
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Impact of primary para-aortic lymphadenectomy on distant failure in locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated in the era of image-guided adaptive brachytherapy journalArticle 2016 Chargari, C.; Mazeron, R.; Dunant, A.; Gouy, S.; Petit, C.; Maroun, P.; Uzan, C.; Annede, P.; Bentivegna, E.; Balleyguier, C.; Genestie, C.; Pautier, P.; Leary, A.; Lhomme, C.; Deutsch, E.; Morice, P.; Haie-Meder, C.
Human metapneumovirus in patients hospitalized with acute respiratory infections: A meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 Lefebvre, A.; Manoha, C.; Bour, J. B.; Abbas, R.; Fournel, I.; Tiv, M.; Pothier, P.; Astruc, K.; Aho-Glele, L. S.
Underuse of self-controlled designs in pharmacoepidemiology in electronic healthcare databases: a systematic review journalArticle 2016 Gault, N.; Castaneda-Sanabria, J.; Guillo, S.; Foulon, S.; Tubach, F.
Results of a multicenter phase I dose-finding trial of hyperthermic intraperitoneal cisplatin after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and complete cytoreductive surgery and followed by maintenance bevacizumab in initially unresectable ovarian cancer journalArticle 2016 Gouy, S.; Ferron, G.; Glehen, O.; Bayar, A.; Marchal, F.; Pomel, C.; Quenet, F.; Bereder, J. M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Morice, P.
Impact of primary para-aortic lymphadenectomy on distant failure in locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated in the era of image-guided adaptive brachytherapy journalArticle 2016 Chargari, C.; Mazeron, R.; Dunant, A.; Gouy, S.; Petit, C.; Maroun, P.; Uzan, C.; Annede, P.; Bentivegna, E.; Balleyguier, C.; Genestie, C.; Pautier, P.; Leary, A.; Lhomme, C.; Deutsch, E.; Morice, P.; Haie-Meder, C.
Improved Treatment of Breast Cancer with Anti-HER2 Therapy Requires Interleukin-21 Signaling in CD8+ T Cells journalArticle 2016 Mittal, D.; Caramia, F.; Michiels, S.; Joensuu, H.; Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, P. L.; Sotiriou, C.; Loi, S.; Smyth, M. J.
Incorporation of nested frailties into semiparametric multi-state models journalArticle 2016 Rotolo, F.; Rondeau, V.; Legrand, C.
Cancer Immunotherapy with Anti-CTLA-4 Monoclonal Antibodies Induces an Inflammatory Bowel Disease journalArticle 2016 Marthey, L.; Mateus, C.; Mussini, C.; Nachury, M.; Nancey, S.; Grange, F.; Zallot, C.; Peyrin-Biroulet, L.; Rahier, J. F.; Bourdier de Beauregard, M.; Mortier, L.; Coutzac, C.; Soularue, E.; Lanoy, E.; Kapel, N.; Planchard, D.; Chaput, N.; Robert, C.; Carbonnel, F.
Outcome According to Elective Pelvic Radiation Therapy in Patients With High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of the GETUG 12 Phase 3 Randomized Trial journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Faivre, L.; Lesaunier, F.; Salem, N.; Mesgouez-Nebout, N.; Deniau-Alexandre, E.; Rolland, F.; Ferrero, J. M.; Houede, N.; Mourey, L.; Theodore, C.; Krakowski, I.; Berdah, J. F.; Baciuchka, M.; Laguerre, B.; Davin, J. L.; Habibian, M.; Culine, S.; Laplanche, A.; Fizazi, K.
Standardized evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer: results of the ring studies of the international immuno-oncology biomarker working group journalArticle 2016 Denkert, C.; Wienert, S.; Poterie, A.; Loibl, S.; Budczies, J.; Badve, S.; Bago-Horvath, Z.; Bane, A.; Bedri, S.; Brock, J.; Chmielik, E.; Christgen, M.; Colpaert, C.; Demaria, S.; Van den Eynden, G.; Floris, G.; Fox, S. B.; Gao, D.; Ingold Heppner, B.; Kim, S. R.; Kos, Z.; Kreipe, H. H.; Lakhani, S. R.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Pruneri, G.; Radosevic-Robin, N.; Rimm, D. L.; Schnitt, S. J.; Sinn, B. V.; Sinn, P.; Sirtaine, N.; O'Toole, S. A.; Viale, G.; Van de Vijver, K.; de Wind, R.; von Minckwitz, G.; Klauschen, F.; Untch, M.; Fasching, P. A.; Reimer, T.; Willard-Gallo, K.; Michiels, S.; Loi, S.; Salgado, R.
Prognostic Effect of Tumor Lymphocytic Infiltration in Resectable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer journalArticle 2016 Brambilla, E.; Le Teuff, G.; Marguet, S.; Lantuejoul, S.; Dunant, A.; Graziano, S.; Pirker, R.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le Chevalier, T.; Filipits, M.; Rosell, R.; Kratzke, R.; Popper, H.; Soria, J. C.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Tsao, M. S.
Mutation-Independent Activation of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Neuroblastoma journalArticle 2016 Regairaz, M.; Munier, F.; Sartelet, H.; Castaing, M.; Marty, V.; Renauleaud, C.; Doux, C.; Delbe, J.; Courty, J.; Fabre, M.; Ohta, S.; Vielh, P.; Michiels, S.; Valteau-Couanet, D.; Vassal, G.
Empirical extensions of the lasso penalty to reduce the false discovery rate in high-dimensional Cox regression models journalArticle 2016 Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.; Michiels, S.
Prognostic and Predictive Effect of TP53 Mutations in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer from Adjuvant Cisplatin-Based Therapy Randomized Trials: A LACE-Bio Pooled Analysis journalArticle 2016 Ma, X.; Le Teuff, G.; Lacas, B.; Tsao, M. S.; Graziano, S.; Pignon, J. P.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le Chevalier, T.; Seymour, L.; Filipits, M.; Pirker, R.; Janne, P. A.; Shepherd, F. A.; Brambilla, E.; Soria, J. C.; Hainaut, P.; Group, L. A. C. E. Bio Collaborative
The ENCCA-WP7/EuroSarc/EEC/PROVABES/EURAMOS 3rd European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting/Joint Workshop of EU Bone Sarcoma Translational Research Networks; Vienna, Austria, September 24-25, 2015. Workshop Report journalArticle 2016 Kager, L.; Whelan, J.; Dirksen, U.; Hassan, B.; Anninga, J.; Bennister, L.; Bovee, Jvmg; Brennan, B.; Broto, J. M.; Brugieres, L.; Cleton-Jansen, A. M.; Copland, C.; Dutour, A.; Fagioli, F.; Ferrari, S.; Fiocco, M.; Fleuren, E.; Gaspar, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Gerrand, C.; Gerss, J.; Gonzato, O.; van der Graaf, W.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Herrero-Martin, D.; Klco-Brosius, S.; Kovar, H.; Ladenstein, R.; Lancia, C.; LeDeley, M. C.; McCabe, M. G.; Metzler, M.; Myklebost, O.; Nathrath, M.; Picci, P.; Potratz, J.; Redini, F.; Richter, G. H. S.; Reinke, D.; Rutkowski, P.; Scotlandi, K.; Strauss, S.; Thomas, D.; Tirado, O. M.; Tirode, F.; Vassal, G.; Bielack, S. S.
Re: Christopher J.D. Wallis, Refik Saskin, Richard Choo, et al. Surgery Versus Radiotherapy for Clinically-localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol 2016;70:21-30 journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Briganti, A.; Bossi, A.
Statistical controversies in clinical research: prognostic gene signatures are not (yet) useful in clinical practice journalArticle 2016 Michiels, S.; Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.
Impact of thoracic radiotherapy timing in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: usefulness of the individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 De Ruysscher, D.; Lueza, B.; Le Pechoux, C.; Johnson, D. H.; O'Brien, M.; Murray, N.; Spiro, S.; Wang, X.; Takada, M.; Lebeau, B.; Blackstock, W.; Skarlos, D.; Baas, P.; Choy, H.; Price, A.; Seymour, L.; Arriagada, R.; Pignon, J. P.; Group, Rtt-Sclc Collaborative
Comment on "Chemoradiotherapy regimens for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a Bayesian network meta-analysis", published in Eur J Cancer 51 (2015), 1570-1579 journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Ribassin-Majed, L.; Lee, A.; Pignon, J. P.
The Genomic Grade Assay Compared With Ki67 to Determine Risk of Distant Breast Cancer Recurrence journalArticle 2016 Ignatiadis, M.; Azim, H. A.; Desmedt, C.; Veys, I.; Larsimont, D.; Salgado, R.; Lyng, M. B.; Viale, G.; Leyland-Jones, B.; Giobbie-Hurder, A.; Kammler, R.; Dell'Orto, P.; Rothe, F.; Laios, I.; Ditzel, H. J.; Regan, M. M.; Piccart, M.; Michiels, S.; Sotiriou, C.
Equal access to innovative therapies and precision cancer care journalArticle 2016 Buzyn, A.; Blay, J. Y.; Hoog-Labouret, N.; Jimenez, M.; Nowak, F.; Deley, M. C.; Perol, D.; Cailliot, C.; Raynaud, J.; Vassal, G.
Results and Survival of Locally Advanced AJCC 7th Edition T4a Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Primary Total Laryngectomy and Postoperative Radiotherapy journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Matias, M.; Moya-Plana, A.; Tabarino, F.; Blanchard, P.; Tao, Y.; Janot, F.; Temam, S.
Treatment Algorithms Based on Tumor Molecular Profiling: The Essence of Precision Medicine Trials journalArticle 2016 Le Tourneau, C.; Kamal, M.; Tsimberidou, A. M.; Bedard, P.; Pierron, G.; Callens, C.; Rouleau, E.; Vincent-Salomon, A.; Servant, N.; Alt, M.; Rouzier, R.; Paoletti, X.; Delattre, O.; Bieche, I.
An explorative study to assess the association between health-related quality of life and the recommended phase II dose in a phase I trial: idarubicin-loaded beads for chemoembolisation of hepatocellular carcinoma journalArticle 2016 Anota, A.; Boulin, M.; Dabakuyo-Yonli, S.; Hillon, P.; Cercueil, J. P.; Minello, A.; Jouve, J. L.; Paoletti, X.; Bedenne, L.; Guiu, B.; Bonnetain, F.
45 or 50 Gy, Which is the Optimal Radiotherapy Pelvic Dose in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer in the Perspective of Reaching Magnetic Resonance Image-guided Adaptive Brachytherapy Planning Aims? journalArticle 2016 Mazeron, R.; Petit, C.; Rivin, E.; Limkin, E.; Dumas, I.; Maroun, P.; Annede, P.; Martinetti, F.; Seisen, T.; Lefkopoulos, D.; Chargari, C.; Haie-Meder, C.
Hypofractionation for prostate cancer: a word of caution journalArticle 2016 Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.
Impact of Skin Toxicities Associated with Targeted Cancer Therapies on Body Image: A Prospective Study journalArticle 2016 Charles, C.; Razavi, D.; Bungener, C.; Mateus, C.; Lanoy, E.; Verschoore, M.; Dauchy, S.; Robert, C.
Safety profiles of anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 antibodies alone and in combination journalArticle 2016 Boutros, C.; Tarhini, A.; Routier, E.; Lambotte, O.; Ladurie, F. L.; Carbonnel, F.; Izzeddine, H.; Marabelle, A.; Champiat, S.; Berdelou, A.; Lanoy, E.; Texier, M.; Libenciuc, C.; Eggermont, A. M.; Soria, J. C.; Mateus, C.; Robert, C.
Underuse of self-controlled designs in pharmacoepidemiology in electronic healthcare databases: a systematic review journalArticle 2016 Gault, N.; Castaneda-Sanabria, J.; Guillo, S.; Foulon, S.; Tubach, F.
Phase I trial evaluating the antiviral agent Cidofovir in combination with chemoradiation in cervical cancer patients journalArticle 2016 Deutsch, E.; Haie-Meder, C.; Bayar, M. A.; Mondini, M.; Laporte, M.; Mazeron, R.; Adam, J.; Varga, A.; Vassal, G.; Magne, N.; Chargari, C.; Lanoy, E.; Pautier, P.; Levy, A.; Soria, J. C.
Zoledronate in combination with chemotherapy and surgery to treat osteosarcoma (OS2006): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 trial journalArticle 2016 Piperno-Neumann, S.; Le Deley, M. C.; Redini, F.; Pacquement, H.; Marec-Berard, P.; Petit, P.; Brisse, H.; Lervat, C.; Gentet, J. C.; Entz-Werle, N.; Italiano, A.; Corradini, N.; Bompas, E.; Penel, N.; Tabone, M. D.; Gomez-Brouchet, A.; Guinebretiere, J. M.; Mascard, E.; Gouin, F.; Chevance, A.; Bonnet, N.; Blay, J. Y.; Brugieres, L.; Sarcoma Group of, Unicancer; French Society of Pediatric, Oncology; French Sarcoma, Group
Mutation-Independent Activation of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Neuroblastoma journalArticle 2016 Regairaz, M.; Munier, F.; Sartelet, H.; Castaing, M.; Marty, V.; Renauleaud, C.; Doux, C.; Delbe, J.; Courty, J.; Fabre, M.; Ohta, S.; Vielh, P.; Michiels, S.; Valteau-Couanet, D.; Vassal, G.
Dosimetric advantages of intensity-modulated proton therapy for oropharyngeal cancer compared with intensity-modulated radiation: A case-matched control analysis journalArticle 2016 Holliday, E. B.; Kocak-Uzel, E.; Feng, L.; Thaker, N. G.; Blanchard, P.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Gunn, G. B.; Garden, A. S.; Frank, S. J.
Erratum to: Bias and precision of methods for estimating the difference in restricted mean survival time from an individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 Lueza, B.; Rotolo, F.; Bonastre, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Michiels, S.
Bias and precision of methods for estimating the difference in restricted mean survival time from an individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 Lueza, B.; Rotolo, F.; Bonastre, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Michiels, S.
Predicting and preventing thromboembolic events in patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy for germ cell tumours journalArticle 2016 Gizzi, M.; Oberic, L.; Massard, C.; Poterie, A.; Gwenael, L. T.; Loriot, Y.; Albiges, L.; Baciarello, G.; Michels, J.; Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.; Escudier, B.; Fizazi, K.
Variation in rates of breast cancer surgery: A national analysis based on French Hospital Episode Statistics journalArticle 2016 Rococo, E.; Mazouni, C.; Or, Z.; Mobillion, V.; Koon Sun Pat, M.; Bonastre, J.
Clinical Outcomes and Patterns of Disease Recurrence After Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy for Oropharyngeal Squamous Carcinoma journalArticle 2016 Gunn, G. B.; Blanchard, P.; Garden, A. S.; Zhu, X. R.; Fuller, C. D.; Mohamed, A. S.; Morrison, W. H.; Phan, J.; Beadle, B. M.; Skinner, H. D.; Sturgis, E. M.; Kies, M. S.; Hutcheson, K. A.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Mohan, R.; Gillin, M. T.; Frank, S. J.
New French Coverage with Evidence Development for Innovative Medical Devices: Improvements and Unresolved Issues journalArticle 2016 Martelli, N.; van den Brink, H.; Borget, I.
Antiangiogenic Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: Occurrence and Risk Factors of Hemoptysis in Refractory Thyroid Cancer journalArticle 2016 Lamartina, L.; Ippolito, S.; Danis, M.; Bidault, F.; Borget, I.; Berdelou, A.; Al Ghuzlan, A.; Hartl, D.; Blanchard, P.; Terroir, M.; Deandreis, D.; Schlumberger, M.; Baudin, E.; Leboulleux, S.