Neonatal Morbidity After Management of Vaginal Noncephalic Second-Twin Delivery by Residents

Neonatal Morbidity After Management of Vaginal Noncephalic Second-Twin Delivery by Residents. Schmitz, Thomas; Korb, Diane; Azria, Elie; Deruelle, Philippe; Kayem, Gilles; Rozenberg, Patrick; Sananès, Nicolas; Sénat, Marie-Victoire; Sentilhes, Loic; Vayssière, Christophe; Winer, Norbert; Goffinet, François; JUmeaux MODe d’Accouchement (JUMODA) Study Group and the Groupe de Recherche en Obstétrique et Gynécologie (GROG). Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018; 132: p.1377-1385. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000002955