Survival of patients with chronic respiratory failure on long-term oxygen therapy and or non-invasive ventilation at home

Survival of patients with chronic respiratory failure on long-term oxygen therapy and or non-invasive ventilation at home. Cano, Noël J.; Pichard, Claude; Court-Fortune, Isabelle; Costes, Frédéric; Cynober, Luc; Gérard-Boncompain, Michèle; Molano, Luis Carlos; Cuvelier, Antoine; Laaban, Jean-Pierre; Melchior, Jean-Claude; Raphaël, Jean-Claude; France, Julie; Lloret, Thomas; Roth, Hubert; Pison, Christophe; Clinical Research Group of the Société Francophone Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 2015; 739-744: p.739-744. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2014.08.011