
Publications pour l'équipe Epidemiology of radiations

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Cardiac Diseases Following Childhood Cancer Treatment: Cohort Study journalArticle 2016 Haddy, Nadia; Diallo, Stéphanie; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Schwartz, Boris; Pein, François; Hawkins, Mike; Veres, Cristina; Oberlin, Odile; Guibout, Catherine; Pacquement, Hélène; Munzer, Martine; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Scarabin, Pierre-Yves; Jouven, Xavier; Bridier, André; Koscielny, Serge; Deutsch, Eric; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Breast cancer following radiotherapy for a hemangioma during childhood journalArticle 2010 Haddy, Nadia; Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle; Paoletti, Catherine; Rubino, Carole; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Doyon, Françoise; Labbé, Martine; Robert, Caroline; Avril, Marie-Françoise; Demars, Rogers; Molinie, Florence; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Thyroid adenomas after solid cancer in childhood journalArticle 2012 Haddy, Nadia; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Guibout, Catherine; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Oberlin, Odile; Veres, Cristina; Pacquement, Hélène; Jackson, Angela; Munzer, Martine; N'Guyen, Tan Dat; Bondiau, Pierre-Yves; Berchery, Delphine; Laprie, Anne; Bridier, André; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Schlumberger, Martin; Rubino, Carole; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Radiotherapy as a risk factor for malignant melanoma after childhood skin hemangioma journalArticle 2012 Haddy, Nadia; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Paoletti, Catherine; Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Doyon, Françoise; Avril, Marie-Françoise; Fragu, Philippe; Labbé, Martine; Lefkopoulos, Dimitry; Chavaudra, Jean; Robert, Caroline; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Relationship between the brain radiation dose for the treatment of childhood cancer and the risk of long-term cerebrovascular mortality journalArticle 2011 Haddy, Nadia; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Tukenova, Markhaba; Guibout, Catherine; Grill, Jacques; Dhermain, Frédéric; Pacquement, Hélène; Oberlin, Odile; El-Fayech, Chiraz; Rubino, Carole; Thomas-Teinturier, Cécile; Le-Deley, Marie-Cécile; Hawkins, Mike; Winter, Dave; Chavaudra, Jean; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent
Repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage and risk of second cancer in childhood cancer survivors journalArticle 2014 Haddy, Nadia; Tartier, Laurence; Koscielny, Serge; Adjadj, Elisabeth; Rubino, Carole; Brugières, Laurence; Pacquement, Hélène; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Averbeck, Dietrich; Hall, Janet; Benhamou, Simone
Letter on the article "The BIAL/Biotrial case of death of a human volunteer in the first-in-human study of BIA 10-2474: Are we missing the fundamentals?" journalArticle 2017 Hill, C.; Asselain, B.
Estimating the number of sudden cardiac deaths attributable to the use of domperidone in France journalArticle 2015 Hill, C.; Nicot, P.; Piette, C.; Le Gleut, K.; Durand, G.; Toussaint, B.
Survivorship after childhood cancer: PanCare: a European Network to promote optimal long-term care journalArticle 2015 Hjorth, Lars; Haupt, Riccardo; Skinner, Roderick; Grabow, Desiree; Byrne, Julianne; Karner, Sabine; Levitt, Gill; Michel, Gisela; van der Pal, Helena; Bárdi, Edit; Beck, Jörn D.; de Vathaire, Florent; Essig, Stefan; Frey, Eva; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Hawkins, Mike; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Jankovic, Momcilo; Kazanowska, Bernarda; Kepak, Tomas; Kremer, Leontien; Lackner, Herwig; Sugden, Elaine; Terenziani, Monica; Zaletel, Lorna Zadravec; Kaatsch, Peter; PanCare Network
Long-term survivors of childhood cancer: cure and care-the Erice Statement (2006) revised after 10 years (2016) journalArticle 2018 Jankovic, Momcilo; Haupt, Riccardo; Spinetta, John J.; Beck, Joern D.; Byrne, Julianne; Calaminus, Gabriele; Lackner, Herwig; Biondi, Andrea; Oeffinger, Kevin; Hudson, Melissa; Skinner, Roderick; Reaman, Gregory; van der Pal, Helena; Kremer, Leontien; den Hartogh, Jaap; Michel, Gisela; Frey, Eva; Bardi, Edit; Hawkins, Michael; Rizvi, Katie; Terenziani, Monica; Valsecchi, Maria Grazia; Bode, Gerlind; Jenney, Meriel; de Vathaire, Florent; Garwicz, Stanislaw; Levitt, Gill A.; Grabow, Desiree; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Schrappe, Martin; Hjorth, Lars; participants in PanCare
Recommendations for the organisation of care in paediatric radiation oncology across Europe: a SIOPE–ESTRO–PROS–CCI-Europe collaborative project in the framework of the JARC journalArticle 2019 Janssens, Geert O.; Timmermann, Beate; Laprie, Anne; Mandeville, Henry; Padovani, Laetitia; Chargari, Cyrus; Journy, Neige; Kameric, Lejla; Kienesberger, Anita; Brunhofer, Melanie; Kozhaeva, Olga; Gasparotto, Chiara; Kearns, Pamela; Boterberg, Tom; Lievens, Yolande; Vassal, Gilles
Optimisation et validation des méthodes de calcul de dose à distance des faisceaux d’irradiation pour leur application dans les études épidémiologiques et cliniques en radiothérapie thesis 2015 Jérémi Vũ Bezin
Can We Spare the Pancreas and Other Abdominal Organs at Risk? A Comparison of Conformal Radiotherapy, Helical Tomotherapy and Proton Beam Therapy in Pediatric Irradiation journalArticle 2016 Jouglar, Emmanuel; Wagner, Antoine; Delpon, Grégory; Campion, Loïc; Meingan, Philippe; Bernier, Valérie; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Mahé, Marc-André; Lacornerie, Thomas; Supiot, Stéphane
Adapted strategy to tumor response in childhood nasopharyngeal carcinoma: the French experience journalArticle 2019 Jouin, Anaïs; Helfre, Sylvie; Bolle, Stéphanie; Claude, Line; Laprie, Anne; Bogart, Emilie; Vigneron, Céline; Potet, Hélène; Ducassou, Anne; Claren, Audrey; Riet, François Georges; Castex, Marie Pierre; Faure-Conter, Cécile; Fresneau, Brice; Defachelles, Anne Sophie; Orbach, Daniel
Comment on: Are the studies on cancer risk from CT scans biased by indication? Elements of answer from a large-scale cohort study in France journalArticle 2015 Journy, N.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Are the studies on cancer risk from CT scans biased by indication? Elements of answer from a large-scale cohort study in France journalArticle 2015 Journy, N.; Rehel, J.-L.; Ducou Le Pointe, H.; Lee, C.; Brisse, H.; Chateil, J.-F.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Childhood CT scans and cancer risk: impact of predisposing factors for cancer on the risk estimates journalArticle 2016 Journy, N.; Roué, T.; Cardis, E.; Le Pointe, H. Ducou; Brisse, H.; Chateil, J.-F.; Laurier, D.; Bernier, M.-O.
Main clinical, therapeutic and technical factors related to patient's maximum skin dose in interventional cardiology procedures journalArticle 2012 Journy, N.; Sinno-Tellier, S.; Maccia, C.; Le Tertre, A.; Pirard, P.; Pagès, P.; Eilstein, D.; Donadieu, J.; Bar, O.
Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, and Cause-Specific Mortality in a Large Cohort of Women journalArticle 2017 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Bernier, Marie-Odile; Doody, Michele M.; Alexander, Bruce H.; Linet, Martha S.; Kitahara, Cari M.
Individual radiation exposure from computed tomography: a survey of paediatric practice in French university hospitals, 2010-2013 journalArticle 2018 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Dreuil, Serge; Boddaert, Nathalie; Chateil, Jean-François; Defez, Didier; Ducou-le-Pointe, Hubert; Garcier, Jean-Marc; Guersen, Joël; Habib Geryes, Bouchra; Jahnen, Andreas; Lee, Choonsik; Payen-de-la-Garanderie, Jacqueline; Pracros, Jean-Pierre; Sirinelli, Dominique; Thierry-Chef, Isabelle; Bernier, Marie-Odile
Projected cancer risks potentially related to past, current, and future practices in paediatric CT in the United Kingdom, 1990-2020 journalArticle 2017 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Lee, Choonsik; Harbron, Richard W.; McHugh, Kieran; Pearce, Mark S.; Berrington de González, Amy
Second Primary Cancers After Intensity-Modulated vs 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer journalArticle 2016 Journy, Neige M. Y.; Morton, Lindsay M.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Bekelman, Justin E.; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy
Medical conditions associated with the use of CT in children and young adults, Great Britain, 1995-2008 journalArticle 2016 Journy, Neige M.; McHugh, Kieran; Harbron, Richard W.; Pearce, Mark S.; Berrington De Gonzalez, Amy
Predicted cancer risks induced by computed tomography examinations during childhood, by a quantitative risk assessment approach journalArticle 2014 Journy, Neige; Ancelet, Sophie; Rehel, Jean-Luc; Mezzarobba, Myriam; Aubert, Bernard; Laurier, Dominique; Bernier, Marie-Odile
Projected Future Cancer Risks in Children Treated With Fluoroscopy-Guided Cardiac Catheterization Procedures journalArticle 2018 Journy, Neige; Dreuil, Serge; Rage, Estelle; De Zordo-Banliat, François; Bonnet, Damien; Hascoët, Sebastien; Malekzadeh-Milani, Sophie; Petit, Jérôme; Laurier, Dominique; Bernier, Marie-Odile; Baysson, Hélène
Patterns of proton therapy use in pediatric cancer management in 2016: An international survey journalArticle 2018 Journy, Neige; Indelicato, Daniel J.; Withrow, Diana R.; Akimoto, Tetsuo; Alapetite, Claire; Araya, Masayuki; Chang, Andrew; Chang, John Han-Chih; Chon, Brian; Confer, Michael E.; Demizu, Yusuke; Dendale, Rémi; Doyen, Jérôme; Ermoian, Ralph; Gurtner, Kristin; Hill-Kayser, Christine; Iwata, Hiromitsu; Kim, Joo-Young; Kwok, Young; Laack, Nadia N.; Lee, Choonsik; Lim, Do Hoon; Loredo, Lilia; Mangona, Victor S.; Mansur, David B.; Murakami, Masao; Murayama, Shigeyuki; Ogino, Takashi; Ondrová, Barbora; Parikh, Rahul R.; Paulino, Arnold C.; Perkins, Stephanie; Ramakrishna, Naren R.; Richter, Ronald; Rombi, Barbara; Shibata, Satoshi; Shimizu, Shinichi; Timmermann, Beate; Vern-Gross, Tamara; Wang, Chiachien J.; Weber, Damien C.; Wilkinson, John Ben; Witt Nyström, Petra; Yock, Torunn I.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy
Volume effects of radiotherapy on the risk of second primary cancers: A systematic review of clinical and epidemiological studies journalArticle 2019 Journy, Neige; Mansouri, Imène; Allodji, Rodrigue S.; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Ghazi, Debiche; Haddy, Nadia; Rubino, Carole; Veres, Cristina; Zrafi, Wael Salem; Rivera, Sofia; Diallo, Ibrahima; De Vathaire, Florent
[Organized or individual breast cancer screening: what motivates women?] journalArticle 2015 Kalecinski, Julie; Régnier-Denois, Véronique; Ouédraogo, Samiratou; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Dumas, Agnès; Arveux, Patrick; Chauvin, Franck
Absolute risk prediction of second primary thyroid cancer among 5-year survivors of childhood cancer journalArticle 2013 Kovalchik, Stephanie A.; Ronckers, Cécile M.; Veiga, Lene H. S.; Sigurdson, Alice J.; Inskip, Peter D.; de Vathaire, Florent; Sklar, Charles A.; Donaldson, Sarah S.; Anderson, Harald; Bhatti, Parveen; Hammond, Sue; Leisenring, Wendy M.; Mertens, Ann C.; Smith, Susan A.; Stovall, Marilyn; Tucker, Margaret A.; Weathers, Rita E.; Robison, Leslie L.; Pfeiffer, Ruth M.
Breast Cancer Risk After Radiation Therapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma: Influence of Gonadal Hormone Exposure journalArticle 2017 Krul, Inge M.; Opstal-van Winden, Annemieke W. J.; Aleman, Berthe M. P.; Janus, Cécile P. M.; van Eggermond, Anna M.; De Bruin, Marie L.; Hauptmann, Michael; Krol, Augustinus D. G.; Schaapveld, Michael; Broeks, Annegien; Kooijman, Karen R.; Fase, Sandra; Lybeert, Marnix L.; Zijlstra, Josée M.; van der Maazen, Richard W. M.; Kesminiene, Ausrele; Diallo, Ibrahima; de Vathaire, Florent; Russell, Nicola S.; van Leeuwen, Flora E.
A benefit-risk analysis of rotavirus vaccination, France, 2015 journalArticle 2017 Lamrani, A.; Tubert-Bitter, P.; Hill, C.; Escolano, S.
Improving participation in colorectal cancer screening: targets for action journalArticle 2012 Le Breton, Julien; Journy, Neige; Attali, Claude; Le Corvoisier, Philippe; Brixi, Zahida; Bastuji-Garin, Sylvie; Chevreul, Karine
Organ dose estimation accounting for uncertainty for pediatric and young adult ct scans in the united kingdom journalArticle 2018 Lee, Choonsik; Journy, Neige; Moroz, Brian E.; Little, Mark; Harbron, Richard; McHugh, Kieran; Pearce, Mark; Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy
Factors predictive of macrosomia in pregnancies with a positive oral glucose challenge test: importance of fasting plasma glucose journalArticle 2014 Legardeur, H.; Girard, G.; Journy, N.; Ressencourt, V.; Durand-Zaleski, I.; Mandelbrot, L.
Environmental, lifestyle, and anthropometric risk factors for differentiated thyroid cancer in cuba: a case-control study journalArticle 2014 Lence-Anta, Juan J.; Xhaard, Constance; Ortiz, Rosa M.; Kassim, Haoiinda; Pereda, Celia M.; Turcios, Silvia; Velasco, Milagros; Chappe, Mae; Infante, Idalmis; Bustillo, Marlene; García, Anabel; Clero, Enora; Maillard, Stephane; Salazar, Sirced; Rodriguez, Regla; de Vathaire, Florent
Determination of total iodine in French Polynesian foods: method validation and occurrence data journalArticle 2015 Leufroy, Axelle; Noël, Laurent; Bouisset, Patrick; Maillard, Stéphane; Bernagout, Solène; Xhaard, Constance; de Vathaire, Florent; Guérin, Thierry
Breast cancer risk after radiotherapy for heritable and non-heritable retinoblastoma: a US-UK study journalArticle 2014 Little, M. P.; Schaeffer, M. L.; Reulen, R. C.; Abramson, D. H.; Stovall, M.; Weathers, R.; de Vathaire, F.; Diallo, I.; Seddon, J. M.; Hawkins, M. M.; Tucker, M. A.; Kleinerman, R. A.
Systematic review and meta-analysis of circulatory disease from exposure to low-level ionizing radiation and estimates of potential population mortality risks journalArticle 2012 Little, Mark P.; Azizova, Tamara V.; Bazyka, Dimitry; Bouffler, Simon D.; Cardis, Elisabeth; Chekin, Sergey; Chumak, Vadim V.; Cucinotta, Francis A.; de Vathaire, Florent; Hall, Per; Harrison, John D.; Hildebrandt, Guido; Ivanov, Victor; Kashcheev, Valeriy V.; Klymenko, Sergiy V.; Kreuzer, Michaela; Laurent, Olivier; Ozasa, Kotaro; Schneider, Thierry; Tapio, Soile; Taylor, Andrew M.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Vandoolaeghe, Wendy L.; Wakeford, Richard; Zablotska, Lydia B.; Zhang, Wei; Lipshultz, Steven E.
Comment on "dose-responses from multi-model inference for the non-cancer disease mortality of atomic bomb survivors" (Radiat. Environ. Biophys (2012) 51:165-178) by Schöllnberger et al journalArticle 2013 Little, Mark P.; Azizova, Tamara V.; Bazyka, Dimitry; Bouffler, Simon D.; Cardis, Elisabeth; Chekin, Sergey; Chumak, Vadim V.; Cucinotta, Francis A.; de Vathaire, Florent; Hall, Per; Harrison, John D.; Hildebrandt, Guido; Ivanov, Victor; Kashcheev, Valeriy V.; Klymenko, Sergiy V.; Laurent, Olivier; Ozasa, Kotaro; Tapio, Soile; Taylor, Andrew M.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Vandoolaeghe, Wendy L.; Wakeford, Richard; Zablotska, Lydia; Zhang, Wei; Lipshultz, Steven E.
Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohort studies journalArticle 2018 Little, Mark P.; Wakeford, Richard; Borrego, David; French, Benjamin; Zablotska, Lydia B.; Adams, M. Jacob; Allodji, Rodrigue; de Vathaire, Florent; Lee, Choonsik; Brenner, Alina V.; Miller, Jeremy S.; Campbell, David; Pearce, Mark S.; Doody, Michele M.; Holmberg, Erik; Lundell, Marie; Sadetzki, Siegal; Linet, Martha S.; Berrington de González, Amy