
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Uncovering Professional Attitudes Toward Treatment of Rare Carcinomas of the Breast: An International Practice e-Survey Involving 32 Countries journalArticle 2016 Saghatchian, M.; Fadoukhair, Z.; Hofert, K.; Lanoy, E.; Mathieu, M. C.; Mazouni, C.; Delaloge, S.
Prognostic Effect of Tumor Lymphocytic Infiltration in Resectable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer journalArticle 2016 Brambilla, E.; Le Teuff, G.; Marguet, S.; Lantuejoul, S.; Dunant, A.; Graziano, S.; Pirker, R.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le Chevalier, T.; Filipits, M.; Rosell, R.; Kratzke, R.; Popper, H.; Soria, J. C.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Tsao, M. S.
Innovations for phase I dose-finding designs in pediatric oncology clinical trials journalArticle 2016 Doussau, A.; Geoerger, B.; Jimenez, I.; Paoletti, X.
Postoperative radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer journalArticle 2016 Burdett, S.; Rydzewska, L.; Tierney, J.; Fisher, D.; Parmar, M. K.; Arriagada, R.; Pignon, J. P.; Le Pechoux, C.; Group, Port Meta-analysis Trialists
45 or 50 Gy, Which is the Optimal Radiotherapy Pelvic Dose in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer in the Perspective of Reaching Magnetic Resonance Image-guided Adaptive Brachytherapy Planning Aims? journalArticle 2016 Mazeron, R.; Petit, C.; Rivin, E.; Limkin, E.; Dumas, I.; Maroun, P.; Annede, P.; Martinetti, F.; Seisen, T.; Lefkopoulos, D.; Chargari, C.; Haie-Meder, C.
Somatic mutation, copy number and transcriptomic profiles of primary and matched metastatic estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers journalArticle 2016 Fumagalli, D.; Wilson, T. R.; Salgado, R.; Lu, X.; Yu, J.; O'Brien, C.; Walter, K.; Huw, L. Y.; Criscitiello, C.; Laios, I.; Jose, V.; Brown, D. N.; Rothe, F.; Maetens, M.; Zardavas, D.; Savas, P.; Larsimont, D.; Piccart-Gebhart, M. J.; Michiels, S.; Lackner, M. R.; Sotiriou, C.; Loi, S.
MRI-guided brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: Small bowel [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are not predictive of late morbidity journalArticle 2016 Petit, C.; Dumas, I.; Chargari, C.; Martinetti, F.; Maroun, P.; Doyeux, K.; Tailleur, A.; Haie-Meder, C.; Mazeron, R.
Toward a model-based patient selection strategy for proton therapy: External validation of photon-derived normal tissue complication probability models in a head and neck proton therapy cohort journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Wong, A. J.; Gunn, G. B.; Garden, A. S.; Mohamed, A. S.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Crutison, J.; Wu, R.; Zhang, X.; Zhu, X. R.; Mohan, R.; Amin, M. V.; Fuller, C. D.; Frank, S. J.
Treatment strategies in early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: a French national survey journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Moriniere, S.; Fakhry, N.
Impact of primary para-aortic lymphadenectomy on distant failure in locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated in the era of image-guided adaptive brachytherapy journalArticle 2016 Chargari, C.; Mazeron, R.; Dunant, A.; Gouy, S.; Petit, C.; Maroun, P.; Uzan, C.; Annede, P.; Bentivegna, E.; Balleyguier, C.; Genestie, C.; Pautier, P.; Leary, A.; Lhomme, C.; Deutsch, E.; Morice, P.; Haie-Meder, C.
Statistical controversies in clinical research: prognostic gene signatures are not (yet) useful in clinical practice journalArticle 2016 Michiels, S.; Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.
Diagnosis of HPV driven oropharyngeal cancers: Comparing p16 based algorithms with the RNAscope HPV-test journalArticle 2016 Mirghani, H.; Casiraghi, O.; Guerlain, J.; Amen, F.; He, M. X.; Ma, X. J.; Luo, Y.; Mourareau, C.; Drusch, F.; Lakdhar, A. B.; Melkane, A.; St Guily, L.; Badoual, C.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Borget, I.; Auperin, A.; Dalstein, V.; Vielh, P.
Prognostic value of the infarct- and non-infarct like patterns and cardiovascular magnetic resonance parameters on long-term outcome of patients after acute myocarditis journalArticle 2016 Chopra, H.; Arangalage, D.; Bouleti, C.; Zarka, S.; Fayard, F.; Chillon, S.; Laissy, J. P.; Henry-Feugeas, M. C.; Steg, P. G.; Vahanian, A.; Ou, P.
Empirical extensions of the lasso penalty to reduce the false discovery rate in high-dimensional Cox regression models journalArticle 2016 Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.; Michiels, S.
A prospective multicenter study on bladder cancer: the COBLAnCE cohort journalArticle 2016 Benhamou, S.; Bonastre, J.; Groussard, K.; Radvanyi, F.; Allory, Y.; Lebret, T.
The Genomic Grade Assay Compared With Ki67 to Determine Risk of Distant Breast Cancer Recurrence journalArticle 2016 Ignatiadis, M.; Azim, H. A.; Desmedt, C.; Veys, I.; Larsimont, D.; Salgado, R.; Lyng, M. B.; Viale, G.; Leyland-Jones, B.; Giobbie-Hurder, A.; Kammler, R.; Dell'Orto, P.; Rothe, F.; Laios, I.; Ditzel, H. J.; Regan, M. M.; Piccart, M.; Michiels, S.; Sotiriou, C.
Feasibility Study of EndoTAG-1, a Tumor Endothelial Targeting Agent, in Combination with Paclitaxel followed by FEC as Induction Therapy in HER2-Negative Breast Cancer journalArticle 2016 Ignatiadis, M.; Zardavas, D.; Lemort, M.; Wilke, C.; Vanderbeeken, M. C.; D'Hondt, V.; De Azambuja, E.; Gombos, A.; Lebrun, F.; Dal Lago, L.; Bustin, F.; Maetens, M.; Ameye, L.; Veys, I.; Michiels, S.; Paesmans, M.; Larsimont, D.; Sotiriou, C.; Nogaret, J. M.; Piccart, M.; Awada, A.
The ENCCA-WP7/EuroSarc/EEC/PROVABES/EURAMOS 3rd European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting/Joint Workshop of EU Bone Sarcoma Translational Research Networks; Vienna, Austria, September 24-25, 2015. Workshop Report journalArticle 2016 Kager, L.; Whelan, J.; Dirksen, U.; Hassan, B.; Anninga, J.; Bennister, L.; Bovee, Jvmg; Brennan, B.; Broto, J. M.; Brugieres, L.; Cleton-Jansen, A. M.; Copland, C.; Dutour, A.; Fagioli, F.; Ferrari, S.; Fiocco, M.; Fleuren, E.; Gaspar, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Gerrand, C.; Gerss, J.; Gonzato, O.; van der Graaf, W.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Herrero-Martin, D.; Klco-Brosius, S.; Kovar, H.; Ladenstein, R.; Lancia, C.; LeDeley, M. C.; McCabe, M. G.; Metzler, M.; Myklebost, O.; Nathrath, M.; Picci, P.; Potratz, J.; Redini, F.; Richter, G. H. S.; Reinke, D.; Rutkowski, P.; Scotlandi, K.; Strauss, S.; Thomas, D.; Tirado, O. M.; Tirode, F.; Vassal, G.; Bielack, S. S.
The 5000% case: a glimpse into the financial issue of lung cancer treatment journalArticle 2016 Remon, J.; Bonastre, J.; Besse, B.
Treatment Algorithms Based on Tumor Molecular Profiling: The Essence of Precision Medicine Trials journalArticle 2016 Le Tourneau, C.; Kamal, M.; Tsimberidou, A. M.; Bedard, P.; Pierron, G.; Callens, C.; Rouleau, E.; Vincent-Salomon, A.; Servant, N.; Alt, M.; Rouzier, R.; Paoletti, X.; Delattre, O.; Bieche, I.
Preface journalArticle 2016 Heinze, G.; Michiels, S.; Posch, M.
Treatment Algorithms Based on Tumor Molecular Profiling: The Essence of Precision Medicine Trials journalArticle 2016 Le Tourneau, C.; Kamal, M.; Tsimberidou, A. M.; Bedard, P.; Pierron, G.; Callens, C.; Rouleau, E.; Vincent-Salomon, A.; Servant, N.; Alt, M.; Rouzier, R.; Paoletti, X.; Delattre, O.; Bieche, I.
Incorporation of nested frailties into semiparametric multi-state models journalArticle 2016 Rotolo, F.; Rondeau, V.; Legrand, C.
[Oral cavity cancers among young people: Clinical results and prognostic analysis] journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; El Khoury, C.; Temam, S.; Casiraghi, O.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Gorphe, P.; Even, C.; De Felice, F.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
Erratum to: Bias and precision of methods for estimating the difference in restricted mean survival time from an individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 Lueza, B.; Rotolo, F.; Bonastre, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Michiels, S.
Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Versus Intensity Modulated Photon Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer: First Comparative Results of Patient-Reported Outcomes journalArticle 2016 Sio, T. T.; Lin, H. K.; Shi, Q.; Gunn, G. B.; Cleeland, C. S.; Lee, J. J.; Hernandez, M.; Blanchard, P.; Thaker, N. G.; Phan, J.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Garden, A. S.; Morrison, W. H.; Fuller, C. D.; Mendoza, T. R.; Mohan, R.; Wang, X. S.; Frank, S. J.
Rituximab and dose-dense chemotherapy for adults with Burkitt's lymphoma: a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial journalArticle 2016 Ribrag, V.; Koscielny, S.; Bosq, J.; Leguay, T.; Casasnovas, O.; Fornecker, L. M.; Recher, C.; Ghesquieres, H.; Morschhauser, F.; Girault, S.; Le Gouill, S.; Ojeda-Uribe, M.; Mariette, C.; Cornillon, J.; Cartron, G.; Verge, V.; Chassagne-Clement, C.; Dombret, H.; Coiffier, B.; Lamy, T.; Tilly, H.; Salles, G.
Nail toxicities induced by systemic anticancer treatments journalArticle 2015 Robert, C.; Sibaud, V.; Mateus, C.; Verschoore, M.; Charles, C.; Lanoy, E.; Baran, R.
Screening in asymptomatic SDHx mutation carriers: added value of ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT at initial diagnosis and 1-year follow-up journalArticle 2015 Lepoutre-Lussey, C.; Caramella, C.; Bidault, F.; Déandreis, D.; Berdelou, A.; Al Ghuzlan, A.; Hartl, D.; Borget, I.; Gimenez-Roqueplo, A. P.; Dumont, F.; Deschamps, F.; Nascimento, C.; Lumbroso, J.; Guillaud Bataille, M.; Schlumberger, M.; Baudin, E.; Leboulleux, S.
Developmental predictors of inattention-hyperactivity from pregnancy to early childhood journalArticle 2015 Foulon, S.; Pingault, J. B.; Larroque, B.; Melchior, M.; Falissard, B.; Cote, S. M.
Outcome of and prognostic factors for relapse in children and adolescents with mature B-cell lymphoma and leukemia treated in three consecutive prospective "Lymphomes Malins B" protocols. A Société Française des Cancers de l'Enfant study journalArticle 2015 Jourdain, A.; Auperin, A.; Minard-Colin, V.; Aladjidi, N.; Zsiros, J.; Coze, C.; Gandemer, V.; Bertrand, Y.; Leverger, G.; Bergeron, C.; Michon, J.; Patte, C.
Management of malignant pleural mesothelioma: a French multicenter retrospective study (GFPC 0802 study) journalArticle 2015 Raynaud, C.; Greillier, L.; Mazieres, J.; Monnet, I.; Mastroianni, B.; Robinet, G.; Fraboulet, G.; Dixmier, A.; Berard, H.; Lamy, R.; Letreut, J.; Lena, H.; Oliviero, G.; Botta, S.; Vergnenegre, A.; Borget, I.; Chouaid, C.
Plasma miR-200b in ovarian carcinoma patients: distinct pattern of pre/post-treatment variation compared to CA-125 and potential for prediction of progression-free survival journalArticle 2015 Kapetanakis, N. I.; Uzan, C.; Jimenez-Pailhes, A. S.; Gouy, S.; Bentivegna, E.; Morice, P.; Caron, O.; Gourzones-Dmitriev, C.; Le Teuff, G.; Busson, P.
Influence of the vocal cord mobility in salvage surgery after radiotherapy for early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx journalArticle 2015 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Temam, S.; Janot, F.
Mineralogy and uranium leaching of ores from Triassic Peribaltic sandstones journalArticle 2015 Gajda, D.; Kiegiel, K.; Zakrzewska-Koltuniewicz, G.; Chajduk, E.; Bartosiewicz, I.; Wolkowicz, S.
Post-first-line FOLFOX chemotherapy for grade 3 neuroendocrine carcinoma journalArticle 2015 Hadoux, J.; Malka, D.; Planchard, D.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Caramella, C.; Guigay, J.; Boige, V.; Leboulleux, S.; Burtin, P.; Berdelou, A.; Loriot, Y.; Duvillard, P.; Chougnet, C. N.; Déandréis, D.; Schlumberger, M.; Borget, I.; Ducreux, M.; Baudin, E.
Reply to V.P. Retel et al, D. Gauchan et al, and C. Rahilly-Tierney et al journalArticle 2015 Bonastre, J.; Marguet, S.; Lueza, B.; Michiels, S.; Delaloge, S.; Saghatchian, M.
Relationship Between Carfilzomib Dose and Efficacy Outcomes in Patients With Relapsed and/or Refractory Multiple Myeloma journalArticle 2015 Squifflet, P.; Michiels, S.; Siegel, D.; Vij, R.; Jagannath, S.; Saad, E. D.; Rajangam, K.; Ro, S. K.; Buyse, M.
Innovative medical devices and hospital decision making: a study comparing the views of hospital pharmacists and physicians journalArticle 2015 Billaux, M.; Borget, I.; Prognon, P.; Pineau, J.; Martelli, N.
The cost of thromboembolic events in hospitalized patients with breast or prostate cancer in France journalArticle 2015 Scotte, F.; Martelli, N.; Vainchtock, A.; Borget, I.