Systemic DPP4 activity is reduced during primary HIV-1 infection and is associated with intestinal RORC+CD4+ cell levels: a surrogate marker candidate of HIV-induced intestinal damage.

Systemic DPP4 activity is reduced during primary HIV-1 infection and is associated with intestinal RORC+CD4+ cell levels: a surrogate marker candidate of HIV-induced intestinal damage.. Ploquin, M.J.; Casrouge, A.; Madec, Y.; Noël, N.; Jacquelin, B.; Huot, N.; Dufy, D.; Jochems, S.P.; Micci, L.; Lécuroux, C.; Boufassa, F.; Booiman, T.; Garcia-Tellez, T.; Ghislain, M.; Le Grand, R.; Lambotte, O.; Kootstra, N.; Meyer, L.; Goujard, C.; Paiardini, M.; Albert, M.L.; Müller-Trutwin, M.. J Int Aids Society. 2018; :