Enhanced immunovirological response in women compared to men after antiretroviral therapy initiation during acute and early HIV-1 infection: results from a longitudinal study in the French ANRS Primo cohort

Enhanced immunovirological response in women compared to men after antiretroviral therapy initiation during acute and early HIV-1 infection: results from a longitudinal study in the French ANRS Primo cohort. Novelli, Sophie; Delobel, Pierre; Bouchaud, Olivier; Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique; Fialaire, Pascale; Cabié, André; Souala, Faouzi; Raffi, François; Catalan, Pilartxo; Weiss, Laurence; Meyer, Laurence; Goujard, Cécile. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2020; 23: p.e25485. doi:10.1002/jia2.25485