Annuaire (ALL)

Name First name Function Status Team
NADIF Rachel Head Researcher
NAJI Anas Engineer and technician
NAKKACHE Dorra Data Manager Ingénieur.e. ou
NASSIF Rose Marie Psychologist Ph Student
NAUDIN Sabine Epidemiologist Researcher
NDIAYE Astelle Epidemiologist Ph Student
NDOYE Cheikh Tidiane Data Manager Engineer and technician
NEVEU Claire Enquęteur.trice Engineer and technician
NGUYEN Thi Thu ha Epidemiologist Researcher
NICOLET Guillaume Epidemiologist Ph Student
NOVELLI Sophie Epidemiologist Associated researcher
OGRIZEK Anais Psychiatrist Ph Student
OLIVIER ElÉa Autre Ph Student
OMANO Haris Physician Ph Student
OMICHESSAN Hanane Epidemiologist Ph Student
OPATOWSKI Lulla Researcher
OREVE Marie-Joelle Psycho sociologist Researcher
ORR Sylvie Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
ORRI Massimiliano Psychologist Associated researcher
ORSI Laurent Epidemiologist Engineer and technician
ORSINI Léa Ph Student
OUSS Lisa Psychiatrist Researcher
PACHECO DA SILVA Emilie Epidemiologist Ph Student
PAGES Arnaud Health Economist Researcher
PANJO Henri Engineer and technician
PAPER Laura Ph Student
PAQUET Sylvain Epidemiologist Researcher
PAQUET Aude Chef.fe de projet Associated researcher
PARK See Hyun Ph Student
PASSERIEUX Christine Psychiatrist Researcher
PASTISSON Alienor Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
PASTORELLO Anne Ph Student
PAULUS Catherine Autre Engineer and technician
PAUNESCU Alexandra-Cristina Chef.fe de projet
PELLETIER-FLEURY Nathalie Head Researcher
PELLOUX Yann Chef.fe de projet Researcher
PÉPIN Marion Physician Researcher
PERDRY Hervé Researcher
PERDUCA Vittorio Associated researcher
PERIES Marianne Ingénieur.e. ou