Maurice; Béjot, Yannick; Quantin, Catherine |
Incidence and risk factors for striae gravidarum |
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2015 |
Picard, Damien; Sellier, Séverine; Houivet, Estelle; Marpeau, Loic; Fournet, Patrick; Thobois, Bernard; Bénichou, Jacques; Joly, Pascal |
The SURCOUF study: Design and baseline characteristics of a prospective population-based cohort on diabetes care in France |
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2019 |
Scharbarg, Emeric; Wargny, Matthieu; Leclère, Brice; Plunian, Patrick; Velkovski-Rouyer, Maja; De Visme, Sophie; Hanf, Matthieu; Krempf, Michel; Nobécourt, Estelle |
Association of Acute Endophthalmitis With Intravitreal Injections of Corticosteroids or Anti-Vascular Growth Factor Agents in a Nationwide Study in France |
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2018 |
Baudin, Florian; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Bron, Alain M.; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean François; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine |
Do children with mathematical learning disabilities use the inversion principle to solve three-term arithmetic problems?: The impact of presentation mode |
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2022 |
Lubin, Amélie; Kana, Laetitia; Ducloy, Nelly; Delteil, Florence; Perdry, Hervé; Mikaeloff, Yann |
Shaping the future of pharmacoepidemiology in France: Recommendations from the SFPT Pharmacoepidemiology Working Group |
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2024 |
Soeiro, Thomas; Allouchery, Marion; Bene, Johana; Bezin, Julien; Dolladille, Charles; Faillie, Jean-Luc; Grimaldi, Lamiae; Kaguelidou, Florentia; Khouri, Charles; Lafaurie, Margaux; Largeau, Bérenger; Montastruc, François; Morin, Lucas; Scailteux, Lucie-Marie; Pariente, Antoine; SFPT Pharmacoepidemiology Working Group |
Five-year absolute risk estimates of colorectal cancer based on CCRAT model and polygenic risk scores: A validation study using the Quebec population-based cohort CARTaGENE |
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2022 |
Jantzen, Rodolphe; Payette, Yves; de Malliard, Thibault; Labbé, Catherine; Noisel, Nolwenn; Broët, Philippe |
Accounting for indirect protection in the benefit-risk ratio estimation of rotavirus vaccination in children under the age of 5 years, France, 2018 |
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2020 |
Escolano, Sylvie; Mueller, Judith E.; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale |
Association of occupational exposure with features of systemic sclerosis |
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2015 |
Marie, Isabelle; Menard, Jean-François; Duval-Modeste, Anne-Bénédicte; Joly, Pascal; Dominique, Stéphane; Bravard, Pierre; Noël, David; Gehanno, Jean-François; Bubenheim, Michael; Benichou, Jacques; Levesque, Hervé |
Early exposure of pregnant women to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs delivered outside hospitals and preterm birth risk: nationwide cohort study |
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2021 |
Quantin, C.; Yamdjieu Ngadeu, C.; Cottenet, J.; Escolano, S.; Bechraoui-Quantin, S.; Rozenberg, P.; Tubert-Bitter, P.; Gouyon, J.-B. |
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals |
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2024 |
Faksova, K.; Walsh, D.; Jiang, Y.; Griffin, J.; Phillips, A.; Gentile, A.; Kwong, J. C.; Macartney, K.; Naus, M.; Grange, Z.; Escolano, S.; Sepulveda, G.; Shetty, A.; Pillsbury, A.; Sullivan, C.; Naveed, Z.; Janjua, N. Z.; Giglio, N.; Perälä, J.; Nasreen, S.; Gidding, H.; Hovi, P.; Vo, T.; Cui, F.; Deng, L.; Cullen, L.; Artama, M.; Weintraub, E.; Lu, H.; Clothier, H. J.; Batty, K.; Paynter, J.; Petousis-Harris, H.; Buttery, J.; Black, S.; Hviid, A. |
Impact of preterm birth on parental separation: a French population-based longitudinal study |
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2017 |
Nusinovici, Simon; Olliac, Bertrand; Flamant, Cyril; Müller, Jean-Baptiste; Olivier, Marion; Rouger, Valérie; Gascoin, Géraldine; Basset, Hélène; Bouvard, Charlotte; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu |
Prescription of antiepileptic medicines including valproate in pregnant women: A study in three European countries |
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2019 |
Hurault-Delarue, Caroline; Morris, Joan K.; Charlton, Rachel; Gini, Rosa; Loane, Maria; Pierini, Anna; Puccini, Aurora; Neville, Amanda; Snowball, Julia; Damase-Michel, Christine; EUROmediSAFE consortium |
Did case-based payment influence surgical readmission rates in France? A retrospective study |
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2018 |
Vuagnat, Albert; Yilmaz, Engin; Roussot, Adrien; Rodwin, Victor; Gadreau, Maryse; Bernard, Alain; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Quantin, Catherine |
Multi-state relative survival modelling of colorectal cancer progression and mortality |
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2015 |
Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Mahboubi, Amel; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Dejardin, Olivier; Huszti, Ella; Binquet, Christine; Quantin, Catherine |
Class-imbalanced subsampling lasso algorithm for discovering adverse drug reactions |
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2018 |
Ahmed, Ismaïl; Pariente, Antoine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale |