Annuaire (ALL)

Name First name Function Status Team
SOTER Anthony Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
SOUCHARD Vincent Data Manager Engineer and technician
SPERANZA Mario Head Researcher
SPEYER Elodie Epidemiologist Researcher
SPODENKIEWICZ Michel Psychiatrist Associated researcher
SPRANZI Marta Philosopher Researcher
STENGEL Bénédicte Head Researcher
STHENEUR Chantal Researcher
SUGIER Pierre-Emmanuel Epidemiologist Associated researcher
SUISSA Déborah Ph Student
SUNDQVIST Martina Engineer and technician
SZUREWSKY Chloe Engineer and technician
TABCHEH Abdel-Hay Ph Student
TABOUY Laure Ph Student
TADESSE Azeb Assistant.e de recherche clinique Engineer and technician
TAMIATTO Manon Psycho sociologist Researcher
TANGUY Marie-Laure Engineer and technician
TARANTINI Clément Associated researcher
TARAZI-SAHAB Leila Psychologist Associated researcher
TARHUNI Arige Moniteur.trice d'étude clinique Engineer and technician
TEGLAS Jean-Paul Engineer and technician
TEILLET Laurent Researcher
TEINTURIER Cécile Epidemiologist Researcher
TERFAIA SUEUR Dilanda Psychologist Ph Student
TERRIER Françoise Gestionnaire d'équipe Engineer and technician
TEXIER Matthieu Ingénieur.e. ou
THERY Laura Psycho sociologist Ph Student
THIÉBAUT Anne Researcher
THOISON Clémence Psychologist Ph Student
THURIN Jean-Michel Associated researcher
TOURE Mamadou Idrissa Data Manager Engineer and technician
TRAN Laurent Data Manager Engineer and technician
TRITSCHLER Laurent Researcher
TROUILLER-GERFAUX Philippe Public health physician Researcher
TRUDEL Amric Ph Student
TRUONG Thérèse Epidemiologist Researcher
TSIAVA Tajidine Epidemiologist Researcher
TUBERT-BITTER Pascale Head Researcher
TUTAKHAIL Abdulkarim Pharmacologue Researcher
URBACH Mathieu Physician