Whole-exome sequencing and high throughput genotyping identified KCNJ11 as the thirteenth MODY gene.

Whole-exome sequencing and high throughput genotyping identified KCNJ11 as the thirteenth MODY gene.. Bonnefond, Amelie; Philippe, Julien; Durand, Emmanuelle; Dechaume, Aurelie; Huyvaert, Marlene; Montagne, Louise; Marre, Michel; Balkau, Beverley; Fajardy, Isabelle; Vambergue, Anne; Vatin, Vincent; Delplanque, Jerome; Le Guilcher, David; De Graeve, Franck; Lecoeur, Cecile; Sand, Olivier; Vaxillaire, Martine; Froguel, Philippe. PloS one. 2012; e37423: p.e37423. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037423