[Editorial] |
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2016 |
Quantin, C.; Le Goaster, C.; Allaert, F. A.; Toussaint, E. |
[Evaluation of surgical practice in the treatment of lung cancer in France from the PMSI national database] |
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2019 |
Bernard, A.; Pagès, P.-B.; Mariet, A.-S.; Pforr, A.; Cottenet, J.; Quantin, C. |
[Evaluation of the metrological quality of the medico-administrative data for perinatal indicators: A pilot study in 3 university hospitals] |
journalArticle |
2015 |
Pierron, A.; Revert, M.; Goueslard, K.; Vuagnat, A.; Cottenet, J.; Benzenine, E.; Fresson, J.; Quantin, C. |
[Management of sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS) in reference centers in France in 2013] |
journalArticle |
2015 |
Levieux, K.; Patural, H.; Harrewijn, I.; Hanf, M.; Gras Leguen, C.; l’Association nationale des centres référents de la mort inattendue du nourrisson (ANCReMIN) |
[Monitoring network for vulnerable children in the Pays de la Loire ("Grandir ensemble" - Cohort LIFT): 10 years of activity 2003-2013] |
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2015 |
Branger, B.; Rouger, V.; Berlie, I.; Beucher, A.; Flamant, C.; N'guyen The Tich, S.; Garcia, J.; Brossier, J.-P.; Montcho, Y.; Hanf, M.; Roze, J.-C.; 160 médecins référents du réseau |
[Readmissions after lung resection in France: The PMSI database] |
journalArticle |
2021 |
Moret, A.; Madelaine, L.; Cottenet, J.; Sophie Mariet, A.; Quantin, C.; Bernard, A.; Pagès, P. B. |
[Study of algorithms to identify schizophrenia in the SNIIRAM database conducted by the REDSIAM network] |
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2017 |
Quantin, C.; Collin, C.; Frérot, M.; Besson, J.; Cottenet, J.; Corneloup, M.; Soudry-Faure, A.; Mariet, A.-S.; Roussot, A.; pour le groupe REDSIAM–Troubles mentaux et du comportement |
[Surveillance and detection of unusual events in toxicovigilance: Review of relevant methods] |
journalArticle |
2015 |
Faisandier, L.; Fouillet, A.; Bicout, D. J.; Golliot, F.; Ahmed, I.; Bringay, S.; Eilstein, D. |
[The REDSIAM network] |
journalArticle |
2017 |
Goldberg, M.; Carton, M.; Doussin, A.; Fagot-Campagna, A.; Heyndrickx, E.; Lemaitre, M.; Nicolau, J.; Quantin, C. |
[The use of administrative health databases in infectious disease epidemiology and public health] |
journalArticle |
2017 |
Fonteneau, L.; Le Meur, N.; Cohen-Akenine, A.; Pessel, C.; Brouard, C.; Delon, F.; Desjeux, G.; Durand, J.; Kirchgesner, J.; Lapidus, N.; Lemaitre, M.; Tala, S.; Thiébaut, A.; Watier, L.; Rudant, J.; Guillon-Grammatico, L. |