
Publications pour l'équipe Épidémiologie respiratoire intégrative

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology journalArticle 2018 Bousquet, Jean; Hellings, Peter W.; Agache, Ioana; Amat, Flore; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Ansotegui, Ignacio J.; Anto, Josep M.; Bachert, Claus; Bateman, Eric D.; Bedbrook, Anna; Bennoor, Kazi; Bewick, Mickael; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten; Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia; Bosse, Isabelle; Brozek, Jan; Brussino, Luisa; Canonica, Giorgio W.; Cardona, Victoria; Casale, Thomas; Cepeda Sarabia, Alfonso M.; Chavannes, Niels H.; Cecchi, Lorenzo; Correia de Sousa, Jaime; Costa, Elisio; Cruz, Alvaro A.; Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa; De Carlo, Giuseppe; De Feo, Giulia; Demoly, Pascal; Devillier, Philippe; Dykewicz, Mark S.; El-Gamal, Yehia; Eller, Esben E.; Fonseca, Joao A.; Fontaine, Jean-François; Fokkens, Wytske J.; Guzmán, Maria-Antonieta; Haahtela, Tari; Illario, Maddalena; Ivancevich, Juan-Carlos; Just, Jocelyne; Kaidashev, Igor; Khaitov, Musa; Kalayci, Omer; Keil, Thomas; Klimek, Ludger; Kowalski, Marek L.; Kuna, Piotr; Kvedariene, Violeta; Larenas-Linnemann, Desiree; Laune, Daniel; Le, Lan T.T.; C
Integrating Clinical and Epidemiologic Data on Allergic Diseases Across Birth Cohorts: A Harmonization Study in the Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy Project journalArticle 2018 Benet, Marta; Albang, Richard; Pinart, Mariona; Hohmann, Cynthia; Tischer, Christina G; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Baïz, Nour; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten; Lødrup Carlsen, Karin C; Carlsen, Kai-Hakon; Cirugeda, Lourdes; Eller, Esben; Fantini, Maria Pia; Gehring, Ulrike; Gerhard, Beatrix; Gori, Davide; Hallner, Eva; Kull, Inger; Lenzi, Jacopo; McEachan, Rosemary; Minina, Eleonora; Momas, Isabelle; Narduzzi, Silvia; Petherick, Emily S; Porta, Daniela; Rancière, Fanny; Standl, Marie; Torrent, Maties; Wijga, Alet H; Wright, John; Kogevinas, Manolis; Guerra, Stefano; Sunyer, Jordi; Keil, Thomas; Bousquet, Jean; Maier, Dieter; Anto, Josep M; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith
Onset of Action of the Fixed Combination Intranasal Azelastine-Fluticasone Propionate in an Allergen Exposure Chamber journalArticle 2018 Bousquet, Jean; Meltzer, Eli O.; Couroux, Peter; Koltun, Arkady; Kopietz, Ferdinand; Munzel, Ullrich; Kuhl, Hans Christian; Nguyen, Duc Tung; Salapatek, Anne Marie; Price, David
Risk of asthma onset after natural and surgical menopause: Results from the French E3N cohort journalArticle 2018 Matulonga-Diakiese, Bobette; Courbon, Dominique; Fournier, Agnès; Sanchez, Margaux; Bédard, Annabelle; Mesrine, Sylvie; Taillé, Camille; Severi, Gianluca; Thabut, Gabriel; Varraso, Raphaëlle; Leynaert, Bénédicte
A comprehensive model of predictors of suicide attempt in heavy drinkers: Results from a national 3-year longitudinal study journalArticle 2018 Hoertel, Nicolas; Faiz, Hadi; Airagnes, Guillaume; Blanco, Carlos; Pascal De Raykeer, Rachel; Franco, Silvia; Ducoutumany, Géraldine; Lemogne, Cédric; Limosin, Frédéric
Two-way effect modifications of air pollution and air temperature on total natural and cardiovascular mortality in eight European urban areas journalArticle 2018 Chen, Kai; Wolf, Kathrin; Breitner, Susanne; Gasparrini, Antonio; Stafoggia, Massimo; Samoli, Evangelia; Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic; Bero-Bedada, Getahun; Bellander, Tom; Hennig, Frauke; Jacquemin, Bénédicte; Pekkanen, Juha; Hampel, Regina; Cyrys, Josef; Peters, Annette; Schneider, Alexandra
Asthma Medication Ratio Phenotypes in Elderly Women journalArticle 2018 Chanoine, Sébastien; Pin, Isabelle; Sanchez, Margaux; Temam, Sofia; Pison, Christophe; Le Moual, Nicole; Severi, Gianluca; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Fournier, Agnès; Bousquet, Jean; Bedouch, Pierrick; Varraso, Raphaëlle; Siroux, Valérie
Work factors associated with return to work in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors journalArticle 2018 Descatha, Alexis; Dumas, Florence; Bougouin, Wulfran; Cariou, Alain; Geri, Guillaume
POLLAR: Impact of air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis; a European Institute of Innovation and Technology Health (EIT Health) project journalArticle 2018 Bousquet, Jean; Anto, Josep M.; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Dedeu, Toni; Dupas, Eve; Pépin, Jean-Louis; Eyindanga, Landry Stephane Zeng; Arnavielhe, Sylvie; Ayache, Julia; Basagana, Xavier; Benveniste, Samuel; Venturos, Nuria Calves; Chan, Hing Kin; Cheraitia, Mehdi; Dauvilliers, Yves; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Jullian-Desayes, Ingrid; Dinesh, Chitra; Laune, Daniel; Dac, Jade Lu; Nujurally, Ismael; Pau, Giovanni; Picard, Robert; Rodo, Xavier; Tamisier, Renaud; Bewick, Michael; Billo, Nils E.; Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa; Fonseca, Joao; Klimek, Ludger; Pfaar, Oliver; Bourez, Jean-Marc
Matrice emplois-expositions : de la recherche à la santé publique journalArticle 2018 Descatha, A.; Leclerc, A.; Goldberg, M.
The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) score of allergic rhinitis using mobile technology correlates with quality of life: The MASK study journalArticle 2018 J. Bousquet; Arnavielhe, S.; Bedbrook, A.; Fonseca, J.; Morais Almeida, M.; Todo Bom, A.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Caimmi, D.; Demoly, P.; Devillier, P.; Siroux, V.; Menditto, E.; Passalacqua, G.; Stellato, C.; Ventura, M. T.; Cruz, A. A.; Sarquis Serpa, F.; da Silva, J.; Larenas-Linnemann, D.; Rodriguez Gonzalez, M.; Burguete Cabañas, M. T.; Bergmann, K. C.; Keil, T.; Klimek, L.; Mösges, R.; Shamai, S.; Zuberbier, T.; Bewick, M.; Price, D.; Ryan, D.; Sheikh, A.; Anto, J. M.; Mullol, J.; Valero, A.; Haahtela, T.; Valovirta, E.; Fokkens, W. J.; Kuna, P.; Samolinski, B.; Bindslev-Jensen, C.; Eller, E.; Bosnic-Anticevich, S.; O'Hehir, R. E.; Tomazic, P. V.; Yorgancioglu, A.; Gemicioglu, B.; Bachert, C.; Hellings, P. W.; Kull, I.; Melén, E.; Wickman, M.; van Eerd, M.; De Vries, G.; the MASK study group
Employment outcome four years after a severe traumatic brain injury: results of the Paris severe traumatic brain injury study journalArticle 2018 Ruet, Alexis; Jourdan, Claire; Bayen, Eléonore; Darnoux, Emmanuelle; Sahridj, Dalila; Ghout, Idir; Azerad, Sylvie; Pradat Diehl, Pascale; Aegerter, Philippe; Charanton, James; Vallat Azouvi, Claire; Azouvi, Philippe
Impact of Rhinitis on Work Productivity: A Systematic Review journalArticle 2018 Vandenplas, Olivier; Vinnikov, Denis; Blanc, Paul D.; Agache, Ioana; Bachert, Claus; Bewick, Michael; Cardell, Lars-Olaf; Cullinan, Paul; Demoly, Pascal; Descatha, Alexis; Fonseca, Joao; Haahtela, Tari; Hellings, Peter W.; Jamart, Jacques; Jantunen, Juha; Kalayci, Ömer; Price, David; Samolinski, Boleslaw; Sastre, Joaquin; Tian, Longxiu; Valero, Antonio L.; Zhang, Xinyi; Bousquet, Jean
Associations between dietary scores with asthma symptoms and asthma control in adults journalArticle 2018 Andrianasolo, Roland M.; Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle; Adjibade, Moufidath; Hercberg, Serge; Galan, Pilar; Varraso, Raphaëlle
Smell loss is associated with severe and uncontrolled disease in children and adolescents with persistent allergic rhinitis journalArticle 2018 Mariño-Sanchez, Franklin; Valls-Mateus, Meritxell; Haag, Oliver; Alobid, Isam; Bousquet, Jean; Mullol, Joaquim
Exposition domestique aux produits de nettoyage et santé respiratoire thesis 2018 Lemire Pierre
Highlights and recent developments in food and drug allergy, and anaphylaxis in EAACI Journals (2017) journalArticle 2018 Eigenmann, Philippe A.; Akdis, Cezmi; Bousquet, Jean; Grattan, Clive E.; Hoffmann‐Sommergruber, Karin; Hellings, Peter W.; Agache, Ioana
Electronic cigarette use is associated with depressive symptoms among smokers and former smokers: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from the Constances cohort journalArticle 2019 Wiernik, Emmanuel; Airagnes, Guillaume; Lequy, Emeline; Gomajee, Ramchandar; Melchior, Maria; Le Faou, Anne-Laurence; Limosin, Frédéric; Goldberg, Marcel; Zins, Marie; Lemogne, Cédric
Expositions professionnelles et asthme dans deux grandes cohortes françaises : rôle des solvants et des produits de nettoyage thesis 2019
Scores alimentaires et santé respiratoire dans l'étude Asthma-E3N thesis 2019 AIT-HADAD Wassila
Association Between Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index, Gestational Weight Gain, and Offspring Atopic Dermatitis: A Prospective Cohort Study journalArticle 2019 Drucker, Aaron M.; Pope, Eliza I.; Field, Alison E.; Qureshi, Abrar A.; Dumas, Orianne; Camargo, Carlos A.
Association between asthma, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis multimorbidities with molecular IgE sensitization in adults journalArticle 2019 Siroux, Valérie; Boudier, Anne; Nadif, Rachel; Lupinek, Christian; Valenta, Rudolph; Bousquet, Jean
Facteurs environnementaux favorisant le développement d'un asthme journalArticle 2019 Bénédicte Leynaert 1,2, Nicole Le Moual, Catherine Neukirch, Valérie Siroux, Raphaelle Varraso
Cleaners and airway diseases journalArticle 2020 Orianne Dumas
Phénotypes inflammatoires de l'asthme : caractérisation, évolution et association avec l'exposition aux moisissures de l'air intérieur dans la cohorte Constances thesis 2020 TSIAVIA Tajidine
Profile of exposures and lung function in adults with asthma: An exposome approach in the EGEA study journalArticle 2020 Alicia Guillien, Johanna Lepeule, Emie Seyve, Nicole Le Moual, Isabelle Pin, Bruno Degano, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Jean-Louis Pépin, Christophe Pison, Orianne Dumas, Raphaëlle Varraso, Valérie Siroux
Endotypes identified by cluster analysis in asthmatics and non-asthmatics and their clinical characteristics at follow-up: the case-control EGEA study journalArticle 2020 Rachel Nadif ,Mickael Febrissy, Miora Valérie Andrianjafimasy ,Nicole Le Moual, Frederic Gormand, Jocelyne Just, Isabelle Pin,Valerie Siroux, Régis Matran, Orianne Dumas, Mohamed Nadif
The Role of Nutritional Factors in Asthma: Challenges and Opportunities for Epidemiological Research journalArticle 2021 Annabelle Bédard, Zhen Li, Wassila Ait-hadad, Carlos A. Camargo Jr., Bénédicte Leynaert, Christophe Pison, Orianne Dumas and Raphaëlle Varraso
Définition et épidémiologie du handicap professionnel. Exemple des pathologies d'épaule thesis 2021 Godeau, Diane; Descatha, Alexis
Questionnaire as an alternative of skin prick tests to differentiate allergic from non-allergic rhinitis in epidemiological studies journalArticle 2021 Marine Savouré, Jean Bousquet, Emilie Burte, Jocelyne Just, Isabelle Pin, Valérie Siroux, Laurent Orsi, Bénédicte Jacquemin, Rachel Nadif
Long-term exposures to PM2.5, black carbon and NO2 and prevalence of current rhinitis in French adults: The Constances Cohort journalArticle 2021 Marine Savouré, Émeline Lequy, JeanBousquet, et al
Utilisation à domicile de produits de nettoyage et santé respiratoire – évolution de cet usage, en lien avec la pandémie de COVID-19 – dans deux grandes cohortes françaises thesis 2021 Pacheco da silva, Emilie; Le moual, Nicole
Occupational Exposures to Organic Solvents and Asthma Symptoms in the CONSTANCES Cohort journalArticle 2021 Guillaume Sit , Noémie Letellier , Yuriko Iwatsubo et al
Etude de l'association entre le régime alimentaire maternel pendant la grossesse et le développement de maladies respiratoires et allergiques chez l'enfant. thesis 2021 Delvert, Rosalie; Varraso, Raphaelle; Bedard, Annabelle; De lauzon-guillain, Blandine
Cohort Study of Maternal Gestational Weight Gain, Gestational Diabetes, and Childhood Asthma journalArticle 2022 Dumas, Orianne; Arroyo, Anna Chen; Faridi, Mohammad Kamal; James, Kaitlyn; Hsu, Sarah; Powe, Camille; Camargo, Carlos A.
Occupational Exposures to Irritants and Sensitizers, Asthma and Asthma Control in the Nutrinet-Santé Cohort journalArticle 2022 Sit, Guillaume; Varraso, Raphaëlle; Fezeu, Léopold K.; Galan, Pilar; Orsi, Florence; Silva, Emilie Pacheco Da; Touvier, Mathilde; Hercberg, Serge; Paris, Christophe; Moual, Nicole Le; Dumas, Orianne
ERS International Congress 2021: highlights from the Epidemiology and Environment Assembly journalArticle 2022 Basea, Magda Bosch de; Belachew, Abate Bekele; Jankowski, Mateusz; Meteran, Howraman; Dumas, Orianne
Healthy diet associated with better asthma outcomes in elderly women of the French Asthma-E3N study journalArticle 2022 Ait-hadad, Wassila; Bédard, Annabelle; Chanoine, Sébastien; Dumas, Orianne; Laouali, Nasser; Le Moual, Nicole; Leynaert, Bénédicte; Macdonald, Conor; Siroux, Valérie; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Varraso, Raphaëlle
Worldwide prevalence of rhinitis in adults: A review of definitions and temporal evolution journalArticle 2022 Savouré, Marine; Bousquet, Jean; Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.; Jaakkola, Maritta S.; Jacquemin, Bénédicte; Nadif, Rachel