
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Integrating Tenascin-C protein expression and 1q25 copy number status in pediatric intracranial ependymoma prognostication: A new model for risk stratification journalArticle 2017 Andreiuolo, F.; Le Teuff, G.; Bayar, M. A.; Kilday, J. P.; Pietsch, T.; von Bueren, A. O.; Witt, H.; Korshunov, A.; Modena, P.; Pfister, S. M.; Pagès, M.; Castel, D.; Giangaspero, F.; Chimelli, L.; Varlet, P.; Rutkowski, S.; Frappaz, D.; Massimino, M.; Grundy, R.; Grill, J.
Inter-observer variability in target delineation increases during adaptive treatment of head-and-neck and lung cancer journalArticle 2019 Apolle, R.; Appold, S.; Bijl, H. P.; Blanchard, P.; Bussink, J.; Faivre-Finn, C.; Khalifa, J.; Laprie, A.; Lievens, Y.; Madani, I.; Ruffier, A.; de Ruysscher, D.; van Elmpt, W.; Troost, E. G. C.
Multivariate joint frailty model for the analysis of nonlinear tumor kinetics and dynamic predictions of death journalArticle 2018 Krol, A.; Tournigand, C.; Michiels, S.; Rondeau, V.
Trends in tobacco-attributable mortality in France journalArticle 2015 Ribassin-Majed, L.; Hill, C.
[Individual patient data meta-analyses of randomized trials for the treatment of non-metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinomas: Principles, results and perspectives] journalArticle 2015 Blanchard, P.; Bourhis, J.; Lacas, B.; Le Teuff, G.; Michiels, S.; Pignon, J. P.
Clinical use of magnetic resonance imaging across the prostate brachytherapy workflow journalArticle 2017 Blanchard, P.; Menard, C.; Frank, S. J.
Looking Beyond the Numbers: Highlighting the Challenges of Population-Based Studies in Cancer Research journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Garden, A. S.
Can we cure patients with abdominal Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor? Results of a retrospective multicentric study on 100 patients journalArticle 2019 Honore, C.; Delhorme, J. B.; Nassif, E.; Faron, M.; Ferron, G.; Bompas, E.; Glehen, O.; Italiano, A.; Bertucci, F.; Orbach, D.; Pocard, M.; Quenet, F.; Blay, J. Y.; Carrere, S.; Chevreau, C.; Mir, O.; Le Cesne, A.
[Hypofractionad radiotherapy for elderly with head and neck cancer] journalArticle 2018 Ortholan, C.; Auperin, A.; Mertens, C.; Le Caer, H.; Guigay, J.
Zoledronate in combination with chemotherapy and surgery to treat osteosarcoma (OS2006): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 trial journalArticle 2016 Piperno-Neumann, S.; Le Deley, M. C.; Redini, F.; Pacquement, H.; Marec-Berard, P.; Petit, P.; Brisse, H.; Lervat, C.; Gentet, J. C.; Entz-Werle, N.; Italiano, A.; Corradini, N.; Bompas, E.; Penel, N.; Tabone, M. D.; Gomez-Brouchet, A.; Guinebretiere, J. M.; Mascard, E.; Gouin, F.; Chevance, A.; Bonnet, N.; Blay, J. Y.; Brugieres, L.; Sarcoma Group of, Unicancer; French Society of Pediatric, Oncology; French Sarcoma, Group
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Children and Adolescents: Progress Through Effective Collaboration, Current Knowledge, and Challenges Ahead journalArticle 2015 Minard-Colin, V.; Brugières, L.; Reiter, A.; Cairo, M. S.; Gross, T. G.; Woessmann, W.; Burkhardt, B.; Sandlund, J. T.; Williams, D.; Pillon, M.; Horibe, K.; Auperin, A.; Le Deley, M. C.; Zimmerman, M.; Perkins, S. L.; Raphael, M.; Lamant, L.; Klapper, W.; Mussolin, L.; Poirel, H. A.; Macintyre, E.; Damm-Welk, C.; Rosolen, A.; Patte, C.
[Oral cavity cancers among young people: Clinical results and prognostic analysis] journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; El Khoury, C.; Temam, S.; Casiraghi, O.; Mirghani, H.; Levy, A.; Gorphe, P.; Even, C.; De Felice, F.; Nguyen, F.; Janot, F.; Tao, Y.
Influence of the vocal cord mobility in salvage surgery after radiotherapy for early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx journalArticle 2015 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Temam, S.; Janot, F.
Standardized evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer: results of the ring studies of the international immuno-oncology biomarker working group journalArticle 2016 Denkert, C.; Wienert, S.; Poterie, A.; Loibl, S.; Budczies, J.; Badve, S.; Bago-Horvath, Z.; Bane, A.; Bedri, S.; Brock, J.; Chmielik, E.; Christgen, M.; Colpaert, C.; Demaria, S.; Van den Eynden, G.; Floris, G.; Fox, S. B.; Gao, D.; Ingold Heppner, B.; Kim, S. R.; Kos, Z.; Kreipe, H. H.; Lakhani, S. R.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Pruneri, G.; Radosevic-Robin, N.; Rimm, D. L.; Schnitt, S. J.; Sinn, B. V.; Sinn, P.; Sirtaine, N.; O'Toole, S. A.; Viale, G.; Van de Vijver, K.; de Wind, R.; von Minckwitz, G.; Klauschen, F.; Untch, M.; Fasching, P. A.; Reimer, T.; Willard-Gallo, K.; Michiels, S.; Loi, S.; Salgado, R.
Prognostic value of the texture analysis parameters of the initial computed tomographic scan for response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer journalArticle 2019 Vandendorpe, B.; Durot, C.; Lebellec, L.; Le Deley, M. C.; Sylla, D.; Bimbai, A. M.; Amroun, K.; Ramiandrisoa, F.; Cordoba, A.; Mirabel, X.; Hoeffel, C.; Pasquier, D.; Servagi-Vernat, S.
Prognostic and predictive value of primary tumour side in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy and EGFR directed antibodies in six randomized trials journalArticle 2017 Arnold, D.; Lueza, B.; Douillard, J. Y.; Peeters, M.; Lenz, H. J.; Venook, A.; Heinemann, V.; Van Cutsem, E.; Pignon, J. P.; Tabernero, J.; Cervantes, A.; Ciardiello, F.
Chemotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - Current Recommendation and Controversies journalArticle 2015 Sze, H.; Blanchard, P.; Ng, W. T.; Pignon, J. P.; Lee, A. W.
Standardized evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer: results of the ring studies of the international immuno-oncology biomarker working group journalArticle 2016 Denkert, C.; Wienert, S.; Poterie, A.; Loibl, S.; Budczies, J.; Badve, S.; Bago-Horvath, Z.; Bane, A.; Bedri, S.; Brock, J.; Chmielik, E.; Christgen, M.; Colpaert, C.; Demaria, S.; Van den Eynden, G.; Floris, G.; Fox, S. B.; Gao, D.; Ingold Heppner, B.; Kim, S. R.; Kos, Z.; Kreipe, H. H.; Lakhani, S. R.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Pruneri, G.; Radosevic-Robin, N.; Rimm, D. L.; Schnitt, S. J.; Sinn, B. V.; Sinn, P.; Sirtaine, N.; O'Toole, S. A.; Viale, G.; Van de Vijver, K.; de Wind, R.; von Minckwitz, G.; Klauschen, F.; Untch, M.; Fasching, P. A.; Reimer, T.; Willard-Gallo, K.; Michiels, S.; Loi, S.; Salgado, R.
A comparison between different prediction models for invasive breast cancer occurrence in the French E3N cohort journalArticle 2015 Dartois, L.; Gauthier, E.; Heitzmann, J.; Baglietto, L.; Michiels, S.; Mesrine, S.; Boutron-Ruault, M. C.; Delaloge, S.; Ragusa, S.; Clavel-Chapelon, F.; Fagherazzi, G.
[uPA/PAI-1, Oncotype DX™, MammaPrint(®). Prognosis and predictive values for clinical utility in breast cancer management] journalArticle 2015 Luporsi, E.; Bellocq, J. P.; Barrière, J.; Bonastre, J.; Chetritt, J.; Le Corroller, A. G.; de Cremoux, P.; Fina, F.; Gauchez, A. S.; Lamy, P. J.; Martin, P. M.; Mazouni, C.; Peyrat, J. P.; Romieu, G.; Verdoni, L.; Mazeau-Woynar, V.; Kassab-Chahmi, D.
Prognostic value of tumor mutations in radically treated locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients journalArticle 2017 Boros, A.; Lacroix, L.; Lacas, B.; Adam, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Caramella, C.; Planchard, D.; de Montpreville, V.; Deutsch, E.; Levy, A.; Besse, B.; Le Pechoux, C.
Association of Vitiligo With Tumor Response in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma Treated With Pembrolizumab journalArticle 2016 Hua, C.; Boussemart, L.; Mateus, C.; Routier, E.; Boutros, C.; Cazenave, H.; Viollet, R.; Thomas, M.; Roy, S.; Benannoune, N.; Tomasic, G.; Soria, J. C.; Champiat, S.; Texier, M.; Lanoy, E.; Robert, C.
Influence of tumor-associated macrophages and HLA class I expression according to HPV status in head and neck cancer patients receiving chemo/bioradiotherapy journalArticle 2018 Ou, D.; Adam, J.; Garberis, I.; Blanchard, P.; Nguyen, F.; Levy, A.; Casiraghi, O.; Gorphe, P.; Breuskin, I.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Deutsch, E.; Tao, Y.
Lung Adenocarcinoma as Part of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Spectrum: Preliminary Data of the LIFSCREEN Randomized Clinical Trial journalArticle 2017 Caron, O.; Frebourg, T.; Benusiglio, P. R.; Foulon, S.; Brugières, L.
Selection of an early biomarker for vascular normalization using dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasonography to predict outcomes of metastatic patients treated with bevacizumab journalArticle 2016 Lassau, N.; Coiffier, B.; Kind, M.; Vilgrain, V.; Lacroix, J.; Cuinet, M.; Taieb, S.; Aziza, R.; Sarran, A.; Labbe-Devilliers, C.; Gallix, B.; Lucidarme, O.; Ptak, Y.; Rocher, L.; Caquot, L. M.; Chagnon, S.; Marion, D.; Luciani, A.; Feutray, S.; Uzan-Augui, J.; Benatsou, B.; Bonastre, J.; Koscielny, S.
Predisposing factors of liver necrosis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumor journalArticle 2015 Joskin, J.; de Baere, T.; Auperin, A.; Tselikas, L.; Guiu, B.; Farouil, G.; Boige, V.; Malka, D.; Leboulleux, S.; Ducreux, M.; Baudin, E.; Deschamps, F.
Opioid-related genetic polymorphisms do not influence postoperative opioid requirement: A prospective observational study journalArticle 2018 Aubrun, F.; Zahr, N.; Langeron, O.; Boccheciampe, N.; Cozic, N.; Belin, L.; Hulot, J. S.; Khiami, F.; Riou, B.
Progression-free survival as surrogate end point for overall survival in clinical trials of HER2-targeted agents in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer journalArticle 2016 Michiels, S.; Pugliano, L.; Marguet, S.; Grun, D.; Barinoff, J.; Cameron, D.; Cobleigh, M.; Di Leo, A.; Johnston, S.; Gasparini, G.; Kaufman, B.; Marty, M.; Nekljudova, V.; Paluch-Shimon, S.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Slamon, D.; Vogel, C.; von Minckwitz, G.; Buyse, M.; Piccart, M.
Impact of experience in breast cancer surgery on survival: the role of quality of care in a registry-based cohort. journalArticle 2018 Taban F, Elia N, Rapiti E, Rageth C, Fioretta G, Benhamou S, Than Lam G, David-Montefiore E, Bouchardy C
Outcome According to Elective Pelvic Radiation Therapy in Patients With High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of the GETUG 12 Phase 3 Randomized Trial journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Faivre, L.; Lesaunier, F.; Salem, N.; Mesgouez-Nebout, N.; Deniau-Alexandre, E.; Rolland, F.; Ferrero, J. M.; Houede, N.; Mourey, L.; Theodore, C.; Krakowski, I.; Berdah, J. F.; Baciuchka, M.; Laguerre, B.; Davin, J. L.; Habibian, M.; Culine, S.; Laplanche, A.; Fizazi, K.
Long-term evaluation of urinary, sexual, and quality of life outcomes after brachytherapy for penile carcinoma journalArticle 2018 Gambachidze, D.; Lebacle, C.; Maroun, P.; Escande, A.; Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.; Deutsch, E.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.
MRI-guided brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: Small bowel [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are not predictive of late morbidity journalArticle 2016 Petit, C.; Dumas, I.; Chargari, C.; Martinetti, F.; Maroun, P.; Doyeux, K.; Tailleur, A.; Haie-Meder, C.; Mazeron, R.
Re: Christopher J.D. Wallis, Refik Saskin, Richard Choo, et al. Surgery Versus Radiotherapy for Clinically-localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol 2016;70:21-30 journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Briganti, A.; Bossi, A.
Vocal fold mobility as the main prognostic factor of treatment outcomes and survival in stage II squamous cell carcinomas of the glottic larynx journalArticle 2015 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Breuskin, I.; Temam, S.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.
Modulation of Rb phosphorylation and antiproliferative response to palbociclib: the preoperative-palbociclib (POP) randomized clinical trial journalArticle 2018 Arnedos, M.; Bayar, M. A.; Cheaib, B.; Scott, V.; Bouakka, I.; Valent, A.; Adam, J.; Leroux-Kozal, V.; Marty, V.; Rapinat, A.; Mazouni, C.; Sarfati, B.; Bieche, I.; Balleyguier, C.; Gentien, D.; Delaloge, S.; Lacroix-Triki, M.; Michiels, S.; Andre, F.
The challenge of rapid diagnosis in oncology: Diagnostic accuracy and cost analysis of a large-scale one-stop breast clinic journalArticle 2016 Delaloge, S.; Bonastre, J.; Borget, I.; Garbay, J. R.; Fontenay, R.; Boinon, D.; Saghatchian, M.; Mathieu, M. C.; Mazouni, C.; Rivera, S.; Uzan, C.; Andre, F.; Dromain, C.; Boyer, B.; Pistilli, B.; Azoulay, S.; Rimareix, F.; Bayou el, H.; Sarfati, B.; Caron, H.; Ghouadni, A.; Leymarie, N.; Canale, S.; Mons, M.; Arfi-Rouche, J.; Arnedos, M.; Suciu, V.; Vielh, P.; Balleyguier, C.
Impact of experience in breast cancer surgery on survival: the role of quality of care in a registry-based cohort journalArticle 2019 Taban, F.; Elia, N.; Rapiti, E.; Rageth, C.; Fioretta, G.; Benhamou, S.; Than Lam, G.; David-Montefiore, E.; Bouchardy, C.
Olanzapine as antiemetic drug in oncology: a retrospective study in non-responders to standard antiemetic therapy journalArticle 2018 Slimano, F.; Netzer, F.; Borget, I.; Lemare, F.; Besse, B.
Inflammatory bowel diseases activity in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy journalArticle 2017 Annede, P.; Seisen, T.; Klotz, C.; Mazeron, R.; Maroun, P.; Petit, C.; Deutsch, E.; Bossi, A.; Haie-Meder, C.; Chargari, C.; Blanchard, P.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of individual participant data: the PRISMA-IPD Statement journalArticle 2015 Stewart, L. A.; Clarke, M.; Rovers, M.; Riley, R. D.; Simmonds, M.; Stewart, G.; Tierney, J. F.; Group, Prisma-Ipd Development