Intensification of antiretroviral therapy through addition of enfuvirtide in naive HIV-1-infected patients with severe immunosuppression does not improve immunological response: results of a randomized multicenter trial (ANRS 130 Apollo)

Intensification of antiretroviral therapy through addition of enfuvirtide in naive HIV-1-infected patients with severe immunosuppression does not improve immunological response: results of a randomized multicenter trial (ANRS 130 Apollo). Joly, V.; Fagard, C.; Grondin, C.; Descamps, D.; Yazdanpanah, Y.; Charpentier, C.; Colin de Verdière, N.; Tabuteau, S.; Raffi, F.; Cabie, A.; Chene, G.; Yeni, P.; S 130 Apollo Trial Group.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013; 57: p.758–65. doi:doi: 10.1128/AAC.01662-12. Epub 2012 Nov 19