Coping strategies associated with suicidal behaviour in adolescent inpatients with borderline personality disorder

Coping strategies associated with suicidal behaviour in adolescent inpatients with borderline personality disorder. Knafo, Alexandra; Guilé, Jean-Marc; Breton, Jean-Jacques; Labelle, Réal; Belloncle, Vincent; Bodeau, Nicolas; Boudailliez, Bernard; De La Rivière, Sébastien Garny; Kharij, Brahim; Mille, Christian; Mirkovic, Bojan; Pripis, Cornelia; Renaud, Johanne; Vervel, Christine; Cohen, David; Gérardin, Priscille. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2015; S46-54: p.S46-54