Levels of Indoxyl Sulfate in Kidney Transplant Patients, and the Relationship With Hard Outcomes

Levels of Indoxyl Sulfate in Kidney Transplant Patients, and the Relationship With Hard Outcomes. Liabeuf, Sophie; Desjardins, Lucie; Massy, Ziad A.; Brazier, François; Westeel, Pierre François; Mazouz, Hakim; Titeca-Beauport, Dimitri; Diouf, Momar; Glorieux, Griet; Vanholder, Raymond; Jaureguy, Maité; Choukroun, Gabriel. Circulation Journal: Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. 2016; 80: p.722-730. doi:10.1253/circj.CJ-15-0949