Annuaire (ALL)

Name First name Function Status Team
RIQUIN Elise Psychiatrist Researcher
ROBERGEAU Frédéric Head Engineer and technician
ROBERT Noëlle Data Manager Engineer and technician
ROBIN Marion Psychiatrist Associated researcher
ROCHE Nicolas Psycho sociologist Associated researcher
ROLLAND Franck Ph Student
ROLLIER Sloane Chef.fe de projet Associated researcher
ROMO Lucia Psychologist Associated researcher
ROSENTHAL Lucie Psychiatrist Ph Student
ROUQUETTE Alexandra Epidemiologist Researcher
ROUSSEAU Anne Physician Researcher
ROUX Paul Researcher
ROZENBERG Patrick Physician Researcher
RUBINO Carole Epidemiologist Researcher
SAADE Danièle Epidemiologist Researcher
SAHUT D'IZARN Marine Psycho sociologist Ph Student
SAIDI Yanis Engineer and technician
SAINT LARY Olivier Researcher
SAKELLARIS Ioannis Epidemiologist Researcher
SALIB Madonna Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
SANCHEZ Marc - Antoine Physician Ph Student
SANON Hippolyte Data Manager Engineer and technician
SASSENOU Jeanne-Jehane Epidemiologist Ph Student
SAUVAGE Léocadie Philosopher Ph Student
SAWAYA Melissa Epidemiologist Ph Student
SCHNEIDER Camille Epidemiologist Ph Student
SCHWARTZ Boris Engineer and technician
SEDFI Said Chef.fe de projet Engineer and technician
SEDKI Mohammed Researcher
SENG Rémonie Epidemiologist Researcher
SENINA Nadège Assistant.e logistique et technique Engineer and technician
SERRAND Chris Epidemiologist Ph Student
SEVERI Gianluca Head Researcher
SÉVOZ-COUCHE Caroline Chef.fe de projet Researcher
SHEIKH Mahdi Epidemiologist Chercheur associé
SHIRREFF Georges Researcher
SIGWARD Jean-Michel Psychiatrist Researcher
SIMON-TILLAUX Noémie Epidemiologist Researcher
SIMONCIC Valentin Epidemiologist
SNANOUDJ Renaud Physician Researcher