Exposome and Heredity
Our team studies how the individual factors that make up the exposome (health behaviors, lifestyle, occupational environment, environmental exposure to chemical or physical pollutants, biological characteristics, etc.) and genetic terrain interact to influence the occurrence and evolution of frequent chronic pathologies, notably cancers, cardio-metabolic diseases and age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
The team's aim is therefore to assess in detail the joint exposure to multiple risk factors, and to study their relationship with the onset and progression of disease throughout an individual's life. One of our specificities is the study of the effect of the exposome across generations and the transmission of people's characteristics within the same family and over several generations.
This ambitious research program is based mainly on the E3N prospective cohort of women, the E3N-Générations family cohort which extends it, case-control studies of specific diseases, and other databases, notably those of MGEN and the French health insurance system.
Our team of over 80 people is structured around a research division, itself divided into specific research areas, and a technical department responsible for managing the E3N and E3N-Générations cohorts. Alexis Elbaz and Pascal Guénel are co-directors of the team.

Job | Team | Type | Date | See more |
Chef-fe de projet Collections biologiques - PROJECT MANAGER | Exposome et hérédité Exposome and Heredity | CDD 2 ans renouvelable | From Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | See details |